Jiang Ling himself also knew that since he could make the Spirit Void Zi so confident in the large array, presumably this so-called “Spirit Ruins Return Hidden Array” was still somewhat powerful.

However, Jiang Ling is not afraid of these, and he should try the means.

“Good! Then I’ll give it a try, and then you won’t regret it! ”

“No remorse!” Lingfuzi said with conviction.

“That’ll do! Where is your hidden array? I’ll go back! ”

After receiving the guidance of Ling Qizi, Jiang Ling flew towards the front.

Something strange happened, when Jiang Ling was still flying in the air, his body suddenly disappeared, and the moment it disappeared, the air fluctuated like a wave of water for a moment.

Jiang Ling had already entered the Spirit Ruins Retreat Formation.


When he saw that Jiang Ling had entered the Spirit Ruins Retreat Array, the corners of Ling Qiuzi’s mouth couldn’t help but smile faintly.

It’s just that this smile gives people a vicious feeling no matter how you look at it.

“A youkai is a youkai!” Lingfuzi shook his head.

“Yes, or the master has the means, and he killed that demon monkey in a few words!” A boy Taoist priest came to Lingfuzi and praised it.

“That demon monkey has some strength, I’m afraid that if you enter the Spirit Ruins Retreat Array, you won’t be able to die all of a sudden, but… Sooner or later he will die! Lingfuzi sneered.

“Exactly! Since ancient times, no one has been able to come out of the Master’s Spirit Ruins Retreat Array! Another boy Taoist priest said with a smile.

The Spirit Ruins Hidden Array set up by Ling Void Zi in the valley is indeed very strange, this formation contains the endless efforts of Ling Void Zi, containing the Xuanhuang Bagua Way, which is extremely dangerous, I don’t know how many cultivators and monsters are buried in it.

This is also the smartest point of Lingfuzi.

When Jiang Ling fought with the Dao Tong under his disciple, he had already discovered that Jiang Ling did have some means, and if he forcibly dealt with him, he would inevitably work hard, so Ling Huangzi designed to trick Jiang Ling into the Spirit Ruins Hidden Formation, so he didn’t bother to do it himself.

“It’s about to dawn, so let’s do your homework here, and if there is no movement after the hour, you can get busy with yourself.” Ling Huangzi said to the two Daoists.

After dropping these words, Ling Huangzi floated away directly, and disappeared at the mouth of the valley in an instant.

The Spirit Ruins return to the Hidden Array.

After entering this formation, Jiang Ling knew the power of this formation.

As soon as he entered the formation, he felt a whirlwind, as if the entire formation was rotating irregularly.

Not only that, countless white qi waves were filled everywhere in the Hidden Array, and these qi waves were even more difficult than the dense fog in the Hidden Mist Array that Jiang Ling had encountered before.

Because the qi waves themselves have a certain spiritual sense, they will quickly discover the life breath in the formation, and constantly change the formation around the life breath, which is unpredictable, so that it is difficult for the living beings to leave the large array.

All this is irregular.

“This formation is somewhat powerful.” Jiang Ling couldn’t help but rub his somewhat dizzy head and said.

He gradually began to operate the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Determination, and under the operation of the strong internal strength heart method, his head would not look so uncomfortable.

Immediately, Jiang Ling looked around, ready to see how to crack this so-called Spirit Ruins Hidden Array.

Hoo hoo hoo –

At this moment, countless streamers from all directions quickly broke through the qi waves, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of Jiang Ling.

Streamer flashing!

Bang! Bang! Bang……

Jiang Ling squinted, of course he also knew that there was something wrong with these streamers themselves, so he was not careless.

The six reincarnation fists continued to bombard out rapidly, directly forming a dense fist qi shield, and resisted the impact from the streamer.

Hoo hoo hoo –

But soon, Jiang Ling found that these streamers were simply surging out from all directions!

Just as Jiang Ling resisted the impact streamer on one side, the rest of the multi-sided streamers were constantly surging, and there was nowhere to escape in the sky and on the ground, as if it was some kind of desperate killing array!


At this time, Jiang Ling also gradually saw the power of the Spirit Ruins Hidden Array, so he saw that his whole person directly used the three-headed and six-armed technique, and frantically resisted the streamers from all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang……

For a moment, the picture seemed to be stuck in some kind of dead loop.

“No, if I continue to toss like this, it will definitely be me who will suffer in the end.” While resisting the impact of the formation streamer, Jiang Ling muttered in his heart.

Obviously, the large array in the valley of the Spirit Market Return Hidden Array is obviously common to the Spirit Gathering Array outside, which means that there will be a steady stream of spiritual energy input into the Spirit Market Return Hidden Array.

As long as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around the Spirit Market Valley is endless, the spiritual energy of the formation of the Spirit Market Hidden Array will not be exhausted, and these so-called spiritual energy rays will not stop.

Jiang Ling can’t afford to spend it here.

While resisting these stormy auras, Jiang Ling was thinking about how to crack and leave.

Now the biggest problem for Jiang Ling is that his understanding of the formation is still not thorough enough, so Jiang Ling is not defending in place, only seeing him constantly moving across the formation and groping for the situation of the Spirit Ruins Hidden Formation.

Soon, Jiang Ling already knew the mystery of the Spirit Ruins Hidden Array.

This large array is actually a “small cave heaven”, although it is in the Spirit Market Valley, but it can continuously extend or shrink the size of this cave sky with the help of spiritual energy.

Therefore, if you want to break through the Spirit Ruins and return to the hidden formation and leave this side, you still need to consider the degree of Spiritual Qi abundant inside and the space where the formation can actually extend.

When he thought of this, Jiang Ling’s mouth couldn’t help but have a smile cross, and he couldn’t trap him from the beginning of the Spirit Ruins Hidden Array.

Even if he couldn’t do anything in the end, he could still calmly leave with the use of the Immortal Killing Sword.

Lingfuzi, he simply lost!


Seventy-two changes!

In an instant, he only saw a faint white light surging out of Jiang Ling’s body, followed by dozens of identical doppelgangers rushing out from his body and scattering around.

It is the art of doppelgänger in the seventy-two changes.

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