
At this time, Su Meng's stomach made a "cuckoo" sound, and Su Meng's complexion suddenly became rosy and shy.

She didn't even eat, she was hungry.

"That's right, let's make lunch."

Hearing this voice, He Yuzhu smiled and began to get busy.

After more than half an hour, a sumptuous lunch was set on the table.

"This, this is too rich."

Looking at the sumptuous lunch on the table, Su Meng's eyes widened, and she exclaimed in disbelief: "It's such a good meal, it costs a lot of money."

It was the first time she had seen such a luxurious lunch.

She never ate.

"Not required."

Seeing Su Meng who was exclaiming, Lou Xiaoe next to her suddenly smiled and said: "Our family has always eaten like this. Today at noon, there are only three of us, and we made four dishes. If it is normal, there are ten dishes. It's up to you, as long as you don't mind."

"No no no, I don't mind."

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's words, Su Meng hurriedly waved her hands.

How could she mind such a sumptuous lunch.

And I came to He Yuzhu's house suddenly, so I was already very embarrassed to eat at He Yuzhu's house.

Not to mention, it still tastes so good.

"Okay, let's eat."

After that, He Yuzhu started eating with two girls.

After they finished eating, He Yuzhu cleared the table and chatted with Su Meng.

I also know Su Meng's family situation. There is only one mother in the family, who is a doctor, and she herself works as a nurse in the hospital.

In the afternoon, He Yuzhu chatted with Su Meng, and then chatted with Lou Xiaoe. It was not until after four o'clock that He Yuzhu was ready to go out and went to the tavern to find Xu Huizhen.

Because in the past few days, they all agreed to eat at Xu Huizhen's place.

"Let's go."

He Yuzhu smiled and said: "We are going out too, just in time to send you away."


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Su Meng nodded heavily, then looked at He Yuzhu cautiously and said, "Brother Zhuzi, we are friends, can I come to you next time?"

Chatting with He Yuzhu, she already knew He Yuzhu's name, and also knew that He Yuzhu was older than herself, very masculine, and the food at home was also good, so she had a good impression of He Yuzhu.

"of course can."

Hearing Su Meng's words, He Yuzhu said with a smile: "If you want to come in the future, you can come anytime, and there is no shortage of food at home, but I may not always be at home. If you come, you may run in vain."


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Su Meng quickly nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

It would be even better if we could come again.

The things at He Yuzhu's house, as well as the lunch, made her very happy. It was the first time that she was late for such a rich lunch, so she thought, come here when she is free.

Afterwards, He Yuzhu and Lou Xiaoe took Su Meng out.

When I left the backyard and entered the middle courtyard, I saw a stick that had been pacing.

Seeing the stick, the smile on Su Meng's face disappeared immediately, replaced by a cold snort.

Then he pulled He Yuzhu's clothes without looking at them, and went out with He Yuzhu.

Bang Geng didn't speak anymore, but looked at the back of He Yuzhu and others leaving with red eyes, and he didn't dare to go up to stop him, so he just watched He Yuzhu take Su Meng away.

The more sticky thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he clenched his fist and went back.

After He Yuzhu and Lou Xiaoe sent Su Meng to the intersection, they said goodbye to Su Meng and went to the tavern.

"Brother Zhuzi!"

When He Yuzhu came to the tavern, a pleasantly surprised voice sounded, and Xiaohuaihua was running over excitedly: "You are here."

"What about Akiba and the others?"

Seeing only Sophora japonica, He Yuzhu asked curiously, "Haven't they come over yet?"


Huaihua shook her head: "But it should be soon, everyone should eat instant noodles tonight."

Saying that, Sophora Hua looked expectant.

She has tasted the taste of instant noodles, it is really delicious, now she can't wait to eat instant noodles for three meals a day and two meals.

"Eat less of this thing, just to fill your stomach."

He Yuzhu patted Sophora japonica on the head, and said: "I can cook, and the food I eat is healthier and more nutritious, so we don't need to eat instant noodles all the time. As long as we eat too much of anything, it will be bad for our health. And if you eat it for a long time, you will vomit, don't you feel this way these days?"


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Huaihua's face suddenly became distressed.

Thinking of the instant noodles she ate yesterday, Huaihua had a bitter face: "Instant noodles are so delicious, I can't get enough of one bag, but I can't eat two bags, I feel sick, why is this so?"

He Yuzhu said with a smile after hearing Sophora japonica's words, "This is to make you eat less, not to let you eat every day."

The next time, when the tavern was closed, He Yuzhu made dinner.

Ran Qiuye and the others also came back, and Chen Xueru came back together.

"Boss Chen."

He Yuzhu, who was cooking, saw Chen Xueru coming in, and immediately smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Why, don't you welcome me?"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Chen Xueru rolled her eyes: "Fortunately, I brought you new clothes."

"Why not welcome."

Seeing Chen Xueru rolling his eyes, He Yuzhu felt the ripples in his mood, and then said with a smile: "Since you're here, let's wait for the food over there."


Almost an hour passed like this.

The dishes cooked by He Yuzhu were served on the table plate by plate, and everyone gathered around the patchwork table to eat.

On the table, there are many dishes and a large pot of instant noodles. Those who like to eat can eat together.

