
After Yi Zhonghai's voice fell, Liu Haizhong also hurriedly said: "Once you learn bad words, it will be bad. Look at the two unfilial sons of our family. When I was sick and hospitalized, they packed up and moved overnight, waiting for me to come out on 21. After the hospital, he didn't come to see me, and he didn't pay me any money."

"Later, I found out that our place was going to be demolished, so I hurried back to show my filial piety, just for the demolition money."

"I asked Lao Yi to help me with an idea, and fooled those two white-eyed wolves, saying that there will be no demolition here, good guy, they ran away overnight, and said to buy food for us, it is really not a thing."

Speaking of this, Liu Haizhong was full of anger.

Although he had guessed that his son would be such a fool, he was still very disappointed when he actually met him.

He is no longer ready to recognize Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's two sons.

"He has grown up, it doesn't matter to me if he learns from good and learns from bad."

For Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai who came to him to complain, He Daqing shook his head and said: "It's fine if I can eat, and I don't care about the rest."


Seeing that He Daqing was unwilling to teach their son, Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai had no choice but to let He Daqing educate He Yuzhu.

Let He Yuzhu help them.

It turned out that He Daqing didn't want to take care of it at all.

Their hopes were all shattered, and they could only place their hopes on Xu Damao's parents.

When they think so.

At He Yuzhu's house, He Yuzhu made breakfast, and the third grandpa Yan Bugui also went over and came back with some porridge in a small pot.

"Come on, Daqing, let's eat together."

The third master Yan Bugui who came back came to He Daqing's door, and said with a smile: "This morning, I ate porridge with shredded pork and green vegetables. I'm not boasting. The porridge made by Zhuzi's family is really delicious."

After speaking, he signaled He Daqing to come out.

He Daqing went out immediately, and followed the third master Yan Bugui to the place to eat.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong looked at each other when they saw He Daqing leaving.

Their plan fell through. Although He Daqing was willing to communicate with their old friends, he didn't think that he should teach He Yuzhu a lesson for them.

They can only pin their hopes on Xu Damao's Lao Tzu.

But they also hurriedly followed.

At the place where they came to eat at the house of the third master Yan Bugui, they could see that the third master Yan Bugui had already packed two bowls of porridge.

He Daqing took a sip of the porridge.

"Well, it's delicious."

After taking a sip of porridge, He Daqing said excitedly: "I have never eaten such a good porridge. It must have been made with some kind of craftsmanship. My ancestors were royal chefs in the palace. I inherited all my culinary skills. When I passed it on to Zhuzi when I was a child, Zhuzi also learned a lot. Now this porridge alone is completely different from the cooking skills I have mastered. The cooking skills passed down from my family are completely different from the cooking skills of this porridge There is no comparison."

"You can't even burn it."

Seeing He Daqing who was surprised, the third master Yan Bugui was taken aback, and said in astonishment: "I thought you would cook it, after all, you taught Zhuzi's cooking skills, and as his father, you should be able to cook such delicious food But you said you couldn’t cook the porridge? Doesn’t that mean that Zhu Zi’s culinary skills are better than yours?”


He Daqing nodded when he heard the words of the third master Yan Bugui, and said with emotion: "Although I don't know the reason for this, I can be sure that this bowl of porridge alone is far more than the porridge I cooked. After all, the taste is the same, the only difference lies in the different ingredients and recipes."

"The royal chefs in the palace all have special secret recipes and ingredients, so they can cook porridge that is different from others. I can be sure that this bowl of porridge is definitely Zhu Zi using a recipe that I don't know as a condiment. It was cooked together, and I dare to conclude that the condiment recipe alone is priceless!"

Speaking of this, He Daqing's face was determined, and the third master Yan Bugui's face was surprised.

But he knows that his old friend has good cooking skills.

Unexpectedly, even He Daqing was amazed. This already shows that the cooking skills mastered by He Yuzhu alone are invaluable.

Because He Daqing said, He Yuzhu has a special exclusive formula in his hand.

No wonder the porridge is so delicious, he has never eaten such delicious porridge.

For most of his life, the third master Yan Bugui, no matter whether he cooked outside or at home, he just couldn’t cook the taste of He Yuzhu’s house, so every time he ate the porridge made by He Yuzhu, he was surprised, such delicious porridge How did it come out.

Cooking porridge, the steps of cooking porridge, aren’t there only those few steps? Everyone’s method is the same. Why does the porridge you make taste so fragrant and delicious.

So the third master Yan Bugui has been puzzled all the time, but he didn't ask aloud.

After downloading milk Jining passed He Daqing's words, some guesses in his mind were finally right.

He Yuzhu has a special formula in his hands to make such delicious porridge.

As for Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong who followed, they immediately looked at each other.

Isn't what He Daqing said too exaggerated?

And is this porridge really delicious?

You know, they have never eaten porridge from He Yuzhu's house.

Even if I had eaten it, it was more than ten years ago, secretly white rice porridge, stick porridge, not like the porridge now.

They looked at the shredded pork porridge with vegetables on the table, and they could smell a strong fragrance. This kind of fragrance made people feel that their appetites were whetted, and they felt very comfortable and wanted to eat.

"Blue comes out of blue and is better than blue."

Holding the bowl of porridge in his hand, He Daqing said with emotion: "Besides, this day is really good. I can eat meat. It's still early in the morning, and the porridge is cooked with meat, or shredded pork. The portion is quite a lot. I will eat it later. For half my life, I can really enjoy the blessings, not to mention anything else, just three meals a day, I am willing to drink this kind of porridge."

He has never seen anyone cook porridge with meat.

Meat is used for frying, or for cooking and cooking.

Instead of putting it in porridge.

