"Senior Muroto, my junior Raiden Mei sends you my greetings."

"Oh? Someone still knows me now? I thought I was a qualified autopsyr." Hearing Mei's words, Yujie's eyes flashed with surprise, but she quickly calmed down again.

"How could it be? This junior has always thought that gold is gold, even if it is hidden in the dark, it will still shine. What's more, Muroto-senpai is one of the top geniuses in the world and the strongest mind in Japan?" Mei Shaking his head, he said seriously.

Although the Yujie in front of her is very sloppy on the surface and has a bad personality, in fact this is a performance close to "great wisdom and stupidity".

Her name is Sumire Muroto, one of the "Four Sages" in this world, known as "the strongest mind in Japan", and an out-and-out genius scientist.

Mei also learned from Sheng Tianzi not long ago that the decadent Yujie in front of her is actually the original top person in charge of the mysterious "New Human Creation Project"!

Like many "predatory generations" encounters, in the first Kanto battle ten years ago, the lover of this genius scientist died at the hands of gastritis. She was crazy about it for a period of time, and at that time Responsible for managing the New Human Creation Program.

Until the appearance of the cursed son replaced the mechanical soldiers, the significance of the existence of the new human creation plan was questioned by the government, and she was stranded soon after, and she also began to fade out of people's sight at that time, and changed her career to become a doctor.

She is now the hospital's autopsy technician, specializing in dissecting gastrulation corpses.

Of course, she is also very interested in human corpses, and she doesn't know if it's because of staying with corpses for a long time. According to rumors, she seems to have some kind of necrophilia.

But even so, the Yujie in front of me can still be regarded as the strongest scientist in Japan!

Closer to home.

Hearing Mei's compliment to her, Sumire Muroto narrowed her eyes, then slowly shook her head.

"You can talk quite well. However, compared with the genius swordsman who became famous in Japan at the age of ten, I am just an ordinary autopsy technician. I am now and will always be."

Another meaning of this sentence is: I accept your compliment, but if you want to win me over, it is absolutely impossible.

Obviously, subconsciously, she thought that Mei had another purpose to say good things.

However, she didn't know that Mei had said those words just out of sheer curiosity.

"Really?" Seeing this, Mei blinked and returned to Lei Yi's side again.

The other party's attitude was obviously cold, and if he moved his face closer at this time, it would really mean entanglement.

Knowing how to observe words and expressions, knowing when to advance and when to retreat, so as not to arouse the other party's resentment, is also a compulsory homework for famous ladies.

As the eldest lady of Lei Dian's family, Mei also has her own pride. She thinks that there is really no one in this world who can make her abandon her dignity and save herself to please her, not even the Holy Son of Heaven!

"But senior, what you said just now is not entirely correct. It is true that this junior came to visit Rentaro this time, but this is not the most important thing. After all, if this junior and Rentaro were to count carefully, they would only see each other so far. It's just two meetings," Mei explained with a smile.

When she heard the first half, Mu could clearly feel her heartbeat paused, and when she heard the second half, she was obviously relaxed again.

"I've only met twice, so it's okay. Rentaro's charm isn't strong enough to make such a young lady fall for such a short period of time, right? After all, a guy like Miori, in this world There shouldn't be a second one..." She comforted herself in her heart.

And hearing Mei's words, Muroto Sumire seemed a little interested.

"Oh? Since you're not here for Rentaro, let me guess, the main purpose of your visit this time..."

As she spoke, she stroked her sharp chin while looking at the two sitting across from her.

Yeonju who has been depressed since the beginning?Seems unlikely.


"Are you here because of Kokisara?" Looking at the black-haired girl who was comforting herself in her heart, Sumire Muroto's eyes flickered with amusement.

"Ah? Come here for me?" Mu Geng was about to scream again, but thinking of the nurse's warning before, she lowered her voice in time this time.

"As expected of Senior Muroto, I can't hide this little thought from you." Mei smiled, but didn't deny it.

"Wh... what? Sister Lei Dian, you really... really came for me this time?" Mu Geng said blankly, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Well, Kisara-san." Mei nodded with a smile, dispelling the last trace of luck in the other party's heart.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, she extended her hand to Mu Geng sincerely.

