
Under the sun, the black car drove out of the smooth road and began to move towards the wasteland.

Along the way, we passed strange big footprints, bulletin boards with a sense of the times, new energy power plants with solar panels everywhere, dilapidated buildings, etc...

After crossing almost the entire area of ​​39, they finally came to their destination - a manhole cover laid in the middle of the abandoned concrete road.

Chapter 30 Chapter 29 Arriving at the destination

The road in front of me can no longer be called a "road".

There are cracks, potholes, overgrown weeds... Some building components mixed with steel bars are scattered around, covered with moss and traces of rust, a sense of sadness emerges spontaneously.

How long has it been deserted here?

Mei didn't know, looking at everything in front of her, she remained silent.

In contrast, since it was the second time for Lei Yi to come here, he didn't feel as emotional as she did. Instead, he came to the sewage manhole cover in the middle of the road, bent down and ignored the skirt of the maid's uniform dragging on the ground, and stretched out his left hand to knock on it. That iron manhole cover.

"Dong dong..."

The dull voice broke the silence around, and at the same time attracted Mei's sight from the half-missing building not far away.

"Lei Yi, what is this?"

"Miss, they live down here."


Before Mei could finish speaking, the manhole cover in front of Lei Yi was lifted up with a bang, revealing a pair of red eyes from the shadows.

To be honest, most people will definitely be shocked when they see this.

However, Lei Yi didn't respond, as if he had expected this scene long ago.

Seeing this, Mei immediately looked intently.

It turned out that the owner of the red eyes was a cute girl. Looking from this angle, you could still see her baby-fat face and chubby wrists.

Seeing Lei Yi, those red eyes exuded a frightening red light, and then there was that bright smile from the heart.

"It's Sister Dashanren!"

Following this strange exclamation, the manhole cover weighing forty kilograms was thrown behind by the little girl with one hand!

And Mei and Lei Yi's eyes followed the manhole cover to draw an arc in mid-air, and then watched it make a loud sound on the abandoned road, rolled forward for a certain distance, and then turned over heavily. fell to the ground.

This allowed the two of them to once again see the physical quality of the cursed son that was seriously inconsistent with his appearance.

"Sister Dashanren! You came to see us again!" Before they could recover, this sweet voice full of innocence reached their ears again.

With the disappearance of the manhole cover, the loli in front of her was officially exposed to the sun.

She should be around seven or eight years old, and her reddish-brown shawl-length hair is tied into a gentle princess-style hairstyle by cute hairpins and headbands, just like a little princess.

At the same time, her baby-fat face turned red with excitement and excitement, like an apple, which made people want to bite lightly; the dress she was wearing was novel in style, and the trademark on the neck was Still there, must have been recently purchased.

Except for those red eyes, her appearance is similar to that of an ordinary little girl, which is completely inconsistent with the rumored nicknames such as "humanoid gastratus" and "red ghost". His accent sounds a bit awkward.

"Yeah." Facing the girl's innocent smiling face, Lei nodded and smiled back, "Your name is Maria, right? I remember your name. How about this dress? Do you still like it?"

"Yeah!" The girl named Maria nodded heavily, and smiled, her cute appearance made people feel affectionate.

"Maria likes it the most! This is a gift from the great virtuous sister to Maria. Maria will cherish it and won't get it dirty!"

"Well, as long as Maria likes it... that's right!"

Lei Yi, who was immersed in the conversation with Lolita, suddenly remembered the Lord, so he quickly stood up and looked at the smiling Mei.

"I'm sorry, miss, Lei Yi lost his composure again, and even forgot your existence..."

Looking at Lei Yi who bowed his head and looked apologetic, Mei waved his hand, expressing that he doesn't care.

She understood that the former should have seen herself from the girl when she was a child, her family was broken and homeless, and she couldn't help talking a few more words. She could understand this feeling of sympathy.

"Miss?" Seeing Lei Yi's appearance, the little Lolita finally shifted her gaze to Mei, "What a beautiful big sister~ Are you a friend of Dashanren's sister?"

It is worth mentioning that, before coming to visit, Mei planned to change into better clothes.But when he thought of the miserable life of the cursed children, in order not to separate himself from them, he finally put on the restrained sailor suit again.

"Maria, the eldest lady is Lei Yi's master..." Seeing this, Lei Yi wanted to explain something.

But it was interrupted by Mei Yi.

"Little sister can really talk~ That's right! I am a friend of your great sister, my name is Leiden Mei, please give me your advice." Mei raised her hand to stop Lei Yi's words, and explained to the little loli with a smile .

"You are a friend of Sister Dashanren, so that is Maria's friend~ Can Maria call you Sister Mei?" The little girl seemed not to notice the change between the two, and said with an innocent smile.

"Of course! Then I'll call you little sister Maria." Mei nodded and returned the same smile.

"Big Sister Mei~"

"Little sister Maria~"

"How old are you today?"

"Seven years old~ Big sister Mei, how about you?"

"I am 17 years old!"


Seeing the harmonious communication between his eldest lady and the little girl, Lei Yi was stunned for a while, then slowly raised the corners of his lips, revealing a warm smile.

She understood what her eldest lady meant.

Identity is always a hurdle for communication.

Didn't you see that when she was in the holy residence yesterday, did she dare not even say a word when Lei Yi faced the holy emperor?

Since the two choose to help these children and try their best to change their fate, the first thing they need to do is to let go of their identities and be on an equal footing with them.

My eldest lady obviously did it, but she, Lei Yi, didn't.

