In this way, He Yuzhu was sitting in a jeep, while Secretary Chen was chatting with He Yuzhu, and at the same time took He Yuzhu to the leader's house.

At this moment, in the courtyard.

At the home of the third master Yan Bugui, the third master Yan Bugui, the third mother, and Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law, the four of them were looking at the prepared instant noodles, lost in thought.

After a long while, Yan Jiecheng said in surprise: "It turns out that Zhuzi invented the instant noodles, my dear, how powerful it is."

Fortunately, he still wanted to find He Yuzhu and ask He Yuzhu to come and cook. Who would have thought that the instant noodles invented by He Yuzhu were actually so delicious.

As a result, he got a few packs of instant noodles from his friend last night.

Brew and eat again this morning, don't be too cool.

"If you didn't tell me, I really don't know."

Next to him, the third master Yan Bugui also exclaimed: "I really didn't know that Zhuzi invented instant noodles, but I heard that instant noodles are hard to buy, so I always thought about buying them later, but I didn't think of it. The person who invented this instant noodle turned out to be Zhu Zi."

21 "Isn't it?"

San Niang picked up the instant noodle package on the table and said, "Look, isn't the instant noodle package in the shape of a pillar? I heard those old friends say Master He, Master He, I didn't expect this Master He to be the Master He in our yard."

"Dad, you said that Zhuzi invented this instant noodle, why didn't you say it in the compound."

Yan Jiecheng said with a look of incomprehension: "If you say this in the compound, everyone will have something to eat, can you help him promote it?"

"Because Zhuzi is a low-key person."

The third master Yan Bugui said with emotion: "You don't understand this, don't tell Zhuzi, who of us knows that Zhuzi invented instant noodles, and not only instant noodles, I also heard that there seems to be some kind of ham sausage , It was also invented by Master He, I think this should be Zhuzi, when Zhuzi comes back at night, I will ask him."

"Besides, Zhuzi lives next door to us. If I say it, my face will shine. Zhuzi and I are neighbors."

"Also in the entire courtyard, the relationship between Zhuzi and I is not particularly good, but compared to other people, it is still much better, and we can communicate with each other. In the future, it will be very simple to go directly to Zhuzi to get instant noodles. ?”

"Of course, we can also eat this instant noodles, and we can also sell them. After all, instant noodles are hard to buy now."

Hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui, Yan Jiecheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said hastily: "Then dad, can you help me order some, we are willing to pay, and then we can sell instant noodles in our restaurant, even if it is only a price increase. Dime, someone should come to eat it, you can try it first."

"Help me? Why?"

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, the third master Yan Bugui frowned and said, "You think too much, you can go talk to Zhuzi about it yourself, I'll go to Zhuzi, that's consuming my relationship with Zhuzi, I definitely can't ask for more Yes, of course."

Speaking of this, Third Master Yan Bugui changed the subject and said, "If you give money or something, everything will be easy to talk about."

Hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui, Yan Jiecheng fell silent immediately.

His old man really knows how to calculate.

"Since the instant noodles were invented by He Yuzhu, let's go to Zhuzi directly."

Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law hurriedly said: "Since we are recruiting cooks in the restaurant, we may not be able to operate these few days, so we will live on instant noodles for a while, and then go to the canteen of the rolling mill to see which cooks can get off work. Part-time cook."


Hearing what his wife said, Yan Jiecheng nodded in agreement.

While they were discussing.

On the other side, in Qin Huairu's home, the uncle Yi Zhonghai was eating white water noodles on the table.

Bang Jian had a bruised nose and a swollen face, wrapped in gauze and sitting beside him.

Jia Zhang was lying on the bed in the distance, constantly groaning slightly in pain.

"Master, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai and said, "I still have to go to work, my mother-in-law is not in good health, she can't move, and something happened to the stick again, I have to trouble you to take care of me at home."

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Yi Zhonghai nodded.

Then he looked at Banggen, frowned and said: "Banggen, why did you rush in to hit the pillar, you can't beat the pillar, did something happen yesterday afternoon? I saw that your state yesterday was very wrong. "


Stick's face was wrapped in gauze, and he said in a muffled voice, "I was impulsive."

Thinking of what happened yesterday, he was very upset.


Seeing that Bang Geng was unwilling to say anything, the old man sighed and said, "You are in this state, even a small worker can't do it, you should take good care of it at home these few days, and then go to work as a small worker when you are well. I have already found Xiaogong for you, he is my old friend, for my sake, I can take care of you."

"But it will be very hard. You go to work at night, and you have to leave at dawn, and the money is paid in cash."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Hearing the old man's words, Qin Huairu hurriedly said: "You still need to worry about the old man, I'm sorry to trouble you, this kid is great."


The uncle waved his hand, indicating that this was just a trivial matter.

As for the stick, when he heard it, he was dissatisfied and said: "Can't you do it during the day? I'm too tired at night."

"There is no way. In your current situation, you can only find a place that will not be reported."

Hearing what the stick said, the old man sighed and said: "During the day, there are many people going. If you don't sign in, you will be noticed, and then report it. Once you report it, it will be bad at that time, so for safety and security, You can only go at night, even if I look for a relationship, it won't work."

Hearing the old man's words, Bang Geng clenched his fists angrily, and then stopped talking.

There's no way, if he doesn't go out to make money, his mother will be the only one at home, and it's really hard for him to survive.

And my grandma is still lying on the bed with a broken leg.

Because of this, Jia Zhang's family can't even cook, only Qin Huairu can cook when he comes back at night, or when the uncle comes to cook, he can't do it either.

Fortunately, the uncle is at home during the day, so he can order noodles and make food for him.

Waiting for Qin Huairu at night, he can also eat, and then go to work at night.

