This Su Meng actually talked to her like that.

You know, when Su Meng first came here, she thought Su Meng was pretty good.

I didn't expect Su Meng to be such a person.

"No, Widow Qin, what's going on?"

At this time, the middle-aged couple also came in front of Qin Huairu, frowned and said, "Didn't you say that your daughter is at their house? Why are they ignoring you? Don't lie to us. I'll tell you." Speaking of which, we paid a lot of bride price."

"how come."

Hearing what the middle-aged couple said, Qin Huairu hurriedly said: "Sophia japonica will be back soon, you guys wait a little longer, wait a little longer."


After all, it is related to his son's lifelong event, the middle-aged couple nodded.

Immediately, he went back to Qin Huairu's house and waited.

When He Yuzhu returned home, he made a direct phone call and notified the police.

He didn't expect that Qin Huairu would be so shameless that he had already arranged Huaihua's marriage without authorization.

But it doesn't matter, if someone dares to intercept Sophora japonica, just let the police take it away.

Anyway, it makes sense to say it.

"Zhu Zi, I want to eat barbecue!"

Just when He Yuzhu was about to enter the kitchen to cook, Chen Xueru looked forward to it: "Can I have barbecue?"


He Yuzhu smiled and nodded upon hearing Chen Xueru's words.

It just so happens that he has a lot of meat in his portable planting space, which is really good for grilling.

Moreover, Chen Xueru rarely came over to satisfy Chen Xueru's wish.

Immediately, He Yuzhu moved out the grill from his home and set it up at the door.

Then take out a bunch of vegetables from the portable planting space and put them in the kitchen.

"Then go and skewer the vegetables, and I'll grill them after the skewers are finished."

He Yuzhu ordered Su Meng and Chen Xueru, and the eyes of the two women lit up, and they nodded quickly.

Right now, I'm busy.

Not long after being busy, Ran Qiuye waited for her daughter to come back.

Sophora and Xiaodang came back together.

"Zhuzi, how did you get the barbecue today?"

After the girls entered the backyard, they saw the barbecue grill set up at the door, and the busy He Yuzhu suddenly looked surprised.

It's a good day today, why did they suddenly have a barbecue? They thought why Yu Zhu could cook.

"Xueru wants to eat barbecue, so make barbecue first."

While fiddling with the skewers in his hand, He Yuzhu said with a smile: "If you want to eat something cooked, just cook it later. It's just in time for you to come back. Move the table inside out. We will eat outside today, and then you can help skewer it." Once the dishes are served, the skewers are fast, and I can bake them quickly, okay."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, all the girls nodded immediately.

"Acacia flower!"

At this time, a pleasantly surprised voice sounded, it was Qin Huairu's voice.

Qin Huairu looked at Sophora japonica who came back, his whole face became joyful, and he trotted over quickly.

At this moment, Huaihua and Xiaodang were holding the wine jar in their hands, and just put it down, they touched the head of Daju who came running.

When she heard Qin Huairu's words, she immediately became dissatisfied.

She didn't like seeing her nominal mother at all.

Too selfish!

So even if Qin Huairu called her, she ignored it.

Seeing Qin Huairu running over, the faces of all the girls suddenly revealed a look of disgust.

Why do they feel that this Qin Huairu is like a dog skin plaster.

"Acacia flower."

Seeing Sophora ignorant of him, Qin Huairu hurriedly said, "I'm your mother, you can't ignore me."

For Qin Huairu's words, Sophora Hua still didn't bother to respond.

At this time, the middle-aged couple also came over with their son Jiang Xinyuan.

When they saw all kinds of meat skewers prepared beside He Yuzhu, they secretly swallowed their saliva and were surprised, this must be too rich.

There is so much meat, what kind of family is this.

"Huaihua, Mom sees that you are so old and have never married, so I made arrangements for marriage for you."

Seeing that he still ignored his bad words, Qin Huairu hurriedly said: "This is what Mom chose for you. Take a look, you two have a good communication. His name is Jiang Xinyuan."

"Go away."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Huai Hua, who didn't care at first, suddenly turned ugly.

This Qin Huairu actually decided on his own marriage without authorization.

She looked at Qin Huairu, Jiang Xinyuan and Jiang Xinyuan's family members with disgust on her face, and looked contemptuously: "Why do you decide for me? You have never married yourself, and you interfered in my marriage without authorization. You married yourself !"

"what are you saying!"

Hearing Sophora's words, Qin Huairu's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked at Sophora angrily.

This Sophora japonica is really brave enough to talk to her like that.

"I said, the person you choose is worse than marrying yourself. It has nothing to do with me."

Huaihua snorted coldly and said, "I'll tell you, Qin Huairu, we grew up in Zhuzi's elder brother's parents when we were young, and you haven't fulfilled your mother's responsibilities at all. Now you actually intervene in my marriage for some dowry, I tell you You, don't even think about it."

"What you do yourself, you solve by yourself."

"Go, or I will report to the police."

"You've really turned your back on you."

Hearing Sophora's "rebellious" words, Qin Huai was so furious that he threw his hands at Sophora.


Daju, who ran to the foot of Sophora japonica, saw this scene, stared fiercely at Qin Huairu, and rushed over.


The sudden situation made Qin Huairu look anxious, he quickly withdrew his hand, stepped back, and fell to the ground with a stagger.

She stared at the savage orange cat in horror.

