"Why don't you monks eat meat? Relapse? What is that!"

"What? How dare you not eat it? I'll kill you!"

In the end, countless Buddhist disciples, controlled by the big demon, chewed their flesh and swallowed it.

Make them faint a few times!

Of course, these disciples from the All-Heaven Dojo are not bloodthirsty, nor are they too perverted.

In addition to the necessary killings, most ordinary Buddhist disciples will be knocked unconscious.

They would be sealed with all their power, or piled at the door or hung on wooden poles in front of abandoned Buddhist temples.

After every temple disciples pass by, there must be a small pile of Buddhist disciples.

There are not many monks killed, and they can shed if they behave well, but it is not so easy for Buddhist temples.

Wherever it goes, it will be demolished

There are even Daoist disciples who directly use raw materials to build Daoist temples on the high platform.



Somewhere in a Buddhist country, Run Pao was wearing a cassock, with a big belly and dark hair.

He's grabbing a zen stick, hilariously, and banging the ground hard

Behind him are a group of rich and fat monks.

In front of him, there are a group of mortals with yellow faces and thin skin.

"Look at these Buddhist disciples who fool you all day long to believe in Buddhism, saying that this life is hard and the next life is compatible, but look at them!"

Able to run and shout, spittle stars scattered, grabbed a monk with a fat waist and a fat body, and kicked it hard.

"Look at them! One by one, they are full of oil!"

"Look at you again! Yellow muscle is thin!"

"You really don't know what's going on here? The existence of these Buddhists is completely blood-sucking!"

"When the winter is cold, you are in the fields, with your back to the sky, and Schiller toiling

"And among these Buddhist mussels, they don't do anything, but they can eat the richest food in a warm room!"

"You say, is this fair!"

"Compatriots, is this fair!"

Xiong Paan Pao said, his saliva was flying, his voice was very loud, and his voice spread all over the place, inspiring people.

I don't know how long it took, and finally, a thin human race raised his head, raised his head tightly, and roared in a low voice.


"Yes! It's not fair!!" Neng Paan's eyes lit up, and he continued to speak, and began to stir up the anger in the hearts of many mortals.

One person started, and more and more people came, and anger began to rise in their eyes!



Even later, not only before the Buddhist temple, but also in the entire city, in the streets everywhere, there are such voices coming out, shocking the Quartet!

Can run ran to see this scene, the excitement couldn't be more, he waved his hand and cried out

"The day of resistance is today!"

"Folks, pick up your weapons, follow Neng Tianzun, and demolish the temple together!!"

"Pick up the food that belongs to us!"

The next moment, the entire city set off a roar like a landslide and tsunami!

"Demolish the temple!"

"Get the food back!"

Looking at the surging crowd, I can run and nod with satisfaction, look at the direction of Lingshan, and my eyes are shining.

Is that almost there?

Only Xiniu Hezhou is making more noise here.

It will be easier for you, Mrs.

Chapter 56 _ Great Power Dragon!I can see at a glance that you are not human!

Chapter 56 Dawei Tianlong! I can see at a glance that you are not human!


"Are there demons making trouble in Xiniu Hezhou?"

On Lingshan Mountain, above the Daleiyin Temple, the dragon subduing Arhat frowned slightly

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