Joy of Life

Vol 6 Chapter 176: Send comrades

~ Date: ~09月20日~


Deeply breathing deeply, I immediately forgot you, the world is so beautiful, I will never be violent. The canvassing chapter has been deleted yesterday. At this time, only the monthly ticket is continued. The so-called: sending comrades, pulling the monthly ticket, silently silent two lines of tears, the third is not guaranteed... Friends, please vote for the old cat. )



No matter whether you are afraid or not afraid, things have already happened. Only in the past few years, perhaps the emperor did not want to go with his most admired son, because this matter completely broke, or perhaps the emperor only knew that Fan was in the palace, but did not expect the box to be in the hands of Fan Xian, so he remained silent. It seems that this is a kind of tacit understanding, not to pursue the tacit understanding of that matter, to express a father's connivance of the most beloved son.

Moreover, Fan Xian is really embarrassed about himself. Even when faced with desperate circumstances, he rarely uses the big killer. The only time he uses it, it is still in the untouched original mountain forest, plus the darkness of the Hall of Light. The key is still there, let the emperor guess something wrong.

Fan Fei frowned and fell into meditation. He thought of those snow-like flyers. He thought that he would enter the palace to eavesdrop on the dialogue between the princess and Zhuang Mohan. The heart suddenly disappeared and understood that the emperor must think that he was only for the long princess. Into the palace to eavesdrop on intelligence, not against the key.

But what about the letter? Fan Xian always wonders. Some tired sitting on the couch, silent.

In fact, he was afraid of the emperor's majesty. In addition to the possibility that the box may be exposed, it is also because of another confusion - this is a problem that Fan Fan is currently worried about. Because no matter what he accepts. anyway. The emperor is always one of his oldest, although certainly not the best one.

Yes, there are three flaws in Fan’s heart. Among them, Fan Shangshu is of course the closest relative, and Chen Pingping is a cognac, but the emperor... The figure has gradually invaded his mind.

Chen Pingping’s words interrupted his meditation: “If you can’t say it to the palace. It’s because you are afraid, then you don’t go back to the hospital, don’t come to see me, and why? Don’t say, you will be afraid of me. ”

I looked at the old **** and smiled. Fan Xian sighed in his heart, isn’t it afraid? I am afraid that I will see you after you. I can't help but ask some questions.

Although afraid. But he still asked. Because he has the courage to come, he is naturally prepared, and he does not want to be a poor worm that has been kept in the dark.

"Why did Yan Xiaoyi’s battalion battalion go to Dadongshan? Why is there no intelligence in the supervision institute? Why is the situation in Kyoto so dangerous? To the extent that the officials at Dongshan Road have changed, why is there no slogan? Why don’t you go back to Kyoto? Tossed by the princess and the Queen Mother. Finally, tossing myself to death?"

"This is the plan that my Majesty and I will set. Of course, we must look at the people of the world." Chen Pingping glanced at him indifferently and said: "Do not show weakness first. How can these people jump out."

Fan idled his head and shook his head: "Don't lie to me... I know that you can definitely make a good account of your Majesty afterwards, but only you and I both know that these people are forced to go to the opposite side of the squatting... And you know in your heart. Your next success seems to be a big success. In fact, it is also on the steel cable. It is a little careless. It is the end of the abyss. Since you know it, you must be able to make this game. Better. It’s not going to make Kyoto fall into disuse.”

"Your trust trusts you, I don't mean I believe you." Fan Xian stared at Chen Pingping's old face and said, "This is the squatting ground, but you have been following his board, although it just pushed a little bit." But it is to make the dangers facing the country more than ten times...or even one hundred times. Especially on the Kyoto side, even if you want to get rid of the internal problems, you can’t die so many people... even if you are stunned again, presumably I don't want to see the last situation."

"There are dogs in the world, who is going by?" After a long silence. Chen Pingping said: "It is natural to kill the dog. I am afraid that the next moment will be soft... This explanation, is it?"

"Nowhere." Fan idled two halves in his direction. Holding his thin hand, he said with a deep voice: "Even if the truth is said to be grounded, it will be uncomfortable in the heart of the knees, especially afterwards, it will always be a problem."

