At this moment, Xu Damao sneered and said: "This is retribution, you guys are so good at thinking, you actually played tricks with me, and left me to do it alone, it seems that you are shameless, now you are detained, are you all gone? OK."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, the second uncle Liu Haizhong's heart was even more painful.

"Oh, stop gossiping."

Qin Jingru hurriedly said: "Call the ambulance quickly. If the second uncle has an accident at our door and someone comes, we may be responsible for it. He just had a drink with you."

Hearing Qin Jingru's words, Xu Damao frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything, and went back to the room to make a phone call.

"Guangfu, Guangfu!"

At this time, a hurried shout sounded.

It was the second aunt's voice. The second aunt ran out in a hurry when she heard Liu Guangfu's yelling outside the house.

When he saw the second uncle lying on the chair with a face full of pain, supported by Liu Guangfu and Qin Huairu, he hurriedly said, "What's wrong with your father."

"My dad is dying."

Liu Guangfu cried, "All the TV sets have also been shut down."


Hearing Liu Guangfu's words, the second aunt's pupils shrank sharply, she couldn't believe it, and she fell to the ground suddenly.

"Second lady!"

The sudden scene made Qin Jingru hurried to support the second aunt.

"What happened!"

At this time, a hurried voice sounded, it was Qin Huairu's voice, Qin Huairu was about to come to find the second uncle Liu Haizhong.

Seeing the situation in the bangs of the second uncle, her complexion changed drastically, and she hurried over to help the second aunt.

While supporting the second aunt, she hurriedly said: "What's the matter, what about Xu Damao, what about Xu Damao, Jingru, ask Xu Damao to call."

At this moment, Qin Jingru thought of Xu Damao who had a good relationship with Liu Haizhong.

In this situation, only Xu Damao called.

"Okay, okay, call, and an ambulance has been called."

At this time, Xu Damao came out of the house, looked at the second aunt who was lying on the ground, and was also taken aback for a moment, then said, "What's wrong with the second aunt? Let me tell you first, it has nothing to do with me."

"Who said it has something to do with you."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Liu Guangfu who saw Xu Damao put aside the relationship immediately and supported Xu Damao hurriedly said: "It has nothing to do with you."

"have to!"

Seeing Liu Guangfu's unfriendly tone, Xu Damao smiled and said, "Well, it's good that it has nothing to do with me. I'll wait at the door now."

With that said, he turned and left, ready to go to the door.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, this is!"

"Who knows."

"Who knows what happened."


At this time, a series of surprised sounds sounded.

It is the other people in the middle courtyard.

When they heard the commotion outside, they hurried out.

When he saw the helpless second aunt supported by Qin Jingru and the second uncle supported by Liu Guangtian, he was taken aback for a moment.

How is this going.

What happened to the second aunt and the second uncle, why did they fall to the ground and get up.

"Could it be the second aunt's cerebral thrombosis?"

"Who says it's not? The second aunt's brain is not very good. Once she is stimulated, she will definitely suffer from cerebral thrombosis again."

"The same is true for the second uncle. The second uncle's heart is not very good."


A group of people were talking about it, but they knew that the second uncle Liu Haizhong's body and heart were not good.

Now that the second aunt and the second uncle suddenly fell down, what happened.

But looking at Qin Jingru, Qin Huairu, and Liu Guangfu, they didn't mean to say anything. Although they wanted to ask, they couldn't help it.

"What happened!"

At this time, Yi Zhonghai, the elder in the front yard, also rushed over when he heard the news.

He was going to sleep, but unexpectedly, there was a sudden noise outside.

Knowing that there was a situation, he got up, opened the door, came out, and came to the middle courtyard.

What's the matter? He hurried to the Intermediate Court, and saw Qin Huairu, Xu Damao, and Liu Guangfu, surrounded by a group of people.

"What's wrong? Ask Liu Guangfu."

Xu Damao, who hadn't walked out yet, said unhappily.

Hearing Xu Damao's words, the uncle immediately looked at Liu Guangfu.

Liu Guangfu looked at the people around him, and said with a sad face, "Well, there are too many people here, so it's hard to say."

"When is this, it's hard to say!"

Seeing Liu Guangfu's appearance, the elder Yi Zhonghai said angrily, "Now that your parents are both hospitalized, why don't you tell me?"

"This Liu Guangfu is hiding from me and doing business with the second uncle Liu Haizhong's family, making TV sets. Now it's all right, and he was directly investigated by the customs and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Tell me, this second uncle is actually doing business without telling me. Well now, bad luck."

Liu Guangfu didn't want to say it, Xu Damao sneered and said: "This Liu Guangfu came back to report the letter, and after hearing this, the second uncle and the second aunt fainted to death."


Hearing Xu Damao's words, the elder Yi Zhonghai said in astonishment: "Why are you being investigated by the Customs and the Industry and Commerce Bureau for your business? Unless the business you are doing is not right and it involves the Customs, isn't it?"

