
After watching Qin Jingru leave, Jia Zhang looked at the first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the second uncle Liu Haizhong, and sighed: "What should I do now, I am like this, I can't cook, and you are too, old Liu You don't know how to cook, and there is a stick lying on the bed. When Huai Ru was at home, he could still take care of us. Now that Huai Ru has entered, what shall we do?"

"It's okay, my wife will do it."

Liu Haizhong hurriedly said: "The second aunt is back. I will let the second aunt do it for a few days, and we will have a simple meal. After Qin Huairu comes back, let Qin Huairu take care of us. By the way, Jingru is also here. Ru will take care of us."

"Although Xu Damao's family was fined, he must still have some money. I will go to him tomorrow, and then I will discuss it with Jingru, let's go to Damao's house to eat, Mrs. Jia, tell me Said, Jingru will definitely agree, after all, no matter what, she is also Huairu's younger sister."


Hearing Liu Haizhong's words, Jia Zhang nodded.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed early."

Yi Zhonghai said, "I'm going to see what's going on with Lao Yan. From what you said, Lao Liu, there seems to be something wrong with Lao Yan."


Then, the old man left.

When the first master came to the door of the third master's house, he found that the door of the third master's house was closed. It was dark inside and there was no light. It was unknown whether the third master Yan Pugui was asleep or had gone out.

He didn't speak, but slept in his front yard and went into the house to rest.

There were too many things that happened today, which made his head hurt a little.

In this way, the night passed.

The next day, at dawn, the sky was clear, and day slowly replaced darkness.

When He Yuzhu just woke up, the phone rang.


The ringing of the phone made Ran Qiuye rub his confused eyes, and lazily said, "Hurry up and answer the phone, it's too noisy."

He Yuzhu got up and answered the phone.

"Master, the Master He tea egg you mentioned last time has been made, do you have time to come and have a look today?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Ma Hua's voice came from inside.


Upon hearing what Ma Hua said, He Yuzhu immediately smiled and said, "I'll go there in the morning."


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Chapter 274

When he was speaking, He Yuzhu felt emotional in his heart, and he didn't expect to get it out so soon.

Afterwards, He Yuzhu got dressed and made breakfast.

After making breakfast, I ate with the girls and went to the processing factory after eating.

When He Yuzhu came to the processing factory, he could clearly see that MCA was already waiting.


Seeing He Yuzhu coming, Ma Hua hurried forward, holding a packaging bag in his hand, and said with a smile: "Look, this is the tea egg you mentioned, try it."

Seeing this familiar packaging, it is almost exactly the same as the impression.

He Yuzhu tore it open with a smile, and took a bite himself.


He Yuzhu's eyes lit up immediately with the smell of marinade.

The taste of this tea egg is very good.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the seasoning.

"Well, can it be mass-produced?"

He Yuzhu asked: "If it can be mass-produced, it will be sold directly with the instant noodles in barrels."

"no problem."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Ma Hua quickly nodded and said, "By the way, master, the railway department contacted me specifically and said that they want to act as an agent for instant noodles and ham sausages, and let us supply them. I will directly ask them to call my wife." gone."


He Yuzhu nodded upon hearing Ma Hua's words: "I see, now that this thing has been developed, how is the development of the chicken frame?"


Ma Hua quickly said: "The farm has also expanded, and there is more than one, so there is no problem with the supply of goods, but according to this scale, these farms are not enough, and they have to continue to expand."

"no problem."

He Yuzhu nodded after hearing Ma Hua's words: "Continue to expand, you can watch everything."


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Ma Hua nodded heavily.

In this way, a week passed in a flash.

During this week, He Yuzhu's life returned to calm.

In the courtyard, with the disbandment of the general meeting of the whole courtyard, the first and second elders went to Qin Huai Ru's house every day.

The third master Yan Bugui was also on the go day by day, and rarely appeared in the courtyard. He went out during the day and came back very late at night. It seemed that he was going to raise money, and the third mother was not discharged from the hospital.

It was Xu Damao who stood at the door and cursed every now and then.

Everyone in the courtyard knew that Xu Damao's family's money was not clean, they were investigated, their property was confiscated, and they became even poorer than them.

Because Xu Damao didn't even have a job.

But even if Xu Damao lost his job, he could still eat three meals a day and drink some wine occasionally.

Qin Huairu also came out of the detention center. After she came out, she never went to see Huaihua and Xiaodang again, as if she was afraid of being detained.

The new barrel-packed instant noodles, as well as Master He's tea eggs, are also very popular and are selling like hot cakes.

On this day, on the train bound for Dajing.

In a carriage, two people were wearing cool short-sleeved clothes, which were out of place with the surrounding passengers.

At the same time, they also attract the attention of passengers around them.

