Joy of Life

Vol 7 Chapter 141: Once upon a time there was a mountain

~ Date: ~09月20日~


Stormy snow, cross-wind and snow, slanting wind and fine snow, no need to return, but also can not be returned, but also into a ghost wind, snow, snow, sun and snow, and those born from the bottom of the snow I haven’t had a knee. If I have a little wrong, I’m afraid I will bury the whole person. On this day, after dozens of days of bitter cold journey, all the snow suddenly stopped, just like God suddenly felt that the action of scattering papers on the world was naive and could not captivate the three young people. With a firm forward look, I clap my hands and take my hand back into my sleeve.

The sky is clear, revealing the porcelain blue porcelain blue but still cold weather. Although the sun is not warm, it is extremely dazzling. It reflects white and boring light in every direction through the innocent snow glacier.

After the storm, there is not necessarily a beautiful sky. If it is fine, there will be a rainbow. So A-Gump will return to China and still have to go through so many things before he will see Jenny again. Then he will still be considered to be ignorant of certain things. , set off again, ran all the way, ran through countless beautiful scenery.

After the snow storm, the sled team on the snowfield was also screaming in the snow dogs, and set off again, crushing or soft or strong snow and ice, heading north. The pale-looking fan sat on the sled, half leaning on the sea otter's arms, coughing, screaming at the tired eyes, watching the extremely difficult terrain around him, and the route in his own brain. The figures are compared to determine the direction.

The cold syndrome in the body is getting more and more serious. Although the drugs are not lost, the cold between the heavens and the earth is undoubtedly a cruel torture for the serious injury and the exhaustion of the true gas. Every night in these days, Fan’s nest in his sleeping bag always felt that his body was full of cold and cold. The cough seemed to cough up the internal organs. He was hoarse in the thunder, just like a knife on the stone. Stop grinding. No one knows which day will be broken.

Haishu and Wang Shilang are very worried about his body. Even the idea of ​​starting to return to the South was stopped by Fan Xian’s unusual resoluteness and indifference, because he knew that if he could not find the imaginary temple with enthusiasm, he would not know if he could still be in life again. This courage was provoked, and the meridians in his body were in chaos. The Emperor’s majesty also repaired the wound in the palace in the south, and did not go to the temple to find Wuzhushu. It doesn't make sense for him to go back to the south.

What makes Fan Fan confident is that through the spell booklet left by the Master of the Lotus, he can clearly perceive that as he goes northward, the concentration of the heavens and the earth is getting higher and higher, and as he continues to meditate, he waists. The sea of ​​the snowy mountains has gradually stabilized. Give up at this time. It’s a pity.

For the three of them now, the biggest problem is time. This is a race, a race between a casual illness and a distance from the temple. Fan Fu’s intuition really finds the temple and hurts in his body. It will be much better.

Both Haishu and Wang Shilang know that the gentle and gentle appearance is extremely incompetent, so they only listened to his opinions silently, but these two friends are still very worried about his body, especially after listening to the night. The coughing sound of the heartbreaking lungs. Who can sleep?

In the quiet night, the sea otter got into the sleeping bag, and gently licked his chest and abdomen to warm the bitter cold with his body temperature. The bodies of the two men are so gentle and intimately attached, but there is no thought of men and women. Just hold it tight. Like two pigs that warm each other.

Wang Shilang naturally discovered this, but he did not express and react. It only speeded up the speed of the north, led the team of snow dogs, and stared at the sky when it was clear, and desperately rushed.

"How far is it?" There is still wind between the snow-stopping world. The first sled on the land, Wang Sanlang, shouted against the wind and quickly rang through the entire snowfield.

Fan leisurely squinted and looked at the front standing on the sled. Wang Sanlang, who was swaying in the wind, couldn’t help but smile. He thought that this kid was also chic, but he was really not afraid of cold. Snow on the sled, especially with the pair of sunglasses, looks like the world's children who play extreme sports.

Taking out the compass and the map from his arms, Fan coughed twice in the arms of Haishu, carefully confirming the orientation, and the sled kept moving up and down in the snow, letting him observe some waste. After a long time, he said with exhaustion: "There are still fifteen days at most. When Fan Fei started the map, Haitang turned his face. This is not the first time Fan Fan started the map. At the beginning, he Just relying on the super strong memory to guide the way, and when the disease is too heavy, the map must be taken out, but Wang Sanlang and Haishu will deliberately avoid.

Because this is the requirement of Fan Xian, and the vows before the three people set foot on the temple, Fan Xian asked Haishu and Wang Shilang to refrain from revealing the position of the temple to anyone, because he can guess that the temple Once the position is leaked, once the things in the temple have flown into the world, I am afraid that it will bring endless disasters to this person.

Just like the martial arts cheats brought out by the mother's leaf brows, like the box, if there are many temples, what will this world look like? Fan Xian does not want this world to become a master of heaven and sky. The horror of the electromagnetic guns is everywhere. The strong people are arbitrarily hitting the world and fighting, and the spirit is chaotic. How do the civilians live?

It is not lonely during the journey, because there are partners, but it is extraordinarily hard, but this kind of hardship can't be described by words, because the hardship lies in the boring cold, the endlessness, the seemingly eternal white color.

I don’t know how many days have passed, the flat snowfields, the slightly arched snow dunes gradually become vivid, the terrain begins to become complicated, the sun becomes more and more bleak, and the temperature is so low that humans can’t bear it. The blizzard is still not going down.

At the end of the northern skyline, suddenly a mountain, a tall snowy mountain!

It seems that since the beginning of the world, this magnificent snow mountain stands here, waiting indifferently and calmly for those brave travelers to come to the offering.

