Seeing what the third master Yan Bugui said, He Yuzhu nodded with a smile and accepted the 100 yuan.

Although the 100 yuan is money for watering for him, if he doesn't accept it, it means he doesn't take care of the third master Yan Bugui, and he just accepts it.

This is the third master Yan Pugui, if it were that uncle or Liu Haizhong, it would be absolutely impossible for him to say such a thing.

It is still the third master Yan Bugui who knows a little bit about the way. After all, the third master Yan Bugui has been a teacher all his life, so he still has some basic morals.

Of course, there are some things that are wrong.

For example, love to calculate, all kinds of calculations, although sensible, but did not educate their children well, causing their children to ignore them one by one.

"Three masters."

At this time, Su Meng also asked curiously: "Did your boss give you this 100 yuan? I remember that your boss broke up with you, why did he still give you money?"

During this period of time in the courtyard, she also met the third master Yan Bugui.

Naturally, he knew the situation of the third master Yan Bugui's family.

Now the third grandpa Yan Bugui has no pension, the family has almost no money, and his son has not come back. Where did the 100 yuan come from?

It can't be a small job, but it doesn't mean that, with the appearance of the third master Yan Bugui, he can't do a small job.

"Yes, he gave it."

Hearing Su Meng's words, the third master Yan Bugui smiled and said, "My child, I have a little temper, it's normal."

"I see."

He Yuzhu nodded: "You don't need to rush to pay back the money, Third Master, you can do what you can."

"You can rest assured."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the Third Master Yan Pugui smiled and said, "I will definitely do what I can, by the way, Zhuzi."

Speaking of this, the third master Yan Bugui rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said, "Zhuzi, your family cooks a lot of dishes every night, and you can't finish them all. See if you can order them for me."

"Isn't my daughter-in-law just discharged from the hospital? She must eat something nutritious, but my family has no money now, so I wondered if I could order something from you, and leftovers are fine. Warm it up, give it to the family and eat it, I will eat it for a week, and it will be enough for a week."


He Yuzhu nodded when he heard the words of the third master: "There is no need for leftovers. In the morning, when our family makes porridge, you can pack some. In the evening, my family cooks a lot of food, and I can't eat it. I just pour it out for Daju." For food, I’ll just save some for you when I’m cooking, and you can just come and get the food back.”

"Because I don't have any extra space in my house, so I can't let you and San Niang eat. You have to forgive me."

For He Yuzhu, the dishes and porridge he cooks are endless every morning and night, and what he can't finish is poured out for Daju, who never refuses anyone who comes.

The third master Yan Bugui is also in difficulty now, when he cooks, he just saves some food.

Anyway, his family does not lack food, and the leftovers are all for Daju, and they can also share some in advance for the third grandpa Yan Pugui who has a difficult family.

This kind of effort is done with little effort.

He didn't bother to think about anything else.

Of course, it is limited to the third master Yan Pugui. If Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai came to kneel in front of him, he would not agree to it. He would rather feed the cat than give it to those two.

"no problem, no problem."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words and seeing He Yuzhu's agreement, the third master Yan Pugui immediately waved his hands happily and said: "Zhuzi, if you agree, I, Lao Yan, will be very happy, and ah, I am no longer a third master, so call me in the future." Old Yan will do."

"I also know that Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong have been scheming against you all the time. Don't worry, I will eat the food you give me slowly at home with my wife. I won't give them an equal amount. And, I heard that they It seems that there is a new plan, they hooked up with Xu Damao, I don't know the details, and they didn't tell me."

"I see."

He Yuzhu nodded after hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui: "Let's do this for now. I will leave some food for you when I cook."


Hearing He Yuzhu's words, the Third Master Yan Bugui said gratefully, "Thank you so much, Zhuzi."

Talking with the third master Yan Bugui, he walked into the courtyard.

Back home, He Yuzhu brought Su Meng into the house.

It took more than an hour for He Yuzhu to come out refreshed, head to the kitchen, and start cooking.

Not long after he was cooking, Ran Qiuye waited for his daughter to come back.


Ran Qiuye, who came back, went directly to the kitchen and said to He Yuzhu, "Guess what I found when I came back."

"what's up?"

He Yuzhu was a little curious.

"I met Director Liu of the street office."

Ran Qiuye said: "Director Liu told me that the third master Yan Bugui in our courtyard was picking up trash outside, no wonder the third master Yan Bugui had money to pay us back, so he went to pick up trash, no wonder he had to follow a Uncle, Second Uncle and the others are mixed together, and there is no one to see every day."

"It's good to know this."

He Yuzhu shook his head and said: "Third Master is a person who wants to save face, so let's pretend that we don't know it. If he wants to pay back the money, let him pay it back. At most, we can give him more food or something."


Ran Qiuye nodded, and then continued to speak: "There is still a street office. Director Liu said that our courtyard house may or may not be demolished. This news is still circulating internally. The specific situation is not clear. I think So, if it is demolished, can we first buy this courtyard house with money.

Ran Qiuye knew that once the house was demolished, she would be able to get a lot of money. Although her family wasn't short of money now, she didn't think it was too much.

"It won't be dismantled in a short time."

Hearing what Ran Qiuye said, He Yuzhu chuckled and said, "And this courtyard house is not worth buying. We want to buy it, and we also want to buy other courtyard houses. You can find Lou Xiaoe these two days to see if there are other courtyard houses, and pick out the ones that haven't been demolished." Siheyuan to buy."

But He Yuzhu knew that in later generations, these courtyard houses would not be able to be bought by the rich, and they would never be sold to the outside world. If there is a house, there will be no worries for the rest of your life.

