Joy of Life

: Postscript spring blossoms

When it was about six or six, I thought about a story. This story is only the beginning of an illegitimate child. Then I think of the father of the illegitimate child, but I don’t want to understand the mother of the illegitimate child. At the beginning of the story, the mother of the illegitimate child is more romantic. He died of a fire at the age of four when he was an illegitimate child. He was a poor and respectable mother.

However, as a person of the same world, I am not good at that mother. I feel that this is not right. Why should a good woman get such an encounter in a patriarchal society? So I changed the beginning of the story, at least the mother had to be cool.

After the writing of Suzaku, at the end of April, when the real spring blossoms, I began to write for the rest of the year.

This is the beginning of this postscript, not to tell everyone that this story is caused by Ye Xiaomei, because I first started thinking about it, or the illegitimate child - this illegitimate child does not have to think, it naturally appears. Standing in front of me, I’m ready to enter the story and act as the protagonist.

Everything about Fan Xian, and why I don't particularly like him, I will talk about it later. At this time, let me talk about the history of the past two years.

Two years is really not short, taking up a long period of my life, for everyone who has been reading the text. I must have felt similar to me, but I guess everyone’s feelings. The rest of the year is like a babysitter who helps to cook and wash clothes at home every day, and it is still a long and handsome nanny, watching, chatting, gossip, and naturally can't reach out and do anything.

However, when the little babysitter broke the bowl, it broke the washing machine. When we are not happy, we can marry her two sentences and educate her two words... Of course, most of the time, everyone is still commending her for doing things neatly, I think because of her more beautiful reasons, Like the little nanny who likes to grow up in troubles.

With everyone spending time, grinding time. It is a novel that can play the most important role, just like a beautiful little nanny, it is enough to shake in front of the eyes. When a vase is very good, after all, we don’t care about housework, just like we don’t need to care about the rest of the year. Is there any truth in it? Life sentiment... Because no, I just want to write a story, just send time to everyone.

After spending a long time, naturally there is feelings.



At the end of April, the story began to be written. On May 1st, the official document was issued at the starting point, and then all the way to sign the contract to earn money. In the course of 20 months, a lot of things happened. My recollections at this time.

I can't forget the new book month to grab the monthly ticket, because I have not been so nervous and tired in my life, but I want to come now. It’s not too much to write. It may be just that kind of pressure. Some friends came from afar and accompanied me for a few days. Finally, in the new book month, there is still a little manuscript... God, there is a manuscript, what kind of metamorphosis is this for me?

I have a hard time in the ages, but I am too lazy to pay attention. A novel may need to be logical and self-consistent, but I never think that this is the primary task. The primary task should be to let the friends who read the book rejoice and write by themselves. Also happy. But to be honest, this chapter I wrote is not happy, or that sentence, the psychological pressure at that time, but there are some sentences that I like...

From the first day of the book, I have said to everyone that since I wear it, I have to stop it in some respects. I said in the first volume that things like copying poetry have always been regarded as It’s very poisonous, but I always feel that the benefits of getting it right are not? What's more, since the beginning of the search for Qin, my hobby has come all the way, and has always been the same.

The things I write are often praised or smothered for the flow of force. However, there are poems that don’t copy, don’t take the name, and watch the fame drift away, but they suppress the itch in the heart and press the heart to thirst for vanity. **, suppressed to vomiting blood, only after a few decades, bring the beautiful words that do not exist in the world into the coffin, is this the real force?

A copy of the poems, everyone's reaction is also very strong, at least the monthly vote is very strong, the new book month won the third place, plain more than six thousand dollars in prize money, this is the first time to get the monthly ticket award, very cool ah ... it seems I have a lot of hobbies with me, and it is the majority of the people in the ocean. I am very pleased.

At the end of the new book month, I thought it would be a lot easier. Anyway, I never thought about grabbing the monthly ticket at that time. But who knows, in early July, I went to Beijing to receive a prize from the Suzaku, and then I had no money to buy the book. So I have been empty for a few days. Fortunately, I said earlier that with a little bit of deposit, I finally took the two days.

