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Chapter 245

"So I have already said about the hypocrisy of the uncle, and everyone can see it."

He Yuzhu said slowly: "Let's talk about the problem of the second uncle and Xu Damao, the idiot. In fact, you don't need to have a good attitude towards these two people, because they will not give you money even if they have money. In the past, you Those who treat them are still treated as they are now."

"You have a good attitude towards them now. When you get into trouble, he will definitely not help you."


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, everyone present nodded in agreement.

Indeed, when they saw that Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong's family was rich, their attitude towards them became much better, just so that they could ask them for help if they had difficulties in the future.

But when He Yuzhu said this, they felt that Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong might not necessarily help them.

It's useless for them to lick people like this now.

Licking Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong is not as real as licking Zhuzi.

Compared with these two people, Zhu Zi's reputation is not very good.

Moreover, Zhuzi is also a person with his own opinions. He invented instant noodles and ham sausage, which made many of them eat and enjoy them, so they love and respect He Yuzhu.

The pricing of instant noodles alone made them feel that He Yuzhu was taking care of them.

If there is any difficulty in the future, as long as it is not too much, the probability of He Yuzhu helping them is higher than that of Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong helping them.

"The reason why Qin Huairu's family's pension is not in Liu Haizhong is because Qin Huairu's family can't afford the 1000 yuan pension."

Seeing everyone's reaction, He Yuzhu continued to smile and said: "I can't afford the pension, there is no way, I just thought, I don't want the pension, to show my magnanimity, it is indeed magnanimity, but he and Xu Damao plotted to help Qin Huai Ru's family together, and forced me to help Qin Huai Ru's family, even if I had nothing to lose, he would still disgust me, the thinking of these two people is extremely problematic."

"Everyone knows the source of my money, He Yuzhu, but Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong's family's source of money is not clear. They couldn't have invented something and sold it themselves."

"In view of this, I think someone should come over to investigate. After all, no one knows whether these two people are doing something shady."

He knew that Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong's ability to make a fortune was absolutely shameful.


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, everyone nodded immediately.

They knew that He Yuzhu was rich, he had instant noodles and ham sausage, and that his daughter-in-law came back from Xiangjiang. The rich family and the source of their money were clearly stated.

But the source of Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao's money, they don't know.

They were also very curious, but unless Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao told him, they had nothing to do.

Now that He Yuzhu said that he wanted to find someone to check the source of the two people's money, they were also happy to hear it.

Anyway, these two people are not good people, and they made so much money in a month, so they really need to check.

"He Yuzhu!"

But at this moment, the complexions of Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong who heard He Yuzhu's words changed drastically.

They thought why Yuzhu would scold themselves like everyone else, but they didn't expect that He Yuzhu would actually talk about the source of their property.

You know, they are not the only ones who have made a fortune. There are many people who have made a fortune. Everyone tacitly said that they are doing business outside and running away.

Because it is true that many people make money outside, and they do so through business.

But more of them are not obtained by doing serious business.

There are many people who can stand the investigation but have nothing wrong with them, and even more people cannot stand the investigation.

For example, Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong couldn't stand the investigation.

Because they are reselling things from the factory, and there are some things around, if someone really wants to check, then they will definitely be in trouble.

Although Xu Damao managed the relationship, Xu Damao still didn't want to get involved in this kind of trouble.


Seeing Xu Damao calling himself, He Yuzhu smiled lightly and said, "Don't tell me you have a guilty conscience? I, He Yuzhu, can stand the investigation, but you can't?"

As for Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong, just by asking people to inquire about the source of their property, I can take care of these two people.

On the contrary, He Yuzhu's property can stand the investigation.

Instant noodles and ham sausage are both invented by ourselves.

No tax underpayment either.

Not to mention, he also knows the big leaders.

"Who is guilty."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Xu Damao panicked, but on the surface he still said stubbornly: "Whoever has a guilty conscience is a grandson. If you have the ability, you can ask someone to investigate. By then, I will be fine. You will just be slandering, hum, these days, but It’s not something you can slander people casually.”

Xu Damao was betting that He Yuzhu would not go to someone to investigate.

As long as you are strong now, you can hold on.

As for Xu Damao, who was slapped in the face to pretend to be a fat man, He Yuzhu chuckled lightly, ignored Xu Damao, but looked at the crowd and continued to say: "When Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao's family got rich, they also talked about it, just check it out, and I will give it to you later." Let's analyze how these two helped Qin Huairu's family."

"These two people keep saying that they are going to help Qin Huairu's family, and how they plan to help Qin Huairu's family. You must know that Qin Huairu's family is not short of food. They may be short of some meat, but they will not be hungry."

"Xu Damao, Liu Haizhong, how are you two going to support Qin Huairu's family?"

Speaking of this, He Yuzhu looked at Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong.

At this moment, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao's expressions were extremely ugly.

They found that the convening of this general meeting was a joke.

It has completely become He Yuzhu's home field, which is completely reversed from what they imagined.