It is said that it still contains a whole courtyard with many rooms.

"Didn't you buy those that are going to be demolished?"

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Ran Qiuye was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what He Yuzhu said.

"To buy those that are not demolished, what we value is not the amount of demolition money, but the number of courtyard houses."

He Yuzhu explained: "You will know when the time comes. Now the explanation is a bit complicated, and you may not believe it. As for this courtyard house, there is no need to buy it."

"This courtyard house is very troublesome, as long as we have a house here, if we buy one, we have to pay Xu Damao, Liu Haizhong, and Yi Zhonghai. There is no need to buy another courtyard house."

"You and Xiao'e will handle this matter. Xiao'e is very proficient in this. When buying, if necessary, the price can be doubled. No one will not be troubled by money, as long as you get the real estate certificate."

"I see."

Hearing He Yuzhu's words, Ran Qiuye nodded.

Although she didn't quite understand what He Yuzhu said, she knew that it was definitely not for nothing that He Yuzhu ordered her like this, there must be a reason.

The reason will be known later.

At the moment, she and Lou Xiaoe went to discuss.

For He Yuzhu, the house that needs to be taken down in Dajing is the courtyard house.

Both now and in the future, courtyard houses are the most valuable.

No one would have imagined that this dilapidated courtyard house would be worth a lot if placed in the back.

When He Yuzhu gave Ran Qiuye instructions, outside the courtyard, Qin Jingru walked in from the outside.

But as soon as he walked into the front yard, an old man who was drying clothes in the front yard hurriedly said: "Jingru, come here and tell you something, your Da Mao has a woman outside again."


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Chapter 276

"No, it's impossible."

Hearing this, Qin Jingru, who just came in, suddenly smiled awkwardly, and said: "My Damao wants money but doesn't have money, and he wants to work but doesn't have a job. Now I work to support him. I went to get a certificate with him a few days ago. How could he still have women outside? You can't talk nonsense like this."

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing."

The old man hurriedly said: "I saw it with my own eyes this morning. My child's father and I went shopping in the furniture market for moving. Your family's Da Mao is buying furniture with a little fairy. I see their appearance. But for intimacy, just hold hands like this, like a husband and wife~"

"You're talking nonsense."

Hearing the old man's words, Qin Jingru's face suddenly became uncomfortable, and he said quickly: "This is impossible, you know, he wants money but has no money, he wants to work but has no job, how could there be a woman with him.-"

"You don't understand that."

The old man smiled and said: "I think that woman looks very rich, maybe that woman is sticking to Xu Damao. Speaking of which, your family's Damao is still a bit masculine, some rich women like you Don’t believe me like Jia Damao, if you don’t believe it, you can ask our child’s father.”

"I do not believe."

Hearing the old man's words, Qin Jingru's complexion changed, and he hurried towards the house.

At this time, Xu Damao must be at home.

She wanted to go back and ask Xu Damao carefully.

Qin Jingru returned home in a hurry.

At this moment at home, Xu Damao is wearing a clean suit and tie, putting pieces of clothes into the suitcase.

The open suitcase was placed on the table, Xu Damao was folding some clothes, and kept putting them into the suitcase.

When he saw Qin Jingru walking in, he didn't stop the movement of his hands at all, but said: "You're back, you're back just in time, I was just about to leave a note for you, I have to take a long trip, Maybe a month."


Hearing Xu Damao's words, and seeing Xu Damao ready to go, Qin Jingru sneered, "Let's go on honeymoon."

"I said what do you mean by that."

Hearing Qin Jingru's words, Xu Damao was taken aback for a moment, raised his head and frowned and said, "What honeymoon, what's the matter with your tone, what's the fuss about?"

"I have a convulsion?"

Seeing Xu Damao stirring, Qin Jingru sneered, "Then tell me, where were you this morning?"

"I'm out to discuss business, didn't I tell you?"

"How about business in the furniture market?"

Hearing Qin Jingru's words, Xu Damao's hands paused, then he raised his head, looked at Qin Jingru, frowned and said, "How do you know about the furniture market?"

"If you want people to not know, unless you do nothing."

Qin Jingru said calmly: "Tell me, who is that woman."


Seeing Qin Jingru with a determined look, Xu Damao frowned and said, "Who are you listening to, talking nonsense?"

"No one is blind, it's you who, after doing immoral things, put the blame on others."

After Xu Damao's words fell, Qin Jingru hadn't opened his mouth yet, when a cold voice came from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Huairu walked in.

She was also at the door just now, behind Qin Jingru.

Hearing what the people in the front yard said to Qin Jingru, he hurriedly followed and saw this scene.


Seeing Qin Jingru who came in suddenly and saying bad things about himself, Xu Damao frowned: "You are everywhere, right? Qin Huairu, you don't have to worry about our family affairs, you just get out of here, your mother-in-law hasn't taken care of her yet. Well, your son is still lying on the bed, and you are still meddling in my family's business."

"What? You have been in the detention center for a few days, and you haven't been locked up yet?"

"Okay, I'll stay at the door."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Qin Huairu's expression turned ugly, and he snorted coldly, "I see what you dare to do to Jing Ru, do you think I can spare you?"

"roll roll roll."

Xu Damao waved his hands impatiently: "You can't spare me, who can't say big words, what can you do to me? You can't even take care of your own family affairs, why can't you spare me? Why can't you spare me? Hurry up, don't Stand in the way of my house, mind your own business."

After saying that, he walked out directly, drove Qin Huairu out, and then closed the door.

Qin Jingru sat directly on the chair, crossed his legs, and embraced his hands, waiting for Xu Damao's explanation.

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