Each primordial spirit is reincarnated as various people in the world created in the dream.

There are beggars and there are women.

There are also characters such as the emperor.

Taste the thousands of species in the world, and hone the Dao heart to tenacity.

In the end, you will be able to prove the Dao.

Perhaps it can achieve a terrifying existence comparable to Hongjun Daozu.

"I know so many things!"

Zhong Xuan slammed the giant Buddha with a punch.

Today, he is going to directly fight the two Westerners.

Lest these bastards try to find trouble with him every day.


This time, Zhong Xuan didn't punch the golden body of the lead.

He squeezed his fist into his hand.

"Amitabha, the evildoer is your time to be put to death today!"

Welcome to see this look of joy.

Zhong Xuan did not directly break his golden body.

There is no need to be broken by Zhong Xuan's fist like his junior brother Zhunti.

At least, I can have a few tricks with Zhong Xuan.

The original Tianzun was waiting for the people watching the battle, and he was relieved to see this.

· · · Flowers · · ·

"Huh~~~ Fortunately, this kid's cultivation is not unrivaled!"

The fighting power Zhong Xuan showed at this moment was outrageous enough.

If you can directly defeat the saints, it will be too speechless.

Fortunately, the sage received and cited was able to withstand Zhong Xuan's attack.

His cultivation base is among the equals.

Since the lead can be resisted, then he can also resist.

In this way, Zhong Xuan is not so scary.

The Supreme Sage and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"This Zhong Xuan's cultivation is too outrageous, even Zhunti can't help him!"

...... 0

Although Zhunti's cultivation base is among the saints, it is the existence at the bottom.

But he was able to directly smash Zhunti's golden body.

Let Zhunti have nothing to do with him, no matter what, this Zhong Xuan's cultivation is also very impressive.

"Strange, there is no Hongmeng Purple Qi in the prehistoric wilderness, how can they achieve such a cultivation level?"

A doubt appeared in Taishang's heart.

Hongjun Daozu once said that only with the purple energy of Hongmeng can one become a saint.

Under the saints are all ants.

But the appearance of Zhong Xuan undoubtedly broke this ironclad fact.

Originally they thought that once they became saints.

Even the most rubbish saints like Zhunti are existences that others look up to.

How do you know.

This is not the case at all.

Look at the tragic state of the saint.

The golden body method is broken, and there is nothing good on the whole body.

Even his body of a saint was punched by Zhong Xuan and almost couldn't breathe.

"There must be a secret that I can't wait for, but Hongjun Daozu deceived me, what is it for?"

Taishang is unparalleled in calculation, and after a little thought, you know that there is still something weird about it.Inch.

Chapter 207

Everything is beyond what Hongjun Daozu said.

Zhong Xuan did not have the aura of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

In the way of heaven, except for the primordial spirits of several of their saints.

No other souls will be seen.

Even, the previous Tongtian sect master fell to the saint, and the sage Yuanshen entrusted in Tiandao lost one.

Battlefield in the East China Sea.

Zhong Xuan looked at the huge Buddha blocking him.

Don't be surprised either.

His cultivation has not completely broken through the ninth level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art.

It can only be regarded as comprehending the ninth level.

Without this achievement, with such strength, Saint Zhunti was beaten to pieces.

Body injured.

It's been a surprise.

"Haha~~ I'll beat you to your knees and beg for mercy in a while!"

Zhong Xuan doesn't care how excited he is now.

He took out countless Chaos Spirit Fruits and threw them directly into his mouth.

The surging and terrifying chaotic aura bloomed on him.

The eyelids of the sage who saw this scene on the opposite side jumped.

Above the Spirit Fruit, there is a trace of Chaos Qi.

Obviously, this thing is at least at the level of Chaos Spirit Fruit.

However, so many spiritual fruits.

It was swallowed directly by Zhong Xuan.

He was so frightened that his heart twitched, the terrifying aura contained in so many spiritual fruits.

Can this kid digest it?

"If you eat like this, you won't be afraid of being stretched to death!"

The horror of the spiritual energy that was swallowed by Zhong Xuan was estimated to be comparable to the full mana of a saint.

"Don't worry, I have a great appetite!"

Zhong Xuan said, and sighed.

He took out the Chaos Spirit Fruit, which was even more terrifying than before, and threw it into his mouth again.


This time, it wasn't just Ying Yin who was frightened and gasped.

Even the other saints who watched the battle trembled and dared not speak.

After eating so many spiritual fruits.

The boy was still blushing and gasping.

There was no sign of overeating at all.

"He... is he still a man?"

Primitive was in the Yuxu Palace, staring blankly at Zhong Xuan over the East China Sea.

Focusing on his stomach, endless doubts arose in his heart.

What is this kid's belly made of?

It is the gluttonous one of the four great beasts of the ancient times.

Ferocious beasts that claim to be able to devour heaven and earth probably don't have such a huge appetite.

Zhong Xuan is simply, even more gluttonous than gluttonous.

Even more ferocious.

After swallowing so many Chaos Spirit Fruits, Zhong Xuan's stomach didn't swell.

Instead, I felt more hungry.

That's right, it's his fleshly body and his primordial spirit that yearn for it.

Desires to get more aura, so that the ninth stage of the nine-turn Xuangong can be successfully cultivated.

No surprises.

Zhong Xuan would not miss such a good opportunity.

Confronting Jie Yin again, he took out countless Chaos Spirit Fruits and threw them into his mouth.

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