The ring is like brass, round and smooth, and can be worn on a person's head. The two venerables Ananda and Kasyapa came from afar to present a treasure, and such a head ring with the symbol of "Buddha's son" must have made countless ascetics ecstatic. Ye Qingzhou's face was normal, but there was a bit of solemnity and anger hidden in the depths of his pupils. His palms were cold and hot, and Hongmengzhu had already seen through the details of the treasure in front of him. [Ring, acquired magic weapon, fairy-level top grade. This treasure will take root in the flesh. When worn on the head, it will grow into one with the flesh and blood. Unless there is a spell to lift the ban, it can never be taken off. If the "receive precepts" spell is recited, the ring will tighten, causing the wearer to have a splitting headache and live a life worse than death (it can only deal with creatures below Taiyi Sanxian)]

It is only a magic weapon of the upper grade of the immortal level, several levels weaker than Ye Qingzhou's Immortal Axe, but its power makes Ye Qingzhou feel terrified.

Obviously, this ring of receiving precepts is similar to the three hoops of tight, gold, and forbidden in the hands of the Buddha. With the spell, even the Monkey King who made a riot in the Heavenly Palace had to bow his head. To put it bluntly, it was like a dog, being driven and insulted at will by Tang Seng, a mortal body.

Those three hoops can even control the demon king-level characters such as Sun Wukong, the Black Wind King, and the Holy Infant King Red Boy, while the ring of receiving precepts in front of him has limited power, but it can also control the highest level of golden immortals.

Ye Qingzhou is indeed not opposed to finding a backer, but he knows that this thing must not be worn unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise he will completely lose the ability to resist. Even if it is a random person in Lingshan, as long as he knows the spell, he can humiliate him at will.

But... Ananda and Kasyapa in front of him are working for the Buddha, how can he refuse?

Ye Qingzhou was not panicked. He had considered this matter before he dared to refine the Buddha's bone relics. He spoke loudly, and his voice echoed between heaven and earth: "My name is Ye Qingzhou. I am cultivating immortals and visiting the Tao. I am lucky to comprehend the Buddha's relics here. Now I have become a small Dharma, which is insignificant, but I care about the people and are willing to practice asceticism in the world and save people. Thank you for the title of "Buddha's Son" given by the Buddha, but my practice is still shallow, and I am ashamed to accept it. I dare not agree. Take me to save all the people in the world and go to Lingshan step by step. Then I will pay homage to the Buddha."

The voice was kind and loud, as if the holy spirit appeared and the Buddha came to the world. The name "Ye Qingzhou" was heard by all the people, and immediately caused a commotion. Countless people knelt on the ground devoutly, grateful and shed tears.

"It's revealed! The Buddha has revealed himself!"

"Ye Qingzhou? So you're a cultivator..."

"Great! Now there's another living Bodhisattva in the world!"

"Look! The real Buddha has revealed himself!"

"As expected of the Buddha, he looks so majestic!"

Amid the shouts of the crowd, Ye Qingzhou stepped out of the pagoda, with a Buddha bone relic on his head and the light of merit behind him. The Buddha statue reflected between heaven and earth also revealed its true appearance at this moment, allowing the people to see it clearly.

"My name and my appearance have already spread among the people. Even Tathagata would not force me to do this... After all, my current value is not high. Why would a great Buddha tear his face with a small person like me?"

This was Ye Qingzhou's first plan. He borrowed the name of "Buddha's Son" given by Ananda and Kasyapa, and simply established a name among the people. The people knelt down, and a trace of warm power came from all directions and was injected into Ye Qingzhou's body.

Is this... the power of faith?

Ye Qingzhou's heart moved, and he sensed the golden light of merit behind him, which seemed to be getting brighter.

Inside the pagoda, Ananda, Kasyapa, and Venerable Bai Xiong all looked grimly, looking at Ye Qingzhou who was enjoying the merit of the people with unfriendly eyes.

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