If He Yuzhu hadn't invented instant noodles and ham sausage.

Even with Lou Xiao'e around, he ran over to show off.

However, He Yuzhu invented instant noodles and ham sausage, so he couldn't get over it at all.

This situation is really frustrating.

"Lao Yan, Lao Liu, you are right."

Hearing what Liu Haizhong said, Yi Zhonghai also nodded, then raised his wine glass, clinked glasses with the second uncle and the third uncle, and said, "We don't have any hatred, it's just that we think differently, but old Liu is too sensitive Now, I didn't mean to reprimand you, maybe I spoke a little more heavily, but some situations were urgent before, here, I want to apologize to you!"

"no problem, no problem!"

Hearing the apology from the great master Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong immediately smiled, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't worry about it, the past, let it pass."

This old Yi actually apologized to him, which is good for him, don't be too comfortable.

There is nothing wrong with asking for this meal today!

At this moment, he didn't pay any attention to the matter of that stickler just slammed his face and left.

He didn't take it seriously anymore, a soil turtle is a soil turtle.

"Yo? Three uncles, are you eating?"

At this time, a surprised voice sounded, and a figure walked in from outside.

It's Xu Damao.

Xu Damao was at the door of He Yuzhu's house, and was speechless by He Yuzhu. After leaving in a panic, he didn't go back, but chose to visit the second uncle.

In the entire courtyard, he only had a good relationship with the second uncle, and his relationship with other people was not good, let alone ignored.

He had just left home and when he was looking for He Yuzhu, Qin Jingru also went back to Qin Huairu's home to inquire about him.

But he didn't expect that when he came, this uncle and the third uncle were all there.

He didn't feel very comfortable with the first master, and the three masters were the same.

But the third master Yan Bugui didn't have anything against him, at most he just treated him like a normal person and said hello or something.

Seeing the three uncles having dinner together, Xu Damao shook his head and said, "Second uncle, this is your dishonesty. You don't call me when you eat hot pot at home, it's too shameful."

"I'll invite the first and third masters to dinner. It's a dinner for the three of us to resolve past grievances."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Liu Haizhong said angrily: "We have some disagreements with each other. We need to communicate, talk, and resolve it. It has nothing to do with you."

"Who said, at least I can eat and drink, right?"

Xu Damao raised his eyebrows and said: "Also, I have some problems with the uncle, but I can also sit down and chat with you. After all, I was also the talker in this courtyard back then, wasn't I?"

At the beginning, he was also an uncle in the courtyard. After the first uncle Yi Zhonghai was squeezed out by the second uncle Liu Haizhong and the third uncle Yan Bugui, he became the uncle for a few days.

As a result, he became a queen and wanted to teach He Yuzhu a lesson, but He Yuzhu told him that he became a nanny in a courtyard house, and his nose was crooked in anger.

Isn't she the nanny of the courtyard house?

Then the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he quit.

"Come on, Brother Da Mao, sit here, sit here!"

At this time, Liu Guangtian hurriedly made room for Xu Damao, and said with a smile: "Sit down and eat, sit down and eat, I'll get you the bowls and chopsticks."

After saying that, he got up and went to fetch the bowls and chopsticks for Xu Damao.

Because he knew that his father's fortune was all brought by Xu Damao, and compared with Xu Damao's fortune, his father's fortune was a drop in the bucket.

His father said more than once, less investment, less investment,.

I regret it.

So he felt that as long as he licked Xu Damao well, he might be able to make a fortune.

What if Xu Damao took him?

Although he came back this time to enjoy life, he felt aggrieved by taking care of Liu Hazi like this every day, but his father was rich, so no matter how aggrieved he had to bear it.

In addition, he knew that Xu Damao was better than his father, and his father was brought by Xu Damao, so he thought about finding an opportunity to find Xu Damao.

Now the opportunity has come.

So he was very kind.

As long as Xu Damao is licked well, maybe he can make a fortune too.

As long as he gets rich, what is he still doing in this house?You can leave directly.

So when he saw Xu Damao coming, he was very hospitable, hoping that he would leave a good impression on Xu Damao.

As for being beaten by Xu Damao before, how much he hated Xu Damao, he had long forgotten about it.


Seeing Liu Guangtian who is so sensible and able to do things, Xu Damao suddenly smiled brightly. This Liu Guangtian has a different attitude towards himself.

You know, I kicked Liu Guangtian before, and became enemies with two brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, and these two brothers hated him to death.

But now, there is no look of hatred, a look of licking a dog, he looks very comfortable.

The former enemy, now licking himself like this, his vanity has been greatly satisfied.

"Da Mao."

After Xu Damao sat down, before he could speak, the elder Yi Zhonghai said: "I didn't have a good impression of you before, but you did one thing very right before, that is, the second aunt was hospitalized with a cerebral thrombosis At that time, you let the ambulance come over quickly and sent the second aunt and second uncle to the ambulance, and my impression of you changed a lot that time."

"You finally did a human thing, but you were still angry at the time. In fact, thinking about it, I think it might be because I used the wrong words and sentences at the time, because I didn't mean that. I mean that you did a good thing, and people changed. It’s great, it’s not as annoying as it used to be.”

"My tone was wrong at the time, and I apologize for you."

You know, this Xu Damao is rich, and he is still richer than Liu Haizhong. He feels that he is not too against Xu Damao, and he hates Xu Damao too much, because it is useless for him to hate Xu Damao.

It's better to ease the relationship with Xu Damao. If something happens in the future, let Xu Damao help. That will definitely be beneficial to him.