"What problems can there be? This is a big plan. I am... just an executor." Chen Pingping naturally took his hand out of Fan’s hands and said indifferently: "You have to think too much, the world is There are not too many complicated things."

“No?” Fan’s heart filled with fear and anger, staring at his eyes and saying, “Then tell me, why do you let the shadows smash in the hanging temple?”

"Why did Qin’s corpse have a wound on the lower back!"

Chen Pingping slowly looked up and frowned at Fan Xian and said: "You went to see the body?"

Fan nodded and said: "I know that it is the shadow of the shot..." After he paused, he said with a smile: "But since I saw it, there is no wound in nature now."

"I didn't expect you to be so careful." Chen Pingping said: "The shadow is shot in the hanging temple. It is indeed my instigation. You can go to the following to report me. But you should know that the shadow has two mysterious identity. No one knows this except you and me. Your Majesty does not know."

Fan Xian said with anger: "Even if you do, you still refuse to say?"

"Say what?"

"Why did Qin Qin’s father betray his majesty?" This is the long princess who asked Fan to ask Chen Pingping before he died. At this time, he finally asked bravely.

"Betrayal never needs a reason." Chen Pingping is as cold as ever.

"You let the shadow kill Qin industry, are you afraid of what I asked from his mouth?"

Chen Pingping sneered, and he was too lazy to answer his words and waved his hand to the guest. Fan stared at him coldly and coldly, and his eyes softened with helplessness. In a pleading tone, "I know that you are afraid of dragging me, so

To be split. But such a big thing... you have to think about yourself. ”

Chen Pingping’s heart was gentle, but there was no performance on his face. He said, “You think more.”

Fan is silent and silent. Although Chen Pingping has refused to admit it, he knows from his own attitude that he guessed that it was against the ground. The Qin family must have participated in the Taiping House. And the reason is betrayal. It is because of their rise.

What kind of characters are Qin’s father, although he is already old, but he knows it well. If you really want to use your leisure, you have to clean up the things in the past - the Qin family will die, so the Qin family will be rebellious, this is the truth, but behind this reason, reveal a bloody. Gloomy facts.

Fan idle stood up. Looking at Chen Pingping's silence for a long while, he said: "After all, it is my cellar, my mother, you have been working for so many years, still think about yourself."

"I have lived for a few years. You also said." Chen Pingping laughed.

Fan Xian looked at him with some bitterness and said: "No one can deal with him."

Chen Pingping silently.

Fan was ready to leave, but suddenly said: "The box is in my hand."

Chen Pingping hurriedly raised his head. But watching this young man has been very determined to get out of the door. I couldn’t help but shake my head, thinking that even if the box is in your hand? This thing can't always drag you in.



I don't know how long it took, a middle-aged man in a uniformed service walked into the room where Chen Pingping was sitting, and sat next to him, where Fan Xian was sitting.

"No one can beat his majesty." The middle-aged man said in harmony: "This is the same idea that An and I have."

This middle-aged person is not someone else. It is Fan’s father. Fan Jian, a student of the Ministry of Housing, did not know when he came to Chen Yuan. It was even more unclear why he and Chen Pingping were so calm and self-speaking--the legend on the officialdom. In the past ten years, Chen Pingping and Fan Jian have always been incompetent. It was not until Fan Yu entered Beijing that the relationship between the two sides gradually improved.

Chen Pingping closed her eyes and said calmly: "The box is in his hand. Do you know?"

Fan Jianwei smiled and said: "This child. Put the box under the bed, I thought it would be able to pass all the people in the world. It is really cute."

Chen Pingping opened his eyes and glanced at him and said, "In your home. Do you still have the ability to help him keep a secret?"

"This ability is still there." Fan Jianping said: "Your Majesty put two nails in my house. One person found it early, and another person died early. Anyway, this nail does not need money, and it will not care."

"Don't care? If you don't care, this Dadongshan sacrifices the sky, he will not bring all the tigers and tigers to the past, and then give the four Gu Jian the madman to cut and play."

Chen Pingping looked at him with a slight sarcasm and said: "You, this person, only a small idea in life, all the strength is placed in those tiger guards, now these tigers are dead, no matter how many people you hide inside, one does not Remaining... It’s really awkward to leave this hand."

"Yeah, I have no strength." Fan Jian smiled bitterly: "So I had to resign and return home."