The beautiful girl helped me to be more and more beautiful. The beauty was always lazy, so I refused to help me with the name of the chapter... The friend who helped me save the paper also went to Beijing, but this time I did not write a word because in Beijing. Very busy, I also met a few new friends, An Xizhong.

When I came back, I was not happy, because I didn’t have a manuscript. From then on until this time, there will be no more words in the Qing Dynasty. I always write now, because this is the real lazy me. .

In the year of July, the year of July is very stable. I write very smoothly. From time to time, there will be more than 3,000 words on the day. For four or five days, of course, the day is even more common. Anyway, the big guy is not in a hurry. I am not in a hurry. As the story moves slowly, I will write more when I am in a good state. If I have a bad state, I will write less... Or the word, lazy. But it has not been broken, it is very powerful.

When I was in December, I realized that I started to pull the monthly ticket. First, I didn’t want to waste my thoughts on the monthly voter’s book. Secondly, I found myself diligent enough and not bad. I am able to stand up to the monthly vote that everyone voted for. The most important thing is that I found out. I originally pulled the monthly ticket and everyone really wanted it! I can really squeeze into the top few, and I can really earn bonuses.

Who is not doing this kind of good thing? Since then, I have devoted myself to this magnificent cause. Some episodes were on January 14th, 2008. From the Guangzhou to Yichang plane, because of the snowstorm, I was flying twice in the air for free and delayed the update. It caused the first day of the Qing Dynasty to stop and it was very heartbreaking, just like the first night.

Some have gone down the road, please forgive me, I really have this kind of anger, the day. I found myself writing very logical and flowing, just like the rest of the year. Everyone can bear it, insist on reading it, there are still many, and they have endured for two years. I don't care about this postscript. Anyway, this chapter does not need money. More than two sentences are... Well, I hope that today will not be as wrong as the previous chapter, I really can't afford to lose that person, because it will not be the first time, nor the second time.

Going on, I returned to my hometown in the Spring Festival in 2008. I took a ten-day holiday. It just happened to be the end of the Jiangnan volume. It was normal to write it, because my cousin’s new home even forgot to move over...

Officially entered the year of zero. Everything is as usual. Everything is not as usual, because it starts to pull the monthly ticket. So there is more pressure to write, the number is still not much, but the brain consumes more. Fortunately, the monthly ticket entered the top six, entered the top three, and not once, very proud, all loss to everyone.

In July 2008, Shanghai opened its annual meeting. The northeast explored the leadership. The update was less and scattered. Just when Dadongshan was tense, the book review area was full of grievances. There was no monthly ticket for that month. Is it to make up for the trauma of the soul? But what about you? Alas.

Write it down like this, write it mechanically, write numbly, write with enthusiasm, write with exclamation, write with excitement, write with anger and anger, and finally write the time of the junction between February 24 and 25 this year. The story of Qing Yunian was written by me.

In the past two years, it has been very long. Starting from Ganzhou, there are a total of seven volumes, many. A big story like this, so many people must have more than three million words to describe, and I am very proud and proud, I have controlled this story.

The problem is that this kind of control makes me physically and mentally exhausted, I am very tired, there are countless bridges in the document, there are countless useless, countless words and words to remind myself of some details, I have not forgotten, but there are still many I have to throw it away - I used to look at it at the end of the document, and I deleted it. I deleted it a bit. I was very distressed by my diligence. The teacher said that the good memory is not as bad as the bad one. It is really like this. I did A lot of preparation work, remember a lot of things, although not all can be used, but I think my attitude is very strong.

Just like the Qing Emperor said on the Dadong Mountain: I have never been so strong in my life.

Originally thought that at this moment, there would be a lot of tiredness, sorrow, emptiness, and overwhelming words from the depths of the heart, as at the time of writing the Suzaku, but at the end of the year, except for a little bit In addition to being tired, there are not many other emotions, but more is a kind of calm joy.

The review of the writing process ends here. It’s just that there are so many words that don’t seem to fully reflect my hard work and some are not reconciled, but I don’t continue to say it.



