The fire law is naturally yang, and Luosha asked Ye Qingzhou to help her with the fire law in order to neutralize the power of the Taiyin Yin law with this fiery characteristic. But what Ye Qingzhou said was also correct. The surging Taiyin power in her body still could not be calmed down, but was suppressed by external forces. If it lasted for a long time, I am afraid it would still be out of control.

However, Luosha had never touched the fire law before. Let alone completely controlling it, it was not easy to feel some of the power in it.

"I have a method..." Ye Qingzhou paused and spoke frankly.

The Rakshasa woman was like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, and asked hurriedly: "What method?"

"Well, I practiced a Buddhist secret technique many years ago, called "Nirvana Sutra", which can help you cultivate the law of the Great Dao of Fire in a short period of time, but..." Ye Qingzhou had no idea of ​​taking advantage of others' misfortune, but at this juncture, he could only think of this one way. As for how to choose, it depends on the Rakshasa woman herself.

"Why are you so fussy today?!"

The Rakshasa woman saw Ye Qingzhou hesitating and frowned anxiously. The next moment, she felt a pair of warm palms holding her delicate hands. The two of them communicated with each other and their minds merged. The emergency method mentioned by Ye Qingzhou, the Rakshasa woman also understood it in an instant.

Suddenly, her expression became a little more unnatural.

No matter how generous and free-spirited she is, she is still a woman after all. The Nirvana Sutra is a dual cultivation technique for men and women. When the Rakshasa woman thought of some scenes, she blushed and her heart beat fast, but when she thought about the object being Ye Qingzhou, a human man, she found that she had no rejection at all, and even had some expectations.

‘Forget it, since the trip to Huoyan Mountain, he helped me out of righteousness, and I already owed him a favor. Now that I am in trouble again, he is still willing to help me without reservation. I am afraid that it will be difficult to find another person who is so sincere to me in the world...’ The Rakshasa woman was in a lot of thoughts, but in fact, she had already opened her heart to emotions, and her emotions moved at will. All her words were just reasons to convince herself.

Lion Camel Ridge.

The Bull Demon King, the Nine-headed Insect, and the Black Wind King rode the cloud to the sky above this place.

The patrolling demon below saw it, hurriedly asked about the origin, and then went to the cave to report.

The Bull Demon King casually asked: "Brother Black Wind, you have a big family in the Southern Continent. Have you ever married a few wives and had children?"

The Black Wind King shook his head: "Since I am here to cultivate the truth and seek the truth, I don't want to think about love affairs."

The Nine-headed Insect smiled when he heard this: "Brother Black Wind has a firm heart, but in my opinion, the seven emotions and six desires are the true nature, why should we restrain them?"

The Black Wind King was at a loss.


I didn't restrain myself either!


The Bull Demon King couldn't help laughing when he saw this. He saw that the Black Wind King was not interested in matters between men and women at all. He turned to the Nine-headed Insect and said, "Nine-headed Insect, you have been in Bi Bo Tan for more than ten years. Have you won the favor of the little Princess Wan Sheng?"

The Nine-headed Insect looked a little embarrassed and said, "Hmph, the person I like can only be me!"

"Bull Demon King, you have a big family in Xiniu Hezhou. Do you have a fairy in mind to be your good wife?"

The Bull Demon King heard this, his eyes flickered, and he was stunned for a moment, then said, "My old cow's wife must be smart, capable, gentle and beautiful. If I like someone, I will just tie her up and take her back to the cave. It's a done deal. I won't be as useless as you!"



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