

A group of people walked out of the restaurant while chatting.

Yan Jiecheng, who had been watching this scene, and Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law couldn't help looking at each other.

What is this instant noodles, why haven't they heard of it?

"What are instant noodles?"

"I don't know either. It's the first time I've heard this word. Is this better than food?"

"Hurry up and inquire about it."


While talking, the two began to pack up the restaurant.

They will go back in a while and find someone to ask what instant noodles are.

Their food is indeed unpalatable because of that fat man, but it's not even inferior to some little-known instant noodles.

None of them know what instant noodles are.

While they were packing up the restaurant.

At this moment, He Yuzhu has returned to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, the second uncle Liu Haizhong was sitting on a chair, looking at the weather outside, when he saw He Yuzhu who came back, he snorted coldly, got up and went back to the house.

He Yuzhu: "..."

Seeing Liu Haizhong's reaction, He Yuzhu was speechless, who was this Liu Haizhong playing with.

Too lazy to pay attention to Liu Haizhong, He Yuzhu went straight home.

Then he opened the door and lay down on the bed. After lying on the bed, he felt comfortable.

I have been running all day today, especially in the afternoon when I was exhausted at Xu Huizhen's side, and I didn't use the spiritual spring to recover. Now after returning home, he only feels tired and is still comfortable lying on the bed.

Yawning, He Yuzhu slowly closed his eyes, preparing to squint for a while, waiting for Ran Qiuye and the others to come back.

"Brother Zhuzi!"

At this moment, a shout sounded, it was Su Meng's voice.

The sound directly made He Yuzhu open his eyes.

But soon, he saw Su Meng enter the door, rushed in, and directly threw himself on He Yuzhu's quilt.

"No, you."

Seeing Su Meng in a white nurse outfit, she threw herself onto her bed.

Seeing such a bold Su Meng, He Yuzhu was shocked: "What are you doing?"

"Hmph, I confessed to you yesterday that I liked you, but you didn't care!"

Su Meng, who rushed over, said angrily: "You still treat me like a child. I'm not a child anymore. I wore my mother's good things today. Do you think I'm still young?"

With that said, Su Meng turned sideways and unbuttoned the bottom button of the nurse's outfit.

The white nurse's outfit on her body showed Su Meng's figure. At the same time, He Yuzhu was taken aback by the black fishnet socks on her lower body.

Where did Su Meng get the fishnet socks from?

You know, in this era, fishnet stockings are not popular in China, and people in China are conservative and rarely wear these things.

Thinking of what Su Meng said just now, wearing her mother, he suddenly realized that it was Su Meng who was his mother.

But this outfit really moved him.

"Hey, I'm not a little girl, am I?"

Seeing He Yuzhu's eyes straightened, Su Meng's eyes smiled like crescent moons.

Sure enough, what my mother said was right, no one can stop this kind of dress in China.

So when she went to work today, she took this thing from her mother's closet, and then immediately put it on when she got off work, matched it with a white nurse's outfit, dressed herself up, and came here in a hurry.

Sure enough, He Yuzhu's eyes were straightened!


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Chapter 226

For a while, Su Meng secretly praised her wit.

You know, I used to wonder what the fishnet socks in my mother's closet were. Her mother told her that they were for wearing and could attract people's attention.

But she was still young at that time, so her mother let her grow up to learn about this kind of stuff.

Then when she grew up, she learned a little bit about something that came from abroad in this world, and if she wore it, she would reveal a lot. She was quite shy when she saw it at first. This kind of thing~ can be worn.

And then it's been - shelved, never tried.

In the end, she met He Yuzhu. Although the time from getting to know He Yuzhu to getting to know He Yuzhu was a bit short, but through her understanding, her choice was definitely not wrong!

Just the instant noodles invented by He Yuzhu shocked her.

And that wine, her mother said, it was the best wine she had ever had.

In addition, she is in her 20s, and she is already very annoying. Her mother sometimes talks about when she can bring someone back.

He Yuzhu was also the first opposite sex she brought back.

Moreover, she works in a hospital, so she rarely meets men who are interested in her.

The appearance of He Yuzhu was like seeing a dazzling fire, and she was willing to run towards it.

In addition, He Yuzhu's cooking is delicious and an inventor, so she feels that she should seize the opportunity, and the opportunity waits for no one.

She is a highly educated person who knows the importance of opportunities. Sometimes, if you miss it, you miss it. Once you miss it, you can never go back to the past.

So she confessed directly and boldly.

In the end, she didn't expect that He Yuzhu just treated her like a little girl, and she refused to accept it.

She yelled it out so bluntly, but He Yuzhu didn't care about her, so she just put on the fishnet stockings in her mother's closet today, and then rushed over after work without even changing her work clothes.