"By the way, I heard that a new type of instant noodles is delicious and cheap."

Suddenly, Yi Zhonghai thought of something, and quickly said: "Huairu, when you go to work, remember to ask someone, where can you buy instant noodles, that thing costs a dime a bag, and it's simple and convenient, you can brew it with water It can be eaten as it is, or it can be crushed and eaten dry, everyone in the factory must know it, so it will be much more convenient to inquire about it and then buy it back.”


Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Qin Huairu was taken aback, instant noodles?

She really didn't know about instant noodles, because these days, she didn't eat in the cafeteria in the factory, but ate steamed buns in the workshop.

Still sneaking on the ground.

But she also heard a lot of people say that instant noodles are so delicious. She knew that she had no money, so she didn't know about it.

Now that she heard what the old man said, she felt that she had to find out, a dime a bag, a bag of noodles a dime is also very cheap.

And she just got the money from Mr. Guo, so she can buy some good things for herself, and she can still buy noodles for a dime a pack.

Soon, after breakfast, I asked Yi Zhonghai a favor, and then went to work in the rolling mill.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

At the door of the leader's house, after He Yuzhu got off the car, he saw the leader's wife waiting for him at the door.

"Comrade He."

Seeing He Yuzhu coming, the leader's wife immediately smiled and said, "Is your wife not here today?"

"She's busy with other things."

He Yuzhu smiled and said, "That's why I came alone."

"I see."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the wife of the chief leader nodded, and while leading the way for He Yuzhu, she smiled and said, "The instant noodles and ham sausage you invented are also delicious. The chief leader eats this every day for two days. It hurts to eat."

"Is that an exaggeration?"

He Yuzhu immediately smiled and said, "I just sold the ham sausage yesterday. If you like it, you can ask Secretary Chen to go directly to the factory to get the goods."

"This is good, this is good."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the eyes of the leader's wife suddenly lit up.

What she was waiting for was He Yuzhu's words.

You know, He Yuzhu, who invented instant noodles and ham sausage, came here often. She felt that this kind of thing could just be entrusted to He Yuzhu, and she didn't need to ask someone to make a special trip to buy it.

Soon, He Yuzhu met the big leader.

The big leader was still sitting on the sofa, waiting for him with a chessboard.

On the cart table next to it, there was a bowl of soaked instant noodles, and there were two ham sausages on the instant noodles.

"Comrade He."

Seeing He Yuzhu coming in, the leader immediately smiled and said, "You've come, the instant noodles and ham sausage you invented are very good."

"If the big leader likes it, he can directly ask Secretary Chen to come to my factory to get it."

Hearing the big leader's praise, He Yuzhu said with a smile: "And I'm about to develop barreled noodles and withdraw from new varieties. When the time comes, I can send it over to the big leader for a taste."

"New taste? That's good."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the big leader immediately smiled and said, "You also have Secretary Chen's phone number. You can call Secretary Chen directly when the time comes. I think you are not just running a food processing factory."

"Well, get a pager."

He Yuzhu nodded and said: "I just want to tell you this matter with the big leader. The main reason is to call the contact now. The other party is not at home. After returning, he will not know the phone number unless someone at home sees it."

"The emergence of pagers is to find someone, let people see the information, know who has called him, and then he can call you back through the public or the like as soon as possible."

"this is okay!"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the big leader's eyes lit up.

What He Yuzhu said is indeed a convenient way of communication.

Immediately, the big leader started a discussion with He Yuzhu, and the two chatted for almost a whole day.

At noon, He Yuzhu was cooking, and after everyone finished eating, the big leader continued to chat with He Yuzhu about the pager, while playing chess at the same time.

Time passed quietly, and soon it was past three o'clock. The big leader is in a good mood today, feeling very happy.

Chatting with He Yuzhu, he really felt that it was not he who was leading He Yuzhu, but He Yuzhu was leading.

This made him very surprised, and at the same time, he was proud of the appearance of a talent like Yu Zhu.

He had to personally protect what He Yuzhu did, and he could feel that He Yuzhu would definitely do something great next.

He Yuzhu is also very comfortable chatting with the big leader. He knows that with the big leader's attention, he just needs to let go, and there is Secretary Chen who can cooperate with him and give him the green light all the way.

For him, this is the greatest benefit.

Afterwards, He Yuzhu was driven away by Secretary Chen. Instead of going back, he went to the processing factory and bought more than a dozen boxes of instant noodles and ham sausages for Secretary Chen.

But it's not that the jeep can't fit inside, He Yuzhu definitely has to.

Then He Yuzhu sat in the co-pilot and returned to the gate of the courtyard.

"Brother Zhuzi!"

At the gate of the courtyard, Su Meng, dressed as a nurse in white, was standing at the gate of the courtyard.

Seeing He Yuzhu getting off the jeep, he immediately waved excitedly and ran over.

"when did you come."

Seeing Su Meng standing and running towards him, He Yuzhu immediately smiled and hugged Su Meng who rushed over.

"I just arrived, and then I found that your door was locked, so I knew you hadn't come back. I think this is waiting for you at the door."

Su Meng, who threw herself into He Yuzhu's arms, giggled and said, "Sure enough, I made you wait."

Feeling the softness from his hand, He Yuzhu smiled and patted Su Meng's waist: "Okay, let's go in first."

Then he said goodbye to Secretary Chen and watched Secretary Chen drive away before taking Su Meng back to the house.

The first thing to do when you get back to the house is to close the door, and then kindly give Su Meng an injection.

In Qin Huairu's house in the backyard, Stick watched as He Yuzhu and Su Meng entered and closed the door, with red eyes and clenched fists.


PS: Ask for flowers, recommend tickets, rewards, and all support!

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