Everyone eats white rice porridge, and white rice porridge is not eaten very often, especially before, when everyone ate not much rice.

Open the lid of the pot, and you can see that there is not much rice in the water in the pot.

The porridge he is drinking now is not to mention so delicious, and it also adds shredded pork and vegetables, which is very nutritious, which makes him amazed. Drinking this porridge is really a blessing.

"Hehe, it's just shredded pork porridge."

Seeing He Daqing's emotion, the third master Yan Bugui smiled and said: "You don't know, the porridge that Zhuzi cooked yesterday morning was still beef porridge, tomato beef porridge, I was so shocked at that time, it was tomato beef porridge, In the early morning, cooking porridge with beef, I dare not even think about it."

Speaking of this, the third master Yan Bugui said with emotion: "Even now, ordinary people can't afford beef, and it's not ordinary people. Most people can't afford it, and they haven't even seen beef. I haven't even eaten it in my whole life, and Zhuzi's family actually cooks porridge directly with beef, which is too extravagant."

"Beef and tomato porridge?"

He Daqing said happily after hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui: "You told me that instant noodles were invented by Zhuzi, so Zhuzi naturally has no shortage of meat to eat, beef or something is normal. I've never eaten beef."

"It seems that I will have a good fortune in the future."

When he said this, He Daqing laughed.

He couldn't even imagine beef porridge.

Unexpectedly, in his later years, he would actually eat it, which really made him feel happy.

"Cow, beef porridge."

Next to him, Liu Haizhong, who had been staring at the porridge with shredded pork and green vegetables, had an extremely exciting expression after hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui.

He also didn't expect that He Yuzhu's family would cook porridge with beef in the early morning.

Even if he is rich and eats beef hot pot, he will not spend the extravagant time cooking beef porridge in the morning.

It's too extravagant for He Yuzhu to cook beef porridge in the morning.

"That, Lao Yan."

Liu Haizhong laughed and said: "Lao Yi and I came together this morning, so we came over in a hurry to see the Qing Dynasty. We didn't eat this breakfast, why don't we take you to share with Lao Yi and eat together."

"To be honest, even if I want to share it with you, it's useless."

Hearing Liu Haizhong's words, the third master Yan Bugui shook his head and said: "Today's porridge is almost enough for two people, if I give it to you, Daqing and I will be hungry, so I'm sorry, forgive me Nothing can be done."


Hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui, Liu Haizhong suddenly looked disappointed, and he couldn't eat this porridge with green vegetables and shredded pork.

At that moment, he forced a smile and said, "Then I'll go back to eat first."

"I also happened to go to Huai Rujia."

Yi Zhonghai nodded and said, "Come over after we finish breakfast, and go for a walk together, what do you think, Daqing?"

When Yi Zhonghai said this, he looked at He Daqing.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

He Daqing nodded, indicating that he understood.

Afterwards, Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong left.

When they left the house of the third master Yan Bugui, they happened to pass by the door of He Yuzhu's house.

At the door of He Yuzhu's house, He Yuzhu was already full, so he came out and poured some vegetable porridge with shredded pork into the cat bowl, Daju was thinking about it bite by bite.

At this scene, the expressions of the two people watching suddenly became ugly.

They were at the third master Yan Bugui's house, and they couldn't get porridge when they wanted it. As a result, He Yuzhu just poured the porridge into the cat bowl and gave it to an animal. For a while, the two of them couldn't accept it.

Although they didn't cook the porridge, they felt distressed when they saw He Yuzhu's way of "ruining" the porridge.

Even if they don't eat these porridges, they can still be eaten by Qin Huairu's family. As for feeding an animal?


The more Yi Zhonghai thought about it, the more angry he became, he snorted heavily, and left the backyard.


He Yuzhu was speechless when he saw the old man's cold snort and displeased expression.

This Yi Zhonghai is real, seeing himself feeding the cat with porridge, he actually showed such an attitude, it is really superb.

What is Yi Zhonghai upset about? Is he upset that there is no big orange to eat?

He Yuzhu shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and went back to the room.

The girls also packed up and were ready to go out.

He Yuzhu happened to be going out too, and when a group of people walked out of the backyard and stepped into the middle courtyard, they heard an angry roar: "Qin Jingru!"

It was Xu Damao's voice.

Early in the morning, everyone was getting ready to go to work. Xu Damao's roar spread throughout the front, middle and back yards, attracting many people's attention.

As soon as He Yuzhu and others walked into the middle courtyard, they saw an old man with a wicked eyebrow and a mouse-eyed man standing at the door of Xu Damao's house, and an old woman with a sarcastic appearance.

They are Xu Damao's father and mother.

At this moment, Xu Damao's father and mother stood at the door, trembling with anger and speechless.

Next to him, Xu Damao also had a look of anger and shock.

The door of his house was open, and Qin Jingru didn't sit inside, but the inside was empty, no matter if it was a sofa, table, chair, refrigerator or something, there were no shadows.

In the entire room, there were no basic stools, cabinets, or tables, and it was empty.

Seeing this scene, He Yuzhu's expression was extremely exciting, and Qin Jingru actually moved all the things in Xu Damao's house.


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Chapter 289

Even he did not expect that Qin Jingru would have such a showy operation.

After moving away, all the things in Xu Damao's house must be removed.

The whole room is empty, there is no bed, only a middle blocking wall is left, the rest is empty, there is nothing, just like a newly built house.


Seeing all this in the house, Xu Damao's mother said with a panicked expression: "This furniture is gone, how can we sleep? Can we only sleep on the floor? Why don't we even have a bed? Xu Damao, my son, I used to When it was passed on to you, there was furniture in the house."

"It's fine now that there's no desk, and there's no bed. We just live in, so where can we sleep?"

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