"I'll raise your son for you." Jiang Deyu said with a big wave of his hand.

An Jie's pretty face flushed, and a faint blush appeared on his face, a little embarrassed.

"What are you talking about? How can I ask you to help us raise our son." An Jie quickly opened his mouth and refused.

"Sister-in-law. My monthly salary is administrative level 13, 155.5 yuan."


"Such a high salary is enough to feed a family of ten." Jiang Deyu stepped forward, covering his lips with his left hand.Keep your voice down so that only An Jie can hear it.

"In addition, my brother's salary and your salary. It is more than enough to feed twenty children."

There was a dumbfounding look on An Jie's face, and he complained with strength: "De Yu, you treat me like a rabbit, and giving birth to a child is a litter of litters."

"Twenty more children, that's terrible."

Jiang Deyu said solemnly, with a look of eagerness: "In short, you don't have to worry, I can fish by myself. Every now and then, I go fishing in Shichahai, and when I come back, I will steam fish and pickled fish for my nephews and nieces to supplement nutrition."

"Okay, An Jie. Don't worry, I've saved a lot of money over the years. When I get to the Forbidden City, I can support you and your sons."

Jiang Defu hurriedly stepped forward, hugged An Jie into his arms, and began to be serious.

That night, Jiang Defu and Jiang Deyu stayed at Anjia and had dinner.

The next day, Jiang Deyu found the town committee of the base alone.He knocked on the door and walked in, explaining his purpose and identity.

"Anyway, that's how it is, the town committee." Jiang Deyu explained the matter clearly and clearly.

"Jiang Defu is my own brother. He is close relative by blood, he told me. He is willing to give up the chance of promotion, even for the rest of his life. He also wants to marry An Jie just to be a major."

The town committee of the base fell into silence.Looking at Jiang Deyu from the beginning to the end, his eyes showed complex colors.

"Jiang Defu has a good younger brother. He values ​​love, righteousness, and family affection."

"On the battlefield, get special merit once, first-class merit three times, and second-class merit four times"

"Jiang Deyu. What if I don't approve?"

Jiang Deyu quickly stood up and made a soldier's military salute: "The town committee! My brother can only apply for a change of job and go to Sijiu City to be an honorable worker."

"As long as the two of them are ordinary people. Ordinary people, the marriage report can be passed."

The town committee member of the base couldn't help laughing: "Good job, Jiang Deyu. Use a trick to draw your salary from the bottom of the pot, right?"

"Well then, I have one condition. You go back and tell An's family."

"Let them hide their family background. All relatives, where they live. Write a self-criticism."

"Then, I am willing to donate half of my family property. Give us the navy as military expenses."

"I can make an exception and let An Jie marry Jiang Defu. And, keep the military status." The town committee thought for a while, and said surprisingly.

Jiang Deyu's eyes lit up when he heard this condition.The Great God assured: "Okay! No problem."

"Please don't worry about the town committee. I will definitely talk about Tong'an's family."

The town committee of the base couldn't help being a little surprised: "Jiang Deyu, don't joke with me, are you really sure?"

"Please rest assured, I have full confidence."

"However, the town committee. Do you want my sister-in-law, An Jie, to write another letter of guarantee?"

"Guarantee? Guarantee of what?"

"Guaranteed, in the future, I will never have any contact with relatives abroad. I will always be loyal and never go abroad." Jiang Deyu opened his mouth slowly, speaking surprisingly.

"Well, yes. As long as the An family donates half of their property to our navy."

"I wrote the report myself and handed it in to explain the situation."

[-]. Jiang Defu finally got married, a congratulatory gift to An Jie. (seeking subscription)

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When Jiang Deyu left the office of the base town committee, he was in a hurry for the first time.Walking towards the student dormitory of the Naval Artillery Academy, he asked the passing students which dormitory Jiang Defu lived in.

"Third brother! It's me. I have good news." Jiang De walked like a tiger, turned the doorknob of the dormitory, and walked in.

