"Five hundred years."

  "Did it wipe out all your backbone?"

  "You were suppressed under the Wuzhi Mountain, and your spine was broken?!"

  On the opposite side of him, Sun Wukong smiled shyly at first, and he could still laugh, persuading the six-eared macaque to avoid the rain.

  But gradually, he stopped laughing.

  'boom! ! '

  The golden holy flame erupted, and there were suddenly two golden red glows in Sun Wukong's eyes!

  As the fiery eyes opened and closed, the six-eared macaque's palm flew out!

  Sun Wukong's face was gloomy.

  In the heavy rain, Sun Wukong's face was a little grim. He raised his head and looked at the six-eared macaque with a grim smile.

  "Do you think my old grandson is willing to agree, do you think my old grandson is willing to go?"

  "Do you think my old grandson is willing to go to Buddhism with a shy face?"

  Sun Wukong growled loudly, his face covered in mud and dust.

  The rain poured down, submerging half of Sun Wukong's face. The original golden fluff had long since turned into a mud-like color, dry and indistinguishable.

  "What if I don't agree? Let my old grandson continue to be suppressed here!!"

  "How many monkeys and monkeys are there in Huaguo Mountain waiting for my grandson to go back?"

  "If my grandson isn't here, do you know?"

  "You know shit!"

  Sun Wukong was hoarse and roared, completely ignoring the surrounding mud and even pouring it into his mouth.

  "Uncovering this Buddhist verse, my grandson at least has the hope of going out, and at least he can take another look at Huaguo Mountain!"

  "If you don't agree, you will be suppressed here forever!"

  "You let my grandson, how to choose!"

  The rain was pouring, and the sound of thunder was rolling.

  In the rainstorm, the six-eared macaque slowly tore off his white robe and looked at Sun Wukong.

  The whole body suddenly erupted with endless monstrous demonic energy, such as rolling waves, covering the world in an instant!

  "Isn't it just a Buddhist verse?"

  "I'll reveal it."

  "Master will not misunderstand people."

  .................................................. ........................

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  ...................................................... ..........*

Chapter 26 Ask the vast land, who controls the ups and downs?Only my devil!


  It was pouring rain.

  Just when the six-eared macaque was full of demonic energy in the distance, the foothills not far from Huaguo Mountain were also covered with dark clouds.

  "Amitabha, thank you two benefactors."

  Tang Xuanzang folded his hands and wore a cassock, sheltering from the rain in a farmhouse.

  The farmer is an old couple, and I heard that they are the saint monks of the Tang Dynasty, and they are very warm hospitality.

  Tang Xuanzang looked west.

  It has been more than half a month since the westbound trip. It is about to walk out of the border of Datang, right?

  Going west here is full of dangers, but if I can spread the Buddhadharma, save all sentient beings, and save the suffering, no matter what I firmly believe, I will continue to walk...

  Tang Xuanzang's eyes were firm, and he cheered himself up in the room.

  In the distance, at the end of the mountain, there are five figures standing in the corner.

  The Buddha's light is dense, and the sound of Zen is flowing.

  They put their hands together, and all the rainwater dissipated a few feet away, turning into little golden lotus flowers, spreading and dissipating.

  This is the truth of the five directions.

  "Amitabha, everything is as the Buddha said, and the westward travel is unimpeded."

  The leader, Mahajati, silently recited the Buddha's words.

  "Tian Ding Buddhism is prosperous, how can there be any obstacles? The block outside Chang'an City is someone who secretly shot, and many Buddhas have already begun to search."

  "Amitabha, speak carefully, don't say more about such a big event." Jintou Jieti reminded.

  "Amitabha..." All the great truths nodded.

  "Let's wait here. In a few days, Jin Chanzi should go to the Five Elements Mountains to find Sun Wukong. This is a major event and cannot be rushed." Mahajati said softly.

  The remaining four monks naturally have no objection.

  They are going to continue to stare here, waiting for Tang Seng to go to Wuzhi Mountain and recover Sun Wukong.

  After the westward journey started, Guanyin Bodhisattva had already left, and the two Arhats also returned to Lingshan.

  After all, Guanyin Bodhisattva is one of the Four Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. The karma is too great, and a little movement will lead to many things.

  And now that the westward journey has officially begun, even their Buddhism itself cannot interfere too much.

  In addition to the original eighty-one tribulations, anyone who interferes with the journey to the west will suffer from great karma.

  Even the Five-Party Revealing Truth is just watching it here.

  Relatively speaking, their cultivation level is far lower than that of Guanyin Bodhisattva and many Arhats, and the possibility of suffering karma is much smaller.

  They don't interfere with westbound travel, they're just watching here.

  Even reporting the situation, it took more than ten days before I dared to come over and take a look. …

  Otherwise even they will be in danger!

  The cause and effect will be guided by the five directions to reveal the truth, spread up and down Buddhism, and they can't be careless.

  It was raining heavily, and in the farmyard, Monk Tang slowly fell asleep.

  On the other hand, the five directions outside are like five stone monuments, standing still in the rainstorm.

  The night was cold, and I don't know how long it took.

  Mahajati suddenly looked towards the west and raised his head with some doubts: "Amitabha, you don't think so, the thunder and lightning on this rainy day are a little too big?"

  "There is only thunder, but no lightning."

  "Indeed, the thunder was a bit too loud, and the sky seemed to be particularly gloomy, especially over the Huaguo Mountain."

  "Amitabha, it's okay, that monkey head has been suppressed by the Buddha, and there is no chance of an accident."

  "That monkey head, everyone said, he really doesn't think of himself as the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, right?" Porojati smiled and said gently.

  The other four Jie Di looked at each other, shook their heads lightly, and laughed softly.



  "Do you really want to reveal the Buddha's verse?"

  Torrential rain poured down, torrential rain.

  The demonic energy here is mighty, and the black mist is twisted, as if it came from the abyss, with a huge momentum.

  Sun Wukong raised his neck and looked at the six-eared macaque with extremely solemn eyes.

  "This Buddha's verse was carved and made by the old man of the Western Heavenly Tathagata. It is not easy to take it off! I asked you to help me earlier, but it was just a casual remark. You can't reveal it at all!"

  Sun Wukong said with a serious tone.

  This Buddhist verse, Sun Wukong has been fighting here for five hundred years, fighting against it every day.

  He knew that the power of the Buddha's verse was terrifying, and it was impossible to reveal it easily. The power contained in it was so terrifying!

  And this six-eared macaque doesn't seem to be much stronger than him, and it's about equal.

  How can we break the restriction set by this Tathagata?

  "Why not?"

  The six-eared macaque answered calmly.

  With his cold snort, behind him, a large black mist rose up, and he himself was surging with black light, and a huge Dharma image condensed!

  It was the six-eared macaque himself, his whole body was pitch black, standing in front of Wuzhi Mountain, extremely huge!

  With a bang, the dark clouds spread!

  "Get up!"

  The six-eared macaque let out a low roar, and behind him there was a mighty demonic energy, a wave was brewing, and it turned into a dark seal!

  Huge and boundless!

  On the seal, the thunder light condenses, the magic energy is mighty, and various ancient patterns are carved!

  Without any hesitation, the six-eared macaque's body flowed with black light, appearing on the Dharma seal, merging with the Dharma seal, and the real body and the Dharma seal merge into one!

  In an instant, the six-eared macaque erupted in aura that even Sun Wukong didn't dare to look directly at!

  The wind and rain dissipated, the thunder disappeared, and under the dark clouds, the six-eared macaque held the magic seal and directly suppressed it towards Wuzhi Mountain!

  Click! !

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