At this time, Xu Damao hurriedly came over with the list, he had just paid the money.

There happened to be an emergency center, and the stick was immediately pushed into the gastric lavage.

"Okay, don't worry about it."

Xu Damao came in front of Qin Huairu, and said, "It's going to be fine, stomach lavage has already started."


Qin Huairu nodded absently, she suddenly regretted what happened last night, she shouldn't have done that, if she didn't do that, her son wouldn't have eaten poisonous ham sausage.

At this time, Xu Damao had already stretched out his arms to hug Qin Huairu, stretched his hands in, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's okay, just wait!"


The sudden move made Qin Huairu panic.

Immediately after, anger came, and he quickly broke away, slapping Xu Damao hard on the face, Qin Huairu said angrily: "Xu Damao, what are you doing?"


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Chapter 255

At this moment, Qin Huairu was full of anger.

This Xu Damao is really courageous.

Xu Damao was taken aback by this slap, he never thought that Qin Huairu would slap her directly, and slap her so hard.

You know, I just came back after paying the money!

"Qin Huairu."

For a while, Xu Damao gritted his teeth and said, "Why shouldn't I do it? How much have I helped you? Your mother-in-law broke her leg and was hospitalized today. I paid for the surgery. Now your son has food poisoning at home, and I called the ambulance." The car was sent to the hospital with money, and I just paid for the gastric lavage, and this is how you repay me?!"

Xu Damao didn't expect that Qin Huairu's reaction would be so strong, he just simply stretched out his hand.

He just touched it, but he got such a slap in the face, which hurt his face.

Thinking of the money he spent today, but he was treated like this, Xu Damao's face was gloomy, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

Yes, he likes Qin Huairu, but he has done enough for Qin Huairu, so he contributes money and efforts.

This Qin Huairu should also know, but in the end he was slapped because he just reached out to touch it, which made him very angry.

With this money, he can go out and find other women, and let other women be submissive to him!

This Qin Huairu doesn't know what's good or bad!

"Yes, I know you helped our family."

Qin Huairu looked angry: "But I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, Xu Damao, you helped my family, I thank you, but this is not the reason for you to do anything to me, I have cooperated with you in the past when you made every effort, then It's because you didn't go too far, but today, you actually reached in, you went too far!"

"Are you still human? You, I didn't expect you to be so ambitious. Are you sick? You are a married person who married my sister. Now you are asking for favors like this. You are too much. "

At this moment, Qin Huairu was very angry.

You know, her body hasn't been touched inside for many years.

Even if I go out to hang people and give people a little sweet taste, it is simply confined to the outside of the clothes, not inside the clothes.

This Xu Damao actually reached in and touched her things, which really made her feel sick, so she slapped Xu Damao without thinking.

At this time, she also forgot that she hooked up with Xu Damao back then, gave Xu Damao 500 sweet treats, hung Xu Damao, and asked Xu Damao to help her family.

She only felt angry, that Xu Damao had gone too far, and actually touched the inside of her clothes.

Thinking of being touched by Xu Damao just now, she felt uncomfortable all over.

If she could bear it through the clothes, but without the clothes, she really couldn't bear it.

"Okay, Qin Huairu."

Seeing Qin Huairu accusing himself angrily, Xu Damao covered his beaten face, gritted his teeth and said, "You are still acting like a bitch and erecting a memorial archway, do you really think you are some kind of white flower? You don't know when you are an old man. You seduce Laozi, use Laozi's time."

"I have done so much for you today. Your mother broke her leg. I called an ambulance to pick it up. I paid for it and arranged for the operation. I paid for your son's operation. You know all the expenses. How much is it? You really think that my Xu Damao's money came from the wind, and I, Xu Damao, will help you, so I can't get any benefits."

At this moment, Xu Damao was about to explode with rage.

He was busy, but just as he took advantage, he was slapped severely. This was bought with a lot of money and time.

What is Xu Damao trying to do!

Qin Huairu was angry and angry, but after hearing Xu Damao's words, his complexion also became a little ugly.

Because what Xu Damao said was indeed true, but she didn't let Xu Damao be so straightforward, she felt disgusted.

She said angrily: "It's not that I didn't give you benefits, but you went too far this time, Xu Damao, you helped me, I thank you, but I will still thank you, you are too pushy, you helped me The money, I will return it to you in the future, don’t think that you can make an inch of it because you helped me.”


Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Xu Damao laughed angrily, looked at Qin Huairu and nodded, "Repay me? How do you pay me back? Can you earn so much money and pay me back? Let me tell you, Qin Huairu, this is a good card. It was broken by you yourself, the money I have already paid will be used as dog feed, I will cancel the hospitalization, and I will see how you will take care of your son in the future."

With that said, he walked away directly.

Fortunately, he also went through the hospitalization procedures for Jia Zhang today, so he just canceled it.

Anyway, he paid for it.

Now that something happened to Qin Huairu's son or mother-in-law, he wanted to see what Qin Huairu would do.

That uncle Yi Zhonghai also broke his leg and arm, let's see how he can take care of Qin Huairu's family!

He wants Qin Huairu to kneel down and beg him!

