After three days, Jero, Stussy and Judge set off for Cake Island. Since Stussy had an invitation letter, they did not encounter many obstacles on the way. "Mom, mom, mom..." Charlotte Lingling, like a child who will never grow up, clapped her hands in celebration in the middle of the circle of singing Homies, mumbling something in her mouth, and no one knew what she was mumbling. Garrett, who was only 9 years old, looked like a doll, and she and many children in Beauval clapped and celebrated with Big Mom. Auntie likes children the most, and their relationship is also very harmonious. The King of Loan Sharks, Lu-Field, was the first to come to the tea party, followed by a group of younger brothers in black suits.

The Shipping King Umit held his head high, put his hands in his pockets, and even walked with the wind.

Baron Dandan and Pokumus accompanied him. They were BIG MOM's most loyal foreign "knights" and were also responsible for the reception of this tea party.

Perospero, Owen, Dafu and others spontaneously organized into a protection team, patrolling around Cake Island with the soldiers Homies, fearing that some fish would slip through the net and enter here, disturbing BIG MOM's interest.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

Homies played musical instruments, and a passenger ship slowly sailed here.

"Ms. Stussy, on behalf of the Charlotte family, I welcome your arrival!"

Perospero, holding a candy scepter, half bowed very politely.

His two younger brothers did the same and saluted the guests.

From their perspective,

Stusi still walked down the steps gracefully, but two strange men followed behind him.

Wait, strange men, Dark Dragon Zero and King Judge of Germa 66 Kingdom!

The three brothers lost their composure instantly.

"Dark Dragon, Judge, how did you get here without an invitation!"

Perospero waved the candy scepter in his hand vigorously, and his long tongue flicked when he spoke.

"I brought them here with an invitation, they are my friends."

Stusi hurriedly explained.

She was afraid that Perospero would say something he shouldn't say, which would upset Zero and ruin his life.

"What? We can't go in?"

Zero remembered Katakuri's words, and if he could communicate well without fighting, he should communicate well.

"We can't go in. The way you two are dressed, your purpose is pure. You must be doing something at the tea party."

Perospero looked like he didn't know what was good for him, and was ready to stop Zero.

Daifuku and Owen both nodded in agreement, agreeing with their brother's words.

"What kind of dress is considered appropriate? I have prepared a good gift for BIG MOM."

Jero's patience is constantly wearing out.

"At least wear a suit and tie, like the loan shark king and the shipping king to be considered sincere."

"As for the gift, you can take it out now and let us see it."

Perospero jumped in front of Jero, looking arrogant and domineering.

Even if he was facing a pirate with a bounty of 3 billion berries, he couldn't be beaten by outsiders in his own territory.

Behind him, the BIG MOM Pirates, who were famous in the sea, were the source of his confidence!

There was a faint surge of dark thunder in Jero's body, and the atmosphere was suffocating.

Stussy looked at Jero anxiously, hoping that the other party would calm down.

"Tie? Suit? Ask me for it?"

"Speak nicely, I'll give you face, right!"


Jero raised his hand and slapped Perospero, who stretched his face to be hit, to the ground, and even a few teeth flew out.

Without a box of milk to supplement calcium, it is estimated that it will never grow back.

"How dare you hit my brother!"

Owen and Dafu saw their eldest brother being beaten, and they all used their devil fruit abilities.

The flames wrapped around Owen's fists, and the hot fists were steaming white steam.


Black thunder flashed, and Jero raised his hand and slapped Owen, interrupting his spell. The latter sat on the ground with a bruised face and nose.

Looking at the burning flames in his hands, he was a little dazed with a slightly sunken head.

"Fourth brother!"

Dafu stretched out his hand to shout, looking a little anxious.

"Scream, scream, scream, I didn't hit you, did I?"

Another slap, Dafu was also slapped to the ground, falling on his back.


The lamp demon with a long-handled broadsword just emerged from Daifuku's body. When he saw the situation around him, he shrank his neck and silently returned to Daifuku's body.

"I'm so sorry, Katakuri."

"I really didn't control myself... Wait, I didn't promise Katakuri!"

"You have to thank me when the time comes, and I will teach you a lesson for those useless brothers."

Zero, who solved the battle in three rounds, sighed silently, and then called to Stussy, who was a little stunned: "Your Majesty, follow me!"

"Okay... okay!"

Stussy recovered from the shock. The three Charlotte brothers were not actually vegetarians, but Dark Dragon could easily ravage them.

This man who broke into her life by force was really fierce!


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