It was the first time they saw this kind of dress, and they felt very weird.

"Zhihao, is this the mainland? It's not that great."

A person looked at the people around him, frowned and said, "I thought mainlanders were rich, not to mention rich people, at least their clothes would not be tattered, but I didn't expect that even the clothes were so tattered."

"Who says no, Zhicheng."

Next to him, the man named Zhihao looked at the two middle-aged men sitting around him without disdain. The middle-aged men were wearing worn-out coats.

He found that sitting with this kind of person was really an insult.

"Sitting with this kind of person is really a drop in price!"

Zhihao pursed his lips in disdain, and the sound of his words was directly transmitted to the ears of the two middle-aged people.

A middle-aged man saw that the clothes on the man's body did not seem to be ordinary clothes, and he did not speak.

After the other middle-aged man heard it, he frowned and said with a displeased face: "Boy, what are you talking about? Put away your contemptuous eyes, shut your mouth, everyone is taking the train Yes, don’t look down on anyone”‖.


Regarding the middle-aged man's words, Zhihao curled his lips and said, "If you tell me to shut up, tell me to shut up. Why should I listen to you? Look at the shabby clothes on your body. Could it be that if you sit with me, you won't Feel ashamed?"

"Even if you dress like this, don't you still take the train with me?"

The middle-aged man retorted: "If you are rich, you can go by plane."

"Coincidentally, I came to your mainland by plane, but when I came here, when I wanted to change planes, there was no room, so I took the train."

Zhihao looked arrogant: "It's a shame for me to sit with mainlanders like you. For you, you should be proud."

"I bother!"

Hearing Zhihao's words, the middle-aged man immediately said coldly: "One bite is one mainland, don't you all belong to the mainland? Where does the sense of superiority come from?"

"I'm really not from a poor continent like yours."

Opposite Zhihao, Zhicheng looked proud: "We are from Wanwan. If I hadn't come here to see my hometown in advance to follow my father's orders, I would never have stepped into such a poor place."

"You fart."

As soon as Zhicheng finished speaking, there was a sound of scolding.

It's the guy sitting on a window seat next door.

The communication of these few people spread throughout the entire carriage, allowing the rest of the people in this carriage to hear it.

All of them looked over.

Everyone was very angry when they saw someone constantly belittling the mainland. Some people couldn't help it, stood up and yelled.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Hearing that person's scolding, Zhicheng sneered and said, "Could it be that you poor people can still beat us? Vulgar and childish."


Seeing Zhicheng with a proud face, that angry fist clenched tightly, wishing to tear Zhicheng's mouth, this mouth is too disgusting.

"A poor place is a poor place, vulgar."

Zhihao snorted coldly and said: "Look at the clothes you are wearing, they are tattered, I am too embarrassed to wear them, and the poor ones can't even afford clothes, and you say it's not a poor place, it's ridiculous, the clothes on us, You can't afford to wear them all your life."

As he spoke, he pulled his clothes and showed them to everyone.

But the people watching looked disgusted.

These two people are really annoying and make them very unhappy.

But they can't hit people, otherwise they must educate these two melons.


The person sitting next to Zhicheng and Zhihao snorted coldly, got up and left.

Although they are poor, even if they are standing, they don't want to sit in this position anymore. Sitting with these two guys feels like a shame.


Seeing the person leaving, Zhicheng put his feet on the chair and snorted coldly: "It's time to leave, this chair is really too small, I can't even lift my feet, it's just a broken table, I can't sleep well Sleep, it’s good to go now, I can have a good sleep.”

Everyone in the carriage looked unhappy with Zhicheng who was snarling, but they didn't say anything and chose to ignore him.

From their point of view, these two guys are like jumping clowns, they just ignore them, to see if these two guys are still in a good mood.

Sure enough, seeing that no one came to refute them, Zhicheng and Zhihao felt bored and sat down directly.

After sitting down for a while, they took out the bowls and chopsticks from the bags they were carrying.

Then he took out the bagged instant noodles, which were in a green bag.

There are people at the next table, looking at them from time to time, paying attention to them.

So their actions were discovered immediately.

When they saw that these two people actually took out instant noodles, they were suddenly surprised. How could the packaging of the instant noodles be different from the instant noodles they ate, and it didn't seem to be instant noodles.

"What are you looking at, haven't you eaten instant noodles?"

Seeing someone looking over, Zhicheng immediately sneered and said, "That's right, you bunch of soil turtles, how could you possibly have eaten this instant noodle, it sounds like this is the first time you've heard of it."

"What is there to say to them, we eat ours."

Zhihao took apart the instant noodles, revealing a flatbread inside. The flatbread is in the shape of strips, and there is a seasoning packet, which is almost the same as instant noodles.

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