The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Dongli and Broki were skeptical about what Zero said and did not agree immediately.

Zero got up from the ground and used the "Voice of All Things" to talk to other animals living in the small garden, asking them to help find herbs for stopping bleeding and healing wounds and the "Dragon Bone Grass" needed for this trip.

After Dongli and Broki had the "Supreme Bandage" wrapped around their chests, they suddenly felt that Zero might be a good boss, so they joined him with a try-it mentality.

"Hehehe, Boss Zero, I decided to return to Elbaf and let the invincible Giant Pirates return to the sea."

Dongli followed behind Zero with a giant sword, imagining a bright future for their giants.

"Gah, bang, bang, me too."

Brockie raised his head high and laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, it's a good idea."

"But you two don't have a boat, how are you going to leave this island?"

Jero pointed out the problem directly.

"There will always be a way, Boss Jero!"

Dong Li and the other two also scratched their heads and laughed heartily like Watson found a blind spot.

"Since I took the initiative to raise the problem in front of you, there must be a way to solve the problem."

Jero took Dong Li and the other two to the edge of the small garden island.

"Stand back, I'll make a means of transportation for you!"

Jero dismissed the two, his feet slowly left the ground, floated into the air, and an energy ball continued to condense in his palm.

It seemed to be thrown casually, as if the energy ball was thrown out casually,

In an instant, the energy ball came into contact with the sea water, and a huge shock wave quickly spread out with the ball as the center, setting off a raging wave thousands of feet high. The waves rolled and roared, like a group of ferocious beasts, rushing in all directions.

The originally calm sea surface became turbulent, with waves splashing everywhere, and a giant red and white goldfish gradually emerged from the water.

It was the ferocious sea king creature that was often mistaken for an island, the "island-eating monster".

As the name suggests, this fish is more than 700 meters long and weighs more than 120 tons. It usually regards small islands as its food.

"Die, or surrender?!"

Jero used the "Voice of All Things" to communicate with him concisely, and the domineering aura exuded from his body made the world change color.

"Ayu has been wandering for half a lifetime, and I only regret that I have not met a wise master."

"If this human leader does not despise me, Ayu is willing to lead his descendants to recognize you as the master."

The giant goldfish had never seen such a strong man before, and hurriedly asked in front of Jero with a full desire to survive.

He was very prepared to be a "cow and horse".

The "Island Eater" can grow so big because of this ability to judge the situation.

"Remember what you promised me now, and I'll tell you."

"I, your master, usually like to eat seafood the most."

Jello still exudes the aura of a strong man. These two sentences made the "Island Eater" tremble, thinking that his meat is not delicious.

But it dared not say a word more, turning its huge body, with its white belly facing Jello, using the "fish" way to express its complete loyalty.

"Humph... servants and subordinates should still be treated differently."

Jello's mouth corners slightly raised, and he took out the black knife Qiushui.

The blade was unsheathed, and the violent sword energy raged everywhere, and the sea that had finally calmed down surged again.

The sudden change made the giant goldfish's heart skip a beat like a human.

Jello waved the black knife in his hand, just like a painter waving a brush in his hand.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh----"

The scales of the fish cracked, and the blood dyed the sea red. Jello carved a dragon pattern representing himself on its body.

The flames gushed out from his left hand, and this symbol was forever imprinted on the giant goldfish.

"Thank you for the painting, Master!"

The giant goldfish was very servile after learning that he was not dead.

"Carry the two giants behind me to wherever they want to go."

Jello pointed at Broki and the others and gave the first order to the giant goldfish.

"Yes, I understand!"

The fish eyes of the "island-eating monster" were full of loyalty.

Broki and the other two, who did not have the ability to "listen to the voice of all things", were stunned.

"It seems that Boss Jello can talk to sea kings?"

Donli approached Broki mysteriously and whispered secretly.

"Be more confident and remove the word 'seem'."

"Do you still remember the prophecy of our elders?"

Broki patted Donli on the back.

"Prophecy? Does it mean that a man who can listen to the voice of all things will come to Elbaf and become the true leader of the giants?"

Donli recalled the prophecy he had heard when he was a child and asked him uncertainly.

"Yes, that's it!"

"Now it seems that Boss Zero must be the man of destiny mentioned by the elders."

Broki's eyes lit up, and he completely regarded Zero as the person their giants were waiting for.

"Then let's just stop hesitating. When we re-establish the Giant Pirates, we will form an alliance with Boss Zero."

Donli gave an excited suggestion.

Broki nodded heavily to indicate his agreement.

Unknowingly, Zero got the power of the giants that BIG MOM dreamed of.

And Zero was still at a stage of not knowing it.

"Sign in to the system, give me another pointer that can locate the position of the elephant master in real time!"

Zero called the system and made a request to it.

[Ding! The host's needs have been met, and I am happy to serve you! 】

The sound of the sign-in system is still as sweet and pleasant as usual, and the pleasant sound seems to penetrate people's hearts, making people intoxicated.

After the system's rewards were distributed, Jello handed the pointer to Broki and the others.

"Follow this compass, you will soon find the elephant master in the sea area in the second half of the Grand Line."

"This giant goldfish has now become my loyal servant. No matter where you want to go, you can let it take you a distance."

After speaking, Jello waved his hand, and the giant goldfish swam to the place closest to the shore.

"Thank you so much, Boss Jello."

"Whether the prey can be captured or not, you have contributed to it."

Donli and Broki were moved to tears.

Boss Jello really wanted to help them realize their wishes!

"Haha, it's a small matter, not worth mentioning."

Jello thought that Donli and the others were generous and didn't care about it.

On the one hand, letting Dongli and Brockie challenge the elephant master was to stimulate their potential through fighting, and on the other hand, Jello wanted to use the elephant master to tie them down and use them for his own benefit.

In addition, Jello also wanted to teach the disobedient elephant master a lesson through this incident.

Obviously, every point was considered for himself, but Dongli and the others were grateful to him.

"The attitudes of these two guys changed too quickly, didn't they?"

Jello looked at the backs of Yiyu and the others moving away, and thought for a moment.


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