“Good! Then come and try it! The nine-headed insect snorted, and was ready to jump away and try it out with Jiang Ling.


Jiang Ling waved his hand at the nine-headed insect, “I said brother insect, you don’t have to be too anxious, or let’s have some more color?” Otherwise, it’s not interesting to just talk, isn’t it? ”

“Good! How do you say to add color heads? ”

“If I lose, I’ll pay you the same high-grade weapon!” Jiang Ling said with a smile.


When they heard the Upper Grade Dao Artifact, the Bull Demon King, the All Saints Dragon King, and the All Saints Princess couldn’t help but sneer.

The Upper Grade Dao Artifact is still extremely precious to the monsters, at least the Bull Demon King and the others have not yet obtained a Upper Grade Dao Weapon.

“What a big hand!”

The nine-headed insect clapped his hands in applause, and his eyes burst out with essence, “In that case, if I lose, I will give you my ~ life.” ”

“Che, what do I want your life for?” Jiang Ling glanced at the nine-headed insect with disdain.

“Then…” The nine-headed insect choked immediately.

To be honest, the nine-headed insect really has nothing to take out as a color head.

“I think it’s better to do this, if you lose, just help me do something in the future.” I haven’t thought about this matter yet, and I’ll talk about it later, in short, it will definitely not kill you. ”

“Okay, in a word!” The nine-headed insect is still very confident in its strength.

“Then come on.” After Jiang Ling said this, he strode directly towards the outside.

The Bull Demon King couldn’t help but glance at the nine-headed insect sadly, and secretly said in his heart, “Righteous brother, don’t blame your brother for not greeting you in advance.” ”

The eyes of the All Saints Dragon King and the All Saints Princess also faintly showed a hint of worry, but now that the nine-headed insect and Jiang Ling had reached an agreement, they didn’t have much to say, so they had to come out and watch the battle.

When they arrived in the outer clearing, Jiang Ling and the nine-headed insect couldn’t help but stand up and face each other, while the Bull Demon King and the All Saints Dragon King and others were watching the battle on the side, surrounded by a lot of small demons, and these little demons continued to shout and cheer.

Buzz –

I only saw countless brilliance flashing, and then a crescent shovel appeared in the hands of the nine-headed insect.

“Attention, I’m coming!” The nine-headed insect shouted at Jiang Ling, and the next moment, he saw that he held the crescent shovel and turned into a stream of light, mixed with countless true qi, and quickly rushed towards Jiang Ling in front of him.

Here it comes!

Seeing the nine-headed insect rushing towards him, Jiang Ling also followed suit and sacrificed his Heaven-Destroying Stick.


In an instant, the Heaven Destroying Stick and the Crescent Shovel were violently staggered together, erupting into a series of impacts.

“Gee, the strength is not bad.” When he felt the power of the nine-headed insect, Jiang Ling couldn’t help but say.

When he fought each other, he could obviously perceive that the strength of these nine-headed insects was indeed above the Bull Demon King, at least it was the same strength as himself in the middle of the Void Realm.

However, although both of them are at the mid-level of the Cave Void Realm, there is also a big gap between them.


Jiang Ling instantly followed and displayed the Eight Nine Xuan Gong Arm Divine Power, and the speed also exploded directly to the extreme.

Bang! Bang! Bang……

With the continuous impact of the two, in the end, even the little demon watching the battle on the side could not see where the two were located.




Where did the little demons usually have the opportunity to see such a wonderful fight, they all raised their weapons and cheered continuously for a while, appearing extremely excited.

The Halloween Dragon King and the Halloween Princess held their breath and stared intently at the battle in front of them.


I only saw that countless True Qi in front of me burst out, and then the nine-headed insect was smashed out violently at an extremely fast speed, and suddenly smashed on the mountain wall, causing the mountain rock to shatter.


The nine-headed insect was immediately angry with Jiang Ling, and he waited for his angry eyes to rush up again.

And Jiang Ling was not ambiguous, holding the Heaven Destroying Stick and constantly suppressing the nine-headed worm, and he himself could also continuously cast other magical skills while using the Heaven Destroying Stick.

Battle Holy Law!

True Dragon Treasure Art!

Kunpeng Treasure Art!


Countless powerful treasures were constantly unleashed by Jiang Ling.


Under everyone’s gaze, I only saw that the nine-headed insect turned into an afterimage again and flew out fiercely, looking very embarrassed.

“This monkey’s strength is really good!”

The All Saints Dragon King squinted, and after seeing Jiang Ling’s series of performances, he couldn’t help but come to such a conclusion.

·0 Ask for flowers0··

As for the All Saints Princess, she couldn’t notice this, her gaze kept falling on her husband’s nine-headed insect, and when she saw the nine-headed insect being beaten out by Jiang Ling one after another, her eyes had countless more worries.

Because the movement on this side was too great, the Iron Fan Princess, who was originally hiding in the room to rest, also walked out of the room, and stood on a high place to watch the fight between Jiang Ling and the nine-headed insect.

When she saw Jiang Ling’s means, the corners of her mouth even showed a happy smile.


The nine-headed insect continued to erupt with billowing True Qi, and the whole person seemed to be crazy, and the crescent shovel in his hand was even more breathy, with surging energy.

……………. 0

“Break it for me!”

Jiang Ling held the Heaven Destroying Stick and slammed it down.

Only a bang was heard, and with the slamming of the Heaven-Destroying Stick, the crescent shovel in the hands of the nine-headed insect was suddenly collapsed, and his whole person also stumbled back several steps under this strong force.

The Great Collapse Technique!


When the nine-headed insect did not react, Jiang Ling couldn’t help but quickly seal, and in an instant, he shattered the void where the nine-headed insect was located.


Under this surging impact, the unsuspecting nine-headed insect was suddenly shocked to the point of spitting out blood, and the whole person was half kneeling on the ground because of detachment.


Another sound.

His crescent shovel landed on the ground and plunged deep into the ground.


When she saw the nine-headed insect being injured by Jiang Ling, the Halloween Princess couldn’t bear it anymore, and immediately flew up to greet him, and came to the nine-headed insect to help him up.

“I’m okay, I can continue!” The nine-headed insect stubbornly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and gritted his teeth and said.

“It’s useless to keep fighting, you’re injured now, can you still be my opponent? And you don’t have to keep fighting at all, no matter how you hit you will lose! Jiang Ling put away the Heaven Destroying Stick.


“Remember your colorful head, you owe me one thing in this life, don’t forget it.” Before that, let me heal my wounds. Jiang Ling clapped his hands, directly pulled out a bottle of healing pills from the Wuji treasure chest, and then strode away from the three. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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