Life and death are all under the control of Di Jun.

This thing is also due to the gathering of the primordial spirits of the demon clan in the world.

So it became the luck of the ancient heavenly demon clan.

It is now used by Lu Ya to suppress the suffocation of the human race in the Slayer Sword.

It does work.

However, now the demon clan has fallen apart.

Where is there any gas that Lu Ya can use to suppress the grievances of the human race.

The more powerful the Immortal Slaying Gourd, the stronger the backlash.

The higher the luck needed to suppress him.

If the monster clan is still in the sky, it will be more than thirty-three days.

However, the demon clan is getting old.

Where there is excess gas to be transported to the land pressure.

"Stupid, do you think the current demon clan is still the ancient demon clan?"

"This thing contains the terrifying resentment of the trillions of humans. In order to refine this sword, all the trillions of humans were killed!"

"This monstrous grievance will be recovered from you, the prince of the demon clan, today!"

There is no need for Zhong Xuan to do anything at all.

Lu Ya himself could not suppress the resentment of the human race.

"No, no, no matter how much my demon clan's luck can be said, it is impossible to suppress even a small resentment!"

Lu Ya didn't want to believe it at all.

The villain turned slowly, and it was the resentment in it.

He didn't want to obey his orders at all.

"Idiot, what else do you demon clan have now?"

"Beijing Sea Demon Master Palace has long been different from you, and the demon clan in Beiju Luzhou is also resentful because you entered Buddhism!"

"How can the luck of the demon clan converge on you?"

The demon clan has long been detached from the virtues.

I recognized him as the prince of the demon clan before, but it was because of Nu Wa's face.

Now Nuwa has been grounded, and she can't come to the prehistoric world.

Who the fuck gave you this golden black face?

Lu Ya was stunned, what Zhong Xuan said made sense.

The luck of the demon clan has not been as good as before.

And, on the verge of collapse.

Now any real fairy or little demon can occupy the mountain as the king, and call his own king.

How can you recognize him as the prince of the demon clan?

People don't even know who he is.

"Impossible, even so, but I have entered Buddhism, and I have Buddhism in my body!"

"Buddhist is the master of this amount of calamity, how can the mere suffocating resentment attack me!"

Lu Ya was still reluctant to believe it.

I was so good, how could it suddenly become like this?

He joined Buddhism precisely because Buddhism is the master of calamity and has a huge amount of luck in his body.

One is to practice with the help of Buddhist qi luck, and the other is to use Buddhist qi luck to suppress the resentment and suffocation in the gourd.

"Hehe~~~ Do you know why Buddhism wants to accept you?"

Zhong Xuan smiled meaningfully.

"Why? Naturally, it is because of my strength. If Buddhism wants to thrive, it must gather talents. I am the prince of the dignified demon clan, the heavenly court..."


Lu Ya was interrupted by Zhong Xuan before he finished speaking.

He glanced at him with contempt, "What kind of thing are you, you dare to call yourself a talent? You should be blind enough to fall in love with you?"

He pointed to Kong Xuan, who was watching the play next to him, "This Kong Xuan is the son of the phoenix of the three ancient tribes.

"Even the Buddhist Zhunti was brushed into it by him, isn't he better than your three-legged crow?"

Kong Xuan was stunned for a moment, this person knew very well about his own affairs.

What is his identity?

But listening to him praise himself, he immediately raised his head arrogantly. .

Chapter 129

Zhong Xuan finished talking about Kong Xuan.

He pointed to Ran Deng and said, "This one, the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, is the same generation as Zhunti."

"The main body is made of a coffin. There are three top-quality Lingbao three talents, a coffin, and a palace lantern. It is in harmony with the Buddha's silence. Isn't it better than you?"

Burning light was shocked.

"You... Who are you, why do you know my identity so well?"

This is so frightening.

His body is a coffin, and few people know about it.

Even today’s Tathagata Buddha Lords are not aware of this.

This man speaks out.

It really surprised him.

Zhong Xuan ignored the panic of burning the lamp.

To Lu Ya, whose face was extremely ugly, he said, "There is also the Buddha Lord of Lingshan Mountain, who is the eldest disciple of Saint Tongtian who sits down, and who also teaches people to teach the three saints of Buddhism. Isn't he stronger than you, Lu Ya?"

"And that Buddhist pharmacist Tathagata, who leads the sage's direct disciples, has strong perseverance and aptitude. There is no chance for him to cultivate to the peak of the quasi-sage, isn't he better than you?"

Zhong Xuan looked at Lu Ya with a look of contempt on his face.

"You are a golden crow left over from the ancient times, you need luck or luck, you need perseverance but no perseverance!"

"You can only take advantage of merit in the Conferred God War and luck in the great prosperity of Buddhism, unless your father, Emperor Jun, entrusted Saint Nuwa to take care of you before his death."

"You don't even know how many times you've died!"

"Besides, when you were a great Sun Tathagata in Buddhism, your farts didn't work!"

"You are so kind as those two saints, are you willing to use Buddhism luck to help you?"

"Can the sage not know what you are thinking about going to the Buddhist temple?"

This Lu pressure is not only high on himself.

At the same time, he underestimated the two saints of Buddhism.

That was in ancient times, and it was known as a shameless duo.

In terms of shrewdness, who is comparable to the two of them in the Great Desolation?

In terms of calculation, only Taishang Laozi has an equal share with them.

"This... If that's the case, why did the two Buddhist saints accept me into Buddhism?"

Lu Ya thought about it carefully, after he joined Buddhism all these years.

Really did nothing.

That Tathagata has established Mahayana Buddhism after all.

Open up another path for Buddhism.

That burning lamp has perfected the Dharma Road of Quiet and Quiet for Buddhism.

Kong Xuan had to stay in Buddhism because he lost to Saint Zhunti.

And he, it seems that there is no need to admit him into Buddhism.

Because when he joined Buddhism.

He's still just a middle-stage quasi-sage boy, and this kind of cultivation is simply not enough in Buddhism.

Whether it was the lantern, the Tathagata, or the Maitreya at that time, he could press him to fight.


Zhunti not only admitted him to Buddhism, but also gave him an important position.

Great day.

The position of honor is only under the Lord of the Buddha.

What is the picture of the sage Zhunti?

Lu Ya fell into self-doubt.

Zhong Xuan said with one pass.

Everyone was instantly interested.

Zhen Yuanzi took the peach in his hand and walked out while eating.

He asked, "Fellow Daoist, tell me, why did this quasi-daoist friend accept this pressure?"

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