Seeing Xu Damao leaving, thinking of what Xu Damao said just now, Qin Huairu's face was anxious and ugly for a moment, and he stayed where he was and suddenly stopped talking.

After more than ten minutes, Xu Damao walked out of the hospital with a cold snort.

He has already gone through all the formalities, so what if the follow-up is gastric lavage, he doesn't have any medicine, and he can't be hospitalized.

He was going to teach Qin Huairu a lesson today, he really took himself seriously!

"How about it?"

When Xu Damao returned to the courtyard, Liu Haizhong, who was waiting at the gate of the middle courtyard, saw Xu Damao coming back, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "What's going on?"

"Food poisoning, gastric lavage."

Xu Damao snorted coldly: "I don't know how to help Qin Huairu's family. If you want to help, you can figure it out."

"Food poisoning?"

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Liu Haizhong was stunned: "How can you get food poisoning if it's so good?"

"By the way, what happened to your face?"

Liu Haitao suddenly saw a clear red slap on Xu Damao's face, and he was startled and said: "Who dares to hit you Xu Damao, my dear, this slap is not light."

"It's not that Qin Huairu."

Xu Damao sneered and said: "I ran for her and did so much for her family. Tell me what happened when I touched her, but I was slapped unexpectedly. I was so angry. All my money was wasted gone."

"I told you not to mess around."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Liu Haizhong's expression was weird, and then he shook his head and said, "Even if you like Qin Huairu, you can't do this, if you push her, if you are seen in public, she will report to the police If you don’t, you will have an accident, I heard that the crime seems to have been promulgated not long ago, if the woman is not willing, if you force it, you may want to die.”

Hearing Liu Haizhong's words, Xu Damao was taken aback for a moment, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of the newspapers and news he had read a few days ago.

He suddenly remembered that he was too anxious.

He can't do that yet, if Qin Huairu is pushed into a hurry, he will be in trouble.

Fortunately, fortunately, the second uncle's words reminded him.

Xu Damao looked at Liu Haizhong and nodded, "I know, I was too anxious, but I'm still angry. I, Xu Damao, did so many things for her, but ended up doing this to me."

"You have to take your time with this kind of thing."

Liu Haizhong shook his head: "I've known for a long time that you don't have such good intentions. You help a widow so unfathomably. Also, you want to lend me your washing machine and some money along the way. I'm going to do some business recently."

"Doing business?"

Hearing Liu Haizhong's words, Xu Damao suddenly asked curiously, "What business do you do?"


Liu Haizhong snorted coldly: "Don't worry about my own business, just give me the money."

"I do not have money."

Xu Damao frowned and said: "Jingru's family needs to spend money to repair the house. I have been busy these days and have no money. You are not kind, and you don't want me to do business."

"If you don't have any money, then lend me the washing machine."

Seeing that Xu Damao was not willing to borrow money, Liu Haizhong nodded and said: "These gangsters are using my washing machine, and they are almost worn out. I have to use your washing machine."

"Coincidentally, I don't borrow this washing machine."

"No, Xu Damao, your clothes are expensive, so aren't mine?"

"Your clothes are not as expensive as mine."

"You don't want to borrow it, do you?"

"I really can't borrow it."

"Okay, just wait for me."

Seeing that Xu Damao was unwilling to borrow and help him deal with it, Liu Haizhong, who had greeted him with a smile just now, suddenly looked sour, and left with a cold snort.

While walking, he said without turning his head: "Xu Damao, you have to solve the washing machine for all the staff, otherwise don't blame me for not cooperating with you."

"Yes, yes, I will find a way."

Xu Damao nodded, watching Liu Haizhong's departure, and then sneered: "Cooperate, you deserve to cooperate with me, let me play you to death this time!"

With that said, he turned and left.

In He Yuzhu's house, while having dinner, they talked about what happened in the courtyard, and all the girls were very comfortable listening.

"Talk about the pillars."

Ran Qiuye suddenly said, "We haven't seen our parents for a while, come back with me tomorrow."


He Yuzhu nodded after hearing what Ran Qiuye said.

"And me, and me."

Lou Xiao'e quickly said: "My dad has been nagging about when you will be able to go there recently. After you go back with Sister Qiuye, come back with me."

"no problem."

He Yuzhu nodded with a chuckle.

Afterwards, after simply eating and drinking enough, each of them was busy, playing chess, playing the piano, chatting, educating Xiao Qiuxin, Ran Qiuye and others had a clear division of labor, and He Yuzhu looked at it with a smile on his face meaning.

This is a harmonious scene, comfortable.

As the night fell, He Yuzhu also took a rest and entered the house.

One day just passed by.

The next day, the sun rose, the sun shed light, and a new day came.

Today is Saturday, a day off for many people in the courtyard, and there is no need to rest.

Early in the morning, outside the courtyard, an old man limped in.

Next to him, there is Jia Zhang with a truncated left leg.

Because Jia Zhang broke his legs one after another, he could no longer recover, his bones were shattered, and he could only amputate his limbs.

After resting all night, they were informed that they could not be hospitalized today and had to leave.

On Qin Huairu's back was a stick.

"My dear, this is too miserable."

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