Let's talk about the book that I have been celebrating for the rest of my life, and the people in the book that keep everyone in mind, the feelings between these people, and my feelings for them and for you and many things. Where do you start talking about it? Just start from the beginning of the game, think of whoever writes, if there is a role I have not remembered, then forget it.

The young patient lying in the hospital is Fan Shen. The university has not graduated. He claims to be a virgin, but he is going to die. Yes, this is the hero of the story of the Qing Dynasty. I don’t describe too much about his past life. Even when I first designed this story, I decided to prepare a good student council chairman, and I didn’t know anything about it.

The male protagonist surnamed Fan Ming is idle, and the word is safe. When it comes to it, it is safe, and the last sentence he said in the last years of Qing Dynasty is actually the purpose of this book. This is a leisurely life, completely different from his life.

In my opinion, past lives cannot affect future generations. In a completely new world, you need to start from scratch. In this case, things in the past world do not need to involve too much, and the attitude of this world is actually the same as the attitude of you and me living in this world. Human beings are not possible. Because I live for two lifetimes. It will become a philosopher or a natural **, still small and humble you and me. Live as normal and safe as possible.

I have said before that I don't like the role of Fan Leisure, at least in front of the meadow, or compared to other characters in the book. The reason is that the truth is not complicated. If we tear the clothes on Fan’s body, the golden light from the mother and child will be stripped. Red luo naked, he is just a naked luo naked, and red luo naked me.

Greedy is afraid of death, good and bad, enjoyment, and the morality formed after being educated, but it is very popular to implement. Ambiguous, good vanity, used to dress, good beauty, but can not put down the body, do not feel that they are still cj white teenagers who believe in love ... and want to follow the brother. I didn't want to lose my mind. I wanted to take care of this without losing one. I finally found that I couldn't change it. I couldn't change it myself. I could only do it according to the established policy and follow a certain path.

It can be said that this is a moderate and moderate, and there is a bit of a friend on the Longkong Forum who said that the word is right, I think it is true, the wish of the country, the thief of Germany... but the vast majority of people. Including you and me are like this. Especially the ones presented on the Internet.

Of course, if you are not the kind of person I am referring to, please forgive me for the extreme. I don't like the similar attitude that I might show at some point. Not straight enough... For this kind of character is too familiar, people around the body, including a certain part of themselves, are actually very similar to Fan Xian, so I can't like Fan Leisure too much.

In the story of the Qing Dynasty, there are also several idealists in the fake. In front of these idealists, how can Fan Xian be beautiful, how to wear white and black clothes, poetry sprays out, and then spit a blood, supported by the maid. Going to see the sea bracts, and then lingering in the wind, but the heart is still problematic, the glory is a little...

I don’t come to idealists myself. I also think that there is no big problem in Fan’s attitude towards life. It is even the best attitude towards people or things around me. However, I still respect idealists because I can’t do it myself. So, so it is difficult for me to respect Fan Leisure.

Fan Xian is just you and me. If you write this story, I will see you in this story. It’s really the day that was beaten by the thunder. If there is such a good luck, the fortune of the predecessors, the beautiful body, It is not allowed to be another fan.

Fortunately, in the end, Fan has the last benefit, which is gratifying. It’s just that the one he wrote is rather blunt. Such a story can’t give me too much time and too much text. I want to describe the real growth of middle-aged fan leisure. Speaking of this festival, I suddenly thought that Fan Xian is really like a middle-aged handsome professor who has never had a **** experience... I know a professor and it is really good in peach blossoms.

Fan’s idea of ​​the world is not correct. This does not need to be discussed, because he is not looking at the five hundred years before, and then seeing the saints for five hundred years, but at least he has a relatively persistent view of something. That's not bad.

Until the Xishan Mountain Cave, in front of the dying Sean, Fan Xian actually confirmed his sense of belonging to the world from his heart. This is what Gege Pig once mentioned, and I deeply believe it.

