Seeing Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu leaving, Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law stood up and spoke with a smile.

After watching Liu Guangtian leave, Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law looked at Yan Jiecheng and said, "Yan Jiecheng, you said that you promised Liu Guangtian to take the 60.00%, are you thinking about taking money from your father?"

"Hold it in your hand."

Hearing his daughter-in-law's words, Yan Jiecheng smiled lightly and said, "Let's go. When we go back at night, we can discuss it with my dad. Although we tell our dad, we can earn more."


Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law nodded.

When the two nodded, the elder Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang had already arrived at the hospital with sticks and saw a doctor.


Seeing the familiar patient come again, lying on the hospital bed, the doctor sterilized the buttocks of the stick with disinfectant, shook his head and said: "The wound is too deep, I have to use a knife to remove some flesh, otherwise , once stuffy and necrotic, it will rot and ooze pus.”


Hearing the doctor's words, Jia Zhang's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "Is my grandson so serious that he needs to be operated on?"

You know, surgery is a lot of money!

Her family doesn't have much money anymore, and that's not counting the follow-up nutrition expenses.


Hearing Jia Zhang's words, the doctor frowned and said: "Once the condition worsens and the meat rots, it will be terrible. The most important thing is the anus, which is very serious and requires a knife, but this time the knife is cheap. It doesn't cost much, and you can apply ointment later, and come back every three days for a review, and you can recover in about a month."

"so long."

Hearing that it would take a month for the stick to recover, Jia Zhang's complexion changed drastically.

In this month, wouldn't it be impossible for even a small worker to do it?

"This is already the fastest."

The doctor said: "This wound is really too painful. It has already hurt the anus, and the anus is torn. An anal expansion operation is necessary. But if it doesn't work, you can only use an artificial fistula bag."

"A fistula bag? What's that?"

Hearing the doctor's words, Yi Zhonghai frowned and asked aloud.

He had never heard of this.

"Because the anus is torn, I can't feel the desire to defecate there, and I have incontinence, so I can only make a fistula."

The doctor explained: "With this bag, you don't have to worry about shitting for no reason."


Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai's complexion changed greatly: "What about after that? Can you only use this in the future?"


The doctor nodded: "This is the best way, but there is no surgery yet. Specifically, we still need surgery."

"I see."

Yi Zhonghai's face was heavy: "Let's do the surgery first."

After a simple exchange with the doctor, I went to pay the money. Fortunately, there was not much money. When Jia Zhang came out, he took out all the money saved at home.

"You stay here with Bang Jiao first."

After paying the money, Yi Zhonghai looked at Jia Zhang and said, "I'll go back to Huairu and tell Huairu about this. She's almost off work, so I'll bring her here."


Jia Zhang quickly nodded.

Afterwards, Yi Zhonghai left.

When Yi Zhonghai hurried back to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, in the home of the Third Master Yan Bugui, Yan Jiecheng and his wife were sitting at the table.

San Niang was holding the paper, looked at the data on it, frowned and said, "I said boss, Mom thinks your calculation is wrong!"

"Of course you think it's wrong."

Yan Jiecheng looked at his mother, smiled and said, "We get [-]%, you and my dad get [-]%."

"But we got 40.00% of the money. After conversion, we should get [-]%."


Seeing that the problem lies in this, Yan Jiecheng frowned and said: "You don't understand the rules in the business field. You have to pay us for the list we are looking for. This is called information fee."

"its not right."

Seeing her son's explanation to herself, San Niang frowned and said, "But your second uncle's relationship is not yours, it's your father's."

"Although the relationship between the second uncle belongs to my father, isn't the second uncle still looking for our father?"

Yan Jiecheng explained patiently: "It's the second uncle's son. Liu Guangtian came to find me and talked with me. You said that if the second uncle sought our father, then we would be at peace, but Liu Guangtian was looking for us. If we didn't agree If you don't, you won't know."


San Niang shook her head: "Anyway, I still don't agree."

"That's fine, Mom."

Seeing that his mother disagreed, Yan Jiecheng smiled and said: "Since you think it's inappropriate, then don't do it, daughter-in-law, let's find our younger brothers and sisters, and they can raise money."


Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law nodded and was about to get up and leave.

"you dare!"

Seeing Yan Jiecheng's actions, San Niang immediately frowned and said, "If you have good things, don't worry about your parents, it's useless to support you."


