Below, many Buddhist disciples heard these words, their eyes flickered, silently reciting the Buddha's name, and their hearts were excited and excited.

  "In order to make up for the fault of Shenxuanmen, Buddhism's sacrifice."

  "Heaven determines that Buddhism will prosper."

  "You can start the journey to the west."

  "Lead me on Buddhism and spread it all over the world."

  Tathagata Buddha spoke slowly, and above Lingshan, the big bell trembled.


  Many Buddhas folded their hands together and whispered their names.


  "Follow the Buddha's orders..."

  The Buddha lotus bloomed, the golden rain fell, and after another long-lasting Buddha name, the Tathagata Buddha slowly opened his mouth.

  "Where is Guanyin?"

  A woman in white, holding a jade bottle in her hand, with countless golden lotuses blooming all over her body, and the Buddha's light fluttering, she respectfully stepped forward: "Buddha."

  "Do you have any plans for the westbound trip?"

  "Amitabha, I have already prepared a little, Jin Chanzi, has gone to the Tang Dynasty a few days ago." Guanyin Bodhisattva chanted the Buddha's name and replied slowly.

  "Besides the first time, I happened to go to Nanzhanbu Continent a while ago, and along the way, we found that many monsters appeared."

  "There is Jinpeng, there is a bull demon, there is a nine-headed worm, and there is a black bear spirit... You can decide ninety-nine-eighty-one difficulties here."

  Hearing Guanyin's words, many Buddhists and Buddhas were all excited and chanted the Buddha's name silently.

  It is finally possible to determine the difficulty of ninety-nine-eighty-one!

  In order to ensure the journey to the west, in order not to destroy the prosperity of Buddhism, in the past few years, many Buddhist Buddhas have not been worried!

  On the way from Nanzhanbuzhou to Xiniuhezhou, I couldn't find a few useful monsters at all, all of them were too weak!

  And a few days ago, some monsters appeared out of nowhere, and their strength was not bad, so it was possible to make ninety-eighty-one difficult!

  "Amitabha, as expected, the prosperity of Buddhism has been determined for me, and everything is in the will of heaven." Samantabhadra Bodhisattva folded his hands together and sang the Buddha's name softly.

  Heavenly Buddhism will prosper, this is a general trend that cannot be stopped!

  If someone needs to learn from the scriptures, there will be Jin Chanzi reincarnated!

  If you need disciples, there will be stone monkeys set up early!

  If you need monsters, then there will be many big monsters along the way!

  Nothing can stop the prosperity of Buddhism!

  Tianding Xuanmen is weak!

  No one can stop me from the rise of Buddhism!



  On the top of Lingshan Mountain in the west, many Buddhas convened a council.

  They were all excited, looking forward to the imminent start of Journey to the West, and couldn't wait to see the rise of Buddhism.

  And above the distant nine days, in the Xuanmen Lingxiao Palace.

  The atmosphere was extremely sad.

  "Xianqing, tell me how to prevent Buddhism from prospering."

  Above the Lingxiao Palace, a dense atmosphere filled the air, and the voice of the Jade Emperor slowly came from above.

  There are many immortals and ministers standing below, and their expressions are a bit bitter when they hear the words of the Jade Emperor.

  How to stop?

  There's no way to stop it!

  Many people in Xuanmen looked bad, and the Jade Emperor above was actually aware of this situation at this time.

  He sighed slightly and asked.

  "Since that's the case, who knows where the canopy was in the past?"

  Hearing this, among the many immortals below, Taibaijinxing raised his head in doubt.

  "Tianpeng? He seems to be reincarnated. He chose the wrong pig fetus and went to a small place at the intersection of Nanzhanbuzhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou."

  "And then it seems like I entered some dojo. I don't know, I don't seem to have entered."

  "Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, why do you ask the sinner?"

  Taibaijinxing asked in doubt, and many immortals were also a little puzzled.

  Only the Jade Emperor sighed softly.

  "The canopy... is also a part of Buddhism's westward journey."

  [The sixth update on the first day, can you throw some flowers?More can be added! ! ! ]*

Chapter 6 Little White Dragon and Guanyin Bodhisattva

  Tianding Buddhism is prosperous, and Lingshan and Tianting are each looking for countermeasures and taking actions.

  They arranged closely, searched carefully, and identified eighty-one difficulties.

  Time is like water, time is like a shuttle.

  In the blink of an eye, months have passed.

  For the rise of Buddhism, the two major sects were very busy, and many disciples who came out of the Taoist Temple were also very busy.


  "Returning Marshal Tianpeng, you know it's impossible, Marshal Tianpeng will be a pig!"

  "Ouch, it hurts Uncle Long..."

  Green mountains and beautiful waters, waterfalls are like clouds in the sky, falling from the sky.

  The deep stream is steep and wide, and the water and light are completely clear, and it is called Eagle Sorrow Stream.

  A white dragon with a length of [-] zhang is entrenched in the forest.

  Surrounded by auspiciousness, dragon energy is dense, and he has five claws. All the spirits around him retreat, crawl and tremble. Obviously, he is the most orthodox noble dragon family.

  But this white dragon does not have any nobility.

  Instead, it exudes an indescribable ruffian air. …

  "tmd, Zhu Gangye, wait for Uncle Long..."

  Bai Long scolded and scolded, as if he was injured. He was treating the wound. He chewed a mouthful of herbal medicine and slammed it on a wound in his abdomen.

  "Ouch!! You are Uncle Long!"

  "It hurts Ooooo!"

  "Uncle Long's white skin!"

  Bai Long screamed, jumping around in pain.

  This white dragon is no one else!

  It is the Crown Prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, Ao Lie!

  That is the little white dragon!

  A long time ago, Xiao Bailong accidentally burned the Pearl and fled in fear of the crime. As a result, he made a mistake and went to the Zhutian Dojo.

  In the dojo, Xiaobailong escaped the pursuit of heaven, and met many brothers and sisters, and was also fascinated by a book called 'The Tomb of God'.

  Almost at the first sight of the 'Tomb of the Gods', Xiao Bailong was fascinated by this book!

  Magnificent scene!

  Great fight!

  Endless epic picture scroll!

  As the prince of the Dragon Palace, the little white dragon spent the first half of his life in boring practice and boredom. When had he ever seen such an interesting book?


  Lying in the Hongmeng Book Pavilion, looking dazed, disheveled, and confused......

  That was the happiest time in Xiaobailong's life!

  It wasn't until he came back to his senses that Xiao Bailong discovered that he had actually obtained the magical powers and spells in many books!

  He also obtained a priceless treasure in the book. Not to mention his strength improved by leaps and bounds, he also found his own 'Senior Longsheng! '



  "As soon as Uncle Long turned his head, the landslide and the ground split and the water flowed back!"

  Xiao Bailong roared, and forcefully stuck another piece of herbal medicine on his body, his face full of tears in pain.

  There is no doubt that Xiaobailong's senior Longsheng is the Zijin Zhenlong, the ruffian dragon in the book! !

  The Zijin Zhenlong in the book is unrestrained and unrestrained, standing proudly in nine heavens and ten places!

  Isn't that what he thought?

  Arbitrary grievances, unrestrained and happy!

  So now that the dojo is closed, after he came out, he searched for treasures all the way!

  Set fire to the mountain, abducted and deceived, Zhentian called Uncle Long to turn back, a hundred times, a hundred times, and the result was extremely miserable.

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