Fan Xian is not an indecisive person, but he wants to take care of everyone... just like the feeling of mud, I mentioned it a bit, I won’t say it here. The most worthy of his appreciation is probably the diligence, the spirit of striving to survive and the pursuit of a better life. This is probably the most common advantage, but it is also the most worthy of applause.

It’s really a mess about Fan’s emotional life. This is mainly because I wrote it for me. With my understanding of men's lower body animals, once I really reincarnate to the kind of society in the country, especially Fan Chen, this is a 12-year-old relative, the 13-year-old deceives the ring, and the 14-year-old has a ring. This is logical.

Then he will go to the world with a swing, and the poor will be independent, and the rich will be married.

Female readers may not listen well, but this is true. Listening to a little bit of words is nothing more than saving the world's poor orphans, lingering from the flowers, accustomed to hurting people, constantly looking for love and affection on the road of **, life A view and a worldview can keep up with your own partner...

So I am still wrong, obviously know that I am a person who loves beauty. However, I still believe in love, so I arranged for Fan to enter the Qing Temple and see my fiancee with my chicken legs. I wrote a very embarrassing question. How can I let a woman like Lin Biaoer let me go? Like this love bridge, how can I not be tempted? I thought of Zhang Mengmeng’s song.

It is my fault. I also like new things, in a society that allows men to have several women. I can't help but have to let Fan Xiu meet a different kind of woman, revisit the old woman, every paragraph is very happy... because the real thing can't be done, it will be put into the novel, this is meaning Yin is really sincere, and I am no exception.

Or simply put some cars and horses, like the old hooligans of Duan Zhengyi. Or simply look at the man as a squat, stand proudly between the grassland horses, only the low head and the side of the pondering. Both of the two realms of partiality and leisure are wanted. In the so-called hooligans, they will also look at tears in love letters.

Fan’s attitude towards feelings is slightly better than Zhang Wuji. It is much better than three men. He should not hate me too much.

Let me talk about Fan’s feelings for men. Please note that there is no factor of burning in the situation, just a few words. It is clear in the wedge that he is a person without parents, so he actually has some hidden love for the mother, so even if the age of Ye Xiaomei is not much older than him. Even if the emperor does not seem to be a good father, even if Fan Jian has nothing to do with him, even if Chen Pingping is impossible to have a son, even Wu Zhu is actually similar to Chen Pingping...

However, tossing and tossing, Fan leisure's feelings for these men are still born. Because we are all very practical people, some people are good to you, you will naturally be good to him, remember his good, and thus give birth to feelings. The few men mentioned above, except for the long, ugly fee, did not mention the teacher. It’s really good for Fan.

Some people may say how the Qing Emperor is clouded. In the past, I wanted to know how to make a small leisure. In fact, from another angle, the relationship between men will eventually take time to cultivate. Qing Emperor once said to Fan Xi in the small building. When Fan was in Zhangzhou, Qing Emperor often knew his news, either through Chen Pingping or through Fan Jian... and like Fan Xiu, he would smile and smile. People, it is very easy to please people, see more places, listen more, know more, and naturally have feelings.

Perhaps you can compare them horizontally, and everyone will find that Qingdi’s trust and favor for Fan’s leisure is really not comparable to those of his sons. On the one hand, because Fan Xian really will pretend, he started to pretend from the hanging temple, and really deceived the great emperor. On the one hand, it was also because the Qing Emperor had a guilty conscience, and there was some kind of empathy. Therefore, Qingdi is really good for Fan.

Naturally, this is for the sinister kings of the Qing Emperor, not compared with the average father.

Fan’s feelings about Ye Xiaomei’s eyebrows are more complicated. This is not clear. The book says a lot of explicit things, so I don’t specifically say it.

What else to say about Fan Leisure? It seems that there is no, right, his ability is actually really good about his ability, after all, is the male lead.



Five bamboos, cute bamboo dolls, indifferent bamboo handsome, always black clothed teenagers, there is a rainbow in the heart who does not know.

