"That's right. This morning, I was the first one to get up. When I was brushing my teeth, I saw Mrs. Jia and Zhang fall outside Zhuzi's house. I fell by myself. The Zhuzi door was still closed at that time."

"That's right, I saw it this morning too. The dead old woman fell by herself. We don't know why she fell, but it definitely has nothing to do with the pillar. The pillar came out from behind."

"The old lady Jia is really shameless. We have all seen it. She fell by herself and blamed the pillar. Shameless."


As the third master Yan Bugui spoke, the people around him also spoke.

The people who spoke were all those who lived in the backyard.

This morning, they saw Jia Zhang breaking his leg and lying on the ground crying. At that time, the door of He Yuzhu's house was not even opened.

"What do you think?"

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, He Yuzhu smiled lightly and said, "Everyone's eyes are sharp, and they all see it. You should ask everyone, not me."


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Chapter 221


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, and seeing the people talking around, Yi Zhonghai also felt that Jia Zhang was lying to him.

Because in his opinion, even if He Yuzhu didn't help, he wouldn't push an old man.

"No, you pushed me!"

At this moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang was sitting on a chair, supported by Qin Huairu, and when she heard the words of the people around her, she immediately pointed at He Yuzhu and said hurriedly: "You pushed me, I just wanted to ask you to bring you porridge , If you don’t give me porridge, forget it, you even pushed me, and then went back to the house.”

At this moment, Jia Zhang insisted that it was He Yuzhu who pushed her.

Even if someone around said they saw it, she still insisted that He Yuzhu pushed her.

"You fart you."

Hearing what Jia Zhang said, He Yuzhu smiled lightly and said, "You're really talking nonsense. I don't think it's wrong for you to fall on this leg. The other leg should also be broken. I really hope that you will suffer from dementia. You are so stupid. You don’t even know how to eat, so you can shut your disgusting mouth~”

"Even if you are standing in front of me, I don't bother to hit you, because I feel that I have insulted my hand when I hit you. An old man like you should live in pain forever."

"You're still blunt. I also said that you wanted to set fire to my house, and then you were discovered. You wanted to escape, but you accidentally fell to the ground."

Jia Zhang likes to buckle his hat, but he is still far behind him.

After all, Jia Zhang's family has learned from the past.

If you really want to talk about it, some Jiazhangs feel better.


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Jia Zhang immediately pointed at He Yuzhu angrily and scolded: "You are not a thing, don't you know how to respect the elderly?"

"I respect the old man, but for some people, she is not human, you know."

He Yuzhu chuckled and said, "There is no need to respect such a damn thing that is not human."

"Who are you talking about!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Jia Zhang's face was furious, and his face was full of anger.

He Yuzhu was pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

"Who do you think I'm talking about?"

"Okay, ok, Zhuzi, say a few words less, say a few words less,"

Seeing the two people who were about to quarrel, the uncle quickly waved his hands, persuaded and jokingly said: "Stop arguing, stop arguing, everyone be kind."

"When she opened her eyes and told nonsense just now, why didn't you persuade her to make peace?"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Ran Qiuye became unhappy immediately, and scolded directly: "Now that she is scolded by my Zhuzi, you just jumped out and pretended to be a good person. You are too much. Everyone just testified for my Zhuzi. It is this old woman Slanderous, but in the end you didn't let that woman say a few words, and when my pillar was talking, you asked my pillar to say a few words, isn't it too partial for you to be an uncle?"

You know, when Jia Zhang slandered her husband He Yuzhu just now, a group of people around were testifying.

As a result, the old man didn't speak at that time, instead he opened his mouth to talk to Jia Zhang in He Yuzhu, who was so angry that the old man jumped out and asked her husband to say a few words less, and persuaded the two of them to make peace. Raccoons of the same feather!

Without that ability, I still like to pretend to be a nice guy!

"I'm not biased."

Hearing Ran Qiuye's scolding, the old man blushed and said hastily: "Didn't I ask both parties to say a few words less?"


As the uncle's words fell, the people around immediately hissed, and most of them looked at the uncle with disappointment.

The old man used to be sensible, but now the old man has become like this, which makes them all feel strange and more and more annoying.

This feeling is even more annoying than they hate bangs!

Being squeezed by everyone like this, no matter how thick-skinned Yi Zhonghai was, he couldn't help but blush.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, get out of the way."

He Yuzhu shook his head and said: "Anyone with a discerning eye knows who is talking nonsense, and I have to go back to cook."

Following He Yuzhu's opening, the people around him also nodded. Such a trivial matter would not lead to a meeting of the entire hospital.

And they can all see who is talking nonsense, and there are some people who are too partial.

"No, Pillar."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Yi Zhonghai hurriedly said: "Don't go back, there is still one thing that has not been resolved."

"what's up?"

"Isn't this a matter of Qin Huairu's family? You also know that Huairu's family has no job, and now this old lady Jia's leg was broken in front of your house. The doctor does not recommend surgery when she goes to the hospital. She has to come back to recuperate. Something nutritious."

Speaking of this, Yi Zhonghai smiled awkwardly, and said: "Isn't the Huairu family in trouble? I was thinking that your family cooks a lot of vegetables and meat every time. You can distribute it to the Huairu family and Mr. Jia. Take care of your body too much, let Mrs. Jia recover quickly."

"You're kidding me."

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, He Yuzhu chuckled and said, "This damn old woman broke her leg and is still cursing at my house. Why should I give her food? I just dumped the extra food and gave it to the wild dogs outside." , won’t you feed this dead old woman, feed her so that she can keep healthy and continue to scold me?”

