The more he fought, the more he fought.

Just one axe, and the count was increased by 100 times. This deal is obviously very cost-effective.

However, Ye Qingzhou didn't have time to be happy at this moment. Instead, he was concentrating, holding the axe handle tightly with both hands, staring at the wolf demon in front of him.

This was his first battle, and it was a battle between the weak and the strong, across realms.

From the collision just now, it can be seen that the strength of this iron-backed wolf is not weaker than him, and it may even be stronger.

Moreover, in the realm of refining qi into spirit, the spiritual wisdom is opened, and it is also very cunning. Just now, the wolf demon felt the sharpness of the bright silver Xuanhua axe and paused in time. Although it was injured, it also avoided fatal damage.

If the axe hits the neck, the Ironback Wolf will surely die.

Ye Qingzhou's only advantage is that he has weapons, and more than one!

"The history books are true. The biggest difference between humans and animals is whether they can use tools."

"Although this Ironback Wolf is a monster, it is still a beast on all fours... Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Ye Qingzhou quickly adjusted his mentality and prepared for a life-and-death struggle.


The Ironback Wolf seemed to be very impatient, and his body suddenly rushed out and pounced on Ye Qingzhou again.

In its eyes, the watery human cub in front of it was like the most delicious magic medicine in the world, and the rich fragrance made it crazy.

And after eating it, there will definitely be indescribable great benefits.


Ye Qingzhou shouted angrily, but his voice was full of milk. He was not slow at all, swinging the axe in an orderly manner, as if he had already possessed some of the charm of the giant axe technique, and easily resolved the wolf monster's attack.

Just like reciting the formula silently before, every time he recited it, he would inhale and exhale the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

This swinging of the axe is also, every swing is actually practicing the axe technique, although it has not yet been fully developed, but it also has considerable power.

Although there is a gap in realm, this battle is evenly matched.

[Swinging an axe and hitting the target in battle, twice the result with half the effort, +100 times]

[Swinging an axe and hitting the target in battle, twice the result with half the effort, +100 times]

[Swinging an axe and hitting the target in battle, twice the result with half the effort, +100 times...]

The prompts kept popping up, and Ye Qingzhou's response became more and more calm. After dozens of rounds, he was sweating all over, and the number of swings increased by more than 40,000 times.

His axe skills became more and more proficient, and every attack of the Ironback Wolf was easily resolved.

"Roar!" The beast was still unwilling to give up and flew over again.

Ye Qingzhou swung an axe, and the wolf demon dodged awkwardly and had its tail cut off.

But at the same time, it also bullied forward, with a fierce look in its eyes, and its claws stabbed at Ye Qingzhou's wrist.

Beasts have strong hunting instincts and experience.

As a hundred-year-old wolf demon, the Ironback Wolf also has a certain amount of wisdom.

It is quite familiar with many vital points around the human body. This claw attacked the artery on Ye Qingzhou's wrist!

This artery was cut, and as long as he continued to fight, he would bleed and die.

"Awoo!" The next moment, the wolf demon let out a shrill scream, with a blank look in its eyes, and its body lost balance and fell on the snow. When it lowered its head, it saw that its forelimbs seemed to be torn off, and its fur, flesh, tendons and bones were all broken.

Bleeding continued, and its vitality was seriously damaged.

The broken wolf leg was in Ye Qingzhou's Hongmeng space.

With Ye Qingzhou's current strength, at most he could force a fish into the Hongmeng space.

As for other creatures with resistance, it was almost impossible. Not to mention the wolf demon, even an ordinary wild wolf would be difficult for him to plunder into the Hongmeng space.

He just opened an entrance and waited for it.

The wolf claw fell on his palm and naturally extended into the Hongmeng space.

It was like actively reaching into a guillotine, of course there was no way back.

The power of space was triggered under Ye Qingzhou's control, and the forelimbs of the Ironback Wolf were instantly torn apart!

"Huh... evil beast, I will enforce justice on behalf of heaven today!"

Ye Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief, but remained cautious.

Holding the bright silver Xuanhua axe, the moves were dense and continuous.

The Ironback Wolf was already in despair, but it had a broken leg and had no hope of escaping.

Its injuries continued to increase, and the blood dyed the earth red, and finally fell down powerlessly.

[Swinging an axe and killing the target in battle will achieve twice the result with half the effort, the number of times +10000]

[The current number of swinging an axe is 10998

7 times, 891013 times remaining]

[Successfully exterminated evil, you gained a trace of merit, you gained a trace of Hongmeng Qi]

[Your cultivation has improved, reaching the realm of refining qi into spirit (early stage)]

[The current number of exterminating evil is 1, and the remaining number of exterminating evil is 999 times]

Ye Qingzhou stood in place, only to feel the heat in his palm, and a trace of Hongmeng Qi entered his body.

This trace of breath showed a faint purple meaning, which was completely different from the ordinary spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

After being refined, the true qi in the sea of ​​qi surged, and it actually made his realm break through directly and came to the early stage of refining qi into spirit!

The sea of ​​consciousness was opened up, the spirit was clear, and a wisp of divine consciousness was born.

Divine consciousness is the biggest sign of entering the realm of refining qi into spirit, and it is an extension of the five senses.

In Taoist cultivation, it is called "Dharma Eye", and in Buddhism, it is called "Heart Eye".

As the name suggests, it is like opening a special eye that can see any movement around.

"This old wolf is running around, it scared me to death!"

Ye Qingzhou opened his eyes, but his mood was a little solemn.

Although he gained many benefits from completing the first kill this time.

However, he also experienced a life-and-death danger. The Ironback Wolf has the strength to kill him.

"Although there is a warning from the Hongmeng Pearl, we still need to be more cautious."

Ye Qingzhou is definitely not a person who lives in seclusion, but he is not a playboy. He even has such a comfortable cultivation environment, but in fact, it is all thanks to his sister-in-law Bai Suzhen, the earth fairy.

But his sister-in-law might leave at any time, and he needs to have enough survival awareness.


Bai Suzhen rode the wind and returned to the hut.

Sitting on the bed, thinking of the scenes she just saw, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but reveal deep surprise.

On weekdays, she couldn't see Ye Qingzhou's details at all, but in the battle just now, many things were exposed.

"When did Erlang become so powerful?"

"He is only six years old. After killing the Ironback Wolf, he has reached the realm of Qi Refining and God Transformation."

"And his axe skills... This is definitely not due to his physique."

Practicing to the state of Qi Refining and God Transformation at the age of six, such a speed is simply shocking.

Bai Suzhen is a demon. It took her more than a hundred years to practice to the state of Qi Refining and God Transformation.

There is no comparison with Ye Qingzhou.

"Where did Erlang's practice method come from?"

"To be able to train such an effect, his master must be extraordinary..."

"But why doesn't the other party show up to see me? What is the plan?"

Bai Suzhen was confused and worried.

She was afraid that Ye Qingzhou's "master" had some hidden purpose, otherwise why would he hide his head and tail and dare not see anyone?

"Sister-in-law, I'm back!"

In the courtyard, Ye Qingzhou called in a baby voice.



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