There is nothing to say about Wuzhu, because I like him very much, and I praise the five bamboos too much, I will go to hell, because the face is covered, the reason why the five bamboos are called Wuzhu, it is because of the pronunciation of the stagnation, If you know it, you will know that if you don’t know, let me go without shame.

I just want to talk about things like Wuzhu and Ye Xiaomei. The rainbow in his heart, lingering in the snow and ice of thousands of years, burst into the little girl who still does not know the reason for appearing in the temple. Ye Xiaomei makes a fresh soul, born in this world, and is very good. And what is the feeling of Wuzhu for Ye Xiaomei? To borrow a comment from a great book friend, that is:

"There is no doubt that Wuzhu is the least affectionate to the small leaves. He has only a cold metal promise to her, but Wuzhu is the most affectionate to the small leaves. She is his world."

Okay, Wuzhu said it here, because his words are not much. Now he is raising and hurting the old man on Dadong Mountain. He doesn’t know that the material that Sanjilang went to the temple to grab is enough. He lived for another five hundred years.



Chen Pingping, this is the third role that appears in the wedge. Since then, everyone should be able to know the importance of this person. This eunuch, Chen Wuchang, who likes to put a fake beard under his jaw, is a scorpion in a wheelchair for half a lifetime. The thin old man of the blanket, the dean of the Superintendent who likes to have a black cloth on the window of the room of the Supervisory Hospital.

I don't know much about Chen Pingping. Because I also like him very much, the male character in the book. I like him and Wuzhu most, because it is very good for the men, the heart is yearning, the heart is yearning for...

Chen Pingping’s name should be changed after Ye Xiaomei’s later change. In fact, it was the Yin Dynasty Chen Ping’s cow. When reading the historical records, he felt that Chen Ping’s cow was really too bullish. why? Because he is so cows, no one knows... Tai Shigong doesn’t know, and he can’t tell.

For a time, Chen Pingping, who likes to talk about the hustle and bustle of Taiwan, is also very bullish. I don’t have to mention the great achievements of the past. I like the picture of the old scorpion. It is a small yellow flower, a wheelchair, and a red heart under the old orange peel.

I have said idealists before. Chen Pingping is an idealist. Yes, although his ideals are somewhat vague, there is a saying that is good. It is not difficult to do a good thing. It is difficult to do good things for a lifetime. It is not difficult for Chen Pingping to engage in a conspiracy. The hard part is to engage in a conspiracy for a lifetime, and the partiality is still the brightest thing in his heart.

What is Chen Pingping's heart shining? It is not the dispute of the concept of the world, nor is it the peace of the people of Limin. It will not be the generation of the Daqing dynasty, but the promise of the year. Remembering someone’s good is more disdainful than being a slave. Keep the ideal that the woman wants to shine.

It is idealism to guard the ideal life of others.

I have no regrets about Chen Pingping in the book. Because I wrote it very carefully. I have already reached the level of my ability. I think that I am very worthy of Comrade Chen Pingping. I set his ending from the very beginning. There is no whimsy, and some just fulfill his wishes with a respectful attitude.

The two guns in the black wheelchair were because I watched a movie when I was a child. I was called a solitary wolf. I was too impressed with the wheelchair inside. I had to give it to Ping Ping’s personal use. And the last sentence he had before his death, I also thought about it at the beginning of the story. I kept the sentence for one year. I wanted to tell everyone that this eunuch, this dead eunuch, also had a gun. Most men have to be more kind.

At the end of the chapter, I can still explain the explanation and explain it. Please understand me. I really want everyone to feel my feelings.

I hope that Chen Pingping can still collect the long-horned and long-tailed beauty in hell. Of course, he can't go to heaven.



When I think of who I want to say, I would like to talk about Fan Jian, the head of the household. At this time, I have a lot of sorry about him. Because there is too little space, I have not written clearly the mood and thoughts of this person, but I am obsessed with the sorrow of Zhangzhou. Compared with Lin Ruoxi, I want to open it.

The man who stayed in the brothel of Qinglou was actually closer to the role of the courtier than Chen Pingping, so he was actually very painful. In the end, he might only be resigning from the office. I was afraid that he had a hope for Nanqing, but he only I can passively watch this happen, because of Fan’s sake, I did something that he was not willing to do.