He looked at Chen Pingping and said with a sneer: "Where are you better than me? Zhengyangmen, you have thousands of people who have died in the supervision of the hospital. After two years, you will be smashed with a few sands. You will follow me. Learn to sue, what else?"

Chen Pingping sneered and said: "As long as Fan is still alive, his majesty will not be dead to the supervision. I am worried about what... It’s Lin Ruoxi’s old fox, for a long time, finally taking advantage of the opportunity, hiding his hand. Everyone gave it to his baby girl, and the result... I was afraid that he was vomiting blood in Zhangzhou at this time."

Fan Jian also laughed and said: "The other people thought that the officials of the forest department followed An Zhili against the prince, and they were rewarded afterwards. However, they did not expect that they would wait to see this scene. The last person who saw Lin Xiangye jumped. It’s coming out, even if it’s not good to do today, but there is still the possibility of turning them over in the future.”

"The foreign enemies have been eliminated, and the arms of our three old guys have been cut in half." Fan Jian sighed: "Your Majesty is really a wise man, and there is a peerless talent in his chest."

"It must be admitted, just as we started following him many years ago." Chen Pingping said with a closed eye, "He used to be. Now, in the future, the most powerful person in the world."



After a sudden silence, Fan Shangshu sighed. Said: "I am hiding in the Jingwang House in Kyoto. It is because I am not worried about the situation in Kyoto. I have seen that Ye Family has a problem, but I did not think that... My Majesty was actually a Grand Master."

"My unfathomable strength. I guessed something." Chen Pingping said indifferently: "I just didn't think of Ye Liuyun's old monster, but suddenly stood on the side of his arm."

"The two of us only guessed one side of the squat, if..." Fan Shangshu suddenly stopped talking.

Chen Pingping knows what the old comrade is ready to say. Calm said: "Nothing. Because after that, you never believed in me, and I never believed in you... but I never thought of the person who should trust the most. Is there something wrong?"

Boast "Anzhi once said a word." Fan Shangshu said: "If I have more trust with each other, maybe things will be much easier... that is, at that time, I know that this son is amazing, we are so embarrassed Strict, he can still guess this thing."

Teng "He is a small leaf and a son who is squatting, of course, great." Chen Pingping frowned. In his heart. Still have the highest respect and admiration for the Emperor.

"When did you guess that your majesty is a master?" Fan Shangshu was very light at this time, asked at random.

Learning "some years." Chen Pingping's brow gradually stretched, thinking of the things of the year, when the Great Wei was still standing in the mainland. The country is extremely powerful. When the country began its Northern Expedition, the fighting was extremely difficult. Especially in a battle. At that time, the emperor of the prince was kneeling down, seriously injured, unable to move, and almost died. He lost all of Chen Pingping’s death and died. Only saved him back.

This is Chen Pingping's most famous place.

One of the deeds, with a thousand miles of raids. Shawn was named after the cost of broken legs.

Fan Shangshu frowned. Said: "What is the problem? We old guys have always thought that after that serious injury. His Majesty lost his martial arts... He was a fierce man."

"That's a bit weird." Chen Pingping said slowly: "The whole body is stiff, it is definitely not caused by trauma. I and Ning Cairen took care of him all the way. Of course, it should be a problem in the meridians. It seems that the meridians are broken... I thought He died, and he cried a few times. Who knows that he finally came back to life."

"I haven't seen anyone who can still live with the meridians." Chen Pingping opened his eyes and looked at Fan Jian. He said slowly: "But I have seen a similar guy... your son."

"The phenomenon of hanging the temple, Fan Yu's meridians have also been greatly damaged, but it is not as terrible as that of His Majesty, and later he should have learned the hard work of the old bald head in Jiangnan, and this is getting better." Chen Pingping said: "Your Majesty There is no good luck and no luck. He didn’t have a day to learn. How good is that injury?”

"In the past few years, you have been spending less time with you than you are." Chen Pingping continued: "Your Majesty can forbear, but some details will always leak some of the horse's feet, and Fei Jie's return from Wuzhou's return to the hegemony of the practice, and said The serious consequences that this overbearing instinct may have caused me to think of the shackles of the year that were stiff and invaluable."

