Joy of Life

Vol 5 Chapter 64: Snow on the capital

~ Date: ~09月20日~


From the northeast side of Qingguo Kyoto, which is about four thousand miles away, the more ancient Huanghuang is in the capital, the snow is huge, the goose-like snow is falling down, and the streets and alleys of Beijing are like a layer. Pure white mane blankets, but the snow on the house with the heater can not accumulate, revealing a black dome, the two-phase one is particularly beautiful.

From the gate of the city, you can see the palace built by the mountain. The pure black of the palace is deeper than the black scorpion of the house. The winter trees in the snow and rock are covered with frost and snow, and the waterfall has become weaker. Chengbingxi, the stone path is oblique and clear, and the winter mountain and the Qing Palace are harmoniously integrated into one.

After the summer passed, there were many things happening in Beiqi. The most shocking nature was the fact that the commander of the town and the squadron had caused the adults to be assassinated. When the night’s long guns and horses rushed to the streets, they were still under house arrest, and the court and palace. The attitude in the middle is very clear. After the heavy death, he was immediately charged with countless counts. The Shen family broke down. Only the Miss Shen, who is familiar with the people in Beijing, suddenly disappeared.

The heavy sudden death is an extremely heavy blow to Jin Yiwei. The somewhat weaker Beiqi spy agency was secretly handcuffed by the young emperor. After losing a leading figure in the city, it was even more cowardly. Even the voice of the Queen Mother was much lower.

In the past few months, all the staff of Jinyiwei had some panic in their hearts. No one has taken over the trick. I don’t know what the court will do. Fortunately, the court had finally made a clear intention in the past few days. The son of Changning Houjia, the Hongyi Temple Shaoqing Weihua officially took over the heavy vacant position.

In the past, in the rumors of the Beijing dynasty, the Queen Mother was the director of the Ning Hou. However, it was replaced by the young emperor. Now the sacred purpose is written to let the son of Changning Hou to do it. It is inevitable that some of the arguments are raised. I don’t know the mother and son who are quarreling every day. Is it finally a certain tacit understanding and compromise?

Today, Jin Yiwei regained his spirit and took out the fierceness and hegemony of the year and began to perform new tasks.

More than 100 people dressed in brown official uniforms, surrounded by Xiu Shui Street, let the snow float on their own body.

Xiushui Street is not simple. The shops above have a very deep background. Especially the seven shops in the middle are the royal merchants of Nanqing. The two countries are currently in the honeymoon period. It is reasonable to say that Jinyiwei is self-reorganizing. It should not be troublesome.

However, the development of the situation, beyond everyone's expectations, the shopkeepers along the street stood up. Squatting in the snow, nervously watching Jin Yiwei took the wine owner who surnamed Sheng. The boss’s surname, Huai Ren, is one of the leaders of Nanqing Neiku in Shangjing.

The rest of the Boli store held the old door panel and shivered and said: "How dare you catch it?"

The buddy whispered: "It is said that Jingnan has found a large number of goods, and there is no defense document. Even the tax is not available. Jinyiwei touched the line along the line and dug the boss."

The wind and snow are coming. Going around, it seems to be more translucent than the bottle of Boli in the back of the cabinet. He looks worried and looks at the Jinyiwei who gradually withdraws. He is very clear about the smuggling of the inner bank to the north. This is the long-term princess's sale. It is only the North Qi side has always been the default, enjoying the benefits of low prices, how did you suddenly move today?

Among the beautiful palaces in Shangjing, the young emperor was kneeling in the warmth, holding a piece of snack in his hand and feeding it to his mouth. Holding a book in one hand, carefully and carefully, looked at it with great concentration.

The new commander of the town, Fu Shi, made Wei Hua look at him carefully, and after considering it for a long while, he took the courage to interrupt his sorrow and whispered: "Hold a few people... But Cui Jiahe and Xinyang have always helped. The court was very busy, and there was some disappointment on the face, so I told the Queen Mother that those who had identity would eventually let go."

The young emperor did not marry him, but his eyebrows were wrinkled with some disgust, saying: "Women... the benevolence of the people, since they have turned their faces, what old days are they looking at?"

