"There is no time when people are always on the right track."

Father Xu calmly said: "At the critical moment, you have to listen to Lao Tzu. The profit for a while will make you float. If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a loss before your eyes, and you have already suffered a loss."

"Yes, you are right."

Xu Damao apologized: "I regret it to death, I shouldn't have married this woman Qin Jingru, because when I married her, I wrote the name of the real estate certificate as hers, and now it's a good thing, half of this family is hers. For this, Dad, what do you think we can do about it."

PS: No, today is the fourth update, forgive me, good night


PS: Ask for flowers, recommend tickets, rewards, and all support!


Chapter 291

"This woman, I thought it would be easy to deal with, but I didn't expect that she would put us together first."

Hearing what Xu Damao said, Xu Damao's father frowned and said, "I originally calculated that it would be time for her to change the name of the house to yours, and it was time to come back, but I didn't expect that He Yuzhu to be unreasonable at all, and didn't say anything." If he is kind, there will be no problem with this matter, but if he is not kind, this matter will be difficult and tricky."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Laozi's words, Xu Damao looked puzzled, not understanding what his father's words meant.

The real estate certificate is in Qin Jingru's hands, so what does it have to do with He Yuzhu?

Shouldn't it be directly plotting against Qin Jingru?

"You do not understand."

Seeing Xu Damao who was puzzled, Xu Damao's father shook his head and said, "Qin Huairu is Qin Jingru's older sister. Qin Jingru is not willing to move away. This can be seen from the resentment she expressed when she sold all the furniture in the family."

"This opportunity has come, you play red face, I play bad face, when the time comes, listen to me, as long as Qin Jingru comes, you will be guilty, and you will have to get it back, and the rest of the things I say are all bad faces , in the end, the name of Fangben becomes yours, and the money you get will naturally be given to you."

"I don't know."

Hearing this, Xu Damao looked even more confused: "I don't even understand what you mean.-"

"Oh, why are you so stupid."

Seeing that Xu Damao still didn't understand, Xu Damao's father sighed immediately, and said: "I have explained to this point, but you still don't know, Qin Jingru wants to move back, her sister is kind, and Qin Jingru has another house in his hand. Ben, I want to sell the house book, because the house book has her name on it, and if she sells it, she can get the money."

"And if you sell it, you can get the money, but she can't sell it now, so she has been shelved like this, but in the whole courtyard, He Yuzhu is the richest, only he has the money to buy, has a kind heart, and understands human feelings." If you do, I will buy it, and then our family of three is penniless, and we will ask him to intercede, and the name on the real estate certificate will definitely be changed to yours at that time. At that time, won’t the house come back? It’s fine if you come back. Take the money."

"All of this is based on his kindness. If according to what Yi Zhonghai said, he still has the character of more than ten years ago. We can definitely get this house, but Yi Zhonghai also said that these years, He Yuzhu has changed, so the house is not easy to get."

"I have asked Yi Zhonghai about the past years. If He Yuzhu continues to be hanged by Qin Huairu and helps Qin Huairu's family, everything I think can be realized, but now, it seems that it cannot be realized."

"Also, now is not a good time to deal with Qin Jingru, now is to deal with that He Yuzhu, how to make He Yuzhu become kind."

"Didn't I still greet him? I wanted to find out, but I didn't expect that he didn't even give me basic face. From this point, I knew that this guy was difficult to deal with."

"Qin Huairu is already able to provide food for our family, even if it is three meals a day of white water noodles, but He Yuzhu's family is the richest, so there is no shortage of food."

"Next, I will continue to visit my house. Even if he drives me away, he can't beat me as an old man. Even if it's a crime or something, he won't let me be taken away."

"Because I'm getting older, and He Yuzhu will be helpless by me. If you give me something, if you have one, you will get two. Once it is broken, then I will be able to take the initiative."

Hearing his father's words, Xu Damao's complexion became brighter.

His old man is too calculating.

That's right, his father is going to come directly to the door now, so how about He Yuzhu taking an old man?

Hitting people with your hands is definitely not enough, and it is definitely useless to report to the police, because his father is old, and even if his father relies on his old man to sell his old man, then He Yuzhu can only bear it.

His father is not the same as Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai.

His father has a thick skin!

People can't even go private for the sake of the so-called face!

"Father, you are too powerful!"

Thinking of this, Xu Damao looked at his father excitedly: "This ginger is still old and spicy."

If my father did this, he would have to see how He Yuzhu would deal with it!

He couldn't wait to see this scene.

When Xu Damao was excited.

In Longkang Hospital, Qin Huai walked out from the curtain inside with a face full of hesitation.

The doctor in the white coat who came out first, walked out, and said to Qin Huairu who came out behind him: "Your situation, it has nothing to do with you. How is your appetite recently?"

"very bad."

Qin Huairu shook his head while rubbing his stomach, "I don't even want to eat food, even if I eat plain water noodles, I feel acid regurgitation, my stomach is bloated, and it hurts a little when it's bloated, and I don't like to eat it Greasy things, once you eat greasy things, you will vomit."

While talking, he sat down and said worriedly: "Doctor, is my illness normal?"