The sled team slowly stopped at the side of a glacial relic. Fan looked at his eyes and looked at the distant snow-capped mountains. He watched the strange peaks of the chilly white awns under the blue sky, and the chest was hard to suppress. A little excited, a trace of excitement from the bottom of my heart. Quickly occupied his whole body. Let his fingers tremble slightly.

In the dream, he saw this big snowy mountain similar to Dadongshan. In the dream, this snowy mountain is so unattainable, it is so mysterious and cold, and it feels like the emperor Laozi brought him. The same, but today, when this snowy mountain suddenly appeared in its own eyes without warning, Fan Xian felt endless comfort.

Life is afraid of death. However, in the short life, you can see the scenery that no one else can see, know more secrets between heaven and earth, and know the unknown that most attracts human eyes and most urges human evolution. What kind of enjoyment is this?

Fan’s body suddenly became stiff. The cough that has never stopped has stopped. He greedily looked at the quiet snowy mountain, and seemed to want to imprint this scene of his own movement in his heart, and never forget it in the years to come.

The movement is not only because of this situation, not only because of the temple in the mountains, but also because the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth is so rich that it is a kind of trembling degree. Fan’s pale face is deep in the eyes and thin to the extreme, but every breath, It seems that I feel that I am getting healthy.

Haishu was the first to notice the strangeness of Fan. Her body has also been exhausted to the extreme, and the bright eyes of the past have been polished by the cold between heaven and earth, but at this moment, her nephew is bright again. With a leisurely look at the big snowy mountain. There is no speech for a long time.

After the sled stopped, the snow dogs seemed to notice a different atmosphere. Whispering in a low voice, more than sixty snow dogs, after experiencing such a tough journey, only 17 were left, and the long sled team was also discarded along the way, reduced to five.

Wang Sanlang stood on the top of the front, did not look back, just stared at the mountain, hoarse and asked: "The temple ... is in this mountain?"

"Yes." Fan Xian, who has been unable to speak for a few days, is not able to speak from the strength of her strength. She has sprung up a word.

I was confirmed, and the three young people looked at the snowy mountains in the distance with such a sly look. It seemed that some people did not want to go one step further. Suddenly, Wang Sanlang jumped from the sled and screamed at the snowy mountain. The voice was extremely hoarse, extremely angry and extremely happy!

Looking at this scene, Haishu and Fan Xian couldn't help but smile. I thought that this disciple, who had been gentle and determined, had to close the disciples. At this moment, the madness of the four-sword sword finally broke out. After the laugh, it was silent. The eyes of the sea otter got wet. Finally, it turned into a few drops of tears. The tears dripped into the ice on the skin. Fan was happy and shook his head. He couldn’t speak for a long time.

Those who have not experienced this long journey of theirs can't understand the emotions in their hearts at the moment. This is a kind of satisfaction that is willing to be fulfilled. This is a kind of heroic victory over the heavens and the earth, and it is the most mysterious place to touch the world immediately. Impulse!

The long snow, the snow dog along the way to the ground, Fan Xian seriously ill can die at any time, Haishu and Wang Shilang also lost the human form, these hardships, not enough for outsiders.

...but they are finally here!

If there is no adequate preparation for the leisure and understanding of nature, the three of them will come here alone, only to die on the snowfield. As soon as I read this, Fan leisure squinted and looked at the big snowy mountain in the distance. I couldn’t help but think of the two powerful pioneers, the hard-working masters and the Shawn adults many years ago.

Fan Xian and his party started from the Northern Qi Dynasty at the beginning of the spring. At this moment, it should be the summer time, the warmest moment between the heavens and the earth. When Shawn was suffering from hundreds of people, it was starting from the summer, and there were countless deaths and injuries. When it is snowy mountain, it is just the night.

The whole night of months, how did the two pioneers of the year smash the past? Shaun and Bitter are not like the road maps and experiences left by the predecessors, but they can still survive in such a difficult environment. It is really a great sigh of the leisure of the moment after the robbery.

Compared with the two pioneers who eat human flesh, Fan Xian three people actually have to be a lot of happiness, a lot of ease, but still awkward, but also the loss of Haishu and Wang Shilang is the world's top power, plus On Fan Fan, a waste man with two worlds of knowledge - everything seems to be destined, Fan is destined to be the most feared and intrepid person in the world, and the person who is most capable of entering the temple and needs to enter the temple. .

Looking at the mountain and running the dead horse, Fan Xian gradually got rid of the inner excitement and excitement, forcibly suppressed the mind, quietly looked at the tall snowy mountain, guessing the appearance of the big temple in the mountain, and said in a sand voice: "A rest for a night, enter the temple tomorrow morning!"

(The New Year's Eve, finally saw the temple, rest for one night, the model is going to New Year...)

New Year Na Yuqing, Jiafu No. Changchun

In the years to come, in the years to come, is this name not to bless everyone for the New Year?

I wish you all the marriage in the New Year, the birth of the student, the love of the love, the high score of the exam, the big money for doing business, the more upgrades for the official, the less the leadership look, the more work for the year. Red envelopes, fast-moving stocks, all the peace on the road, the group is happy to eat, drink less.

Write a book of your own happy look at the joy of yourself, the editor suddenly found that the net did not have eunuchs, mixed forums, found that the original familiar behind the original is a girl.

Are there any omissions? Together, I wish you all a happy new year, all the best, I wish myself, and bless the cement construction performance is booming, hurry back to the book, the taste of the waist is really uncomfortable...

Regarding the past year, I don’t feel any emotion, because for everyone, I only have words of thanks and nothing else.

I don’t need to look forward to the year that I will be there, because I will write books seriously and write stories that everyone likes me, no other.

The Year of the Ox is good, brothers and sisters.

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