He said here that the Queen Mother is not, Wei Hua naturally does not dare to take the call. The emperor shook his head and his eyes remained on the book. He continued: "But it doesn't matter if you don't catch people, how many pieces have you cut off?"

"A lot." Weihua's eyes shed a hint of excitement. "The news is accurate. The South Barbarian can't think that we will break the rules of the old days, be caught off guard, and ate a lot of losses."

He suddenly thought of certain things, and he still doubted: "This is a bit ridiculous. Fan Fan will have to grab the inner library with Princess Nanqing, and there is no reason to send such a big gift to us, to his strength in Nanqing. It is entirely possible to swallow these goods on their own, without letting them flow to the north."

The emperor still did not look at him, and said coldly: "It is natural to ask for a gift."

"There is no problem with time. According to the news from the South, Fan Xian has moved before us. The Southerners should not suspect that they are joining forces with him. They will only think that they are robbing the fire. Just..." He suddenly Replaying the book in his hand and looking at Weihua with his eyes closed, the warning in his eyes is very clear. He said: "This thing, only five people know in the middle and the middle, I don't want to leak the news for your sake."

Weihua was frightened, bowed to the ground, and made a poisonous oath before saying: "Please rest assured." Although he is the son of Chang Ninghou, he is actually closer to the emperor, this time he is in charge of Jinyiwei. A real power trick, he knows that the emperor gave himself a chance to see if he could not catch it.

“Is the envoy of the Qing State still protesting?” the emperor suddenly asked with interest.

Weihua nodded and smiled bitterly: "The Lin Daren is making a lot of noise in the Hongjun Temple every day. It is not fair for Cui Jiaming. He said that the court did not investigate and forced the detention of Cui's goods and money. It was a misconduct and greatly affected. The friendship between the two countries."

The emperor shouted: "What is Cui Jia? It is the biggest smuggler in Qingguo! You can help Nanbanzi to discipline his subjects. They don't come to thank you, but they also complain. These Nanbanzis really are the guys who don't know the number of gifts."

Weihua smiled bitterly. I want you to help foreign businessmen to manage the goods, you can eat the goods and money in your mouth but refuse to spit out, which can make sense. The Cui family incident, Lin Wen was the emissary envoy of the Qing Dynasty in Beijing. I don’t know the inside story, of course, I have to fight for the people of my own country.

"The most troublesome thing is that the counselor Wang Qiian." Wei Hua suddenly said: "Lin Daren is just in the Hongjun Temple. This Wang Daren is running Taichang Temple every day, asking to enter the palace to see his majesty, saying that Cui is The famous big businessmen in Qingguo, as officials of the Qing State, must safeguard the interests of Cui."

The emperor heard a sigh of relief, and he laughed aloud. He laughed happily. "Interesting, it’s fun. Fan Xian is not only interesting, but his confidant is also like this. It’s obvious that his own master wants to bite the Cui family and let He was so troubled. Not only did he clean up his **** for Fan, but he also smeared it."



However, for the counterpart in the South, Weihua still has some vigilance and can't help but say: "Your Majesty, if... the secret of this matter will be secretly passed back to Nanqing. Let the Emperor Nanqing know the generosity of the country. Passing through, I am afraid that the Thunder will be furious... Maybe he can't get up again."

Negotiations between the two countries in the summer. Let him know that Fan Wen, a gentle and elegant scholar, is so indifferent to his bones that he immediately regarded Fan Leisure as his biggest enemy after he took over the command of Jin Yiwei. He always thought about how to let Fan Xian Unlucky, at this time, thinking of this kind of poison that makes Fan Xian difficult to turn over, can not help but look forward to the emperor.

What disappointed him was... the emperor still just shook his head.

"Looking at the long-term." The emperor said with a sneer: "These goods of Cui's family are already in the border. What is the use of these goods? Is it still worth the money of these businessmen?... ...The court has been dealing with the long princess in the past. Both sides have gotten a lot of benefits... The reason why I have to cooperate with Fan Leisure this time, why don’t you understand?"

The emperor picked up the book on the table and said with a soft voice: "The inner treasury of the Southern Dynasties will soon be surnamed. If you don't have enough confidence to destroy him, then it is better to be polite to him. The people of the country, who are also counting on Fan Tis... continue to send some bargains year after year."

