The South China Sea is full of warships sailing fast, and the seagull flag is fluttering in the wind.

In the center of these naval warships, there is also a particularly eye-catching cruise ship dedicated to the World Government.

Twelve men in special uniforms stood proudly on the deck, and hundreds of CP agents stood by respectfully like minions.

"The triennial indigenous elimination competition has begun again. It's the 1503rd year of the Sea Circle Calendar. Time flies so fast!"

The Knights of God is an organization of twenty elite Celestial Dragons. The man who spoke is ranked in the top three in combat power. His name is Don Quixote Dobrachi.

"I'm sure to win first place this time, but unfortunately there haven't been any decent prizes since the Valley of the Gods."

"Damn Bakhaniya slaves, if they hadn't been plucked, there would definitely be better devil fruits this time!"

Saint Dobrashi's words were full of regret. In his opinion, as the successor of Saint Garin and the only man who could master the domineering color, the championship was a foregone conclusion for him.

The strength of the Knights of God varied, some were only as strong as vice admirals, and Dobrashi's strength was equivalent to that of a navy admiral.

"Brother Dobrashi, I heard that the Bakhaniya slave is in the Kingdom of Solbe. Let's settle the old and new accounts together and kill Solbe from top to bottom, turning it into a private island for our Celestial Dragons!"

Saint Tosia, holding a long sickle, showed a bloodthirsty expression on his face, and the towering devil horns on his head symbolized his identity as a user of the Mythical Beast Devil Fruit.

"Haha, let's do it!"

A sinister red light flashed in Saint Dobrachi's eyes.

Their boasting words fell into the ears of a pale-faced member of the Knights of God, causing him to sneer secretly.

"Hmph, I admit that you are the strongest here, but who can be faster than me, Atla, in terms of killing people!"

Saint Atla spread out his right hand, and a cluster of blood floated strangely on it.

On the other side, inside the navy warship Yixiao.

The sound of dice throwing, the sound of losing money, and the sound of winning money came one after another.

"Good luck, good luck, I won again by accident!"

Fujitora Yixiao opened his big round eyes and bowed to the vice admirals in front of him.

At this time, he had just finished the boring and long training, and obtained the powerful gravity fruit.

Although he witnessed some of the ugliness in the world, he yearned for the justice of the navy and had certain fantasies about the world government.

"Ah? The admiral bowed to me, how can I be worthy of this!"

Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan waved his hand quickly, signaling Yixiao not to do this.

"There are only opponents at the gambling table, there is no need to address each other by official titles."

Yixiao stuffed a lot of money into his pocket, with a smile on his face.

It can be seen that Fujitora, who is not blind, has a very optimistic and generous personality, and the cultivation of respecting people is engraved in his bones.

The ordinary officers who were watching on the side saw this scene and talked about it.

"I really didn't expect Admiral Fujitora to be so down-to-earth and not at all arrogant."

"That's right, but why does Admiral Fujitora look like a gambler?"

"His sword is the Supreme Great Sword Twelve Works, known as the Gambler's Fire Line, of course he is a gambler!"


These naval officers burst into hearty laughter.

"Everyone is in a good mood. I wonder if we can find the missing Celestial Dragon during this trip to the Kingdom of Solbe. I hope the Celestial Dragon will not make things difficult for the Kingdom of Solbe."

Poor Fujitora Ichisho is still being kept in the dark by the World Government, and he doesn't know what he is about to face.

The Kingdom of Solbe is right in front of him, and CP Agents come to the Ichisho.

"Admiral Fujitora, the Celestial Dragons asked you to lead the navy to guard here. Don't let a fly in, otherwise you will be held accountable."

"Why don't you let our navy go with you?"

Ichisho asked puzzledly with his big round eyes.

"You don't need to know this. I'm just a servant who passes on the message. Just do your job well."

After that, CP Agents left the Ichisho and boarded the island with the twelve members of the Knights of God.

In the palace of the Kingdom of Solbe,

A man in armor rushed in in a panic.

"Report to Her Majesty the Queen, a group of CP agents are asking us for the missing Celestial Dragons."

"Celestial Dragons? How could a Celestial Dragon be lost here...


Ginny frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly her eyes widened.

"Go and ask the Beast Pirates!"

"I'll notify General Big Bear and the Kingdom Guards to prepare to meet the enemy!"

Ginny stood up from the throne with excitement, announcing with the awareness of death.

When they were in the Valley of Gods, she and Big Bear were just slaves, and they left when they left.

Now she is the queen of the Kingdom of Solbe, with millions of people behind her. She must fight hard and hold on until the reinforcements of the Beast Pirates arrive.

"Yes!" The armored man also saw the urgency of the situation and retreated in a hurry.

When Ginny, Big Bear and his party led the Kingdom Guards to the border of the kingdom, the bloody bodies of residents were shocking.

Ginny was so angry that she was shaking all over, and Big Bear was even more gloomy.

"Huo, aren't these the two insect slaves from that year? "

"Twenty years have passed, and I didn't expect that you would become the queen of the Kingdom of Solbe. Your good days are coming to an end."

Saint Tosia, holding a long sickle, suddenly appeared in front of Ginny and her group, licking her lips with a ferocious expression.

The other members of the Knights of God also saw this large number of targets, and swarmed in like mold smelling oil.

"Come on, hunt to your heart's content!"

At this moment, Saint Atlas's originally pale face turned rosy, and he came to the middle of the Kingdom Guards in an instant, dancing a bloody waltz.

A large number of soldiers fell down like cutting wheat straw, and the blood ball in Saint Atlas's hand became bigger and bigger.

"It's so easy for the Blood-Blood Fruit ability user to crush this group of ants who don't know how to use Armament Haki!"

"We can't fall behind, let's go together! "

Saint Dobrashi waved the sword in his hand, and the scarlet sword energy tore the earth and shattered everything in sight. Streams of blood shot up into the sky, and hundreds of lives were harvested and slaughtered.

"Damn it, don't hurt my companions!"

"Bear Paw Impact!"

The big bear roared, and huge bear paw bubbles emerged from the palm of his hand, slapping the Knights of God with the power of destroying the world.

"That Bakania slave didn't run away when he saw us, but dared to resist. Is it true?"

Saint Tosia, holding a sickle, was stunned in place, and his body collided with the destructive force of "Bear Paw Impact".


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Saint Tosia paid a painful price for his arrogance of underestimating the enemy.

If it weren't for the body blessed by the fantasy beast species, he would have been dead or disabled.

"He now has the power to compete with us, let's kill him first! "

Saint Atla reacted the fastest and instigated everyone to besiege the big bear.

Just when the situation was critical, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Ice Time!"

The weak members of the Knights of God had no time to react and were frozen into ice sculptures on the spot.


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