Did Fan Jian have any feelings for Ye Xiaomei? Who knows? At least I don't know, because I didn't write at that time, naturally I didn't think about it. But if there is no feeling, it must be fake. As for the men and women between men and women, I still don't think about it. It is only the Fan family that has left the only blood in this world for the light eyebrows of the leaves, which indirectly caused the arrival of Fan Leisure, which has already explained too much. Fan Fan’s sons and grandchildren are surnamed Fan, and they are famous for the Fanzhou Fan family.

But I have thought about Fan Shangshu's attitude towards Fan Xian. Actually, Fan Jian always thought that if he wants to return this time if he wants to go back, he is afraid that he will marry him if he is forced to marry. Because don't forget, when the age is still very small, when the body is very poor, the Sinan Bo will drive his only daughter back to Zhangzhou, and later secretly maintain the correspondence between Chenzhou and Kyoto. What is this for?

It’s a pity that Fan Fan’s return to Fan’s Ancestral Hall and Fan Shangshu’s gratification will not be disappointing. I always think that many middle-aged men either have some kind of delusion and let their son or daughter marry another woman's son or daughter. To meet his intentions that he did not get what he was in the past... Really, there are many people who dream of forming this relationship with their first love. Of course, some friends will directly turn their strategic attention to the children of their first love. This is I am amazed.



When I mentioned this, I suddenly thought of Li Wangcheng, the son of Jing Wang, so that Li Hongcheng could be said. For the world son. I like it very much, um. It seems that I found that the postscript is written now, and people who appear seem to like me very much. Is this too unfair to Fan Xian? Maybe I feel that Fan is like my son, so I am habitually learning Wuzhu Swing Stick for education?

The reason why I like Li Hongcheng is very simple. He was with the two emperors all the way, but it was just for the sake of friendship, and he was naive. But it is also sunny enough. In Li’s royal family, the boss and Hongcheng may slightly get rid of the royal natural sinister temperament, and Hongsheng’s fresh and sunny taste is even more splendid. In the previous book review area, there was a top note. I am very happy at this point.

Li Hongcheng chased Miss Fan Jia, and this kind of lame dog spirit. It is worth learning by most of our male compatriots. As for the friend who hopes that Miss Fan Jia and her brother are together, I can imagine the female doctor after the age of 30. Anyway, this is an open ending, and no one has offended the end. This also proves that, I am really a person like that.



Prince II and the Emperor did not say too much. Because the first two of the books have been analyzed before dying, here I can't say flowers.

I just have some sympathy for Lee Seung-soo. His luck is too bad. His life is not good. His father is too abnormal. His father always thinks that people under the sun are like Xiaoqiang...

As for the old 2, as he said, he worked hard until the end and found himself the biggest joke. What a ridiculous fact this is. There is no real treasure jade in the world of Qingguo, and there are only two young people who are actually very similar. Because each other's life track is different. And gave birth to a completely different fruit.

The great emperor wished him to be a filial person in Dongyi City and unite the princess. Wang Haoer, Masoso, these three women who are not simple, wish him the same invincible as in the Xihu grassland. Of course, I think this is a luxury. At the most critical moment, the person who gave the most crucial support to Fan Xi could not expect Fan Yu to continue to help him in his family affairs.



I have to say something, I can only say... I can’t say it. This person is hard to say, so I have nothing to say, the white robe, who is busy for whom? The girls continue to look at him, I really have nothing to say.

Wang Qinian can say one.

Because he would say that the skill of the cold-faced laughter has not been fully realized, because there is really no space, the story of more than three million words seems to be long, but there are too many people or things inside. However, as the first person to trust Fan Fan, the first leader of the Kai Nian group, and the first outstanding talent of Tianzi, he has already had glory.

Don't forget, the keys, the boxes, a lot, the people of the world, including the secrets that Qingping Chen Pingping doesn't know, this old king knows that he can't sleep at the same time in the middle of the night, is it also very exciting, like back When was the day when the Jianguo thief was at the junction of the three countries?

