After all, it's ghost horns and eye shadow...

A normal girl wouldn't do this, would she?

Have I gone bad?

Will Kiyana...

laugh at me?

Just thinking about it like this made Mei feel restless.

Obviously, her courage and confidence have been overdrawn by the previous persuasion, how can she still have the determination and calmness of the past?


"No way~"

There was a burst of warmth from the hands that held each other, penetrating Mei's heart and soul.

Turning his head slowly, he happened to meet those orange eyes.

"No matter what Mei looks like, I like it the most!"



Staring blankly at that beautiful smiling face, Mei seemed to hear her own heartbeat at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, she felt her face was hot and quickly turned her head, pretending to look forward calmly.

"What, what, Kiyana, you still look like that, really... really nasty."

"Huh?" Looking at the crimson side face of the girl beside her, Qiyana couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Mei, don't you like it? Then I'll change my method from now on..."

As she spoke, she touched the golden chameleon hairpin pinned to her head while frowning, as if lost in thought.

Are you serious?



Seeing this scene, Mei pinched the back of her hand in turn, raised her left hand and pointed to the "self" still floating in the experimental cabin.

"Let's rescue her first, Teacher Ji Zi and the others should be here soon."

"Oh...Okay, listen to Mei!"

I saw Qiyana nodded, stretched out her right hand and pointed forward...


The experimental cabin suddenly exploded, but all the fragments and the dark red Houkai energy solution seemed to have lost gravity, and they "flyed" towards the two of them together with the unconscious girl.

"Is this the new power that you have mastered, Kiana? It feels completely opposite to Houkai energy in nature."

Seeing the orange light radiating from Kiyana's body, Mei tilted her head, thoughtful.

"But it still originated from Honkai in essence, but because of [Mei] your guidance and transformation, I, as the [Original Saint], went on the opposite path to Honkai."

Kiyana nodded again, and explained to Mei with a smile while manipulating her power.


Seeing the confusion on Mei's face, Kiana turned her head and smiled mysteriously.

"Well, when Mei you were 'Dr. MEI'..."

"Dr. Mei?"

Frowning, Mei let go of the hands they were holding, and with the power of lightning, caught the black-haired girl who was slowly flying towards her, held her firmly in her arms, and then looked at Qiyana again.

"I always feel like you, Kiana, are saying something inexplicable."

Regarding this, Qiyana still had that mysterious smile.

"Don't worry, Mei, about our [past], I will explain to you slowly when I have time. The reason why you haven't seen the power of the saint and my current appearance is actually because its essence comes from In [Kiana]'s future."

"is it?"

Seeing her serious face, Mei didn't think too much about it, just smiled.

Kiana has become stronger than before, even now I still can't see through her...


Feeling the gaze from beside her and the warmth and peace of mind in her heart at this moment, Mei slowly shook her head, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

As long as she is Kiyana is enough, nothing else matters.

Thinking of this, Mei injected a little of her own power into the black-haired girl's body to act as a "spy", and began to check the situation in the girl's body with ease.

After all, Mei is very familiar with "my" body.

Soon there will be results:

"Sure enough, the Herrscher core in her body was only one step away from condensing... a bomb? Why is there a bomb buried in my body in this world?"

"Well, the consciousness of the Herrscher still exists, and the situation is similar to that of me before... It seems that I in this world are still afraid of this power, and have not made the corresponding awareness, nor have I found my own path."

"She's still the girl who just stays where she is and cries."

Recalling the previous encounter on the Helios, Mei slowly shook her head and made a conclusion with a blank expression.

Just a few words summed up the general situation of "Raiden Mei" in this world, even including her mental journey.

Laughing at "myself"...

Such a scene is probably unique in the whole world.


"What's wrong, Kiyana?"

Looking at Kiana with a "hesitating to speak" expression on her face, Mei was a little puzzled.

"Well, that is... try not to use the power of the Herrscher of Thunder in this world, especially when you are close to 'us'."

"Us?" Following Kiana's line of sight, Mei looked at the unconscious black-haired girl in her arms, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Could it be...?"

"Well, the so-called 'God' stipulates that the core of the Herrscher in each world corresponds to a power, and only one can exist at a time. The strong will oppress the weak, and the weak will desperately resist the strong... Really There can only be one Herrscher of Thunder, and the same goes for the Herrscher of Space."

Kiyana nodded with a serious expression.

"But for them, we from other worlds are existences that cannot be defeated at all. Once the 'God' judges and agrees with this, then they will be 'abandoned' because of this, and either become His puppets, or completely Lose the power of the Herrscher."

