The two of them were so excited that they had to fight.

"Let those guys know how powerful our Beasts Pirates are!!"

"The Beasts Pirates are invincible!"

Zero drew up a battle plan, and the Beasts Pirates were all ready to fight, and their excited voices almost overturned the entire banquet hall.

The difference was that Shiki left with Ace in a bad mood.

"Stinky kid, who do you think I am!!!"

"For that kind of thing, I can do it with just a flick of my finger!"

Leaving these words, Shiki shook his sleeves, and his golden hair fluttered with his movements.

Shiki's eyes were full of disdain and confidence.

"Oh, Zero, your plan has hit that guy Shiki!"

Kaido laughed out loud. This was the first time he saw Shiki being defeated.

"Shiki... no longer has Conqueror Haki."

"The only valuable things about him are his swordsmanship and the ability of the Float-Float Fruit."

"Besides, he is not a member of our Beasts Pirates after all."

"It's perfect to let him do that."

Zero said confidently.

Kaido nodded silently and breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

After the banquet was over, Dr. Indigo met with Zero accompanied by Judge and the others.

After explaining the specific matters of Indigo's research on "IQ" and the approximate location of the island he was looking for, Zero looked at Judge and said, "Don't participate in this battle plan for now."

"Lord Zero........."


Judge hesitated to speak, but finally obeyed the arrangement unconditionally.

"Don't be so depressed, Judge."

"After you research a suitable combat suit for Reiju, let her eat this devil fruit."

After patting Judge's shoulder, Zero handed the Poison-Poison Fruit to Judge.

Under the guidance of Leopard Goro and Katakuri, Reiju has made some progress in her Haki training.

If she adds her exclusive combat suit and Poison-Poison Fruit, her future strength will be limitless, at least she will have the strength of a "poison disaster".

"Poison-Poison Fruit!!"

"Master Zero is so thoughtful!"

When Judge saw this devil fruit, his eyes lit up and he grabbed it in his hand as if he had found a treasure.

What he grabbed was not a devil fruit, but Reiju's future and the hope that the Vinsmoke family would stand firm.

After getting the benefit, Judge immediately asked Jello for credit: "Master Jello, the combat suit you asked us to research has now achieved all the results."

"With the blessing of ancient technology, the magnetic fruit has perfectly fit on this glove, and it will be able to fit on the entire combat suit in time!"

Judge handed an energy tank to Jello to show him the results of the experiment.

"Oh? Judge, you did a great job!"

Jello took the power of the magnetic fruit from Judge, and he couldn't wait to start using it.

"Brother Jello, don't forget my contribution!"

Hearing that his old colleague had taken the credit alone, Quinn said hurriedly with a round belly.

"Don't worry, brother Quinn, I haven't forgotten you!"

Jello said as he opened the energy tank, took out the magnetic gloves, and put them on his hands.

I don't know what material it is that can perfectly fit and blend with the skin.

Indigo listened silently on the side, looking listless.

The Sky Pirates who followed him yawned out of boredom.

Zero raised his right hand, and a Sky Pirates minion wearing iron armor slowly rose up uncontrollably.

"Master Zero... I don't want to go to the sky!!"

The Sky Pirates minion waved his arms in panic in the air, his face showing true emotions, and his desire to survive was maxed out.

"Don't shout, or I'll make you fly!"

Zero, who studies magnetism, said impatiently.

The minion looked unconvinced, but still chose to shut up.

Therefore, after a while...

The Sky Pirates minion really flew up.

"Fuck you..."

Before he could finish all the swear words, Zero, who heard the sound, clenched his right hand.

The powerful magnetic force, like an invisible chain, firmly imprisoned the body of the Sky Pirates minion and continued to crush it inward.


A cloud of scarlet blood mist filled the air, mixed with minced meat and bone fragments.

The body of the little minion was completely crushed, forming

A pool of bloody and fleshy traces.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Indigo was shocked.

