
Hearing this, many people were taken aback.

They heard these words a few days ago.

I thought why Yuzhu said it casually, but I didn't expect He Yuzhu to come to the truth.

"It's too fast."

Someone hesitated and said, "I thought Zhu Zi was joking, but it turned out to be too fast."

"It can only be said that Zhuzi is very vigorous and resolute. He is indeed the person who invented instant noodles. If it were us, we would definitely not be able to do it so fast."

"Who said it wasn't."

"Hey, well checked, look at that Xu Damao is talking, you have to check it carefully."

"That's right, Xu Damao's family and Liu Haizhong got rich inexplicably before, and they didn't say what kind of business they were in. They didn't invent things like Zhuzi, so they must have come from a wrong way. Now it's all right, let someone check it out. "

"Then why don't you find Liu Haizhong? You know, Liu Haizhong did business with Xu Damao before. If you don't find Liu Haizhong, but only Xu Damao, it doesn't make sense."

"You are stupid, you, Liu Haizhong's family has no money, the goods have been seized by the customs, the money is gone, and you have to pay a fine, but Xu Damao's family doesn't have any, so these people must know the situation, so they came to find Xu Damao is gone, which can also explain why these people came here specifically to find Xu Damao."

"That's right, I think so too."


Some people talked a lot, and they quickly remembered what happened before.

That is, at the meeting of the whole hospital, Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong jointly disgusted He Yuzhu and asked He Yuzhu to help Qin Huairu's family.

As a result, Liu Haizhong's family smuggled TV sets with the third uncle's family, which resulted in being detained by the customs, and the compensation was lost.

It's almost time to get off work, and all the people in the courtyards have come back. They all gathered and walked away.

After the person in black came to the middle courtyard, he came to Xu Damao's door.

"Is Xu Damao here?"

A leader in black said, "Come out and cooperate with the investigation."


Xu Damao, who was watching TV, was taken aback when he heard the words from outsiders. What investigation?

But when he saw a few special personnel in black at the door, he ran out immediately.

As he came out, he handed out a cigarette from his pocket, and said with a smile, "Comrade, what's the matter? What part do you belong to?"

"This is my identification."

The man in black didn't take the cigarette, but took out his ID and handed it to Xu Damao.

While handing it over, he said: "We suspect that your property is unknown, come to investigate and investigate, you have to come with us."

Hearing the words of this special person, Xu Damao's expression was extremely exciting.

Shen Tama's property is unknown to investigate, there are too many people with unknown property, why not everyone investigates?

He knows this document.

Ten years ago, when he was brought in, it was also brought in by this special group.

He did his ideological work for half a month.

Unexpectedly, now, ten years later, we meet again, this time the investigation is about his unknown property.

Nonsense, the source of his property must be unknown.

He smiled awkwardly and said: "Well, I don't know what you call it, I want to know if someone has reported me, these properties of mine came from business, and I came from doing business outside, how could the source be unknown. "

"We don't know, we only know that you are going to come with us."

The investigator calmly said: "I hope you will cooperate with us, otherwise we will take compulsory measures. As for the source of your property and business, there will be a special department to inquire. You just need to explain what business you are doing."

Hearing what the investigator said, Xu Damao's face was extremely exciting, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

He just wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute. Now he can only cooperate with these people and leave.

With a mournful face, he said, "I cooperate."

Then he was taken away from the courtyard by investigators and got into a car.

In the intermediate hospital, the second uncle Liu Haizhong, who had just left the hospital, also saw this scene, and his face was a little panicked.

Xu Damao was beaten away, once Xu Damao gets along with him, wouldn't he be in bad luck too?

No, he is already penniless. If he has no money, even if he is unlucky, he will not be so unlucky.

You can't just take him away, you're too old to catch him.


Thinking of this, Liu Haizhong felt relieved and let out a breath.

In the current situation, we can only inquire after Xu Damao comes back.

As for the others, they all became curious and started talking.

"Is this taken away? I thought I would ask about the situation at home."

"Yeah, I also thought that I would come here to ask about the situation, but I didn't expect to be taken away. Why do I feel that Xu Damao will take off a layer of skin when he is taken away."

"Who knows, anyway, people have also said that they suspect that the source of your property is unknown, and they have come to investigate. It must be unknown. I think there must be a problem if it is found out."

"Sure, at least go in."

"Not necessarily, it may be a fine."

"It deserves it, Xu Damao is proud of it. Since the second and third uncles came back, the family has no money. This Xu Damao is old and laughing at others. Now he is not much better."

"that is."


A group of people discussed and went back while discussing.

This matter also became their talking point.

After all, these days, there are so many people with unknown sources of property, why would they only search for one Xu Damao, damn it.

"Why is Xu Damao being investigated again?"

At this time, Yi Zhonghai who came out of the front yard, who had been witnessing all this, suddenly became anxious.

You know, they are relying on Xu Damao now.

Why was Xu Damao taken away for investigation again?

He hurriedly walked towards Qin Huairu's house in the backyard.

"Old Yi."

In the middle courtyard, the second uncle, Liu Haizhong, saw Yi Zhonghai walking in, and said in surprise: "What are you doing in such a hurry, be careful, don't accidentally fall down again."

"Isn't this Xu Damao being taken away?"

