Lower your head and look at your left waist.

There, she seemed to see a strange purple mark under the silky fabric of her pajamas.

Mei understood that it was not a birthmark, but a "stigmata", a creation that condensed all the painstaking efforts of the previous generation of human beings, engraved in the genes, and would only appear under certain coincidences.

Every human being with stigmata is a "chosen child", born with the ability to adapt far beyond ordinary people, and even have special abilities.

This means that they can play an unparalleled role on the battlefield against Houkai.

Although Mei doesn't know what the secret of the stigmata is, what she can confirm is...

Every stigmata holder is the pillar against Houkai and the hope of mankind.

Ironically, she, the holder of the stigmata, turned out to be the greatest enemy of mankind—the Herrscher.

This is undoubtedly the coronation of the saint as the Demon Emperor.

There are too many mysteries hidden in the original world where she was born. Even though she has traveled through several worlds, Mei still can't figure out the reason.

"Maybe if I go back in the future, in addition to changing the ending, I can also unlock the secret of my own birth..." Mei thought.

After reviewing her own identity, Mei began to think of the "monsters" in this world again.

Leaving gastritis aside, judging from the information obtained so far and Sheng Tianzi's hesitant attitude, she guessed that the appearance of gastrula should be inseparable from human beings, and it may even be created by humans in this world. of.

What an absurd conclusion!I'm afraid not many people would be willing to believe it.

However, Mei believes that this possibility is very high.

In addition, there are those innocent cursed children who are called "red ghosts", "red eyes", "monsters" and so on.

Because of the original enterovirus in their bodies, these poor children have been discriminated against since birth.

Whether it is their own biological parents or people from all walks of life in society, almost all regard them as "human gastritis".

It is no exaggeration to say that in Tokyo, nine out of every ten people discriminate against these children and think their existence is a mistake.

This is also the basis for what Mei said to Mayfair during the day, "No matter where you escape... you will always meet these guys".

Because, this data was told to Mei by Sheng Tianzi herself, so it can be said to be "official data"!

Fortunately, she, the head of state of the Tokyo district, is that rare "tenth".This may be a little pity from the heavens, otherwise Fei'er and the others would have lived a more difficult life.

Having said that, it is worth mentioning that:

Regarding Mei's promise today, it was a pity that Mayfair declined it in the end.

Perhaps because she is used to this cruel world, Mayfair feels unreal for an "outsider" like Mei who has no prejudice and even wholeheartedly helps them.

After Mei said those words, Fei'er didn't recover for a long time, and even thought that she was dreaming, or that she met the "angel" in a fairy tale.

Therefore, facing Mei's invitation, the first thing Mayfair felt was not happiness, but "self-ashamedness".

That's right!She didn't feel like she deserved this kind of happiness... didn't even think about it.

Thoughts such as innocence, fantasy, and longing for miracles may be normal for a ten-year-old child, but Mayfair has long since given up all of them.

This world is so cruel, and Mayfair understands that she can't change anything in it, she can only accept it, so she doesn't yearn for salvation, pray for hope, and sink into it voluntarily.

Otherwise, she would not choose to blind her eyes with hot lead water and bury her light.

It can be said that Mayfair was already "desperate".

The reason why she chose to come to the city to beg and continue to stay in this filthy world is because she still has one last concern in her heart...

Mayfair, a white-haired girl who is almost 11 years old, also has a younger sister.

The same cursed child, also located in the outskirts.

She was the same as the girl who was rescued by Mei yesterday and was almost shot dead by the police without permission.

For Mayfair, in order for her sister to live better in the outskirts, no matter what kind of discrimination and beatings she suffers in the inner city, she can bear it.

However, she will never resist.

The reason is the same as that girl.

The identities of these cursed children are too sensitive, and it is normal for people in Tokyo to be abused and bullied.

When a cursed child is tortured to death, they will at most feel emotional and even excited, such as "ah, finally another red ghost died" and "when will they all disappear?"

These poor children will not be merciful until they die, and their lives are not even comparable to the kittens and puppies raised in those people's homes.

And once they resist, it's fine just to escape. If they accidentally injure or even kill someone, it will definitely become the headlines of every news.

This is like lions, tigers and other wounding incidents in zoos in peacetime.

Once they attack someone, no matter what the reason is, they will be charged with various crimes under the impetus of public opinion, and the final outcome is basically the death penalty.

Will you tolerate a "wild dog" that has bitten a person and continues to live?That's what I mean.

And the policemen in charge of the execution will specially replace the bullets on that day to give the "prisoner" a fatal blow.

In front of Ni Gang, who was strong enough to weaken gastrula, the Cursed Son was just an ordinary little girl.Because the special magnetic field emitted by this metal has the effect of inhibiting the activity of the original enterovirus.

If you can't resist, accept discrimination, insults, and beatings obediently, otherwise you will not be able to survive, and even your sister will be hurt.

this is the truth.

Facing this cruel world, how can a ten-year-old girl who was abandoned in the urine not despair?

After learning what happened to her from Mayfair, Mei was also silent.


No then.

The police were late, and Mei had to go to the police station.

Fortunately, in the end, she told Lei Yi, just like she took care of that girl yesterday, to take Mayfair to the clothing store and to the food area, meet all her daily needs in the near future, and take a taxi to personally send Mayfair back to the outer area .

In the evening, when Mei finished recording her statement and returned home, Lei Yi had successfully completed the task she had given her.

