Tongtian Dao

: "This is a thing that can freely shuttle through space, you can watch and do it yourself;

" "Anyway, you only have five hundred years, these five hundred years, you can have fun with the flowers!" Sun

Wukong asked the result disc

: "What about you? Don't you come with us

?" Tongtian said:

"You little two, what am I doing with this bad old man?"

After speaking, Tongtian said hello

to Duoduo, and then disappeared;Sun Wukong: "......" At this time, Duoduo said glutinously

: "Little monkey Xianggong, where are we going

?" Sun Wukong rolled his eyes

and said: "Little no, we still have to stay here for a little time, and after Thanos solves it, let's go somewhere else, okay?"

Duoduo nodded and said:


Okay, then where are we going now?"

Sun Wukong thought for a while and said

, "Let's go to the Xia Kingdom of this world to have a look!"

Then, Sun Wukong transformed into a human form and came to the Xia Kingdom;

"Little monkey, you see, you are very much worshiped by these people

~" The young man raised his head

and said, "Of course, my grandson, but the Monkey King!" The

little girl said

: "However, you obviously don't have the Baba universe, Brother Wukong is powerful~

" Young man:

"......" ......

In the next few days, Sun Wukong took Duoduo to play everywhere in the north and south of the Xia Kingdom, leaving the laughter of the two

everywhere; but, what made Sun Wukong speechless was that at night

, Duoduo had to sleep with him; according to Duoduo, his wife should sleep with her husband;

Sun Wukong suddenly 'inner cow' was full of face, if you were an eighteen-year-old form, Sun Wukong would definitely be desperate, but you are now a three-year-old little bit....

Ten days later, Thanos's large army finally arrived in the sky above the United States, opposite the spatial rift; Thanos

pointed to the earth:


Behind Thanos, there were at least tens of millions of troops, swarming towards the United States.

The government of the United States hurriedly asked the world for help, but there were very few people who responded to the United States;

the group of politicians had no choice but to lick their faces and send messages to the widow sister and others, and the widow sister's answer was:

"I am now a Xia country, I will only go to the battlefield to protect the interests of the Xia country, and I will go to your rice country, I am afraid that you will be killed



"Tell me to go down and let all the nuclear warheads be launched immediately! Freedom Attack~"

Just when the United States, thousands of warheads were lifted into the air, purple potatoes came from the crack, snapped their fingers, and suddenly, all the nuclear warheads after the launch were dumb, and then, thousands of nuclear warheads were

all smashed to the ground...

Purple Potato Thanos laughed rampantly

: "Hahahaha, attack, destroy all the creatures on the earth for me!"

But at this moment

, Loki shouted: "Don't, slow down, slow down, don't go over there in the Xia Kingdom, you can't go there~

" Thanos saw that it was Loki, and said very disdainfully

: "Why?"

Loki shouted:

" Xia Guo has a smoke dance boom, Monkey King, smoke dance boom~

" Thanos grabbed Loki's neck and said cruelly:

"I don't care what smoke dance boom or what boom, if you dare to go against me, I will call him dead!"

Then, Loki pawned....

Three days later, the country of rice perished

; in these three days, the whole world, except for the country of Xia, has fallen into a panic

; the government of the country of Xia is not actually as determined as the outside world, but the people of the country of Xia; because, in their hearts, Resby: Monkey King, the great sage, will protect the country of Xia;

Even the widowed sister who has just transferred her nationality is not worried, because it is useless to worry, if Sun Wukong does not make a move, even if they escape, can they escape there?

If they fight, how to fight, it is not at the same level at all;

the demise of the United States has led to a large number of nuclear leaks, leaving the sleeping Muto, Mothra, Raton, Ghidorah, Muto, Godzilla... When the giant beasts woke up one after another

, Muto was in the United States, probably because he saw that Thanos was not easy to mess with, so as soon as he woke up, he ran to the Sun Country on the other side, and Raton of the Sun Country also flew out of the volcano;

Ghidorah fell from the sky and also went to the Sun Country...

All of a sudden, the Kingdom of the Sun has become a paradise for giant beasts, and

Godzilla in the deep sea is also rushing towards the Kingdom of the Sun.

And the originally forbidden Skull Island also appeared at once, the beautiful boy King Kong actually came

to the Xia Kingdom, and it was Mothra who woke up in the Xia Kingdom; seeing that Mothra and King Kong were about to fight in the south of the Xia Kingdom, and the Xia government was anxiously discussing what to do

, suddenly, a voice resounded in the sky:

"You two, give my grandson a quiet!"

Suddenly, King Kong turned into a quiet and beautiful man, and Mothra was also free to fly freely in the summer country...

With Sun Wukong's voice, the entire Xia Kingdom was lying flat, what should he do, regardless of whether he destroyed the country or sank into the sea outside~

Xia Guo has this great god, and he is still worried about a yarn? I didn't see the original fierce King Kong, but now he is obedient to a baby monkey, do you take a photo with the people of Xia Guo in the park?

Although, this baby monkey is a bit big....

Half a month later, the entire earth, only the Xia country, the country that was destroyed, either by Thanos's people, or by the giant beast

; and the Xia country, is the only remaining human country on the earth; at this time, whether it is the king of monsters, Ghidorah, or Thanos, they all set their eyes on the Xia country

; Originally,

Godzilla went to the Sun Country to fight Ghidorah;

However, Mr. Ghidorah himself can't do Ghidorah, let alone Ghidorah has so many younger brothers

, and now, Mr. G. is lying in the sun in a huge aquarium in Xia Kingdom...

Originally, as soon as the brother fled to the Xia country, he wanted to fight with King Kong

, but who knows, after it went ashore, just after he roared, a huge golden stick appeared

in the sky, and a stick knocked it out; There was also a sentence in the sky:

"Be honest, what is it called, it's noisy~"

In the end, it was the Xia government that was kind and made great efforts to get it into an aquarium;

Of course, Godzilla, who was knocked unconscious, was secretly bloodlet by

the Xia country's scientific research team, it is unknown; the first thing that couldn't help it was that Ghidorah, the monster king, called on all the monster brothers to rush towards the Xia country's

side, and the Xia government's side was also preparing for the oath-taking ceremony, but the ceremony was a serious ceremony, but the members who participated in the ceremony were a little improper...

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