Qin Huairu also looked at those things with a smile on his face.


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Chapter 239

She has never eaten these things, and she dare not even think about them.

Now that Qin Jingru brought these things over, she was overjoyed.

"Come here, this is a banana."

Qin Jingru proudly said: "This banana is delicious. Also, look at my new clothes. Da Mao said they are from France and they are expensive."

As he said that, Qin Jingru signaled to Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi with a proud face.

"It doesn't matter what the clothes are."

Regarding the new clothes Qin Jingru was wearing, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang shook their heads. For them, food is the most important thing.

"Auntie, are you really going to reunite with Xu Damao?"

Compared to the happy Qin Jingru, Bang Geng was a little unhappy, and he quickly asked: "Then Xu Damao is not a good person, how could you just jump into the fire by yourself?"

"How do you talk, kid?"

Hearing Banggen's words, Qin Jingru immediately said in a bad mood: "Your aunt, I am called flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix. How could you jump into a fire pit? Your little uncle's family is rich. That color TV, that washing machine, how comfortable it is!" , Even the beds were replaced with new ones, and the chairs were replaced with sofas, I didn’t enjoy life in the past.”


As soon as Qin Jingru finished speaking, Jia Zhang nodded and said, "Your aunt is enjoying a blessing, not jumping into a pit of fire."

Hearing Qin Jingru's words, Bang Geng was in a low mood, and there was really nothing he could do. His aunt really entered Xu Damao's house.

What a pity.

Afterwards, Qin Jingru sat down to chat.

While sitting down to chat, outside the courtyard, Xiaodang and Sophora came in with Xu Huizhen.

He Yuzhu is still working on roasting the whole lamb.

Seeing Xu Huizhen coming over, she smiled and nodded.

Xu Huizhen communicated with Ran Qiuye and the others.

After He Yuzhu finished roasting the whole lamb, everyone chatted while eating. Not only did they drink Lingquan, but there were also watermelons, apples, pears and other fruits on the table. They enjoyed eating it.

"Huizhen, why don't you go back tonight."

At the dinner table, Lou Xiaoe looked at the sky outside, and said with a smile: "I'm just full of food and drink, so I can rest here."


Hearing Lou Xiaoe's words, Xu Huizhen nodded: "I didn't plan to go back, it's so late."

Beside, He Yuzhu raised his eyebrows.

If Xu Hui really didn't go back, she would sleep in his room.

The big bed in his room can sleep four or five people, including him.

So it's okay for Xu Huizhen to sleep one more time.

"By the way, Zhuzi, you decide when to launch new flavors."

Suddenly, Ran Qiuye looked at He Yuzhu and said: "I surveyed some people and found that many people can't eat enough for one pack or two packs, and then eat too much of the taste, and feel disgusted and want to vomit. I hope we launch a new one. taste."

"Introducing new flavors is a matter of changing the seasoning."

Hearing what Ran Qiuye said, He Yuzhu chuckled lightly and said, "I'll go to the factory in person tomorrow and just give orders. It's time to launch barreled noodles."

"Barrel noodles."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the girls' eyes lit up immediately. They had been looking forward to the barrel noodles for a long time.

Because He Yuzhu said that the instant noodles are still in barrels.

The bagged instant noodles have to be packed with bowls and chopsticks, but the buckets are very convenient, and they are also looking forward to new flavors.

"What kind of flavor are you going to launch?"

Ran Qiuye took He Yuzhu's arm and said with a smile, "There's also the ham sausage, why don't we introduce new flavors as well."


He Yuzhu nodded after hearing Ran Qiuye's words: "Look at you, the first release is the flavor of braised beef, this time it's the old altar sauerkraut, this flavor is definitely okay."

"As for the ham sausage, a new variety has also been launched, corn stuffed."


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the eyes of Ran Qiuye and the other girls suddenly lit up, and they sounded very good.

Everyone continued to eat while chatting, and finally cleaned up, washed the dishes, chatted and chatted, and the family enjoyed themselves happily.

Seeing Xu Huizhen walking into the room, He Yuzhu had a bright smile on his face. He still hadn't tried this kind of thing before.

Thinking of Xu Huizhen kneeling side by side, his mood fluttered.

Soon, the night came, and the moon finally rose into the deserted sky, shining white and crystal clear.

He Yuzhu also entered the room.

Silent all night.

The next day, the sun was high, casting soft rays.

A new day has come.

He Yuzhu felt refreshed.

Beside him, Ran Qiuye was fast asleep.

Because he focused on Ran Qiuye last night, and killed Ran Qiuye begging for mercy, that's why Ran Qiuye didn't get up immediately this morning.

Not long after He Yuzhu got up, Ran Qiuye also got up, and after getting up, Ran Qiuye yawned, really tired.

Even if she picked up the narration's spiritual spring and drank it, she felt that her eyelids were a bit heavy,

"Damn pillar¨‖!"

Ran Qiuye snorted at the thought of He Yuzhu making himself embarrassing in front of Xu Huizhen, it was too much.

Afterwards, everyone ate breakfast.

After eating and drinking, they all went out one by one.