"Listen to what you said, you have to do a comprehensive inspection."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the doctor in a white coat frowned and said, "There are many problems. Ordinary superficial gastritis will not be so serious. If you press it, does it hurt?"


Qin Huairu nodded, and said with a worried expression: "It can't be some serious illness."

"It's hard to say right now."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the doctor in the white coat shook his head and said, "It's not certain yet, the key is that you have lymph nodes, and the lymph nodes are very swollen, very serious."

Speaking of this, the doctor hesitated for a moment, then paused, looked at Qin Huairu and continued to speak: "Look, we have been friends for so many years, and I was the one who helped you when you faked the inspection form, and I didn't want to You'd better be mentally prepared to hide something from you."

Hearing the doctor's words, Qin Huairu turned paler and paler.

What does the doctor mean by saying this, what does it mean to be a little prepared.

Is it really a bad disease?

She quickly thought of it, her face turned pale, and she panicked: "No, it can't be cancer."

"can not confirm."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the doctor nodded and said, "But, now you must do a full-body examination immediately. Once gastric cancer is confirmed, it needs to be treated as soon as possible. If it is not treated, once it spreads, it will be terrible. .”

Hearing the doctor's words, Qin Huairu's complexion turned pale, and he forced a smile and said, "I'll have a comprehensive checkup in two days. It's half past now, and I haven't made any mental preparations. I'll take it easy in two days. .”


Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the doctor shook his head and said, "I have to be responsible to you. I'll write you an order to do the test first, and come back to me after it's done."

"it is good."

Hearing the doctor's words, Qin Huai took it with a cloudy expression, then got up and walked out.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

In the corridor, when he saw Qin Huairu coming back, Bang Geng hurried over and said, "It's all right."


Qin Huairu laughed and said: "It's not a big problem, just take some medicine and you'll be fine. Let's go, let's go back first."

Saying that, he held up Stick's hand and walked outside.

The test form had already been folded and put in her pocket by her.

Although it was said that the test sheet was issued, she could leave without going for the test.

Because if you want to test, you need to pay money, and you can test after paying the money.

There are also inspections that require payment.

She has no money at all!

But she can't say it, so she can only do this first.

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Bang Geng breathed a sigh of relief. It's fine if Qin Huairu is fine. If something happens, he really doesn't know what to do.

When Qin Huairu walked out of the hospital with a stick.

On the other side, the rolling mill.

He Yuzhu sat in a van and parked behind the kitchen of the cafeteria.

On the train, there are also newly invented vacuum-packed chicken racks.

"Master He!"

Seeing He Yuzhu coming, the cafeteria staff and chefs all looked pleasantly surprised.

It wasn't long after they went to work, but they met He Yuzhu who came over.

Seeing He Yuzhu's appearance, it was obvious that something had been invented, and they were lucky again!

You know, they were full of praise for the tea egg they invented last time, but this time, they don't know what it is yet.

"Hi everybody."

Seeing the excited people, He Yuzhu greeted with a smile: "It's still the old rule, the newly made food is distributed as welfare to everyone in the factory."

"Master He, you are so powerful, you have invented something again."

"That's right, the tea eggs invented last time are so delicious and convenient, you don't even need to peel the shell, you can just tear it off and eat it."

"Yes, Master He, what did you invent this time?"


Following He Yuzhu's greeting, a group of cafeteria staff and chefs chatted a lot.

They were all curious about what He Yuzhu invented.

"An important announcement will be played below."

Just when He Yuzhu was about to speak, a voice suddenly came out from the radio.

He Yuzhu raised his head and looked at the radio hanging above the kitchen. The voice was very familiar, it was Ding Qiunan's voice.

"Attention all cadres and workers, except those in the security department, instruments and meters, etc. who cannot leave their posts, all staff must go to the cafeteria to hold a general staff meeting after 10 minutes. They must be present, and no one is allowed to ask for leave."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

On the radio, Ding Qiunan's voice came.

Hearing this voice, the chef and others in the canteen were shocked and said, "Is there any important event to announce? You actually came to the canteen for a meeting, and it was a meeting for all the staff."

"It should be something that was said a few days ago."

Someone hesitated and said, "Didn't you say a few days ago that there is something important to announce?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Some people were talking and helping to move things.

After moving, they left the kitchen and came to the vegetable window.

Through the window of the cafeteria, one can clearly see that outside the window, people came in one after another from outside the cafeteria, one by one automatically and neatly lined up.

At the front of the cafeteria, near the front of their window, there is a large table, and there are several chairs placed together.

Director Yang, Deputy Director Nie and others were all there.

"Master He!"

When the employees came in from the outside and lined up, Director Yang also looked back at the canteen employees and chefs who came out.

When he saw He Yuzhu, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised: "Why are you here?"

He didn't expect that He Yuzhu would come, and he didn't say hello to him.

I had specifically ordered the security guard at the gate, if He Yuzhu came, call him as soon as possible.

"Master He!"


Hearing Director Yang's words, Deputy Director Nie and the others were taken aback, and quickly turned around to look.

When they saw He Yuzhu, they all shouted in surprise: "Master He!"

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