Speaking of this, Yi Zhonghai looked at Liu Guangfu, who looked extremely embarrassed.

After all, it’s really hard to say anything about making this kind of voice, it’s embarrassing.

If you do this kind of thing secretly and make money, you don't need to feel ashamed or anything.

But now that he was found out and exposed in front of everyone, he immediately felt ashamed and very embarrassed.

"Hey, you will be investigated for doing business."

"No, Zhuzi has never checked for business. We all see it."

"Then why is the second uncle's family doing business, was investigated, and was detained by the customs."

"Hey, you don't know that. The origin of their business is unknown. Do you know, the customs, do you know what a customs is? It is a department that manages external and internal transportation."

"So that's how it is. After being checked by the customs, I know what they are doing."



The people around, after hearing Xu Damao's words, started talking one after another.

They didn't expect that Liu Haizhong's family was actually doing dishonest business.

The most important thing is to leave Xu Damao alone and do it alone.

Well now, something went wrong.

At the moment, they didn't sympathize with the second uncle coming to his house.

"Da Mao, both the second uncle and the second aunt are hospitalized this time. The situation is definitely not good. You should go to the hospital first and pay in advance."

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai, who heard Liu Guangfu's words, frowned and said: "No matter what, surgery and hospitalization all need money. Your father has fainted now, and you should have no money."


Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Liu Guangfu looked a little embarrassed, but he still said hastily: "If I had money, I wouldn't let Uncle Da Mao advance the payment, right?"

"Ha ha."

Hearing Liu Guangfu's words, Xu Damao sneered: "Now I know it's called Uncle Da Mao? Why didn't I call him Uncle Da Mao when I was doing business before? OK, I'll help you advance the money."

Xu Damao laughed again and again in his heart, that's how he feels, he sold Liu Haizhong's family, and Liu Haizhong's family should be grateful, he shouldn't feel too happy.

"There is also the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and the Customs. Xu Damao, you also run to see the situation."

Yi Zhonghai looked at Xu Damao and said in a deep voice: "No matter what, now that something happened to the second uncle's house, you usually have a good relationship with the second uncle. You have to pay for this matter first, otherwise you can't justify it, understand?"

"I know."

Hearing what Yi Zhonghai said, Xu Damao felt a little uncomfortable, not used to Yi Zhonghai's manner of speaking, but he still nodded.

Indeed, everyone is seeing it now, Xu Damao had better pay for it, and he can gain a good reputation, if things get worse now, it will be bad.

"That's okay, you and Guangfu, the uncle, go to the hospital after the ambulance arrives, and I will go to the Customs of the Industry and Commerce Bureau."

With that said, Xu Damao turned and entered the room, and tidied up briefly.

He happened to ask what kind of punishment this Liu Haizhong's family would have.

"I said Guangfu, you have to pay back the money."

Seeing Xu Damao go in and busy, Yi Zhonghai nodded with satisfaction, looked at Liu Guangfu and said in a deep voice: "This is the money I asked Damao to advance to your family, if you don't pay it back, it won't make sense."

'Don't worry, Grandpa! '

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Liu Guangfu quickly said: "My dad has money, but it's all on business. When my brother makes it clear to the customs and the industry and commerce, the money will naturally be refunded to us. I'm afraid Still not on this sum of money?"

As he said that, Liu Guangfu showed a disdainful smile in the sky.


Seeing Liu Guangfu still in high spirits, Qin Jingru gave a cold snort of disdain.

I'm still proud that I don't have any money for emergency hospitalization.

About ten minutes later, a series of sounds of ambulances sounded from outside.

An ambulance was parked in the courtyard, and specialized medical staff came in carrying a stretcher, and then began to carry the second uncle and the second aunt onto the stretchers.

Xu Damao, Qin Jingru, Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai, and Liu Guangfu also left with the ambulance.

Watching the ambulance leave, a group of people in the middle courtyard gradually dispersed.


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Chapter 261

"I'll just say it."

As everyone left, Lou Xiaoe, who was standing at the gate of the courtyard, looked at this scene and said with a smile: "This kind of business will not last long after all, so let's fall into it all at once."

"Then Xu Damao is lucky."

Beside, Yu Haitang shook his head and said: "The second uncle's family fell into it, but he didn't fall into it, and the second uncle's family really did. Now it's all right, let's pay for it all at once. It looks like it obviously can't take the blow. , passed out completely."

When they were sniping people in the middle courtyard, they also came out after dinner to watch the excitement.

Know what happened.

He also heard Liu Guangfu's words and knew the situation of the second uncle's family. He saw everything in his eyes and knew the situation.

"How do you think the Liu Haizhong family fell in?"

Next to him, He Yuzhu smiled lightly and said, "It's not that Xu Damao used tricks to directly cheat a bunch of bangs and make that bang poor~ like nothing."

He already knew the situation and it was Xu Damao who reported it.

If Xu Damao hadn't reported it, this situation would never have happened to Liu Haizhong's family.

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