As for the murder...

In the police station, not only did Mei not receive any unfair treatment, even the director of the Tokyo District Police Department received her personally with a smile. All she did was tell the process and the process at that time until the people from Raiden’s family came bail.

With the street video at that time as evidence and with the help of the ultra-high authority of the Leiden family in the Tokyo area, the family backgrounds of those social youths were cleared up, and all previous bad records were presented.

In the end, the Chief of Police himself announced that the case was closed.The case was determined to be that several young gangsters took the initiative to cause trouble, Miss Lei Dian accidentally killed them out of self-defense, and was acquitted.

In this way, this matter is officially over, and other matters such as public opinion are not what Mei needs to worry about.

This is the convenience brought by power and status. Mei believes that even if there is no evidence of that video, Sheng Tianzi will take the initiative to protect her, the guard directly under her.

And all of this is due to Mei's own strength.

If she had no strength, no background, and hadn't shown her own value, I'm afraid this matter would be difficult to deal with today.

To be honest, Mei felt that her unrestrained style of acting was in harmony with Zhizi Yingyin, and after these two days, she also agreed with what the other party said last night.

However, Zhiziyingyin will never be like her, even if she kills someone, she can still walk in the sun, without having to hide in the gutter, like a mouse crossing the street.

Because she Leiden Mei has the protection of her family and the Holy Emperor.

So, just relying on the same beliefs and trying to recruit her into a gang or something... How is it possible?

"After all, he is just a poor man, and I am more fortunate... No, the most important thing is that although he has a personality similar to mine, he does not have the same strength as me. It is more correct to say this."

Thinking of this, Mei suddenly got an idea, stood up from the wooden ladder, and gently returned to the room with the moonlight behind her back, lay down again on the bed, and closed her eyes.

Of course she is not sleeping, but...

I want to go to "that world".

Chapter 26 Chapter 25 Soul World

In front of you is a strange world.

On the vast and desolate land, patches of dense fog are shrouded; above...the space that can be called "starry sky" is dimly lit, obviously there is no decent luminous body, but it gives people a feeling of being in the "light bulb" "The feeling of guilt.

There is no light.

Similar to this illusion.


In this area that has almost fallen into eternal silence, with the sudden appearance of a faint light, there is finally a trace of life.

It was a beautiful girl with black hair and shawl, a good figure, and wearing pajamas.

It was Mei.

As soon as her legs felt the solid feeling of stepping on the ground, Mei opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings.

"almost no change at all……"

She came to such a conclusion with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"How can we expand this area? It's obviously already the third world."


Natural silence.

After sorting out the emotions in her heart, Mei stretched out her right hand, turned into a thunder blade, and drew a mark on the ground as a mark.

"Go back and have a look."

As soon as the idea came to mind, she took steps at the same time, stepped on the land covered with strange substances that looked like soil but not soil, and sand and non-sand, and began to move backward.

After walking about 500 meters, a small pond appeared in Mei's sight.

The place of beginning.

Ever since she woke up in the first world, there has always been a special connection in her heart.

That feeling... as if something was calling her.

At that time, Mei, who was still a fledgling time-traveling bird, didn't know what happened. She was dazed and at a loss, and even thought she was dreaming.

Can you imagine?

Obviously in the last second, I witnessed the sudden mutation of the person I love the most, killing the friends and partners around me. The heartbroken mood has not disappeared, and the next second appeared in that strange and peaceful campus.

At that time, Mei was in a daze almost all the time, without even blinking her eyes, that strange look seemed to be suffering from dementia.

In a daze, she let those teachers and classmates who she had never met but were very familiar with carried her to the health room, and listened to the diagnosis of the blonde teacher named "Ju Chuan Shizuka", lying silently on the bed Like a vegetable.

All this until...

The zombie named "Dead Body" violently slapped the window of the health care room. On the bed not far away, the classmate who was sent here before suddenly sat up, with a hideous face, and stretched out that dead gray arm. To her "living companion".

At that moment, the instinct called "survival" awakened Mei, the Herrscher of Thunder, and naturally there was no need to say much about what happened after that.

When the violent thunder and lightning easily turned the dead bodies in the impression of "dead men" into coke all over the place, she took the surviving teacher Ju Chuan out of the health room, and started the journey of the end of the world with ease.

Isn't it just escaping from a city full of zombies, this kind of thing...

She has already experienced Thunderbolt Mei once!

Afterwards, the more she knew, the more she understood her situation, and the vague speculation in her heart became clearer.

I, I am afraid I have already left that crumbling world!

In the end, relying on the overwhelming power of the Herrscher, Mei led the surrounding partners to sweep all the way, left the bed city that had long been reduced to hell, and came to the rescue base temporarily set up by the government.

Since then, the journey to the end of the world has officially come to an end, and Mei also accidentally followed the "call" in her heart and came to the world before her.

At that time, the place where she appeared was around the pond in front of her, but the pond at that time was not as big as it is now.

Therefore, Mei called it the "beginning place".

Means "where it all began".


"Huh? Has another piece of Teigu been repaired?"

Just before arriving at the pond, Mei discovered something.

On the pond with a length of about 50 meters in front of him, a white light cluster with a faint gleam was quietly floating.

Stretching out his hand and making a move, the light ball instantly burst into dots of starlight, and the things included in it quickly turned into a stream of light and flew over, quietly falling into Mei's hands.

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