If the sneak attack fails, let's face it head-on. "Iron whole lobster, shell blades attack!"

The moment Bingfeng finished speaking, the opponent's iron lobster turned around quickly, slashing out with the shell blade in his hand.

When he was about to attack and hit the opponent, Bingfeng's Tiejian lobster also had a slight fluctuation.

The water flow turned into a shell blade and appeared on its pincer arm.



The collision between the shell blade and the shell blade made the water splash.

There was a fierce splash.

The staggered water blades fell on each other from time to time. Although they did not cause much damage, they caused a significant drop in each other's defenses, and this also allowed the power of the shell blade to gradually exert its effect. ,hurt

The harm is also increasing.

Just when certain scars appeared on each other's bodies.

Bingfeng suddenly shouted angrily.

"Cross scissors!"

The moment the voice fell, the shell blade in the iron lobster's hand disappeared instantly, replaced by a powerful insect-type force, which emerged from its body and merged into its arms.

Tie Zheng Lobster blocked with both arms, resisting the opponent's shell blade.

Then a wave of powerful offensive broke out suddenly.

Cross scissors 713, staggered out.

The bombardment landed on Tiezhen Lobster's body, sending it flying heavily.

The insect-type skills are extremely effective for the iron claw lobster, especially with the increase of the sword dance, and the continuous weakening of the opponent's defense by the shell blade.

It can be said that this strike of the cross scissors caused damage far beyond imagination.

The iron beetle lobster fell heavily to the ground.

The body was badly damaged.

"My God!"

"how can that be!"

"It turned out to be Yu Wuya's iron stinging lobster, it was thrown out!"

"Couldn't this guy be using the shell blade to make a bloodbath on purpose, deliberately showing that he is invincible, and has been waiting for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow!",

Chapter 727 The Underground War

"This move is too high!"

"Pretend to fight recklessly with a shell blade, and even show an invincible posture!"

"Just when the opponent's offensive became more and more fierce, he suddenly changed his skills and used the insect-type skills to restrain the opponent. This guy is really amazing!"

"Before, we underestimated him!"

"I didn't expect that this iron-stinging lobster could master the worm-type cross scissors. This is a skill that has the ability to restrain itself."

"Could it be that the special training this guy did yesterday is this skill!"

"It seems that this game is really difficult to tell the winner."

"It's just that this guy got his way again. It's too early to say the outcome!"

"The strength of Yu Wuya's pavilion master is definitely more than that!"

on the battlefield.

Bingfeng was very excited.

Even he didn't expect that his plan could go so smoothly.

With the cover of the shell blade, the worm-type cross scissors that were secretly brewing with power suddenly exploded, giving the opponent a strong blow.

The iron sting lobster has personally experienced the power of this cross-cut scissors countless times. If it hadn't been healed by Xernias again and again, it might not be able to train this skill so skillfully.

At this moment, one blow caused heavy damage to the opponent.

Iron Whole Lobster pursues the victory.

"Consecutive cross cutting~!"

call out--!

call out--!

"Use the water gun on the ground and avoid it!"

After all, Yu Wuya is the gymnasium owner with a lot of experience, and he is unflappable at the moment, making the most sensible decision quickly.

I saw its iron whole lobster lower its head to the ground and spit out a water gun.

The fierce water flow washed over the ground, directly lifting its body high, perfectly avoiding the wave impact of the iron-clawed lobster.


"I knew that Yu Wuya would not be defeated so easily."

"Although he was severely injured by the cross scissors and his body was difficult to move, he still came up with a countermeasure." The iron lobster rushed under the water column and waved the cross scissors again and again.

But the water flow was cut off, but the iron lobster above the water column couldn't be attacked, which made it a little anxious underneath. It would be great if it could fly at this time.

But it doesn't have this function.

It was at this time.

Yu Wuya suddenly shouted loudly. "Mount Tai overwhelms the top!"

I saw, behind the water column, a black shadow swiftly swooped down, locked onto the whole iron lobster on the ground, smashed down heavily, and crushed it. , Boom one-!

The iron claw lobster couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately pushed into the ground by it. "] Bite!"

Yu Wuya's iron stinging lobster took advantage of the victory and pursued, taking advantage of the dizziness caused by the heavy pressure, biting the opponent's body with one bite, as if trying to crush its hard shell. "Iron whole lobster!" "Dig holes!"

Bingfeng shouted and made a quick decision.