Seeing Liu Haizhong, Yi Zhonghai frowned and said: "Tell me honestly, you and Xu Damao got rich in business at the beginning, what kind of business did you do? This is how to do."

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Liu Haizhong thought of something, and said with an unnatural expression: "Of course it's a formal business. If Da Mao is taken away, he will be taken away. It's just an investigation anyway, and it's not a big deal. Cooperate with the investigation." Isn't this kind of thing normal?"

Speaking of this, Liu Haizhong paused and said: "And I didn't take it away? If it wasn't illegal, I would have been taken away to investigate together, but isn't it not?"

"You don't come."

Hearing Liu Haizhong's words, Yi Zhonghai said in a bad mood: "You are not the big head, Xu Damao was taken away for investigation, he must be the person in charge of your business company, and with your current situation at home, it is useless to take you away. Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it, and it will be clear when Xu Damao comes back."

"Let's go, let's go to the third master to discuss this matter. Xu Damao was taken away. We can't rely on Xu Damao anymore in the courtyard. Then Qin Jingru of Xu Damao's family doesn't care about money. If something happens to Xu Damao, we What about eating and drinking?"

"The third lady is currently in the hospital, and the second aunt has just been discharged from the hospital. She is still in good health, but your family has no food, and mine is the same. We can't just let Qin Huairu take care of the three of us."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Qin Huairu still has a stick and a short-legged Mrs. Jia to take care of at home."


Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, Liu Haizhong immediately sighed.

Originally, his psychology was not very balanced, he and the third master Yan Bugui's family fell into it, Xu Damao had nothing to do, he refused to accept it.

In this way, only Xu Damao is rich, and he is very uncomfortable.

Now that Xu Damao was taken away for investigation, he felt very comfortable.

But now after Yi Zhonghai said this, he found that there was no one to rely on, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable again.

That's right, if something happens to Xu Damao and the family has no money, what will happen to his family?

His family has no money, and his two sons also ran away overnight, leaving nothing behind, and he has no money. The family almost ran out of rice, let alone food.

I can only rely on Qinhuai Rujia to eat, or find Xu Damao.

When he came out of the hospital today, he still wanted to take the second aunt to Xu Damao's house to eat, and rubbed off on Xu Damao's food.

Anyway, Xu Damao's family is rich, so they don't mind having two more pairs of chopsticks, and they can still eat well.

It turned out to be good now, if Xu Damao's family had no money, then what would he and Second Aunt eat, could it be that they were going to eat Qin Huairu?

It's fine to eat, and they'll be done with the cheek, but they still have to be like Qin Huai.


Liu Haizhong sighed together, and he and Yi Zhonghai walked towards the house of the third master Yan Bugui in the backyard.

"What?! Xu Damao was taken away for investigation?"

..... 0 ......

The third master Yan Pugui's house, the third master Yan Pugui entered the house and was thinking about how to make money, when he saw Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai coming, his face suddenly widened when he heard what they said.

Xu Damao was taken away?

He was taken away just now, he knew about it at all.

"Why was he taken away?"

The third master Yan Bugui hurriedly said: "There must be a reason, I really don't know about this matter, just now I closed the door, thinking about how to get money."

"It's not that Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao made a fortune doing business outside for a month."

Yi Zhonghai said unhappily: "The second uncle has not told me until now that the business he had with Xu Damao was formal or not. If it was not formal, the lightest would be confiscation of money and property, and the serious one would have to go in and be locked up for a few days , once something happens to Xu Damao's family, tell me how we will live."


Hearing Yi Zhonghai's words, the third master Yan Bugui also sighed: "Who says it's not, and my family doesn't have much money to buy vegetables, and my son is also a white-eyed wolf, so he just left and said he didn't care, but he Mom should be brought back."

"Look for a pillar."

Liu Haizhong hurriedly said: "Old Yan, don't you have a good relationship with He Yuzhu? You go to Zhuzi, talk to Zhuzi, ask him to lend you some money, and then give us some of the vegetables that his family cooks every day. Is that uncomfortable?"

"The food at his house is so rich. I saw it last time. There were many unfinished dishes and fruits on the table at his house. They were all thrown away and fed to that damned fat cat. And that beef, actually feeding it to the cat, made me so envious at the time."

"Even if I could afford mutton, I wouldn't feed mutton to a beast. Beef is even said to be more expensive than mutton."

Liu Haizhong thought about it, when he went to the backyard to find someone when he held the general meeting, he went to He Yuzhu's house.

But when he saw the big round table in He Yuzhu's house, there were a lot of cooked dishes, many of them were meat dishes, all kinds of meat, such as roast pork with potatoes, beef, mutton, etc. His eyes were straightened.

He didn't even think that the food at He Yuzhu's house was so good, so he left with a cold snort.

Although he left, he still couldn't hide the jealousy and jealousy in his heart.

"I have a good relationship with Zhuzi, but I don't think it's realistic to borrow money or something."

Hearing Liu Haizhong's words, the third master Yan Bugui frowned and said, "Especially when you are involved, he doesn't like you very much, even if he is willing to share the food with me, he is not willing to share it with you, unless I bring it to you when I get it. You guys, but if that happens, it won’t be good if the pillar finds out, what if you don’t give it to me.”


PS: Ask for flowers, recommend tickets, rewards, and all support!

................................................... ...........earth.

Chapter 267

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