Everyone chatted while eating, and when it was completely dark, they ate and drank slowly, and then cleaned up.

"Would you like to give me a ride?"

Looking at the dark weather outside, Chen Xueru said to He Yuzhu with a smile on her face, "It just so happens that I have something I want to talk to you about."

"of course can."

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, a bright smile appeared on He Yuzhu's face.

Afterwards, Ran Qiuye and others went back to the courtyard, and He Yuzhu sent Chen Xueru away.

The two walked under the street lights, their shadows were stretched very, very long.

"What are you trying to say?"

He Yuzhu smiled and said, "Just say it directly."

"I want to sell clothes of the style on Qiuye."

Chen Xueru looked at He Yuzhu seriously and said: "I heard from Qiu Ye that the clothes of that style are from Xiangjiang, and they were brought back by Lou Xiaoe himself, and the style of this clothes was designed by you yourself. In the clothing industry, I am sure, if you can let me handle this style of clothing, I can make it popular all over the country."


"Lou Xiao'e sells clothes in Xiangjiang. I can sell clothes in the mainland. I can make you famous and at the same time earn money. It can make you famous and rich. Naturally, I do the same, so what do you think?"

"Clothing style? Of course."

He Yuzhu smiled immediately after hearing Chen Xueru's words: "But for this kind of thing, you can just talk to Lou Xiao'e directly, Lou Xiao'e is very familiar with this, and she can also develop new ideas for you, and even teach you personally. "

"I'm no worse than her!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Chen Xueru snorted, then hugged He Yuzhu suddenly, buried her whole face in He Yuzhu's arms, and said softly: "So I want to find you, and get the style directly from you. I believe I can design You who came up with this style will definitely be able to design other styles, I want a style different from Lou Xiaoe's."

"Are you a beauty trick?"

Regarding Chen Xueru's sudden movement, He Yuzhu put his hands on Chen Xuer's soft waist with a smile, and smiled lightly.

"Then do you like it?"

Regarding He Yuzhu's words, Chen Xueru did not panic at all, and did not stop He Yuzhu's movements, but said softly: "You may not believe it, but I have feelings for you as early as the first time I saw you."

"But I can't take care of you alone."

He Yuzhu let the mobile game go, and said softly: "You also saw that there are so many Xiao'e and the others, do you really want to?"

"I have seen it, but I also know that you are very good. A beautiful woman can attract men. A good man can naturally attract women."

While enjoying He Yuzhu's hand, Chen Xueru said softly: "Lou Xiao'e runs a company in Xiangjiang, Xu Huizhen runs a tavern, and Ran Qiuye is a teacher. When your company starts, Yu Haitang and Yu Li will also work, and I own a silk shop, specializing in clothing."

"Such a good condition, I want the style of clothes you design, and then sell silk and satin, which will become popular all over the country, and make my Chen family's reputation even better. I am also willing. After all, Huizhen is willing. She walked in In front of me, I believe that as long as I have clothes styles, my business will not be worse than Xu Huizhen and Lou Xiaoe."

"Now that you have started the company, I believe you will go higher and higher in the future, so I want to help you at this time and let yourself make a choice. I believe my choice will not be bad."


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................................................... ...........earth.

Chapter 212

"That's the real reason I'm talking to you tonight, and I'm willing."

Speaking of this, Chen Xueru paused, and continued: "Xu Hui and I really know each other. She runs a tavern, and I run a silk shop. We are friends. After I found out about you from her, I regretted that time. It's too late to start, it should have been earlier."

"Speaking of temperament, Xu Hui's personality is more straightforward than mine, and she will definitely achieve what she decides."

"As a result, after I waited for a while, I found that I couldn't wait any longer. Every time Qiuye and the others came to my silk shop, I always inquired about you. I believe that Qiuye and the others also know how much I love you. Mind."

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, He Yuzhu's hand slowly moved to the top, and said softly: "Are you sure you don't regret it? You know, I can't take care of each of you. If you regret it in the future, it will be bad. Life choice, only once."

"It is because there is only one time, so you have to choose."

Chen Xueru said softly: "In these years, I have run a silk shop, and the only man I can appreciate is you. An excellent man will definitely attract women."

"And I can accept it, I believe my choice will not be wrong."

"And don't think of me as the kind of little woman who needs to take care of everything. I am a strong woman. I am sure that I can be as good as Lou Xiaoe, or even better than Lou Xiaoe. Don't underestimate me."

"Because I also know that this is my best chance. If I miss this time, there will be no next time."

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, He Yuzhu took a deep breath, and directly pushed Chen Xueru against the wall at the entrance of the alley.

Chen Xueru, a voluptuous woman, has already talked to this point, and he has known her for four, eight or three years. He feels that if he refuses, he will be too unmanly.

"I'm afraid not."

Seeing He Yuzhu lift her leg, Chen Xueru, who had originally spoken softly, suddenly turned rosy.

Fortunately, it was not easily found under the darkness of night.

She said softly: "I'm inconvenient today. After two days, you can come to the silk shop to find me again."

"But I like this better."

He Yuzhu said softly: "Speaking of which, I haven't tried this kind of thing yet."

"Wait, wait for next time."

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