Joy of Life

Vol 6 Chapter 39: Three thoughts

Chen Pingping certainly didn't believe that the old man knew that the box was in the hand of Miss Ye, but when Miss Ye was killed, she did not use the box, indicating that the box was not in the courtyard, and Chen Pingping was too flat. The detailed investigation conducted by the institute did not reveal the trace of the box.

Such an extraordinary sanctification is naturally impossible to lose.

Then only Wuzhu knows the whereabouts of the box, and Fan Xian gradually grows up and survives in such a sinister environment as Kyoto. If Wuzhu is not in the side of Fan’s leisure because of injury, he will definitely hand over the box to Fan’s leisure. To avoid the danger of coming at any time.

This is Chen Pingping's inference, and his inference is not much different from the facts.

Only he thought wrong, because he and the emperor did not see the box with their own eyes, so they did not know the size and size of the box.

Yes, Fan Xian did carry the box, but the box really couldn’t hide the eyes and ears of the people. When Fan was killed in the valley because of his own intentions, the box didn’t know where the weak water was drifting. With.



Facing the sly eyes of the old blind man, Fan Xian said with a sincere hand, "I really don't know what box."

This secret must be kept, even if the old man can guess what he is, but he can't admit it. Otherwise, if the emperor knows that the box is in his own hands, as a generation of kings, of course, he will not allow a mysterious kill. The master's magic weapon stays with his son.

The emperor will ask for it, so Fan will not recognize it from the beginning.

Chen Pingping shook her head and was too lazy to continue to ask. Know that the little guy always has to keep some magical weapons for himself.

Fan leisure smiled and turned to the topic: "Five Wushu, the inexplicable box, this is two things that you have not calculated, what is the third one?"

Chen Pingping looked at him sarcastically: "The third thing is very simple. I didn't count it. The carriage in the yard can block you for a while. It is not difficult to escape from the snow forest alone. I will be hurt, not to the present field... You have been in the hospital for a long time, of course, know that the master and the assassin are not a real life in the field. I want to kill a master and want to kill an assassin. But it is extremely difficult...but except for the people in the courtyard. But few people know that you are a nine-inspired assassin."

"The so-called did not think, it is not thought that you will be so stupid." Chen Pingping looked a little fire.

Fan Xian whispered, and immediately sneered and said: "You mean that I am going into the snow forest to remove those downtimes? Is this stupid? Even if I can escape... But what about my men? Don't forget. This valley I have killed nearly twenty people in total, I have not slandered you, but you are stupid."

"Cold-blood?" Chen Pingping smiled and smiled at Fan Xian. "You have forgotten. The most needed for our supervision is cold-blooded? Where did your past indifference go?

Fan leisure clenched his fist slightly and whispered: "That is my person."

"It's just your subordinates, you can't bear to sacrifice. What if you let you sacrifice more important people in the future? Your move easily smashes your indifferent appearance, revealing your weakness, this It is so stupid, the strong is not only strong, but also the mind is strong, weakening this kind of emotion, will only let you die in the future without a place of burial." Chen Pingping squinted, the cold light came out.

"That's not cowardly!" Fan Xian retorted without hesitation: "That is what I have to do."

"You can't care too much." Chen Pingping said with a yawn: "You don't have to do too much. I just feel that your mother-in-law will be very happy, and finally know where your life is."

Fan’s heart trembled and felt a bit ugly, and immediately frowned and said: “I only care about the people I care about, how many other people are there... I will die in front of me, I will not move my eyelashes.”

"Your mother cares about everyone in the world." Chen Pingping said with a closed eyes: "In this respect, you are smarter than her, better than her, but it is still not enough. You can only live a few more days than her."

Fan patted the palm of his hand and said softly: "There is nothing to say about these things. Anyway, we all have a long life."

He turned a wheelchair and turned a flower. The front disk was tilted up and turned around Chen Pingping for half a turn.

Looking at this scene, Chen Pingping couldn’t help but smile and said, "Is this fun?"

"It’s very fun." Fan said seriously: "You have been sitting in a wheelchair for so many years, and you don't want to develop some games that are boring, indicating that you are really boring, and you are immersed in a dark world all day long. What does it mean to live like this for a lifetime?"

According to Fan’s thoughts, it is best for Chen Pingping to stay out of the way. In the last few years of his life, he will go to some of the larger hills, take the wonderful scenery of his body, and spend his honeymoon. It’s better to dedicate his life. Giving a boring political conspiracy career.

However, he also knows that for Chen Pingping, calculating these things may not only be a job, but also a kind of enjoyment, an art, so he does not have much to say "after I die." Chen Pingping lifted his to dry Hands, free to wave in the air in this circle, "This round is given to you, these women inside, you want to stay and stay, do not want to stay scattered."

Fan Xian understands that this old man will naturally not be because of the fate of these beautiful people, but he will only get along with each other for years, and there must always be a few feelings, so he nodded naturally.

"How to deal with the Qin family problem?" Fan Xian suddenly asked, although Chen Pingping let himself focus on the overall situation, now do not brighten the knife and gun, but he always needs to give back something.

Chen Pingping shook her head and said: "Everyone wants you to die. The Qin family is not particularly good, and it is not particularly bad. If you move now, it will destroy my overall situation, temporarily endure, and look at how they will be in the future. Funeral, this is a very happy thing in itself."

Fan leisure froze slightly, and there is a lot of helplessness on the good-looking face: "Do you have to endure?"

"You have to learn from your father in this respect." Chen Pingping said with a smile: "The people all over the world are dead. I see your father is still alive... Don't say that this is not the skill, you can survive, it is already The biggest skill."

