The old man was very sad, but he was still alive.

As time went by, the unconscious Vegapunk lay under the Tree of All-Knowing on Onigashima for two and a half days, with Dr. Clover taking care of him meticulously.

One morning, Vegapunk suddenly woke up, and the Tree of All-Knowing, a living treasure of the history and literature of the pirate world, came into view.

"How is it possible? Didn't the Tree of All-Knowing and Oraha perish together in the bombardment of the navy?!"

Vegapunk rubbed his eyes carefully, hoping to see more clearly.

"Old friend, you finally woke up."

Dr. Clover looked at Vegapunk with joy, then called the scholar beside him and said, "Go and report to Master Jello!"

"Dr. Clover, aren't you dead?!"

Vegapunk was confused.

Then, he thought about it and suddenly realized: "I guess I am dead too, and my soul has been taken to heaven, so I can see these old friends."

"Mr. Vegapunk...what are you talking about?"

"I rescued you from Punk Hazard, and I rescued Dr. Clover and the Tree of All-Knowing from O'Hara."

"Dr. Clover took the initiative to help me study Inazuma, which is the ancient text of Wano Country, to repay me."

"There is an old saying in my hometown, which is that a man who knows the times is a hero. I hope Mr. Vegapunk can take the initiative to serve, and we will not treat you unfairly!"

Jero walked slowly, talking and laughing, followed by the flattering Caesar and the charming Nicole Olbia.

Vegapunk was stunned, and it turned out that he was not dead.

"What do you want me to do for you? As long as the experimental funds are in place, I am willing to serve you!"

"Of course, I also have a request, that is, to study the blank 100 years of history through the Tree of All-Knowing in my spare time."

Vegapunk, who was in a good mood, smiled and made his words clear in advance.

"I can agree to both conditions."

"The first task assigned to you is to help Quinn build a Seraphim body. He sacrificed to help you get rid of the control of the World Government. You were colleagues in the same experimental unit before. I hope you can do it with your heart."

After Jello said this, he handed the small ball in Quinn's remains to Vegapunk. It contained Quinn's bloodline factor and brain data, which was Quinn's backup plan.

"Seraphim? Lord Jello actually knew such secrets of the World Government, and it was just an unimplemented plan!"

Vegapunk took the small ball from Jello with a look of surprise, held his glasses, and studied it carefully.

After a while, he nodded solemnly and said, "Originally, Seraphim could only be a humanoid weapon without emotions and only knew how to obey orders."

"Now with this consciousness device left by Quinn, maybe the technology of cloning can be polished to be more perfect."

"I will definitely take this task. If Seraphim Quinn can really research it, it will not only symbolize the development of new areas in human weapons, but also great progress in cloning technology!"

Vegapunk's originally turbid eyes became clearer and brighter. This is a scientific research path that he had never thought of.

For the sake of technological progress, he would do this even without Jello's explanation.

Vegapunk's original scientific direction was mainly to extract bloodline factors. The clones and Seraphim created could only have appearances and bodies similar to the original hosts, and the upper limit of progress was extremely limited.

Quinn, who mastered ancient technology, focused on ideological research and can now store self-consciousness. This technology will be able to make up for the original defects and allow clones to inherit the life of the original owner and continue to live in another form.

"Can you integrate the power of the Float-Float Fruit into the body of Seraphim Quinn?!"

Zero also took out the devil fruit that originally belonged to the Golden Lion Shiki.

Seraphim is also an angel, how can it be possible if it can't fly? !

Quinn's greatest wish before his death was to go to heaven.


Vegapunk nodded and took the Float-Float Fruit in his hand.

Thinking that his old colleague Quinn could be truly reborn after the transformation and become a first-class master.

"First, I will give you 10 billion Baileys as experimental funds. If it is not enough, you can apply to my financial director Olbia at any time."

"Let's have a good chat with my old friend Dr. Clover today, and work hard tomorrow!"

Zero leaned over and looked at the new employee "Vegapunk" with a little affection.


With both material and spiritual conditions fully met, how could Vegapunk not work hard? !

After hearing Vegapunk's assurance, Zero left Caesar here to learn the ancient technology of making artificial devil fruits and reorganize the SADS research team.

Suddenly, there was a "thunder" in the sky, and Enelu and Urouge fell from the sky on the Sky Island Pirate Ship.

"Where is Lord Shiki? You can't treat us like this!!"

Hundreds of members of the Sky Pirates, whose hands and feet were tied, shouted loudly and made a noise.


Urouge raised his hand and slapped one of the pirates, knocking him unconscious. The others were afraid of being slapped in the face, so the noise stopped immediately.

"Captain Zero, according to the instructions of the bat, the headquarters of the Sky Pirates has been destroyed, and all these members have been captured alive!"

Enelu took a step forward and said with great energy.

This was his first mission after he had the Thunder Fruit, and he was very proud of completing it successfully.

Zero, who possesses the passive ability of "Dominate the Undead", has a precise position perception of Ace, the "vampire devil fruit user", so he can accurately locate the base camp of Golden Lion Shiki, which is one of the reasons why he is not afraid of Shiki's betrayal.

"These are all talents. Keep a few as experimental subjects for artificial devil fruits, and send the rest to the bell to dig potatoes."

Zero glanced at this group of rabble and announced their fate in a few words.

"No, you can't treat us like this! Lord Anlong!"

"Captain Shiki is a man who can suppress Pirate King Roger. Aren't you afraid of his revenge?"

A pirate of the Feikong Pirates still has illusions about Golden Lion Shiki, and roared with confidence.

"It's just the remnants of the old era. There is no ship carrying the Feikong Pirates in the New World."

"If he doesn't become a legend honestly, then he will be able to accompany you soon!"

Zero said, and moved his fingers.

Caesar, a professional lackey, saw what Jello wanted and respectfully offered a gun.


With a gunshot, the pirate who questioned Jello was beheaded, and blood splashed on the horrified faces of others.

"This is the fate of those who dare to betray me!"

Then, the angry Jello took Olbia away.


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