Jiang Defu was lying on the bed, looking sullen.Put your hands under the pillow: "What good news?"

A harmless smile appeared on Jiang Deyu's face: "Just now I went to the town committee office at the base and told him directly. Your thoughts will explain everything to him."

"The town committee of the base, because I am a battle hero. In the face of a special hero, state a condition."

"As long as Anjie's family is willing to meet this condition. The town committee of the base will personally report to the higher authorities to let you get married. Approve your marriage report."

"And, you can still keep your military status." Jiang Deyu spoke slowly, eloquently.

Pfft!one sound.

Jiang Defu stood up excitedly with an expression of disbelief.Grabbing Jiang Deyu, he asked urgently: "Really? Brother, you are too powerful!"

"What conditions? You tell me. I'll go there right away to find your sister-in-law."

Jiang Deyu looked at Jiang Defu with a smile that was not a smile: "Third brother, this condition is not easy. You have to be mentally prepared."

"What condition? Don't whine, just say it quickly." Jiang Defu quickly put on his watch.

"Then I'll tell you, listen carefully."

"The conditions of the town committee require them to hide their family background. All overseas relatives, where they live and what their names are. Write a letter of self-criticism."

"Then, I am willing to donate half of my family property to the navy as military expenses." Jiang Deyu made it very clear.

Jiang Defu was taken aback: "What? Donate half of the property!"

"Brother, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. My sister-in-law's family is so rich. She is also a lady from Dazi's family."

"It will definitely be met with jealousy and jealousy from many people. At that time, the form will change. The wind will blow and the sky will change."

"Sister-in-law's house will definitely be punished. And it will be punished to death!" Jiang Deyu spread his hands and said in a resolute tone.It's pretty decent.

"As the old saying goes, too much money is hot. If their house is punished, you will definitely be implicated."

"So, it's better to take advantage of this opportunity now. Donate more than half of the An family's property. Unconditionally donate it to the navy as the navy's military expenses."

"You also know how tight the navy's military expenditure is now."

Jiang Deyu sat by the iron bed, looked at the door, and used Shunfeng ear: "Build a cruiser and destroyer. The money it will cost is astronomical."

After hearing these words, Jiang Defu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Third brother, don't come again when the opportunity is too late, you must not hesitate. You must persuade sister-in-law and Antai."

"It's better to use more than half of my family's property and donate it to the navy unconditionally."

"In this way, you can get the best of both worlds. You can also keep your military status and continue to be your major."

"My sister-in-law and her family can also get the protection of the naval base and the town committee. They don't have to worry about it every day." Jiang Deyu earnestly and earnestly advised.

Jiang Defu took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes: "Let's go, De Yu. Follow me to find your sister-in-law."

Then, the two brothers came to the hospital where An Jie worked and found An Jie.

The three walked out of the hospital and came to a secluded path.

After hearing this, An Jie couldn't help but be overjoyed: "What? Really, as long as our family has no conditions, we are willing to donate half of our family property. To the navy as military expenses."

"The town committee of your base will personally approve it. I will marry your brother?"

Jiang Deyu nodded, and replied solemnly: "That's right, sister-in-law."

Jiang Deyu stopped in his tracks and lowered his voice: "Sister-in-law. This is the town committee of the base. It's because of the face that I am a special hero. I am willing to give me this face."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Sister-in-law. To be honest, your family's overseas background is too complicated. Most of your relatives are not in China."

"Besides, your family is a big family. You have too much money, and you are envied by others. You must be jealous." Jiang Deyu tried to persuade An Jie and helped An Jie analyze it.

"The current form, but in a few years, the form will be turned upside down."

"You are so rich, you will definitely be punished by others. And it will be punished to death." Jiang Deyu covered his lips with his right hand and lowered his voice.Only let An Jie and Jiang Defu hear it.

After hearing this passage, An Jie couldn't help feeling flustered and feeling chills down his spine.