Xu Huizhen took Huaihua and Xiaodang back to the tavern, Yu Li and Yu Haitang went to the ham sausage processing factory and instant noodle processing factory, and Ran Qiuye and Lou Xiao'e went to the pager to handle things.

He Yuzhu was the last to leave. When he was about to leave, he met a visitor at the door.

It was Director Li who left the rolling mill.

Beside Director Li, there was a woman following him.

"Master He!"

Seeing He Yuzhu who had just left the house, Director Li who was walking towards him burst into laughter; "Thanks to my visit in the morning, otherwise, if I came at noon or afternoon, I would have made a trip for nothing."

"Director Li."

Seeing Director Li coming, He Yuzhu smiled lightly and said, "You didn't even tell me in advance. For this kind of thing, just call directly, so that we can notify you in advance."

Ever since Director Li knew about his relationship with the big boss, he has been very attentive to himself, as friendly as Director Yang.

Only that deputy director Li didn't know what to do and had already gone down.

"It's not that there is no call from Master He, so I hurried over early in the morning."

Director Li smiled and said: "Master He is going out? If you are busy, I will come to arrange for you tomorrow, Master He."

"It's not an important thing. Tell me what you want from me."

He Yuzhu shook his head, and went to the processing factory, that is, to tell his apprentice Ma Hua to get something new, which could be done in two or three hours.

He was a little curious about what Director Li was looking for.

"Can you go in and talk?"

Seeing that He Yuzhu was not in a hurry to leave, Director Li immediately smiled and said, "It's a bit inconvenient to talk at this door after all, Master He, do you think so?"


At the moment, He Yuzhu nodded: "Then come in and have a seat, and chat while walking."

"This time, I mainly want to find Master He, and I want two lines."

Director Li walked behind He Yuzhu, and said flatteringly: "Master He, you invented ham sausage and instant noodles. I think I will get a lot of profit from you as an agent. The main reason is to discuss this. matter."

"A proxy for instant noodles and ham sausage?"

Hearing Director Li's words, He Yuzhu rubbed his chin and said, "Actually, you don't need to contact me for this kind of thing. There is a special person in charge. There is also a special phone number on the instant noodle package, you can call it."

"No, no, no, the agent I want to be is naturally different from other agents."

Director Li said with a smile, followed He Yuzhu through the front yard, stepped into the middle yard, and came to the back yard.

While the two were chatting, at Xu Damao's home in the Intermediate Court, Xu Damao just went out when he saw Director Li, and his eyes narrowed immediately.

What did Director Li come to see He Yuzhu for?

He wanted to get closer, but he also knew that he was not suitable to appear, so he didn't go forward, but watched He Yuzhu and Director Li walk into the backyard helplessly.

Opening the door, He Yuzhu, who sat down, looked at Director Li's attire, shook his head and said, "You must have gotten rich recently, by dressing like this."

"Hehe, no matter how rich I am, I'm not as rich as Master He."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Director Li smiled and said: "Master He, you are the one who does great things. You can tell by your clothes. I have to go out to socialize and meet people often, so I dress like this, otherwise , I am the same as you, Master He, and my little money is not worth mentioning in front of you, Master He."

He knew that He Yuzhu, who invented ham sausage and instant noodles, was definitely rich, and even if he sold the company, he couldn't compare to He Yuzhu.

The most important thing is that He Yuzhu also knows people in the military, because he knows the big leaders, so he has no advantage in front of He Yuzhu.

Even if he is the chairman of Jingshi Trading Company, he knows that in front of He Yuzhu, it is not enough to look at.

"By the way, let me introduce you to Master He. This one is my partner, You Fengxia, Manager You."

Speaking of which, Director Li and He Yuzhu introduced You Fengxia

At this time, He Yuzhu set his eyes on You Fengxia.

You Fengxia's dress is similar to that of Chen Xueru, but her looks are not so good, compared with Chen Xueru, there is a world of difference

"Master He, hello."

You Fengxia stretched out her hand with a smile on her face, she knew He Yuzhu's worth.

The invention of instant noodles alone has ruined all her hard work, so she dare not have the slightest pleasure in front of such a person.


He Yuzhu stretched out his hand and shook it, then looked at Director Li and said, "Then Director Li, I want to know how you want to get the agency."

"Not in China."

Director Li hurriedly said: "¨. The main reason is that I want to use your reputation, Master He. Your instant noodles have reached a cooperation with my crystal trading company, so that I can have the resources to advertise, and then Master He, you promote instant noodles. , the profit in it, I have one and you nine, and even I can't use the profit."

"This kind of thing is not impossible."

Hearing that Director Li said that he didn't need a penny, and he could help him promote himself, He Yuzhu nodded: "However, some contracts still need to be drawn up. For this kind of thing, I will ask a professional to finalize this agreement with you. I hope you don't make any mistakes. thing."

He Yuzhu didn't think there was anything wrong with what Director Li did, and his attitude was still very low.

As for Director Li wanting to ruin his reputation, it is impossible.

Because he will ask Lou Xiao'e to invite the most professional people to finalize these things.

Now instant noodles are only popular in China, not a big fire all over the country.

It would be a good thing to promote foreign products. While gaining fame, you can also make more money.

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