So he felt that he still had to chat with Xu Damao, walk around or something.

"Hey, sir, what you said."

Hearing the words of the great master Yi Zhonghai, Xu Damao immediately smiled, this old man can be regarded as giving in to him, he is rich, it really is different.

At that moment, Xu Damao hurriedly said: "You are old, you are my elder, you should teach me a lesson, I have made mistakes in the past, here, I also want to say sorry to you, let's let the past things go. Well, from now on, I will still treat you as a master."

The reason why Xu Damao said this was because he knew that Yi Zhonghai was still a master, and he would live in this courtyard in the future.

If he can have a good relationship with the three uncles, then whatever happens in the future, the three uncles can be on his side.

For him, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

So for the apology from the uncle, he readily accepted it, and was willing to have a good relationship with the uncle.

He also experienced the days when almost no one talked to him in the past ten years. He felt very lonely and rejected by this courtyard. He just wanted to find someone to talk to, and there was only Liu Haizhong.

Especially after it was rumored that he was extinct and unable to have children, a group of people ignored him.

Now that he is back, rich people, those who ignore him, greet him with smiles and make him feel comfortable. This is life.

Now that you have a good relationship with the first and third masters, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

And the elder Yi Zhonghai also smiled when he saw Xu Damao showing face like this.

This Xu Damao is not bad, the more he looks at Xu Damao, the more pleasing to his eyes, he knows how to behave...

Compared to He Yuzhu, why did that Zhuzi become so heartless?

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Xu Damao continued to look at the third master Yan Pugui, and said: "Third master, there is no conflict between us, there may have been some minor conflicts before, but those are nothing, let him go. "


Seeing Xu Damao giving himself face in this way, the third master Yan Bugui nodded.

He didn't reach out to hit the smiling person, and he and Xu Damao didn't have any hatred. Naturally, the relationship should be friendly.

After all, Xu Damao is rich now.

I can't gain fame with He Yuzhu, but with Xu Damao, having a good relationship with Xu Damao has only advantages and no disadvantages.

For a while, the three uncles and Xu Damao were all enjoying themselves happily.

"Brother Xu, here are your bowls and chopsticks."

At this time, Liu Guangtian also brought the bowls and chopsticks and put them in front of Xu Damao. Seeing that Xu Damao was satisfied, he took the chopsticks and praised with a smile: "You boy, you are sensible!"


Being praised by Xu Damao, Liu Guangtian immediately sat down with a smile.

"Father, the mutton is here!"

At this time, Liu Guangfu also entered the room with a plate of cut mutton, and put it on the table.

"very good."

Liu Haizhong personally put the mutton into the pot and let the mutton cook.

Then eat and chat with everyone.

"By the way, Second Uncle."

Suddenly, Xu Damao said: "Do you know that He Yuzhu studied the instant noodles and ham sausage? How did he study it? Where is his processing plant?"

"We ate and chatted about our affairs and what he did."

Hearing Xu Damao's question, Liu Haizhong was taken aback, then shook his head and said, "I don't know either, although I know that he invented ham sausage and instant noodles, but I haven't inquired specifically about it, and I don't rely on him for food, hmph. "

When it came to eating, Liu Haizhong snorted coldly, and said unhappily: "Back then, in the canteen of the rolling mill, every time he shook the spoon for me, there were not many dishes. He asked me to eat white flour, steamed buns and rice all at once. Just eat soup and pickled vegetables, I will never forget this matter."

"Who said it wasn't."

Hearing Liu Haizhong's words and seeing Liu Haizhong's angry face, Xu Damao suddenly smiled and said: "I thought you forgot, I was often shaken at that time, but there is nothing we can do about it."

"And have you forgotten that he asked you and me to raise pigs together?"

Hearing this, Liu Haizhong's complexion suddenly darkened.

Now that he heard Xu Damao's words, he felt disgusted and ashamed!

He worked well in the workshop in the steel rolling mill, but was rejected by the cafeteria staff, who beat him with dishes, and let it be fine if he couldn't eat well when he was so angry.

Later, he was even ordered to raise pigs. He raised them for ten years and dealt with those smelly beasts every day. As a result, when he came back every night, his wife was unwilling to approach him, and he had to take a bath at least twice.

He will never forget this kind of thing in his life, it is a shame!

"And this pillar is too ignorant, it doesn't take care of us, and it doesn't help the neighbors around."

Xu Damao sneered and said, "So I have to punish him properly."

Just now He Yuzhu mocked him for having no children, for being extinct, and when he thought about the previous events, he felt angry.

"How to fix it?"

Seeing Xu Damao sneer, Liu Haizhong suddenly became curious; "You know, He Yuzhuke is not short of money now, and he is also an inventor. He invented instant noodles and ham sausages. We just want to punish them, but there is nothing we can do about it?"

"There is a way."

Xu Damao snorted coldly and said: "There is more than one way. First, I need to know where his ham sausage and instant noodle processing factory is, and then I can make the next step. I know people, and it is the easiest thing to trouble him. gone."

"And in the courtyard, we can also use the Qin Huai Tathagata to persecute him and let him help Qin Huai Ru."

"After all, the two of us who got rich have already helped out, so there's no reason for him, a rich man, not to help out. If he doesn't help out, it can't be justified, right?"


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Chapter 238

"It makes sense!"

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Liu Haizhong's eyes lit up.

What Xu Damao said makes sense, as long as he and Xu Damao help Qin Huairu, then He Yuzhu will have to help Qin Huairu too.

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