"It's very hot, right!"

"However, this is nothing more than a mirage-like image."

"Even if they rushed into the aurora, so what, there is no way to join the battle."

"Could it be that they just want to get closer so that they can see the partial close-ups of these super beasts more clearly?" "Old driver!"

"Your words are inspiring!"

"These two Latias and Latios shouldn't be the same as you!" "I don't think it's possible!" "Look!"

"Which Latias 08 with the aurora light curtain was blown away?!"

"How is it possible? The aurora is just a ray of light, how could it blow Ladias away?" Someone exclaimed, and then someone questioned.


Look up.

But it just happened to witness the scene of Latias being bounced by the aurora.

Immediately shocked. "how so?!"

"Isn't this aurora an aurora?!"

"When did the power of light become so powerful!"

"Oh my god, it's so shocking. Is this the power of light? It even forcibly sent a powerful Latias flying. This light is going against the sky!" "Does each of you think it's strange?"

"The aurora suddenly appeared, followed by the battle image of the super divine beast. Is this a normal occurrence?!" "It seems a bit strange when you say that!"

"Although, here, the aurora is not uncommon, but there are images in the aurora, but it has never been seen before." What a coincidence!" "God, look at it!"

"Hot search exploded!"

"It's not just here, it seems that such auroras have appeared all over the world."

"It's just that the images played are somewhat similar, like images from different angles in the same place."

"There are also scenes of a large number of trainers fighting against a large number of big needle bees and a large number of alien beasts." "Oh my god? What's going on?!

"It's an elf from another world, has it launched a war of aggression against us humans?!" "That's right! It must be like this!"

"I saw two Giratina in a video uploaded by a UP master!" "Giratina? Isn't that the master of the reversed world?!" "What's going on?!"

"And, are you sure you're not mistaken, it's two Giratina?!"

"Could it be that Giratina has arrived in the realm of the sky, the so-called two, in fact, only one is real, and the other is just its reflection in the realm of the sky?!" "Impossible!"

"In the video taken by the up master, it can be seen very clearly that these two 577 Giratinas are fighting fiercely." Isolated on both sides." "Although the environment on both sides is not much different, there are still obvious differences."

"Combined with other angles, it can be proved that these two Giratina should be on opposite sides."

"The direction where one of the Giratina is located is the side that was invaded by a large number of big needle bees and alien beasts, and a large number of human trainers are also on this side." "On the other side, it is the one called Shan The champion of the scorpion is fighting with another trainer riding a flame bird." "The four super beasts who are fighting fiercely are also on this side."

Chapter 517 Special Barrier


"So the images we see now are the images that appear in the reverse world?"

"In the reverse world, fierce battles are taking place."

"Giratina vs. Giratina?"

"Diyaluka, the god of time, and Palkia, the god of space, against Zygurd, the god of order, and Yveltal, the god of destruction?"

"There are still a large number of human trainers fighting against the invading Big Needle Bee and Alien Beast?"

"and many more!"

"In that case, what's the deal with a single scorpion fighting a trainer with a flame bird?"

"Could it be that the trainer who owns the flame bird is not from our world?"

"He wants to invade our world?"

"So, Shanxie made a move to stop it?!"

"how is this possible!"

"This single scorpion is notorious. If something like this happens, let alone stop him, as long as he doesn't rebel and joins the enemy's camp, he will be considered lucky!"



"I think you've got the truth~!"

"This cliff is a traitor!"

"Didn't you see that the flame bird had a little girl on its back?!"

"If there is an invasion, who will bring a burden, and every time the single scorpion attacks, it deliberately targets the little girl on the back of the boss Flamebird. This is obviously to make the other party fearful."

"Such a despicable person, if you want to say that he is a traitor, then I am not surprised at all."

The result is a large amount of image data.

It didn't take long for people to understand what was happening.

Although it is impossible to participate in person, everyone's hearts are pulled together.

And at this time.

Ladias, who Tia turned into, slammed into the aurora light curtain again.

However, it turned out to be bounced off again.

Fortunately, Diou came in time and caught her with his own body, otherwise the continuous rebound might have caused her a lot of damage.

"Girl, this aurora light curtain cannot be broken through with your strength!"

Theo's voice sounded directly in Tia's mind.

He was older than Tia, and much stronger. Without trying, he came to the conclusion that Tia could not break through.

However, after hearing Diou's words.

Tia still has no intention of giving up.

Although, she wasn't sure, what the hell was going on now.

But she knew that that guy was in the reversed world, and it was probably in the reversed world opposite to another world.

And Kigurd and Yveltal stepped on the dimensional ring.

That's definitely what Hoopa left behind.

At this time, he will leave the dimension ring on Zigald and Yveltal.

It shows that he may be in an extremely dangerous environment at this moment.

It must be to prevent accidents.

This will leave the dimensional ring.

So, she has to go to help.

She didn't know how to enter the reverse world.

But the aurora light curtain that appeared in front of her gave her a possibility.

Relying on the intuition of the beast.

She believed that as long as she could break through this (Li Zhao Zhao) aurora light curtain, she might be able to directly enter the reversed world.

This must be a special barrier between the world and the world.

It will only appear because of some external stimulus, if you wait for the light curtain to disappear.

Then it will be difficult for her to find a way to enter the reversed world.

Feel Tia's firm conviction.

Dio let out a sigh.

Reluctantly said.

"Go to the back and rob!"

"Pay attention to the timing and follow me!"

Chapter 518 Traveling Through the Light

Diou's voice fell.

A burst of powerful dragon force suddenly emerged from the body.

In addition to the power of the dragon attribute.

Its own powerful spiritual force also turned into a solid layer of armor, covering its body.

Used to resist the rebound of that special barrier.

At the same time, it is also used to blend in.

Diou did not simply choose to use brute force to break through the isolation of the aurora light curtain.

after all.

This is no ordinary light.

If it was pierced with brute force, it might only penetrate the light.

They are still in the same time and space.

There is no way to pass through the aurora light curtain and directly enter the reversed world.

But first use your own spiritual power to wrap your body.

In order to achieve a special resonance with this aurora light curtain, after merging with each other. 580 can make it make a wrong judgment.

Think of it as part of a light curtain.


Theo just wanted to make an attempt.

It is not 100% sure whether it will be successful in the end.

However, when his body really touched this layer of aurora light curtain.

In the beginning, he was indeed hindered by a force and wanted to fly it out.

However, the coat transformed by spiritual power gradually adapted to the frequency of the light curtain, and reached a special resonance with it.

Only then did the obstacle gradually weaken. "Successful!"

Diou was a little surprised.

He vaguely felt the chaotic and dense power of space behind the aurora light curtain.

Just at this time.

The power of the dragon in its body erupted violently.

A gap was forcibly torn apart in the aurora light curtain in the sky. "It's now!"

Diou shouted angrily, his body was like a cannonball, he opened a way in front and poured into it.


Tia didn't have time to think about it.

It also exploded at its strongest speed.

Suddenly rushed into the torn gap.

call out--!

call out--!

The two lights and shadows, like two meteors, one red and one blue, disappeared in the sky in reverse. "what's the situation?!"

"This Lattios actually tore a gap in the aurora light curtain?" "Oh my god, how did he do it (aide)?!" "This is too powerful!"

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