Hearing this, the movements of Mei's hands stopped immediately.

"Is that so?"

She had vaguely guessed before, but now it seems...

Whether it's her or Kiyana, once they get close to "Raiden Mei" and "Qiana" in this world, they will cause a kind of exclusion and threat to the latter.

This is like the famous time paradox, you can never influence the future by changing the past, at most you can just add an extra timeline, and there can never be two identical people in the world.

Therefore, once this situation occurs, it is essentially a violation of the laws of the world!Will therefore be repaired from the law of causality!

Maybe Mei and the others from the chaotic space can ignore this kind of causal attack, but the relatively weak "Raiden Mei and Kiyana" in this world may be forcibly "erased" by the world!

In general, unless she intends to obliterate the "self" in this world, neither she nor Qiyana can continue to use the power of Herrscher of Thunder and Herrscher of Sky unscrupulously.

After understanding the meaning of Kiana's words, Mei sighed softly.

"Yeah, we don't belong here after all. Kiyana, you should have known it a long time ago, right? This not our original world."

In response, Qiyana nodded silently.

"Well, I knew this from the time I broke the world wall..."

Because the will to collapse in our world has long been wiped out by "that existence", at the moment when the fate of both of us was changed forever...

In order not to evoke the painful memory of the final battle in Mei's heart, Qiyana didn't say this.


Calling out the gauntlet to temporarily catch the thunder and lightning Mei of this world, Mei first took a step slowly, and then quickly threw herself into the arms of the girl.

"It's really great to find you... all this is not a dream, right?"

For a long time, she traveled through various worlds alone, and every time she faced a strange world and strange people, she would feel that she was alone and out of tune with them.

She had already learned to close her heart and face all this indifferently, but now seeing Qiyana's glances, smiles, and words, she felt the urge to cry and vent.

"I'm really not dreaming, am I?"

She was suddenly afraid that everything in front of her eyes was fake, in that case...

She will definitely break down!

"Hmm...Of course it's not a dream, Mei...I'm back."

The two hugged each other silently, conveying their own warmth to each other's hearts through each other's body temperature.

In this world, they are undoubtedly lonely, but because of each other's existence, they are no longer alone.

"call out--"

At this moment, a long buzzing sound came from afar.

"It's Teacher Jizi and the others!"

In an instant, Mei came out of the warm embrace, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound, her purple eyes were shining brightly.


In response, Qiyana opened her mouth, then slowly lowered her head, her orange eyes flickering slightly.

At this moment, Mei seemed to have a good heart, and Mei took the initiative to hold her hand.



"Whether it's our world or not, no matter what happened in the past, I and everyone will not blame you... Let's face all of this together. After all, no matter how far away, we will still go back in the future, right? ?”

Feeling the gentle eyes and the encouragement from the palm of her hand, Kiyana bit her lips, and finally nodded slowly.


Chapter 191 Chapter 180 [-] Making Stigmata?

"This...what's the matter?"

"Why are there two Kiana and two Mei?"

"Am I dreaming?"


On board the refitted Hyperion.

Theresa, Jizi, Dr. Tesla, the anti-entropy, and others first looked at the black-haired girl behind Bronya who was hugged by the bunny in heavy equipment, and then looked at the girl standing on the deck holding hands Mei and Qiyana, both of them, had a look of "seeing a ghost" on their faces.

Seeing this, Mei smiled unsurprisingly, a little embarrassed.

"Teacher Himeko, the head of the school, Kiyana and I... are from other worlds... Well, your students. I'm sorry, I didn't confess to you for various reasons before, and I caused you trouble. "

Compared to Mei who was explaining to Teresa and the others with an apologetic face, Kiana standing next to her kept her head down and seemed a little silent. This behavior especially attracted someone's attention.

"Parallel world? Although our anti-entropy has obtained relevant information from the information left over from the pre-civilization era, we have never had the opportunity to confirm it. Now seeing you... I think the parallel world should really exist."

Einstein nodded, looking thoughtful.

In response, Tesla standing beside her opened his eyes wide, as if remembering something.

"This is really a big discovery! Jiwotou, do you think we should record this situation and apply for the Nobel Prize? It just so happens that research funding is a little tight recently..."

"Stop dreaming, Dr. Tesla, those in the scientific community won't believe it so easily..."

This is the high level of anti-entropy in this world?Why is it different from what you imagined?

Looking at the two anti-entropy doctors who started the debate mode on their own, Mei couldn't help but twitched her lips.

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