At this moment, there was a sound of pushing the door, and the third master Yan Bugui opened the door and walked in from the outside.


Seeing the third master Yan Bugui who came back, Yan Jiecheng hurriedly said, "Have you asked clearly?"

But he knew that his father had gone to find the second uncle.

Because after they finished talking with Liu Guangtian, they came back in a hurry, and then told their father about it.

After all, this is a major event, not a small matter, and there is no room for sloppyness.

After the third uncle Yan Bugui heard this, he went straight to the second uncle Liu Haizhong.

Just got back now.


The third uncle Yan Bugui who came back frowned while sitting down and said: "But your second uncle is playing tricks, just don't tell me where this batch of TV sets came from. He didn't tell me about this channel."

"Hey, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Hearing his father's words, Yan Jiecheng immediately smiled and said, "So should you pay?"

"Not urgent!"

Looking at Yan Jiecheng who had stretched out his hand, the third master Yan Bugui frowned and said, "We haven't decided on the proportion of the share yet."


Seeing his father still look like this, Yan Jiecheng stood up while shaking his head and said: "Daughter-in-law, let's go, let's go find brother."

"Don't, don't!"

Seeing Yan Jiecheng who was about to leave, the third master Yan Bugui hurriedly said: "You give me half a point, give me half a point!"

"No," Yan Xiecheng shook his head.

"That 0.4."

"No, not at all."

"I'm your father, and I'm the one who pays for it. You have to take this into consideration."


At this time, Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law said, "Then for your father's sake, give me another one!"


After his own wife said so, Yan Jiecheng nodded, and the third master Yan Bugui immediately looked at him and smiled, isn't that right?

"And me."

At this time, San Niang hurriedly said: "Don't forget me."

Seeing that his mother was going to make a move, Yan Jiecheng frowned and said, "Didn't my wife give way just now?"

"I'm your mother!"

"Okay, let me give you a point!"

Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law said calmly: "If you talk about it again, then we won't do this matter. You really think we left you, and without your investment, we can't do it."


Seeing that it was almost the end, the third master Yan Bugui hurriedly said: "As expected of my daughter-in-law."

Seeing that his parents agreed, Yan Jiecheng and his wife had smiles on their faces.

"What are you still doing?"

Seeing Yan Jiecheng who still hasn't left, the third master Yan Bugui said in surprise, "You should go."

"If you don't give us money, how can we leave?"

"You are here, how can I get it?"


Hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui, Yan Jiecheng nodded: "Then we will go back to the house and wait for you!"

With that said, he and his wife got up and left.

After the two left, San Niang laughed out loud: "Haha, how about it, my trick will work."

"It does work."

The third master Yan Bugui laughed and said: "This is called clearing up the children's financial management. If it can increase a little bit, go, get the passbook!"

At the moment, the two began to take passbooks.

In the closet, under the bed, in the photo album, in the shoes, and in the discarded jars, the two took out passbooks one by one.

This is all the money they have accumulated all their lives.

They want to make a big profit this time, earn money directly, and then enjoy a good life.


"He Yuzhu!"

When the third master Yan Bugui was thinking about money, the backyard.

At Qin Huairu's house, after hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Qin Huairu hurried to the door of He Yuzhu's house and confronted He Yuzhu in the kitchen, "Your cat caught my son, you must be responsible. "

He Yuzhu was cooking, and he didn't bother to respond to Qin Huairu's visit.

Lou Xiaoe, who was playing chess with Ran Qiuye outside, looked dissatisfied at Lou Xiaoe who came to question her, frowned and said: "Your son was arrested by Daju, it must be something your son did, otherwise why the courtyard Daju, just arrest your son and not others?"

"It's impossible for Daju to arrest people for no reason. It must be your son who wants to do something bad. Before your son wanted to kill Daju, was the lesson of being scratched in one eye not enough? This time he was arrested again where?"

For this Qin Huairu, she really didn't like it, it was too annoying.

As for why her family Daju arrested people, she believed that Qin Huairu was right, but it was impossible for Daju to arrest people for no reason.

This point was obvious to all the people in the courtyard.

Moreover, Qin Huairu's son wanted to strangle Daju to death before, but Daju scratched one of his eyes, so he deserved it.

So she thinks it's a very normal thing that BangGong has been arrested again now.

It must have been something that BangGeng did, otherwise, how could her Daju arrest people.

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