What kind of new boss did Captain Shiki find for himself? !

You know, the lives of minions are also lives, so just kill them casually?

"That new guy, what are you thinking about?"

Jero's eyes swept across the remains of the minions on the ground, and then all focused on the panicked Indigo.

"I... Lord Jero, am I afraid that Captain Shiki will cause trouble for you?"

Indigo changed his previous funny look and asked Jero solemnly.


"Even if he will cause trouble for me, I don't think it will be too troublesome."

Jero said calmly.

First, the current strength of Golden Lion Shiki does not pose a threat to himself at all, and second, Shiki has given these people to himself as promised, so he will not take it too seriously.

Killing people in front of Dr. Indigo is to warn him indirectly-"This is the end of disobedience."

Let him do scientific research honestly.

"Yes, I know."

Indigo nodded solemnly, with worry hidden in his brows.

The other party must have his own confidence to say this.

No matter where he is a ship doctor, he is not a ship doctor. Indigo quickly decided to follow his heart and stay in the Beasts Pirates honestly and obey Zero's arrangements.

The following magnetic experiments were also a natural result.

Every member of the Flying Pirates cooperated very well, fearing that there would be a little mistake.

As for why these pirates of the Flying Pirates cooperated with Zero so much,

Obviously, it was because he was kind and won everyone's recognition with his personal charm.

After a set of operations, not only did Zero completely master the means of magnetic control of metals, but also made the Flying Pirates who followed Indigo to join the Beasts completely integrated here.

No one said bad things about the Beasts Pirates anymore, and no one disobeyed Zero's orders anymore.

Each of them was extremely alert, fearing that they would be crushed into a bloody mist by this invisible and intangible force in the next second.

The unknown is the most terrifying!

Seeing that Jello could even use the magnetic gloves to condense the surrounding metal into a huge arm, Judge thought that the experiment was over and wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

But who would have thought that in the next second, Jello would switch to the dragon man form, and the brilliant silver lightning would condense on the gloves.

"Magnetism generates electricity, electricity generates magnetism..."

Jello kept muttering, and his mind kept thinking about Kidd's performance in developing the Magnetism Fruit in the original book.

When Kidd awakened the Magnetism Fruit ability, he used the Ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to accelerate the metal shells and obtain powerful kinetic energy to achieve the effect of the electromagnetic gun.

One shot could even injure BIG.MOM, who had the body of a "steel balloon".

Although he could not awaken the Magnetism Fruit in a short time, he had a strong reserve of electricity, and the effect would never be worse than Kidd.


The already violent electric current became even more violent due to the interference of the magnetic field, as if it was an enraged beast, roaring continuously, and every flash seemed to break through the restraints.

As the electric current continued to rage, the surrounding air began to change, forming twisted ripples, as if the entire space was affected by this force.

And the invisible magnetic field in Jello's palm was like a huge vortex, attracting all the violent electric energy around it.

"Super Electromagnetic Cannon!"

Jello spoke word by word, and a magnificent silver-blue beam of light suddenly blasted out from his hand.

This beam of light pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, deriving circles of white ripples, and the clouds were torn into countless fragments, forming a huge hole visible to the naked eye.

"I don't know what effect this move will have on BIG MOM."

The power of the electromagnetic cannon made Jello very satisfied; but the target of the electromagnetic cannon made Jello slightly dissatisfied.

"Let's stop here for the development of electromagnetic gloves."

Zero removed his dragon form and waved to everyone, indicating that they could do other things.

The surviving "experimental subjects" breathed a sigh of relief, put on their feet, and ran away in a hurry.

Judge and Dr. Indigo started the "SIQ" research plan, and Quinn was stimulated and had new inspirations, and rushed back to the laboratory in a hurry.

After everyone dispersed, Zero calculated the time and stretched comfortably.

"It is not realistic to awaken all the abilities of the magnetic fruit in a short period of time. Let's relax now and go to Tianyueshi and the others to sit."


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