She felt extremely satisfied with the fishnet stockings and her nurse outfit, but she still didn't believe that He Yuzhu was not moved.

If she wants to let He Yuzhu, she is still a little girl.

Seeing He Yuzhu's gaze now, and the heartbeat she could hear, Su Meng showed a bright smile on her face.

The eyes are smiling like crescent moons.

Sure enough, He Yuzhu was moved.

"Cough cough."

He Yuzhu coughed and said, "It's really not young, but isn't it inappropriate for us to do this?"

"There's something inappropriate."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Su Meng snorted and said, "I came here by myself, but you still think it's inappropriate. You are really timid than me. Are you still a man?"

"Pillar, is Pillar at home?"

As soon as Su Meng finished speaking, the third master Yan Bugui's voice came from outside, followed by footsteps.

He Yuzhu's complexion suddenly became brighter after hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui.

Whenever the third master Yan Bugui didn't come, he came at this time.

If the third master Yan Bugui saw Su Meng lying on his bed in a half-undressed nurse's uniform and fishnet stockings, he would definitely go back and tell his son that it would be bad for his son to pass on again.

Although I don't care about it, this kind of reputation is also a blow to Su Meng.

And it affects him a little bit.

Before he could speak, Su Meng's face became tense when she heard the voice.

Although she is courageous, she is only courageous when she is alone with He Yuzhu, and she is not so courageous in front of a stranger outside.

If other people see this scene, then both she and He Yuzhu will be affected.

Su Meng quickly hid in He Yuzhu's quilt.

For a moment, the quilt bulged up high, but fortunately, it didn't look unusual. The height of the quilt was almost the height of the raised legs.

At this moment, Su Meng is lying on the same position as Sophora japonica.

He Yuzhu doesn't need to speak, Su Meng at this moment also knows that she can't make a sound.

"Zhuzi, sure enough, you are at home."

At this time, the third master Yan Bugui walked to the door from the outside, saw He Yuzhu lying in the house, and immediately smiled and said: "I see that your door is wide open, thinking that there are people in your house, maybe you are back , Sure enough, I saw you came back."

"Is there anything the third master wants me to do?"

Hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui, He Yuzhu lay down with a chuckle and said, "If you have anything to do, you can come to see me next morning."

"I thought so too."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the third master Yan Bugui said helplessly: "But it's not evening, it's still afternoon. I saw you came back, so I wanted to talk about it earlier."

"Then tell me."

He Yuzhu nodded: "I won't get up, I'm a little tired after working outside all day."

"Is such that."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the third master Yan Bugui hurriedly said: "Isn't my son running a restaurant? I'm short of a chef. I was thinking that you are very good at cooking and have had apprentices. Can you let your apprentice from the rolling mill Go to my son's restaurant as a part-time job, and go to work every day after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the salary will definitely be more."

"I have no apprentice to be a cook in a rolling mill"

He Yuzhu shook his head when he heard the words of the third master Yan Bugui, "I am only one apprentice, and that apprentice is no longer a cook at present."


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the Third Master Yan Pugui was taken aback, He Yuzhu's apprentice is no longer a cook?

How can this be done.

He was asked by his son to ask He Yuzhu's apprentice, the cook in the rolling mill, to help out at the restaurant. In exchange, they were willing to give some money.

So he came here in a hurry, but He Yuzhu said that his apprentice quit being a cook.

He was helpless.

As for why he didn't invite He Yuzhu directly, because he knew that it was impossible for He Yuzhu to do it, because Lou Xiao'e was a rich man, and He Yuzhu was enjoying life now, what did he go to work for.

Who would be free to work in a restaurant after becoming a rich man?

After thinking about it, the third master Yan Bugui said: "Then you and the chef in the canteen of the rolling mill are good at cooking. You should be able to know which cook is good. Can you talk to him and ask him to come out and work part-time."

"You can just talk about it yourself."

Regarding the words of the third master Yan Bugui, He Yuzhu shook his head and said, "I'm going to say that it's not necessary, you can go directly to the rolling mill and ask, some of them also have part-time jobs, so, hey..."

He Yuzhu's voice suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Third Master Yan Bugui asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I was just bitten by the big orange cat." He Yuzhu chuckled without changing his expression.


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Third Master Yan Pugui was taken aback for a moment, and then saw He Yuzhu's quilt bulge up and down, and saw that the quilt was slightly up and down, as if someone was hiding inside and looked up and down for a while, as if He Yuzhu was stroking the cat.

But he felt that this didn't look like a cat. Although the orange cat was fat, it wasn't that big.

Almost instantly, the third master Yan Bugui suddenly thought of something, his face turned reddish, and he thought about He Yuzhu's absurdity.

But it's nice to be young.

He's had this experience before.

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