In the end, Bodhi made the most vicious oath to this day and to this land:

"I Bodhi swear, I only taught Sun Wukong..... , If what I said is false, I am willing to use my ontology to be punished by the Hongmeng God Leijia!

" Zhun Ti: "......" [I thank you so much~]

Seeing that Bodhi had made such a vicious oath, he immediately stepped forward

and said: "Senior brother, I think that the monkey will be magical, it should be his own deduction according to the Tiangang God Transformation Technique, not Bodhi Teaching!"

Zhun Ti

said depressedly:

"Actually, I know, Bodhi is my doppelganger, I don't know what skills he taught Sun Wukong that monkey?" Bodhi

jumped up and shouted:

"You know everything, so why do you still come to beat me


?" Sure enough, the ontology (junior brother) is a ruthless person, and he initiates madness, and he doesn't even let go of himself;

] [I (Bodhi) is a doppelganger of the ontology (junior brother), and I am also a good corpse clone, pumping me (him), isn't it pumping myself?]

Then, Zhun Ti walked out and shouted

, "Senior brother, where are you going

?" After shaking his head, Zhun Ti replied,

"Where else can I go?" It's not to teach the six-eared macaque, if you don't get the six-eared macaque to Da Luo Consummation, I'm afraid that when the time comes, Liu'er will be beaten to death by that monkey

with a stick!" If Sun Wukong was here, he would definitely sneer and say:

"Da Luo Jinxian is complete, isn't that still a stick thing?"

Outside Huaguo Mountain, Guanyin hesitated, do you want to go to see Sun Wukong, remind him in person, and ask Sun Wukong to prepare for a journey to the west;

It's just that Guanyin is afraid, afraid that as soon as she enters, she will turn into a meteor in seconds;

Finally, Guanyin gritted her teeth and thought

: [Death is death, maybe it's really the same as what he said, the current monkey, his combat effectiveness has declined?]

Then, Guanyin cautiously came to the sky above Huaguo Mountain, and said in a gentle voice:

"Excuse me, is Monkey King at home? If not, the poor monk will come back next time~"

Sun Wukong:" ...... "

[I said Guanyin, do you want to be scared like this? Anyway, you are also the head of the four great bodhisattvas, okay? It makes me seem like a heinous person;]

Sun Wukong shouted outside the water curtain cave

: "Bodhisattva, my old grandson is at home, do you want the Bodhisattva to come in and have a cup of tea?"

Guanyin said flatteredly:

" What's that, the Great Sage, no need, no need, I was instructed by my Buddha to tell the Great Sage that the time of five hundred years is coming soon, please go to the border of the Tang Dynasty, and wait for the people of the Two Realms Mountain~

" Sun Wukong replied

: "Okay, my grandson knows, you can rest assured, what my grandson promised will definitely be done!"

Guanyin thought about it, but still planned to explain things clearly, gritted his teeth and said:

" What, the Great Sage, what the Buddha means is that he intends to ask you to worship the scriptures as a teacher, you see~

" Sun Wukong immediately said angrily

: "Guanyin, you go and tell your fat man, call my old grandson to apprentice? Don't even think about it, it's a big deal that my old grandson will go to your West Tianling Mountain on a business trip;"

"At most, I will bow to the person who took the scriptures!"

Guanyin breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Okay, the great sage, what you say, I will arrange for the person to take the scriptures on the road~." After

Guanyin left, Sun Wukong said to himself seriously

: "This is the benefit of strength, if I am the same as the original book, then I am still pressed by Wuzhi Mountain, and I will be filled with iron pills and copper juice

~" "Cut, Guanyin should have been scared of being beaten by me with a stick, she was transformed into a heavenly general, thinking that I couldn't see it, otherwise, tsk~"

Then, Sun Wukong thought again:

[ In the entire Journey to the West, Tang Seng and I are the main characters, I can't open the Journey to the West without me, and I can't go on without Tang Seng

;] [As for Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha

, it's just a compromise between Buddhism and Taoism, and if there is a white dragon horse, it doesn't matter if there is one or two;] [Forget it, let's follow the five people in the original book, if there is a lack of one or two, it always feels wrong!

] [Hehe, the monsters on the way to the west, my grandson is here, are you ready?]

In fact, in addition to those wild monsters, the mounts of the immortals and Buddhas

are also related at this time; they are also worried about whether their masters can arrive in

time; otherwise, they will really be killed by Sun Wukong with a stick, and there is no place to cry;

at this time, they are actually quite envious of the group of wild monsters, at least, they don't know anything, unlike them, after coming to the mortal world, they began to be frightened!

Even at this time, Zhen Yuanzi was not sure, in the catastrophe of Wuzhuang Guan, he could easily defeat

the monkey; after all, the monkey is a ruthless person who can fight with Rulai

! Although, the actual cultivation of his Zhen Yuanzi is a quasi-holy consummation

, for example, to come a little higher; however, his Zhen Yuanzi's seniority, for example, to come to a high ah;

if the time comes, Zhen Yuanzi also fights with the monkey, then Zhen Yuanzi can really only find a piece of tofu and die!

This group of bigwigs of Buddhism probably also knows that the monkey is an uncontrollable factor, so they plan to advance the catastrophe of the true and false Monkey King

; replace the real monkey with an obedient monkey

; as for whether they can succeed, the people of Buddhism are not very worried;

after all, Buddhism has the existence of two saints, as long as they do it secretly, it is not easy to catch

it? It's just that this saint of the Westward Journey to the World, in addition to being imprisoned... Eh, it's lurking, in the Tongtian of Zixiao Palace, no one else knows what a terrifying existence there is behind this Monkey King....

Just saying that Tongtian at this time is already the level of the sage Eightfold Heaven, which is even more awesome than Taishang Laozi, the late Sevenfold Heaven and the first person under Hongjun

; When the real and false Monkey King was born, the monkeys were piled up, and they saw how they planned to get it~

Half a year passed, and in a flash, Sun Wukong once again received the transmission of Guanyin, saying that the person who learned the scriptures was about to go to the Two Realms Mountain;

In fact, this place is the place where Sun Wukong and Rulai fought at the beginning, and the two were held down by each other

; but, to Sun Wukong's surprise, Sun Wukong just came with his front foot,

and the black dog Zi Wangcai came with his back foot;

Sun Wukong looked at Wangcai and said:

"Wangcai, why are you here?"

My master said that I should follow you and get a journey to the west, as for Zhu Ren's foolish girls, their cultivation is too low now, and they are pressed by their master at home, and they can't get out;

" Sun Wukong saw that this Wangcai actually had the cultivation of the late stage of the Golden Immortal, and said in surprise:

"Wangcai, you can, this is the late stage of the Golden Immortal, the last time I saw you fight with the Roaring Sky Dog, you were only the Xuanxian Consummation!"

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