"I, Raiden Mei, represent the wishes of the entire Raiden family and my father today, and formally extend an invitation to Kisara-sister, I hope you can accept the help of our Raiden family and fight against Tendo's lineage together."


Chapter 37 Chapter 36

After getting her reply from Tendo Kisara, Mei and Lei Yi didn't stay in the hospital for too long.

It is worth mentioning that before leaving, Mei took out a gift from the soul space that had been prepared for Rentaro as a condolence item, and said mysteriously, "Let Rentaro use it after waking up." , there will be unexpected surprises."

Of course, Rentaro couldn't accept it for the time being, so he could only hand it over to Kisara for safekeeping.

In the end, as friends, Mei and Leiyi comforted Yanju who had been hit hard.Then he solemnly bid farewell to Sumire Muroto, and left the hospital under the suspicious eyes of Kisara and the others, without delay.


After Mei and the others left, there was a brief silence in the corridor outside the custody room.

"Xiao Musara, are you really going to accept the Raiden family's 'intake'? That Miss Raiden looks very difficult, be careful that after your value is drained, they will throw you away without hesitation~" Muroto Sumire still said in a teasing tone.

"Of course I understand." Mu Geng didn't even look at her, as if he knew that the other party must have that same dead face again at this time.

"But it doesn't matter. I don't need anyone to intervene in the matter of revenge. I, Tendoki, have sworn earlier that I will kill those Tendo people who hurt me and Rentaro one by one! So I just told Sister Raiden All right……"

While talking, Mu Geng weighed the small gift box in his hand, as if trying to guess what Mei gave him.

"The verdicts of those people will be executed by me personally, and I need to provide everything they need. As long as I can get revenge, it doesn't matter if I take my life? I have already realized this!"

"...If Rentaro knew, he would definitely stop you." After a moment of silence, Sumire Muroto said slowly.

Hearing this, Mu Geng touched his lower back, as if he could still feel the pain from back then, he couldn't help smiling miserably at this, with a distorted expression on his face.

"I will not compromise, only this matter, I will never compromise! Even Rentaro...he understands. My parents and kidney, his limbs and left eye were all taken away by those guys ...Revenge has long been the meaning of Tiantong Mugeng's existence, he can't stop it, and no one can stop it!"

"Really?" Seeing this, Muroto Sumire sighed imperceptibly, then closed her eyes and said nothing more.

She knew that she couldn't persuade an evil spirit whose body and mind had been corrupted by hatred.


The corridor fell into silence again, and Mu Geng also sat back on his seat after the growl just now, with his head lowered, his beautiful black hair covering his face, making it difficult for people to see her expression at this time.

"Moreover, according to the verbal contract I just signed with her, before the Tiantong family is destroyed, the Lei Dian family will regularly transfer a sum of funds to support the Tiantong Civil Security Company..."

"This is great. With the money, Rentaro and Enju-chan no longer have to take on those dangerous commissions for the company's turnover, no longer need to be injured, no longer need to be tired... After all, he, a fool, will suffer this time." This serious injury is all because of me."

In the first half, the girl's tone is obviously full of excitement and excitement, as well as hope for the future; but in the second half, the tone gradually becomes depressed, lost, and even blames herself.

Hearing this, for some reason, Muroto Sumire had the urge to laugh.

"You have already said that he is a fool, you don't really think that he will be raised by you with peace of mind, do you? Girl, don't imagine it!"

Of course, she didn't say this sentence. To a certain extent, Sumire Muroto, like Mei, hated trouble and didn't bother to explain.

I don't know how long it has passed, when it was getting darker and darker, and the lights in the corridor began to light up, a doctor finally came out of the intensive care unit where Rentaro was.

Immediately, the three raised their heads one after another...


A few hours later, at nine o'clock in the evening, the Tokyo District Self-Defense Force base.

Hiruko Yingyin's pursuit plan is officially launched, and dozens of top policemen in the Tokyo area are already on standby at the airport in the base.