"The hanging temple is just trying to force a force to see what his bottom card is... but unfortunately let Fan vanish."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Fan Shangshu, because it was the father who asked his son to rescue the driver and instead mistaken Chen Pingping’s plan.

"I have asked all the questions, then I will not say it. You have to figure out something about this matter." Fan Jian stood up and said, "I want to go back to Ganzhou to support the elderly. If you are empty, you can also look at it." Look at me."

Chen Pingping silently knows what the old comrades think, regardless of whether he is an invincible person, he is the father of Fan Xian. No one knows that Fan Xian is a traversal, and his soul has unique attributes. These two elders only believe in common sense, even if Fan Qi knows the truth, he will fall into a dilemma.

The two do not want to let Fan live too much pressure, they must figure this out.

Chen Pingping gently tapped the copper bell on the table. After a crisp sound, the old servant who had served him for many years came in and took him to a wheelchair.

"I will send you." Chen Pingping coughed up and coughed up. The cough was a bit hard. The sleeves were all spit and the stars were flat. They laughed and said: "Now this body is getting worse and worse, and it is a little poisonous. It can't be cured for a long time."

Fan Jianjing looked at him quietly, did not say anything, went to the house. The old servant followed the wheelchair and did not go far. In front of the construction site, the two stopped at a tacit agreement and looked at each other with a glimpse.

"I have figured it out." Chen Pingping said to Fan Jian.

Fan Jian did not immediately pick up the words, but bowed his head for a moment, not knowing whether this sentence was true or false. He knows why Chen Pingping wants to send himself, because many years ago, their group of people once went to the coast of the East China Sea. They once gathered in the Taiping House and once created a great situation. However, as the years passed, some people died. Some people have changed, and some people have to retreat - they resigned to Luzhou, and only Chen Pingping was accompanied by His Majesty in Kyoto. Presumably he would feel lonely.

As Fan Xian said, in the past ten years, he and Chen Pingping have mutual suspicions, and the exchanges have gradually declined, but they cannot erase the comradeship of the past.

The wind is always blown away by the rain. When the stage is withdrawn, it will be completely retired. Lin Ruoxi was not a member of the three-person group, so he did not retreat thoroughly, and Fan Shangshu would not make this mistake. Before Tianwei, these people did not seem to have a good choice except for retreat.

Before Fan Jian left, frowning asked the last sentence, and did not avoid the old servant: "Since you doubted me that year, why did you want Wuzhu to take him to Ganzhou?"

Chen Pingping sat in a wheelchair and bowed his head for a moment. He slowly said: "Because I know that you paid for it, I want to continue to look at your heart."

Fan Jian’s lips had a self-deprecating and sad smile, waved his hand and said nothing.



Looking at the figure that Fan Jian left, Chen Pingping gently squatted in the wheelchair, his fingers slammed the armrest of the wheelchair subconsciously, sighed and said softly: "Go well, go well..."

Then, the dark leader of the Qing Dynasty whispered to himself: "After all, his biological father, how can I bear to force him."

The old servant pushed the wheelchair back in silence, listening to the old dean's exhausted and said: "You said, it is so difficult to kill someone alone?"

Chen Pingping did not know how many earth-shattering events he had done in his life. I don’t know how many dangers and difficulties it faced, but it has never been as disappointing as it is today. Because the enemy he faces is undoubtedly the most powerful person he has ever encountered in his life. And that person could not find any weakness at all.

The old servant said with a hoarse voice: "It should not be a little tired of the grandfather." He has already seen the heavyness of his master's heart, so try to explain it.

"Even if you can find something under your armpit, but after hanging the temple, in Xiaoxuegu, I have already let Anzhi almost die two times. Is this still splitting my relationship with him? Ann’s luck has always been good, and he will not doubt him. This is the case." Chen Pingping was a bit chilly and pulled the blanket on her body.



Fan Jian is ready to go, Chen Pingping gave up, Fan Xian figured out, the biggest problem in the world seems to be solved. However, all three people know that if there is no big fluctuation in the future, then this basin of boiling oil will be stable. The ground is covered by the lid, but once something happens, the oil will come out and clean all the burning - not to mention the boiling oil in the heart, the pain of burning people.

At the time when Qingguo Kyoto became more stable, Beiqi Shangjing and Dongyi City fell into a cloud of gloom.

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