Here is a gossip, the name of Wang Qiian is the id of the flying idiot. It was still aiming at the magic sword a few years ago. I feel great, and when I wrote this story, I used it.



There is really no way to say about the three masters.

As the Qing Emperor said, this is a monster that should not exist in this world. In such a monster above the sentient beings, all sentient beings must look up, the neck is extremely acid, the incidence of cervical spondylosis will be reduced, but the benefits are not obvious.

If the hardship is not called Ming Mingyue, it is the uncle of the Northern Qi Dynasty royal family. If Dongyi City is not a four-legged sword, if Ye Liuyun is not raising such a ghost, how many things will these three great masters have in the world? Standing on the top of all beings, I am afraid that I will not care about all beings.

Fortunately, they have their identity, so they turned into three nuclear warheads. No one dared to throw them out until Dadongshan. Qingdi’s long-lasting electromagnetic wave weapon suddenly moved, directly bearing the pain and the four The sword wound is full of sorrow and can no longer be activated.

In comparison, I prefer to take care of some swords. The reason is very simple. I wrote more of his writing... Hey, the longer you get along, the more you have feelings... just like Fan Fei’s exception, God, I’m so sorry. And started to talk about him again.

In addition to Wang Sanlang, who else needs to say? It seems to be gone, because I am also sleepy at this time, my mind is really empty.

What are these thirteen things? Hey, forget it. Anyway, he also has Ye Linger. If he doesn't bother him, he will be a brother. He is born without Lin Qingxia. There is no Zhou Xing snoring next to him. It is inevitable that he is lonely and bored. Fortunately, there is Ye Linger, again. Repeating it, men and women are wonderful and wonderful things.

A ringing voice, remembered the shadow brother, but the shadow brother is to wipe the shadow, he is floating behind us, indifferent and without looking at your computer screen.



When a man is finished, he talks about a woman. The woman who talks about Fan Xian first does not necessarily belong to his woman, but in my position, it is his woman. They all said that the drama was not enough. The woman came to join, and both hands were combined. I thought with a smile. I stood up. I really lived.

There are not many female characters that can really impress people in the Qing Dynasty. This is also a no-brainer. Because war, vendetta, and conspiracy will make women walk away. Only those women who do not need to walk away will continue to appear. In front of us.

Back to the topic, we must first talk about Lin Biaoer, yes, Fan Xian’s wife, the princess and the illegitimate daughter of Lin Xiangye, the niece who loves the emperor, the little name is Yichen, the cheek has baby fat... Yes, I It was written by Lin Yichen, because I started to write for the rest of the year, I was crazy about her, just like when I started to write Suzaku, I was crazy about Zhang Yuying.

Please don’t use this as a criticism of me. I always think that a middle-aged man has such a strong interest in variety entertainment and can like the young woman who appeared on TV one after another. It proves that this middle-aged man is very Good guys, like... narcissistic me.

Lin Yaner’s role is also my favorite.

Because I like it, I care about it, so the meeting in the temple, the bridge that enters the room, I think and be serious. It is the bleak wind on the lakeside, which is still my favorite. If you can, if you are allowed, I would even like to write the anniversary of the celebration as a romance novel, and in fact I really want to write a romance novel like this.

However, the subscription is slipping, the monthly ticket is being chased, the book review area is boring, the big brother is watching me, the banknote is tempting me, so Lin’s appearance is getting less and less, and the sense of existence is getting weaker, because it is indeed in her status. In the story of the Qing Dynasty, she lived sadly in the cracks, passively accepting everything that was imposed on her.

This is a very sad thing, but no one can change it. I don’t want to say that when I wrote about Jinghua Jiangnan, I tried hard for Lin’s existence, but I still failed because there was no way. At that time, I was really a little unhappy.

So I complained to the leader, and the leader thought that I was shooting her flattering.

At this time, I really feel sorry for Lin Biao, and I apologize. ^-^^-^2k novel reading network

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