"As expected of the eldest lady..." Looking at the black-haired girl who made the little girl let go of her guard with just a few words and managed to get along with her, Lei's eyes shone brightly.

She can almost be regarded as a fanatic who worships her eldest lady.

Thinking about it now, it seems that there is nothing that my young lady can't do...

Combining identity, status, strength, character, appearance, wisdom and all other beautiful things in one body, Lei Yi is simply the most perfect person in the world, even if one day her eldest lady says that she is the reincarnation of a god, Lei Yi will not hesitate to accept it. Believe it hesitantly.

"Papa..." Just as she fell into strange fantasies again, the little girl in front of her shrank back at some point, and her eldest lady was patting her on the shoulder, looking at her strangely.

"What's the matter? Lei Yi, you've been in a trance since before, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"No, I'm fine! Miss, don't worry about me." Lei Yi shook his head, looking preoccupied.

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly, but didn't care.

"Okay, don't call me Missy in front of them, call me Mei! Or sister Mei, after all, Lei Yi, you are three years older than me, so I will call you sister Lei Yi!"

"This...how is this possible?!" Lei Yi was extremely shocked by this.

"Okay~ Don't evade any more, just do it!" Mei's tone became unusually tough.

"Okay... okay" Seeing this, Lei Yi had no choice but to compromise.

If the Patriarch knows about this, I'm afraid I will be expelled from Lei Dian's house the next day...

Seeing Lei Yi's worried look, Mei smiled slyly, and started to walk down the drain.

"Let's go, my sister Leiyi, as guests, we can't make the host wait too long, otherwise it will be too rude~"

"Woo..." Hearing the address of his eldest lady, Lei Yi let out a mournful cry like a small animal, and then followed him dejectedly and resignedly.

"I'm definitely going to be kicked out of Raiden's house..."

Although Lei Yi said so on the surface, only she understood:

When she heard Mei's "Sister Lei Yi", she felt a little joy in her heart, and her heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

Does this mean that I am getting closer to the eldest lady?

The girl's heart fell into a quagmire unknowingly, unable to extricate herself.

Chapter 31 Chapter 30 The Prologue of the Catastrophe

At this time, the No. 30 Second District, tens of kilometers away from Mei and others, was dark and rainy.


In the white-painted rescue helicopter, Rentaro was sitting on the assistant's seat, talking on the phone with Kisara far away in the inner city.

"Satomi! I found where the source of infection is hiding! We were the first to find it!"

"Then there's no need to send an ambulance helicopter to the school to pick us up?"

"You know that too, Satomi. Our company's cash flow is already in trouble. If we don't make more money, we will face bankruptcy! And the box that the source of infection swallowed was offered a reward of one billion yen by the Holy Emperor Ah! Take it, and our company will flourish!"


"Stop talking! Satomi, as the president, I order you to grab the box before everyone else! Do you know? In order to track down the source of infection, I have paid next year's tuition fees into it! If my grades are taken away, I will have to drop out of school!"


"Then, please do your best! Other police officers should not arrive so soon, I will wait for your good news~"

"Hey! Wait a minute, Miss Mu Geng..."

Before Rentaro could finish his last sentence, the call was hung up by the other party.

Putting down the mobile phone next to his ear, Rentaro couldn't help sighing as he looked at the gloomy sky outside the window.

Turning her head, the normally energetic girl was sitting alone next to the rear-opening hatch, separated from him by a metal wall, unable to see the expression on the other's face.

However, the drooping ponytail still made Rentaro understand:

My partner still hasn't recovered from the blow from the previous school.

"I should talk to her during this time, instead of sitting here and waiting..." Thinking of this, Rentaro glanced at the phone subconsciously.

The GPS light spot sent before Mugeng showed that the location of the source of infection should be some distance away from here. In addition, the weather is not very good now, and the interference of thick clouds on satellite positioning may cause the above coordinates to be different from the actual location of the other party. The location is off.

After all, the target is a living animal, and it is impossible for it to stay in its original position.

"There's still time, it's impossible to find it so soon," Rentaro thought as he put the phone back into the pocket of his school uniform.

However, he underestimated his luck.

Just as he was about to stand up from his seat and go to the back to comfort his partner, the thin man who was driving the helicopter suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Then... what is that?!"

"Huh?" Hearing his slightly frightened words, Rentaro froze immediately, and then subconsciously looked in the direction the driver pointed.

"That is……"

On the side not far from the helicopter, there was an arrow-shaped flying object flying in the sky about 80 meters above the ground.

Of course, this is just a cursory glimpse.

At first, Rentaro thought it was a kite.

But as he stared intently, the distance between the helicopter and the strange flying object gradually shortened, revealing the true appearance of that thing:

Huge body, eight slender feet, strange patterns, dark skin, red compound eyes...

"It's a Gastrea!" At this moment, he almost screamed out.

It was a spider-type gastrula.

From the outside, it doesn't show the characteristics of other creatures. It should be the easiest stage to solve. Rentaro has also cleaned up this type of him this year, but...

Spiders can fly?

This was the main reason for his surprise.

"By the way!" Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "It is said in the book that there is a kind of spider that weaves its nest into a parachute and travels around. It should use a similar principle to fly... Could this be the 'doctor'?" ’ said, a unique ability evolved by gastrulation?”

No wonder it's been almost a week, the Son of Heaven personally issued a reward in the Ministry of Defense, and all the top policemen in the Tokyo area couldn't find it...

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