"Sister-in-law. As the saying goes, if you are innocent, you are guilty."

"Listen to my advice, your family should donate more than half of your property quickly. Then sell the small mansion and move out of the mansion."

"Be low-key, don't be so high-key. If you continue to be so high-key, the weather will change. Your family will die." Jiang Deyu said firmly, with a serious expression on his face.

"What I said is definitely not alarmist talk."

When An Jie heard these words, a chill rushed to Tianling Gai.She couldn't help but turn pale.

"De Yu, stop talking, I'm almost scared to death." An Jie held his chest with his right hand.

"Sister-in-law, as long as you listen to my advice, donate more than half of your property. Then write a letter of self-criticism and a letter of guarantee."

"You settle down and move out of the small mansion. From now on, live a low-key life."

Jiang Deyu spoke slowly, his face extremely serious: "Then outsiders won't be jealous."

Jiang Defu coughed twice: "Let's go, An Jie. Let's go back to your house first."

The three of them returned to the small western-style building where An's family lived.

Tell this to An Jie's elder brother, An Tai!

After hearing these words, Antai couldn't help falling into silence.

An Jie stepped forward quickly, for his own happiness and the comfort of his relatives: "Brother, I think you should donate it. De Yu, the analysis makes sense."

"Our family is too rich, and relatives have complicated overseas backgrounds."

"Such a family will definitely be jealous and jealous of others! If we keep such a large family property, there are gold bars"

"In a few years, the form will change. The sky will change, and the situation will change."

"Our family will definitely be punished by others. Too much money is hot." An Jie tried to dissuade him.

Jiang Defu touched his mouth with his right hand: "Ah, Antai, my younger brother also said. It's best for your family to sell the small western-style building and move into the Tongzilou. This way you can keep a low profile."

An Tai gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Defu: "Head Jiang. I only hope that if something really happens by then, you can help our family."

Jiang Defu nodded quickly, and readily agreed: "Okay. No problem."

"As soon as my marriage report is approved, I will marry An Jie. At that time, you will be my brother-in-law."

"What's the matter, as long as I can help. I will definitely help." Jiang Defu valued love and righteousness, and really liked An Jie.I want to love An Jie for the rest of my life.

An Tai nodded, and mustered up the courage to make a decision: "Okay! I'll listen to you and donate more than half of our family's property."

"Donate all to the navy as military expenses!"

When An Jie heard these words, his heart hung in his throat.Finally, it landed slowly: "Huh, that's great. Brother"

Jiang Deyu interjected and reminded: "There is still a small western-style building. If you are not willing to sell it, it will be confiscated in a few years. It will be confiscated and publicized."

"At that time, it will really be a chicken-and-egg fight. You won't get anything."

When Jiang Defu heard this, his face was extremely serious: "Yes, his uncle. If you want me to say, you should sell the small western-style building as soon as possible and move to the nearby Tongzilou."

That night, An's family all looked serious and sat on the leather sofa.

"You also heard it just now, if it wasn't for his fighting hero, Jiang Deyu, take the initiative to find the town committee of the base."

"The marriage between my younger sister and Captain Jiang is also impossible." An Tai looked serious, looking at his two younger sisters and his wife.

An Jie's sister-in-law was a little unhappy: "If we want to donate more than half of our family property, it will kill us."

"Shut up! A woman's words."

"Do you know how many people are outside now. They are jealous of our family." An Tai scolded, looking at his wife.A look of indignation.

"There's an old saying. Too much money is hot!"

"De Yu. It makes sense. If we don't donate half of our family property, then the future will change and the wind will blow."

"Then when we settle down, our family will be ruined." Antai has a sense of crisis in times of peace.

An Xin was silent for a while, thinking of her husband Ouyang Yi's elder brother with that kind of background.Can't help but feel a crisis approaching quietly.

"Brother, I support you." An Xin spoke slowly and said in a deep voice.

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