Hearing He Yuzhu's words now, and looking at the eyes of the people around him, Liu Haizhong snorted coldly and said, "Of course I helped Qin Huai Ru's family to eat meat. Qin Huai Ru's family now has an old man whose legs have just recovered. I decided to help Qin Huai Ru's family to eat meat." Meat, eat mutton, and by the way, the leftover hot pot at home can be given to Qinhuai Rujia."

As soon as he said this, the second aunt pulled Liu Haizhong's clothes violently, and gave Qin Huairu's family whatever they couldn't eat, and it was all vegetables.

Even if you have money, you can't waste it like this.

And in the center of bangs, he was also helpless. Now that things had happened, he could only say this.

If he doesn't say that, isn't what he said before just farting?

I have said this to everyone before, so that I can gain a reputation for charity, otherwise, I will be fooling everyone.

He can't make people angry.

So that's all he can say.

"By the way, I also asked Qinhuai Tathagata to wash clothes in my home washing machine."

Liu Haizhong snorted coldly and said, "I said I'm helping, but I'm really helping. I don't want the 1000 yuan pension. I'm giving food to Qin Huairu's family so that Qin Huairu doesn't have to wash it with tap water."

"Since you let Qin Huairu use the washing machine, don't let everyone use it together."

He Yuzhu said slowly: "Why, is it possible that you just help Qin Huairu and not other people? You must know that many people present don't have washing machines. Since you are willing to give Qin Huairu the washing machine, you should also use it for everyone, isn't it? If Qinhuai can be used, everyone can't use it?"


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the eyes of those present suddenly lit up.

He Yuzhu is right.

Since the second uncle is willing to lend Qin Huairu the washing machine, why can't he lend it to them?

They don't have a washing machine at home, and they wash their clothes by hand in tap water.

Washing clothes in winter is quite cold.

Now that Liu Haizhong gave Qin Huairu the washing machine, he can also use it for them.

Speaking of which, they haven't used a washing machine yet.

"That's right, Second Uncle, if your washing machine can be used by Qin Huairu, then you can also lend it to us."

"If you don't lend it to us, then it won't make sense."

"That is, unless you don't want to use it for Qin Huairu, then it's okay not to use it for us, but if you give it to Qin Huairu and don't give it to us, you have said that you are willing to help the needy and help the neighbors around us. It should and should help."

"I don't think Qin Huairu's family deserves sympathy."


They all spoke to the second uncle one by one.

Just now they heard from their own mouths that the second uncle said that he would help his neighbors when he has money, and they were ashamed to mention the money.

But the second uncle said that he was willing to give Qin Huairu the washing machine. If Qin Huai could use it, they could use it too. If they couldn't use it, then it wouldn't make sense.

Hearing everyone's words, Liu Haizhong's complexion suddenly became stiff.

This is not what he wants.

So many people use his washing machine, what should I do if it breaks down?

Although he has money, he doesn't want to waste it like this.

It's okay to lend it to one or two people, but if everyone uses it, he will be upset.

But he has already let out his words. If he regrets now, then everything he has done before will be in vain.

Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

His second uncle is a shameless person.

Especially after getting rich, this face is the most important.

At that moment, he suppressed the second aunt's murderous gaze, and said bravely: "No problem, if you want to wash clothes in the future, you can use my washing machine, come to my washing machine."


"That's the real kindness."

"That is to say, it's not like the first uncle, who doesn't have to pay for everything. The second uncle helps us and lets us wash clothes for free, or let us use his own washing machine."

"That's right, if you were the first uncle, you would just talk to us, help us, and then ask the second uncle to use the washing machine for us. We will not thank the second uncle, but the first uncle."

"This calculation is pretty good. I don't need to pay for any good deeds. I can keep doing it."

"Who said it wasn't."


Hearing the second uncle's words, the faces of everyone present were suddenly surprised.

The second uncle actually agreed with them to use the washing machine at home, which is great.

This way, they don't have to wash them by hand.

Qin Huairu, who had been watching this scene all the time, had an ugly complexion and clenched his lips and teeth.

Originally, she was the only one who used the washing machine at the second uncle's house, but now that everyone can use it, she was immediately unhappy and dissatisfied.

But she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

And she also understands that it would be bad if she pissed everyone off by speaking up.

These people didn't want to see their family in the first place.

So she didn't talk anymore, but watched the second uncle play.

At this moment, the second uncle, after hearing these people's words, had a smile on his face, but his heart was bleeding.

That was a washing machine. He didn't want other people to use it at all, but because of He Yuzhu, his washing machine was used by his neighbors.

Because of what he said before, he can't punch himself in the face.

On the contrary, the great master Yi Zhonghai, his complexion became more and more unsightly.

He didn't expect that everyone would hate him so much, even when they saw him.

After this, what should I do?

Thinking of the future situation, Yi Zhonghai sighed.

Everyone no longer has a good impression of him, and now in the entire courtyard, only the second uncle Liu Haizhong, Xu Damao, and Qin Huairu's family can rely on.

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