The Tianshi Gate is located in the Chiyan Mountain, which is a low mountain hundreds of meters high and has a light red color throughout, and the foundation of the Tianshi Gate is in this Chiyan Mountain where karst caves are continuously opened and its own cave house is formed.

Through the gazes of Jiang Ling and Xiao Qi, he could see that many Heavenly Master Sect disciples in the Heavenly Master Gate were walking in and out, as if they were dealing with something.

Jiang Ling knew that what happened in the palace of the Bhikkhu Kingdom during the day today was already known to everyone in the Heavenly Master’s Gate.

After colluding with the fox spirit and deceiving the king of the bhikkhu country, and even almost killing a country, if the king of the bhikkhu country can swallow this breath, then he is really too dense.

The Heavenly Master Gate has always had a position in the bhikkhu country, and even many people have a good reputation for the disciples of the Heavenly Master Sect, so of course, the king of the bhikkhu country will not stir up the crowd at first, and can only negotiate first.

After all, does the existence of a so-called country really mean a lot in the Westward Journey World?

Not really.

Here, the strong are honored.

The king of the bhikkhu kingdom was also worried that if he was in a hurry, the Heavenly Master Gate could destroy the entire bhikkhu kingdom in this Gobi.

In all the worlds of the world, will there be fewer mortals who die innocently?

Most of them fell victim to monks, monsters, and immortals.

When he thought of this, Jiang Ling, who was a person in his previous life, couldn’t help but feel a little sad943.


Jiang Ling glanced at Xiao Qi, and then quickly settled at the door of the Heavenly Master Gate with Xiao Qi.


The disciples of the Heavenly Master Sect couldn’t help but be startled when they saw Jiang Ling and Xiao Qi who suddenly appeared, and then their eyes became vigilant one by one.

“Who are you? Hum! Monster! ”

When they discovered that Jiang Ling was a monkey demon, the faces of the disciples of the Heavenly Master Sect changed abruptly, and one by one they couldn’t help but draw their weapons and magic weapons to surround Jiang Ling and Xiao Qituan.

“It’s best to call some of your masters, elders, or something, otherwise it’s up to you, I really don’t bother to do it.” Jiang Ling muttered, and the whole person said lazily.

“You demon monkey is really talking wildly, really can’t be bullied by our Heavenly Master!”

A disciple of the Heavenly Master Sect led by him snorted coldly, “Let’s go together!” ”

Buzz –

Even when they saw these Heavenly Master Sect disciples, they couldn’t help but quickly dance the weapon magic weapon in their hands, and they all rushed towards Jiang Ling and Xiao Qi.


Jiang Ling rubbed his nose and sneezed sharply.


Suddenly, I only saw a surging and invisible hurricane surging, and directly shocked all the Heavenly Master Sect disciples!




All the Heavenly Master disciples fell to the ground one by one, looking very painful.

“I told you all, I really don’t want to do it.” Jiang Ling shook his head and muttered.

Xiao Qi looked at Zhixiao on the side, and then followed the stride towards the interior of the Heavenly Master Gate.

More and more Heavenly Master Sect disciples surged out from within, as if to intercept Jiang Ling and Xiao Qi in front of them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It’s just that the means of these Heavenly Master Sect disciples are still too low, and even under such circumstances, they still can’t stop Jiang Ling’s steps.

Many Heavenly Master disciples fell at the feet of Jiang Ling and Xiao Qi, and some even died of serious injuries because they could not withstand Jiang Ling’s impact.

For these guys who have no so-called “human nature” at all, Jiang Ling will not be polite.

“Bold demon monkey, actually dare to trespass into my Heavenly Master Gate!”

At this moment, Jiang Ling suddenly heard a loud shout, and then saw that the three figures showed a triangular trend, directly surrounding Jiang Ling and Xiao Qi in the center.

They are the “Three Heroes of the Heavenly Master” of the Heavenly Master Gate, and their status in the Heavenly Master Gate is even lower than that of the Heavenly Master Sect.

“Gee, the three jumping beam clowns actually dare to be so arrogant, I really don’t know what gave you such courage.”

Jiang Ling said with a smile.

Through a sweep of divine sense, Jiang Ling (AJBC) found that the strength of these three heavenly masters was only the Yuan God Realm, and he was not impressed in his heart.

“Find death!”

Hearing Jiang Ling’s mockery, the three Heavenly Masters in front of him were furious, and then one by one, they rushed towards Jiang Ling’s direction at a rapid speed, and the speed seemed extremely fierce.

For a while, I saw countless streamers constantly stirring in this Heavenly Master’s Gate, and one after another extremely powerful looking talismans and spells went in Jiang Ling’s direction.

Speaking of these Heavenly Master’s methods, they were somewhat clear from the methods of Zhang Tianshi that Jiang Ling encountered in Shu Mountain, but obviously, their strength was not even as good as Zhang Tianshi.


Jiang Ling shook violently, and the King of Mount Osu slammed his fist towards the front.

A huge roar sounded, and the surging coercion frantically surged around him.

A Heavenly Master’s eyes widened sharply, and before the whole person could react, his body straightened up and was hit by Jiang Ling’s punch, and he spat out blood and flew out.

Bang! Bang!

The other two Heavenly Masters were not good there, not only were all the magic powers cracked by Jiang Ling in a short period of time, but their bodies also flew quickly and were directly shaken out.

“Formation! Formation! ”

The three Heavenly Masters were obviously shocked by Jiang Ling’s means, and one by one, while forcibly holding back the qi and blood gushing out of their bodies, they shouted at the disciples of the Heavenly Master Sect around them.

The disciples of the Heavenly Master Sect reacted one after another, and one by one, they all used the powerful Heavenly Master Sect Heart Method.

Buzz –

Streams of spiritual energy erupted from their bodies, and quickly condensed to form a strong qi fluid.

Heavenly Master Voldemort Array!

The Heavenly Master Voldemort Formation is somewhat similar to some of the Demon-descending Demon Voldemonic formations in Shushan, but it is definitely not comparable to the latter in terms of power.

“What a waste of time!”

Jiang Ling’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a fierce color, and then he saw his right hand slam into it, and a long black iron rod appeared in his hand.


The dragon swings its tail!

As Jiang Ling swept abruptly, all the disciples of the Heavenly Master Sect had not had time to urge the Heavenly Master Voldemonic Array, and one by one they were blatantly hit by powerful forces, spitting out blood one by one, and flesh and blood flew up.

The Heavenly Master Voldemort Array also followed suit.


At this moment, Jiang Ling rushed up, and suddenly appeared in front of the three heroes of the Heavenly Master.


The eyes of the three Heavenly Masters widened, and the next moment, before they could react in the slightest, Jiang Ling’s black iron rod had already swept through with a surging energy. _

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