She knew the horror of this orange cat. Her son was blinded in one eye and scratched his butt by this cat.

If the orange cat's claws fell on her, she would definitely be torn to pieces.

So she backed away in a panic.

"Qin Huairu, you are really shameless!"

Seeing Qin Huairu who had already made a move, Lou Xiaoe walked over with a displeased face, and while pulling Sophora japonica, said coldly: "You really haven't fulfilled any responsibility of a mother, and you deserve to be a mother? Qin Huairu, You still dare to beat someone, you wait for the police to come."

"Leave our house now, I'll be annoyed when I see you, you are not welcome in our house."

"Widow Qin."

At this time, Jiang Xinyuan's father also looked at Qin Huairu who was staggering with dissatisfaction, and said dissatisfiedly: "What's going on with you? It's different from what we said at the beginning. You said your daughter is listening You said it, but now, you obviously don't listen, you have to give us an explanation."


Hearing Jiang Xinyuan's father's words, Qin Huairu panicked, and quickly said, "Don't worry, this matter will definitely be accomplished."

You know, her family has already received the bride price from Jiang Xinyuan's family, and she doesn't want to return it.

As long as Sophora japonica gets married.

But now Huaihua doesn't pay attention to her at all, and that's where it gets stuck.

"Too lazy to talk to you."

Huaihua snorted coldly, and went straight back to the house.

Seeing Qin Huairu was upset, and she realized that it was a wrong decision for her to come back. This Qin Huairu was really pushing his nose more and more.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Ran Qiuye also came over, and Qin Huairu who looked at him frowned and said, "Qin Huairu, what exactly do you want to do? You are not qualified to interfere with Huaihua's affairs. Huaihua grew up in our family since she was a child, and has nothing to do with you , you actually want to rely on your daughter to sell money now, I don't care what you think, you get out of here now, you are not welcome in our family."

"For some people, she has a thick skin."

Yu Haitang also shook his head and said to the end: "In the entire courtyard, who doesn't know that you, Qinhuai, are patriarchal, and Sophora and Xiaodang grew up in Sister Qiuye's parents since they were young. Now that Sophora has grown up, you actually directly She intervened in Sophora japonica's wedding, and even accepted the bride price directly, and asked someone to come over to bring Sophora japonica, but Zhuzi said that the police will come later, and you will all be taken away."

"Hua Hua is my daughter, why can't I make decisions about her marriage!"

Hearing what Yu Haitang and the other girls said, Qin Huairu scolded angrily: "You are so selfish, you actually take care of my daughter, you are not qualified to take care of our daughter, I am her mother, you are not."

Following Qin Huairu's scolding, some people in the backyard were also attracted.

A man came out of the house.

Seeing Qin Huairu arguing in front of He Yuzhu's house, he immediately surrounded him out of curiosity.

Here's what happened.

"Let it go, let it go."

At this time, a shout sounded, and seven or eight police officers came.

The leader is still the Wang team.

...... 0

Wang Dui, who arrived, took a cursory look, came to He Yuzhu, smiled and said, "Master He, what's going on here."

"This woman came to our house to make trouble for no reason. I hope you will take it away."

Before He Yuzhu could speak, Xiao Dang next to him pointed at Qin Huairu and said, "It seriously affected our family."

"I do not have!"

Seeing his daughter talking to the police like this, Qin Huai's expression turned ugly.

But she still hurriedly explained: "I came to see my own daughter, but they stopped me and didn't let me see it, it's not what they said."

"You don't talk yet."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Wang Dui frowned and said, "Let me understand what happened."

"Is such that."

Hearing Wang Dui's words, Lou Xiao'e looked at Qin Huairu and said, "This woman is patriarchal, she abandoned her two daughters when she was young, and then her two daughters grew up in our family, and now she suddenly came to our house and said Arranging a marriage for my daughter, I have already received a bride price, her daughter doesn't want to see her, so she wants to beat someone, but it didn't work out, and now I have been relying on our family, which has affected our family, so I hope you put her Take her away, she has already committed the crime of covering up."

"Is that right?"

Hearing Lou Xiao'e's words, Wang Dui looked at Qin Huairu, frowned and said, "It's because you abandoned your daughters when you were young and didn't take care of them, and let them grow up in Master He's parents, and then you arranged a marriage for your daughter, didn't you?" Consider your daughter's opinion, even if your daughter disagrees, are you still making trouble here?"

"NO, I have not!"

Hearing Wang Dui's words, Qin Huairu hurriedly said: "I'm thinking about my daughter. My daughter is not young anymore. It's time to find someone else. I'm thinking about my daughter. I'm not making trouble for no reason. They won't let me see me." daughter."

"She's telling lies."

As soon as Qin Huairu finished speaking, Huaihua came out angrily, pointed at Qin Huairu and said, "She is not my mother, my mother would not sell her own child, she accepted a dowry for the dowry, let me marry, I also brought the person to my house, and I realized that if I disagree, she will not let her go."

Hearing Huaihua's words, Wang Dui looked at Qin Huairu, frowned and said, "Is that so? I'll give you another chance to reorganize the language."

"I didn't, I didn't abandon my daughter."

Seeing Huaihua talking about herself like this, Qin Huairu hurriedly said: "I only let them go to Shazhu's house for dinner when they were young, but I also went to see them. They didn't recognize me, so I went to see them too. Now I Is it for their consideration, for their good, for their life-long affairs, parents' order, matchmaker's words, has it not always been like this?"


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