After Wei Hua’s resignation, the emperor’s face seemed to have relaxed a lot in an instant, and he stretched out an indecent lazy waist and made a big yawn. At this time, a beautiful face, a woman wearing a luxurious palace dress, came out and looked at the new command to make the adults leave the direction, squinting, curiously asked: "What are you talking about? Listening like and Fan is concerned."

"The reason is that you are so nervous when you hear the words of Fan You, are you not afraid to be jealous?" The young emperor took her over and smashed into her arms and said in her ear: "Fan Xian In the south, I started to Xinyang, oh... I will cooperate with him in a small place."

It is not a small cooperation. Cui’s line in the north has been completely destroyed, and the stagnant goods and silver are all sealed up by Jinyiwei. One of the big clan, known for its business, has been cut one hand and the other. The hand placed inside the country has long been completely cut off by the embarrassing supervision.

Sylvia ate a smile and said: "Of course it is nervous, Fan Daren is our matchmaker."

The young emperor thought it right, if it wasn’t for Van’s leisure, it’s a “weird idea”, let the uncle’s uncle’s ancestors take care of the disciples, and the rationality of life, wanting to enter the palace, is indeed somewhat troublesome.

"What are you looking at?" Sullivan curiously grabbed the scrolls in the hands of the emperor.

The emperor was in a hurry, and the backhand grabbed it and said: "Fan leisure specially sent to the stone of the cockroach, the latest chapter... all the world is unique, don't break it."

Sylvia smiled brightly and squatted beside him, whispering: "How can you spend your time on Fan's wife?"

The emperor shook his head and said: "The courage of this embarrassment seems to be much bigger than that of the embarrassment. The palace in the south is much more complicated than the ones. Who knows?"

The most expensive river in the northern Qi State is the Yuquan River that squats down from the mountain, half a circle around the palace, and then crosses the ancient city of Shangjing. The more you go upstream, the closer you are to the palace, the quieter you are.

Today's heavy snow, there are hidden ice on the banks of the river, bitter and cold, in the place where you can see the palace black scorpion, the winter trees in the mountains, there is actually a small round child, do not know what kind of identity, can live here With.

A teenager who is about to touch the age of thirteen or four, is doing cool work in this round. Juvenile face is slightly fat, pulling the round stone grinding, biting his teeth and turning the circle, the stone mill makes a creaking sound, but his legs and feet are a little trembling. In this cold winter, the clothes on his body are actually wet by the sweat. I can’t tell the poor.

After a few laps, the boy finally couldn’t stand it. He pushed the handle in his hand and yelled back: "There is no bean! Let me push this empty mill! Can you not afford to buy it!"

The object of his roaring, sitting under the eaves at the moment, lying on the reclining chair with thick braids, the bright and unobtrusive scorpions, looking at the snow fluttering outside, it seems Being ecstatic. Listening to the roar of the boy, she yawned, stood up, crossed her waist, and said lazily: "It’s snowing today, where can I buy beans? As for 驴...Is there not you now? I sold the donkey in a few days. The chickens and ducks in the round are also warm in the winter, and I always need money."

The strange two people in this situation are naturally the ones who have been exiled to the North Qi Dynasty, and the most famous figure in the younger generation of the Northern Qi State: Haishu girl.

The sea otter wore a large cotton-padded jacket, his hands squatting in his pocket, and a flash of smile on the plain face, looking at Fan Sizhen: "Your brother wrote a letter before, let me discipline you."

She didn't say it was okay. As soon as she said this, Fan Sizhen finally got mad. He came to Shangjing for a few days. As a result, he did not do anything. He was caught by the village girl and worked hard. Also sent away by her!

The partiality of this village is high, the martial arts is strong, the mind is spiritual, and I have thought that I have to escape many times, and it has not worked. It is really bitter to live in Beijing. Thinking of this festival, he sighed angrily and said: "Who are you, me? Why do you discipline me?"

Haishu smiled and didn't answer. He just lay down again, his eyes closed slightly, and seemed to fall asleep under the accompaniment of this snow.

Fan Sizhen looked at her and knew that if she didn't obey, she estimated that she didn't even have to eat. She had to hold the handle of Shimo again. She hated her teeth and said: "Long, like a village, I want to marry my brother! Don't think I will recognize you this time!"



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