What a joke, let him help Jia Zhang, how is it possible.

Just now, the Jia Zhang family didn't dare to shamelessly say that he pushed it.

This uncle is really getting more and more crooked.

"No, how can you talk like that."

Hearing that He Yuzhu said that he would rather give food to dogs than to Jia Zhang, Yi Zhonghai immediately frowned and said: "We are all neighbors, and your family is not unconditional. It's a trivial matter, as for such Seriously?"

"This Mrs. Jia didn't deal with you, but that's all in the past. She broke her leg right in front of your house. You must take some responsibility."

"If your family is not good, I will definitely not say it, but your family has the conditions, how can you not take care of this old lady Jia."

"Yes, Pillar."

As soon as the uncle Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, Qin Huairu who was beside him hurriedly said: "Didn't you help us before? Now your living conditions are better than before, shouldn't you continue to help us? Your cat took my son I didn't say anything when I was blind, what's wrong with asking you to order food now, isn't this a trivial matter for you?"

"It shouldn't, it doesn't make sense."

"Shameless, really shameless, this old lady Jia was scolding Zhuzi just now, the uncle is really confused."

"Heh, if I were the pillar, I wouldn't be able to feed that vicious old woman, even if it was leftovers."

"That's right. When she scolded us before, she scolded us fiercely."


After Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai's words fell, the people around them immediately felt uncomfortable and disgusted.

How can you talk like this, what does it mean to break your leg at the door of your house, and your family will be responsible.

And just now, Mrs. Jia said shamelessly that He Yuzhu pushed her, and this uncle also spoke for Jia Zhang, which really made them not know what to say.

"It's a small thing for me, but I don't like it."

He Yuzhu chuckled and said, "Don't you guys still want to rob me? The eyes of the big guys are sharp. Let the big guys tell me, should I help?"

"Of course not."

"That's right, Zhuzi, don't do stupid things."

"Yes, Zhuzi, don't talk to her."


As soon as He Yuzhu finished speaking, people around immediately started talking about why Yuzhu spoke and supported He Yuzhu.

Looking at this scene, Jia Zhang and the others looked extremely ugly.

Do these damn guys have to fight against their family?

She looked at those people and yelled: "Are you the parties involved? Ah, speak up one by one, this has something to do with you."

"I bother!"

Seeing that Mrs. Jia still had the face to scold him, the onlookers immediately spit at Mrs. Jia with disgust on their faces.

This old thing is really relying on the old to sell the old.

Qin Huairu saw that the people around her were not helping her to speak, her face turned pale, but she still said firmly: "All this is because of Zhu Zi, even if Zhu Zi doesn't pay, he still has to be responsible for our family's food, three days a day. Meals can't be missed, my mother-in-law broke her leg, it's not a trivial matter."


Next to him, the elder Yi Zhonghai nodded, looked at He Yuzhu and said, "I don't care if you agree or not, you must agree to this matter."

When speaking, the uncle showed his majesty.

Regarding what the uncle said, He Yuzhu sneered: "I won't take what you can do to me? I used to think that you are good, but it's a pity that your ass is now at Qin Huairu's house. Look at your current appearance, you look like an uncle Is it just Qin Huairu's family's dog licking, you like to do good deeds so much, you sold all the valuable things in your family, can't you give the money to Qin Huairu's family?"

"That's right."

Next to him, Ran Qiuye also looked angrily at the elder Yi Zhonghai and said, "Isn't there a pawn shop opposite the door, you sell the things at home, and you promise to give Qin Huairu's family money to buy things, you are so kind, what do you do?" Let me see, don't kidnap others morally all day long, the older you get, the more confused you become."


Hearing what He Yuzhu and Ran Qiuye said, Yi Zhonghai blushed furiously, but he didn't know what to say.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

The people around, after hearing He Yuzhu's words, nodded in agreement.

What He Yuzhu said was right, this uncle is getting more and more confused.

He was no longer the old man they were familiar with.

It has all become like this.

"Hehe, Lao Yi, although I don't deal with Zhuzi, I still want to say that he is right about this matter."

At this time, the second uncle Liu Haizhong sneered and said: "I listen to you, give the pension to Qin Huairu's family and ask Qin Huairu's family to provide for me in the old age. As a result, Qin Huairu's family directly gave my pension to Huairu without my consent. It’s all gone, and they told me that they spent their own money in advance, and my food is indispensable.”

"Is the food sent to me for people to eat? Every day it's either white porridge or white water noodles. The dishes are pickled vegetables, cucumbers, all vegetarian, and you can't see any meat. My wife is reluctant to be hospitalized. She is fine." , let his son stay in the hospital for almost two weeks."

"The money hasn't been returned to me yet. Since everyone is here today, I will tell the story. At that time, Qin Huairu lied to me, saying that I didn't spend my pension. Later, it was revealed and I exposed it. The dead duck is stubborn, you support her."


Liu Haizhong recounted what happened at that time from the beginning to the end, and everyone around who heard it looked at Qin Huairu's family and his uncle Yi Zhonghai with disgust.

They didn't expect that there was such a thing.


Embezzling an old man's pension and serving plain water noodles to the old man, it is better to spend the money to eat out.

You know, the second aunt had just been discharged from the hospital, and she wanted to eat something nutritious, but ended up eating plain water noodles and pickled vegetables, what is that like?

Even if you use it, you should discuss it in advance and get Liu Haizhong to agree to it before using it.

"This matter is really too much."

"That's right, Qin Huairu has gone too far."

"Her family is not easy, is it easy for others? We also know that the second lady has just been discharged from the hospital."

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