Fan Xian suddenly looked like a sword, and slowly said: "I am a young man after all. I have to show my attitude in this matter. Otherwise, I will only try to kill me. I always try to kill me. inconvenient."

Chen Pingping looked at him.

Fan Xian did not seem to feel the cold eyes of the old man. He smiled and said: "I will give you face, Qin family, I will not move, I will cover you for help, waiting for the moment of the big bang, but the rest of the people, I always want to kill a few I am accompanying my subordinates."

The wrinkles on Chen Pingping’s face became deeper and sighed: “What is the relationship between other people and the killing of the valley?”

"Don't you say that? All of them want me to die?" Fan said with a smile: "If this is the case, regardless of whether they have anything to do with this fight, I will kill a few Lili, and I must I won't blame me too much."

Chen Pingping shook his head in disapproval: "Yan Xiaoyi has not been inserted into this matter, why should you form a death with him?"

Fan Xian sneered: "Yan Xiaoyi's son? Six months ago, you just said that he has a son who is very powerful. But he did not tell me that Sanshi was also killed by him. He did not tell me that this little brother was staying in the garrison in Kyoto. ""

Chen Pingping silently, he did not have a clear explanation of Fan Xian in this matter. He wanted to come to Fan Fan to check it out with his own strength. He also said that he would not say anything more, but slowly said: "You have to retaliate... It is not convenient to move the old Qin family. Is it ready to kill one?"

"The old Qin family has been pushed to the side of the princess." Fan said unceremoniously: "I cut my mother's mother and let them take some anger for the old Qin family. What's the problem?"

"There is no problem." Chen Pingping said with a sullen voice: "It’s just that you are doing this... some are unreasonable."

Fan leisure laughed. Said: "I am too lazy to meet you, I am too lazy to say anything, don't you know, we are young. Is it customary to be unreasonable?"

The winter in Kyoto is cold. Although it has not reached the coldest days of the year, Qiong Xue has a house, and the jade column cuts the wall. The snow is falling from time to time, and the entire Kyoto is shrouded in the cold. The earth palace and the Zhu wall were wet by the snow, and it looked a bit black.

Just like the change of the color of the Dahong Palace wall, Manchu Wenwu knows. The mood of Emperor Daqing was also a bit gloomy and somewhat dark.

The news of Fan’s assassination has already shaken Kyoto, and everyone has gradually learned the details of the matter. I also guessed that there must be some powerful figures from the military to participate in this matter. Every time I think of the emperor’s most under-armed army, there are problems. The civil and military officials are silently vigilant and dare not speak a few words.

In the next few days, the Xiaochao meeting, in addition to a political affairs. The most talked about is the incident of Fan Xian’s assassination. The investigation was led by the Supervisory Academy and the Dali Temple and the Privy Council have already started. It was only the two hundred people who had been photographed for the first time, but they could not find a clue. The living mouth seized by the Supervisory Hospital was already dying, but it was just a life-threatening. There was no way to ask questions.

In addition to the clues of the five defending cities and clothing, the investigation of the assassination of the imperial adult did not have any progress.

Although the face of the emperor's Majesty is still calm, but the ministers who are fortunate enough to participate in the dynasty, can feel the anger of the underarms and the anger of the underarms, but I don't know when this fire will be sprayed out. Burn these ministers into ashes.

In fact, everyone knows that Xiao Fan’s adult was ordered last year to be the full power of Jiangnan Road, and why he rushed out of Beijing.

That is because the rumors from the North Qi directly exposed the hidden relationship between His Majesty and Xiao Fan, in order to prevent the turmoil in Kyoto, it is also to preserve the face of the royal family, but also to let the Qing dynasty This somewhat embarrassing secret is getting rid of it... His Majesty has banished Xiaofan in disguise to Jiangnan.

But no one thought that Fan spent a bit of Jiangnan, but actually did so many things, rectified the internal library, presided over the tender, and vigorously supported the river industry, not half a year, turning over the **, will plague the treasury of the country for several years The emptiness problem was solved, and at the end, I borrowed the opportunity of returning to the township and the province, and the mouse in Jiaozhou was cleaned up.

The Jiaozhou Navy’s partial party, Libo, had already been sent back to Kyoto, took the confession, and became an iron case, which was punished in the fall. The Kuyin in the south of the Yangtze River has already been transferred back to Kyoto. The imperial court finally has the strength to start overhauling the river embankment, and the disaster relief tax cuts. This pen is the feast of Fan Xi’s celebration of the Qing court.

Ministers are thinking in their hearts that such a character, of course, cannot always stay in Jiangnan, but I am afraid that I will return to Beijing. And Majesty must have thought that after a year, the news was only already weakened. The forces in Kyoto should learn to accept this situation, banish the illegitimate son of Jiangnan, and finally stand upright in the hall.

But no one can think of it, just in the way of Xiao Fan’s return to Beijing, he would be strangled!

This is not only a killing of the imperial concubine, but also a killing of a dragon species, but this matter has already touched the bottom line of the court. If this matter cannot be clearly identified, it can only explain the majesty. The control of Qingguo is far from the same.

Today, in the continuation of the battle for the unification of the unification, this signal is undoubtedly like a blood red in the whale wounds in the sea, enough to attract countless sharks to greedy to eat!

However, the case has always been like a fog in the same group. For a long time, I can't really see what it looks like. If I drag it for a while, I am afraid that under the wrath of the sire, I will give up the punishment of the Tianlei.

The most fearful of the ministers in the middle of the DPRK is the situation. They are worried that their sorrows will be cherished and cherished, and in the absence of evidence, wireless attacks will have no limit, and the matter will be extended. A place that Qingguo can't bear.

"Please think twice!"

A veteran who stood in the queue of civil servants, who was listed under the dragon chair, said with deep pain.


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