I saw him, using his hands and feet to quickly dig the ground, he got into a pothole in an instant and disappeared! "Catch up!"

"Use (Zhao Dehao) to dig holes!"

Yu Wuya's iron-clawed lobster took advantage of the opportunity to get into the hole, and quickly chased the iron-clawed lobster in front of it.

Under the ground, from a perspective that no one can see, a fierce battle broke out.

Then the ground resounded with mouth-to-mouth vibrations.

The people in the stands stood up unconsciously, their eyes fixed on the battlefield, and they waited for Xin with bated breath.

Rumble --!

With a loud noise, the earth finally broke through a hole.

Chapter 728 must kill

"Is there a winner?"

"If you are fighting underground, it should be more advantageous to start late!" "Once you are pursued, the front will be blown up." "Shout!"

"It's coming out!"

Everyone waited with bated breath, only to see a hole in the ground on the battlefield.

The bodies of the two iron-stinging lobsters were entangled, and it seemed that both of them were covered with scars, and they fell to the ground panting. "Is there a tie?"

"It seems that the underground battle should be evenly matched!"

"Your strength has exceeded my expectations!"

"It looks like your special training last night was very effective!" Yu Wuya said to Bingfeng.

At this moment, the iron beetle lobsters on both sides are in a state of extreme exhaustion and need a soothing process. He doesn't mind chatting with each other for a few words. "That is!"

Hearing Yu Wuya's words, Bingfeng's face showed a proud expression.

In order to improve the strength of the iron lobster, he didn't sleep all night yesterday, and he was doing special training with the iron lobster without stopping singing.

This kind of high-intensity special training, if not for the support of Xernias, he would not be able to sustain it anyway.

It is also true, but he has put in [-]% of his efforts.

Just for today's battle, no matter what, the final victory must be achieved. "The more powerful ones are yet to come!"

"Come on, iron the whole lobster, let's decide the outcome, use melee combat!"

Hearing Bingfeng's command, the iron claw lobster took a sharp breath, a powerful aura emerged from its body, and then quickly launched an attack forward.

Close combat!

Yu Wuya's heart trembled, he never expected that this guy not only allowed Tiezhen Lobster to master the insect-type cross scissors, but also the melee combat of the fighting type.

He also tried to let his iron claw lobster practice these two skills, but the effect was not very good. Although it could be used, it couldn't (aide) fully exert its power.

For this reason, he originally planned to find some time to seek advice from the owner of the worm-type gymnasium and the owner of the fighting-type gymnasium, but he never found the opportunity.

But did this guy actually master two different skills overnight?

Yu Wuya's heart was full of shock.

He couldn't believe it. In comparison, he was more willing to believe that this iron-stinging lobster had actually mastered these two skills a long time ago.

But even so, Yu Wuya was extremely surprised.

The iron stinging lobster does not have the insect attribute nor the fighting attribute. It is precisely because of this that it is quite difficult to master these two skills, and it cannot be mastered overnight.

If you are not proficient, close combat is not as effective as the crab claw hammer.

Although surprised in his heart, Yu Wuya reacted quickly and shouted loudly, "Use the crab claw hammer to attack!"

The moment the words fell, fierce water flowed on Yu Wuya's iron lobster double claws.

A quick and fierce battle with Bingfeng's iron whole lobster came together.



On the battlefield, a fierce battle broke out immediately.


"This iron whole lobster has mastered melee combat!"

"This fighting-type skill is not so easy to master, even for ordinary fighting-type elves!"

"And judging by its posture, it's not unfamiliar at all, it doesn't look like it just mastered it at all!"

"Now, I really saw something!"

Chapter 729 Winning

on the battlefield.

Bingfeng's Tiejian lobster became more and more courageous as he fought, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

While constantly fighting against the opponent's crab claw hammer, it became more and more proficient at mastering close combat.

It's like going through the final ~ polishing trial. "Let's decide the winner!" "Close-to-hand combat!" "Crab Claw Hammer!" Bingfeng and Yu Wuya shouted angrily at the same time.

The moment the voice fell, both sides broke out a strong offensive at the same time.

Both sides swung swift and violent punches at the same time, bombarding each other's body, and knocked each other out heavily.

Boom -!

Boom one by one!

The two sides slid close to the ground, setting off a billow of thick smoke. "Now, it's really time to decide the winner!" "It must be over!"

"Who will win the final victory?" "That goes without saying, it must be the owner of Yu Wuya!"

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