
Pan Wuji, who was carrying rolling thunder and lightning, rushed in front of Jiang Ling again.

Thor’s Trick!


With Pan Wuji’s sharp wave of his palm, an extremely thick thunderbolt quickly slammed into Jiang Ling’s face.

Jiang Ling was also not polite, and directly cast the Star Refining Demon Slashing Knife for the knife, and fell heavily with a black blade.

“Gee, this monkey is also a little powerful!” The Bull Demon King was amazed, and his eyes had already rolled drippingly.

Jiang Ling, who was fighting fiercely with Pan Wuji in the sky, did not know this, he constantly used fists, palms, claws and other moves to fight against Pan Wuji, and the two were simply inseparable for a while.


Jiang Ling’s heart couldn’t help but feel a little restless, and under his deliberate urging, he only saw that the power of crimson bloodlines was constantly flowing in his blood, and was injected into his limbs.


Jiang Ling was instantly wrapped in a red aura, and the whole person seemed to be even more crazy.

The Battle Saint Ape bloodline has been activated!

Jiang Ling’s offensive and strength that activated the power of the bloodline of the Fighting Saint Ape couldn’t help but surge, only to see him frantically rushing towards Pan Wuji in front of him, and there was surging power between each punch.

“How could this demon monkey…”

Pan Wuji was shocked in his heart, and in the face of Jiang Ling’s attack, the whole person was even faster and more quickly parried.

However, it could be seen that in the hands of Jiang Ling, who had displayed the power of the bloodline of the Battle Saint Ape, Pan Wuji’s parry became more and more weak.

“You’re looking for death!”

Pan Wuji’s eyes couldn’t help but become flustered and crazy, and the truth is that when you are threatened with death, you will also become crazy.

Buzz –

I only saw that the purple flying sword that had been under Pan Wuji’s feet suddenly buzzed and continued to grow.

In the end, the purple flying sword even became the size of a mountain.

This is the immortal sword purple electricity that Pan Wuji has refined with countless essence blood and mental power, and the purple electricity is extremely powerful, but almost everything that comes out is murderous!


Pan Wuji snorted.

For a moment, I only saw that the sky changed color, the wind and clouds were surging, and countless clouds quickly surged towards them, and finally surged out one after another thunder and light snakes.


Countless thunderbolts were channeled into the Purple Electric Immortal Sword.


A trace of fierceness flashed in Pan Wuji’s eyes, and then he saw his whole person quickly pinching the magic technique, and the fairy sword purple electricity couldn’t help but fall fiercely, pointing directly in the direction of Jiang Ling.


Jiang Ling didn’t care about this, his whole person clenched his fists fiercely, not only did not hide, but also quickly greeted him.

Under the surge of bloodline power, Jiang Ling was like a fiery red meteorite, and the momentum was terrifying.


Only to hear the roar, the entire sky seemed to burst with it, and countless aura explosions raged on, making you feel extremely shocked!

Buzz –

With another sharp roar, the purple electric immortal sword of Pan Wuji continued to swirl in the sky, and it was even shaken into the rolling clouds.


Thunder and lightning constantly make a rushing and whistling sound, and appear more densely in the sky.

Among the purple and blue thunderbolts, a fiery red flame appeared very conspicuous.

All eyes are on it.

It was Jiang Ling!

I only saw Jiang Ling frantically swept around, and the next moment he rushed into the clouds, directly smashing with the purple electric immortal sword.

Pan Wuji was also preoccupied with the Purple Electric Immortal Sword and Jiang Ling at this time, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

Bang! Bang! Bang……

Thunder and flames are constantly staggered and smashed, making everything in front of them seem psychedelic.

Pan Wuji’s brows furrowed, and beads of sweat fell down his forehead.

No one could think of what kind of pressure Pan Wuji was under at this time.

He could clearly sense that Jiang Ling’s physical mortal fetus seemed to be filled with a steady stream of power, and even as the battle became more intense, the pressure on Pan Wuji was increasing.

“What a surging power this demon monkey really has!”

Pan Wuji’s heart was like the sea in the howling wind, and it could not be calmed down for a moment.

At first, I thought that even if Jiang Ling’s strength was strong, it would be difficult to shake him, not to mention that there were so many cultivators, where did he think that when Jiang Ling gradually burst out his power, even he, a personal disciple of Zhenyuan Daxian, would be difficult to wipe him out!

“It’s kind of interesting, I like the strength of this monkey.” The Bull Demon King stood on the side and stared at Jiang Ling in the sky at the same time, and the corners of his mouth even rose slightly, outlining a faint arc.


At this moment, the painting style in the sky changed dramatically.

Jiang Ling smashed down with a punch, and immediately sent the Purple Electric Immortal Sword towards Pan Wuji at an extremely fast speed.


Pan Wuji retracted sharply, and then followed by holding the purple lightning, and his whole person secretly dissolved the dark energy on the immortal sword, and continued to rush towards Jiang Ling in front of him!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, the two people in the sky were once again inextricably killed.

The cultivators on the side all looked at the sky with wide eyes, of course, they hoped in their hearts that Pan Wuji could solve Jiang Ling, but the scene they expected never happened.

Jiang Ling’s eyes couldn’t help but show a hint of domineering, and he couldn’t help but quickly run the spiritual energy in his body.

Great seal of mountains and rivers!

This is the fourth form in the Battle Saint Law, and as the Great Seal of the Mountains and Rivers struck out, countless unparalleled coercion surged out of the sky!

The power of the mountains and rivers is incomparable, as if everything in front of it is about to collapse.

Pan Wuji’s eyes were cold, and the whole person quickly rushed over, trying to break through Jiang Ling’s mountain and river seal.


A violent roar erupted again in the sky.

In the midst of thousands of coercion and thunder, Jiang Ling and Pan Wuji’s bodies were already rapidly stirring together.

Bang! Bang! Bang……


In the end, I only saw that Pan Wuji was not stunned, and suddenly vomited out a mouthful of blood, and countless streams of air continued to surge in his body, as if he wanted to break through his body and completely annihilate everything in front of him!

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