Ambush outside Huaguo Mountain.

Waiting for Zhong Xuan to take the bait.

Several saints left one after another.

Zhong Xuan explained a few more words to Daoist Jinlian.

He went straight down for thirty-three days and returned to Huaguoshan Dojo.

Just when he was about to enter the Earth Vessel Array. ,

Zhong Xuan was slightly taken aback.

He felt two breaths from behind a reef on the coast of the East China Sea. ,

"Hehe~~ I knew you Western bastards wouldn't give up like this, but I didn't expect that you would still want to ambush me!"

Zhong Xuan knew that someone was in an ambush.

Instead, don't worry.

Slow down the speed of the escape light, and walk slowly step by step.

"Huh? Senior Brother, why did Zhong Xuan suddenly slow down?"

Quan Ti looked dumbfounded.

At this time, we are almost at the door of the house, shouldn't we open the big array directly?

"Don't panic, junior brother, maybe there is something wrong with this Zhong Xuan!"

Receiving and comforting.

"I'll catch him in a hurry, and when he opens the formation, I'll take the opportunity to get in!"

"There must be some secrets in this formation!"

All the Buddhas in the West want to enter the formation to find out.

Unfortunately, it never came true.

Now is a good opportunity.

Follow Zhong Xuan behind and wait for the moment when he opens the formation.

With the cultivation of the two saints, it is not difficult to enter it.

If you can master the secrets in this mountain.

Maybe they can be like Zhong Xuan, with continuous merit and luck.

Countless spirit treasures came to the door.

Even, even the two of them were able to pay off the loan to Tiandao when they became sanctified.

"Senior brother Gao Jian, I will wait and wait first, let that Zhong Xuan open the formation and I will rush in after waiting!"

The two had a good plan, but Zhong Xuan didn't know.

However, it was obvious that these two breaths were a little excited, so that the space around them fluctuated.

Under the power of Zhong Xuan Qicheng's space law, he was already like a firefly in the dark night, and he could see it at a glance even from a distance.

"¨~Oh~ I suddenly remembered, Tongtian Daoyou seems to be looking for me, I have to go to Jinao Island!"

After finishing speaking, Zhong Xuan cast his escape light and flew directly to Jinao Island.

Accompanying and receiving information.

He hurriedly hung behind Zhong Xuan from a distance.

"Huh? Then why is Zhong Xuan missing?"

After flying for a while, Quan frowned.

Zhong Xuan ran to the East China Sea and disappeared.

There was no scent of him around.

With a frown, the sage's primordial spirit unfolded, trying to find out Zhong Xuan's whereabouts.

At this time, my heart was alarmed.

There was a whirring sound (from Zhao's) from the back of his head.

Xie Yin exclaimed, "No, he found out!"

At the same time, his body swayed to the side, trying to dodge the sneak attack.

Zhong Xuan's figure appeared behind Jie Yin.

He punched his big bald head with a punch.

Seeing him notice, he moved to the side.

He snorted coldly, "Can you still run?"

The law of space suddenly rose, and Zhong Xuan's figure appeared from behind the reception again.

This time, there is no way to escape.

The terrifying fist directly hit the back of the head.


Immediately, the star caught the eye.

I just felt that the world was spinning, and I almost fainted.

"Zhong Xuan, you monster!" Yun.

Chapter 205

Zhunti finally found Zhong Xuan.

The Seven Treasures Miaoshu directly played over, the terrifying mana of the saint.

To brush him straight away.

"Hmph, are you sure you only know this trick?"

Zhong Xuan did not evade, but abruptly endured Zhun Ti's full-strength blow.

With all his flesh, he resisted the attack of the saint.

"It's nothing more than that, you have failed too much as a saint!"


I patted the dust that didn't exist on my body.

Zhong Xuan looked calm, and was surprised when he saw Jie Yin and Zhun Ti.

Secretly, what a powerful cultivation base.

"Junior brother, this person's physical body is stronger than that of the ancestor witch back then, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep him today!"

Originally thought to attack Zhong Xuan.

And they are still two people, and they should be able to brush it off.

You know, this person's physical body is so strong.

Even with all his strength, Zhun Ti couldn't shake him in the slightest.

Today's plan, I'm afraid it will fail.

   Zhunti is also slightly condensed in his heart.

Right now, the sneak attack can't be done, but it was attacked by someone instead.

Putting away the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, he said with a smile on his face, "It turns out that fellow Daoist is you!"

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding!"

Zhong Xuan pouted and scolded, "It's a misunderstanding of Nima, you two shameless Western duo, do you really think Lao Tzu is an idiot?"

At the same time, Zhong Xuan directly raised his hand to the quasi who received the magic weapon.

Another punch directly smashed the space along the way.

He slapped Zunti's face at the door.

"Hey~~ Fellow Daoist, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Zhong Xuan ignored him and smashed his fist towards Zhunti's face with even more ferocity.

That's right, just to beat this stinky shameless person.

Gotta get slapped in the face.

"Misunderstanding Nima, the shameless villain will die for me!"


The space collapsed, and the innate vitality was shattered.

Zhunti was knocked out by a punch, and his entire face collapsed.

Holy blood spilled into the sky.

"Fellow Daoist, it is said that it is a misunderstanding of you. If you do this again, I will fight back!"

Zhunti flew out a million miles upside down, and appeared in front of Zhong Xuan again in a blink of an eye.

Holding the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree in his hand, his face was extremely ugly.

"Fight back? Just give me some hands-on training!"

When Zhong Xuan heard this, he looked excited.

He has been at the ninth level of the nine-turn Xuan Gong for so long, and he has never met an evenly matched opponent.

The quasi-promotion in front of you is just right.

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