That black energy spirit, didn't fight Sun Wukong?

Just after stealing the cassock, then ran away with the cassock directly?

Hearing these words, everyone in Buddhism was stunned.

What about this difficulty?

Is this script different?

If the essence of black energy is gone, how can this difficulty be calculated?

After a while, on the top of Lingshan, there were suddenly dozens of Buddhas angrily erecting cloud heads,

Going towards the direction of Nanzhanbuzhou, I rushed past the husband! "This damn black energy spirit!"

"Catch him! Don't let him run away!"

"Five Fangs Reveal the Truth!"

"You are nearby, hurry up and find that black energy spirit for me!"

Many Buddhas were dispatched together, trying to find the black energy spirits and forcibly correct the originally chaotic difficulties.


"This black energy spirit is too cunning!"

"I can't find it at all!"

"Where the hell did he go to!!"

A group of people looking for the black energy essence of the Buddhas, the liver pains the kidney pain

Life and death is to find no trace of black energy essence!

He is so slippery and cunning, he finally found a trace, but in the end he found it.

I found out that it was actually a bear hair! I really didn't know where to go!

Can run all the way west, just when countless Buddhist disciples ex-husband Nanzhanbuzhou was looking for him

Hei Nengjing ran all the way to Hezhou, Xiniu.

Looking at the many ancient Buddhist temples, I can run and put the robe directly on my body, striding towards a

A huge Buddhist temple has passed by!

"Stop! Who is coming! How dare a monster enter the important place of Buddhism!" Halfway through the temple, a warrior monk came out and stood in front of the black spirit.

Then he froze for a moment.

What is this stuff?

A black (hebb) can, wearing a golden red, swaggering

come and go

The cassock, which should have been extra large, was extremely bloated when it was put on He Neng.But this black energy seems to want to show off, with a big belly and ridiculous.

But if he can run, he is not in a hurry, folds his hands together, and recites a Buddha's name.

"Amitabha, Lao Neng came from southern Zhanbuzhou, admired the vastness of the Buddha's teachings, and came to understand the Buddha's teachings.

"This cassock is a token given to Lao Neng by Buddhist monks."

When the monk saw this, he walked past his husband with suspicion, and glanced at the cassock of the bear.

Then suddenly the body shook!

"Actually, the cassock of Guanyin Pingsa's son! This, this"

The warrior monk hurriedly put his hands together and said respectfully: "I also ask the eminent monk to forgive me, and I also ask the hanging monk to come with you.

Have you seen the host?"

"In the small temple, there has never been an eminent monk wearing the cassock bestowed by the Bodhisattva." He can run and slowly nod his head, and in his heart, he is happy!

Is this cassock actually given by the Buddhist Guanyin? Hahaha, it's really useful

Along the way, there are many Buddhist disciples who can run and stand upright, wear cassocks, and are extraordinarily funny.

Under his gaze, he came to the core of the temple.

Here, there is the formation method, the formation eye, that controls the entire temple.The host of the temple, after hearing about the arrival of an eminent monk wearing a cassock who bestowed the son of Guanyin Bodhisattva, immediately

excitedly greeted

Then the host of the temple was stunned when he saw that he could run. "This, this is the high monk?"

If you can run, you will turn your head, and you have already lost all the formations at the core of the temple.

"That's right, old monk, I can't wait."

Hearing this, many temple monks were stunned and a little confused.

And can run but not.

He stood up slowly and took a deep breath.

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