So many Kaitian water spirits were thrown out.

It's just a [-]th-grade industry fire red lotus.

Moreover, in the blink of an eye, they created another [-]th-grade karma fiery red lotus and returned it to themselves.

In the future, there will even be karmic red lotuses filled with the sea of ​​blood.

Is this a benefit?

It's just charity.

Come to think of it, Daoist Brother Zhong Xuan asked for a [-]th rank fiery red lotus just for his own sake.

Don't let people say that Styx is a beggar.

The treasure that Zhong Xuan asked for was exchanged for the [-]th grade karma fiery red lotus.

Such a person who thinks about others should be admired and respected by all living beings.


What are those saints?



The three of them talked and laughed at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood.

And they discussed the establishment of a grand formation to guide the filthy karma of the whole flood into the sea of ​​blood.

Using the Karma Red Lotus to burn and refine it.

The three people over there have already entered the Zixiao Palace.

The door is open.

Obviously, Daozu Na Hongjun was sure that they were coming.

The door is open waiting for them.

The three looked at each other and entered immediately.

After today, there will be no one who can hinder them in the flood.

That Zhong Xuan was definitely dead this time.

If Daozu made his move, would he still be able to survive?

Once you enter the Zixiao Palace.

Then I saw Hongjun Daozu, sitting on the cloud bed.

The three quickly bowed down.

The mouth is called "Teacher Wan'an!"

half an hour.

Only then did Hongjun open his eyes, and a smile flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

He asked blankly, "What do you mean when you come to Zixiao Palace?"

Primal first couldn't help it, and knocked his head on the floor with a bang.

Weeping miserably, "The teacher wants to call the shots for us, woo woo woo ~~~~~~"

· · · Flowers · · ·

Hongjun twitched the corners of his mouth and asked helplessly, "What's the matter?"

"Isn't it a joke for a sage to act like a child like this?"

The primitive man cried.

"Teacher, all the spiritual treasures of this disciple have been snatched away!"

"Even the Pangu banner that the teacher personally gave to the disciple was snatched away by the thief. Even if the disciple reported the teacher's name, he still wanted to snatch it!"

"Oh? Who stole your spirit treasure?"

The original Tianzun was overjoyed, this is Hongjun preparing to call the shots for him.

...... 0

He hurriedly said, "Teacher, it's that child Zhong Xuan, this thief is disrespectful to the way of heaven!"

"The disciple's Pangu Fan and a lot of spiritual treasures were snatched by him!"

Hong Jun was silent for a moment.

Said, "Bold, primitive, do you know what the consequences of deceiving me are?"

"That Pangu banner and other things are what you used to understand the cause and effect with that Zhong Xuan, and you also made a heavenly oath with him. How can you say that this matter was robbed by others?"

A faint coercion came from Hong Jun.

The three of Yuanshi Tianzun were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

Although Hongjun's coercion was light, it was extremely terrifying.

Let the three saints of them not have the slightest rebellious heart.

Primitive dare not speak.

Only then did Taishang add, "Teacher, that Zhong Xuan is arrogant and arrogant, not only robbing the magic weapon of the original junior brother!"

"Even the heavy place like the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood was slapped down by his palm. I don't know how many lives were killed and injured!"

"Having created boundless slaughter, the sea of ​​blood in the nether world is extremely important to the Great Desolation!"

"If there is a mishap, I'm afraid that the entire flood will be reduced to a place of calamity!" Cun.

Chapter 242

Before Tai came up, he took the time to look into the sea of ​​blood.

After Zhong Xuan slapped it down, it really made the entire sea of ​​blood turbulent.

Naturally, some creatures were killed and injured.

However, if such creatures are ordinary, it is not important at all.

To die is to die.

Regardless of the present, it was used by the Taishang as an excuse to attack Zhong Xuan.

"The sea of ​​blood in the nether world is the place where the evil spirits of the filthy karma are transformed. Zhong Xuan occupies this place, so fellow Daoist Minghe must be suffering in his heart at this moment!"

"Before, Zhong Xuan and Tongtian entered the netherworld of blood, and although Ming He opened the blood river array to resist, in the end, he could not stop the two of them alone!"

"Presumably at this moment, Brother Ming He has already been poisoned by the thief Zhong Xuan!"

Tai Shang hypocritically left two tears.

He said in his heart, this Styx died well.

Only when they died did they have a reason to ask Daozu Hongjun to clean up Zhong Xuan.

"Well, the Nether Blood Haizi is a big matter, and you must not make mistakes. You can follow me to the blood sea to find out the truth!"

Hongjun lowered his head and closed his eyes.

I wanted to see what was going on in the sea of ​​blood.

However, it was hindered by a huge fortune-telling machine.

No probing at all.

I had no choice but to take a few saints for a trip in person.

However, he was cunning and cunning naturally would not say that he was going to deal with Zhong Xuan.

It's just that the Nether Blood Haze is a big deal.

There is no room for a slight miss.

Hongjun waved his sleeves, and everyone immediately disappeared from the Zixiao Palace.

Appears in the sky over the Nether Sea of ​​Blood.

The three of them are not surprised.

Immediately open his voice and shout to the sea of ​​blood below.

Yuanshi Tianzun had his own teacher to support him, so he didn't panic at all.

Proudly shouting to the sea of ​​​​blood below, "Zhong Xuan thief, quickly come out and die!"

"You wicked delusional thinking of going against the sky, occupying the sea of ​​​​blood, and slaughtering Brother Minghe to sit down for such a wrathful thing, still not come out to be executed?"

There's a lot of noise here.

Primitive deliberately used mana to shout.

Tell it to those who are concerned about this matter.

Let those who have ideas in their hearts see that Zhong Xuan's child is unreliable.

Daozu Hongjun went out in person, where else could he escape?

Sure enough, the great masters were attracted by the shouts of the original Tianzun.

They all set their eyes on the sea of ​​blood.

First of all, he saw Hongjun Daozu, standing on the head of the cloud with no expression.

"Hey~~ It's not good. This time Hongjun Daozu personally shot, then Zhong Xuan is afraid that his life will not be saved!"

Heavenly Court Jade Emperor was a little excited, but also a little pity.

Although this Zhong Xuan is annoying, he goes against him everywhere.

But there is no doubt that this person is a heroic and powerful opponent.

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