As for Mei, after having dinner with her younger sister Caikui not long ago, she left the Leiden House under the latter's reluctant gaze, and was picked up here by a special car.

This time, it can be said that it is Mei's first battle after coming to this world.

The target is located in an unexplored area full of unknowns and dangers—those human territories located outside the radiation range of the megalithic monument and occupied by a large number of gastrula.

In that kind of place, anything is possible.

Mei has no habit of underestimating the enemy, even if the opponent was once her defeated opponent.

For this reason, before she came, she had already removed the disguise form of the evasion clothes, and changed back to the appearance of the simple robe again, focusing all the functions of this Teigu on defense and assistance.

And she herself closed her eyes tightly along the way, sorting out her past combat experience, in order to achieve the most perfect state.

Mei had a premonition that what happened tonight might not be as simple as the crusade against Zhizi Yingyin, there would definitely be unexpected situations.

In this regard, she must make a perfect plan.


At this time, on the empty airport, military helicopters that have been obviously modified are parked in the open space, the hatches at the rear are wide open, like wild beasts that open their mouths and eat people.

Regardless of the outcome tonight, someone will definitely leave and never come back...

In addition, dozens of civilian police are standing together in full armor, accepting the investigation and arrangement of the Self-Defense Forces in peace.

Their information has already been browsed countless times, and based on the simulations of those so-called tactical analysts, those who are compatible in all aspects will be formed into a team, and they will board the same helicopter later.

On the other side, with the authorization of her father, Mei called their initiators together on the grounds of "unified injection of corrosion inhibitors before the battle".

Of course, this is only a temporary episode, and no prior notice was given.

But who made Mei face big?As the princess of the Self-Defense Forces, she was able to mobilize the Self-Defense Forces of the entire military base in the name of Miss Leiden's family, and the policemen could only watch helplessly as their initiators were suddenly "abducted".

Sadly, they dare not resist at all.

At this time, in an empty hangar, Mei looked at the big and small loli in front of her, with a strange expression on her face.

To be honest, this world is really unique.

According to the normal situation, the people on the battlefield should be full-blooded men, but in front of them are some cute little lolita, the oldest is only 12 years old.

Looking at their immature faces with baby fat, to be honest, Mei couldn't bear it.

The children in front of them didn't cry or make trouble. Even though they knew they were about to go to the battlefield and knew that they might never return, they didn't shed a single tear, and they seemed very precocious.

Now they seem to understand their situation, very quiet, no noise.Even when they saw Mei, a stranger, looking at them all the time, they would at most return puzzled looks, but they didn't mean to speak.

After a long time, Mei finally broke the silence.

"Do any of you want to leave your partner? Do you want to live independently? Do you want to be free?"

Hearing this, most of the initiators showed expressions of astonishment.

"You don't need to rush to answer, listen to me first, and it will not be too late to make a choice at that time." In order to prevent quarrels from happening, Mei added another sentence.

Immediately, the children who wanted to ask questions shut their mouths.

Seeing this, Mei nodded in satisfaction.

Then, she introduced herself.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Raiden Mei, and I am 17 years old. You should all know about this mission, so I don't need to say more. And I can tell you that I have the right to cancel this mission."

She was the leader in this pursuit mission. The mission of the policemen was said to be a pursuit, but in fact it was just to find the way for her.

As long as Mei announced that she would not do it, there would naturally be no need for this mission to continue.Of course, the Holy Son of Heaven sitting in the rear at this time will definitely not agree...

"Wow!" Sure enough, the initiators all showed shocked expressions when they heard Mei's words.

Not paying attention to their hesitating appearance, Mei continued talking on her own.

"Here, I can tell you responsibly that this mission is very dangerous, and you are likely to die outside the city. And the reason why I specially summoned you this time is to ask you..."

"Who wants to withdraw from this mission on their own will. You don't need to consider the meaning of your facilitators. Since they have chosen to take this mission, they will naturally not give up..."

"So! What I'm asking is, if you personally want to withdraw from this mission, want to get rid of the control of your facilitators, and want to survive on your own will, you can tell me! I can promise you on behalf of His Royal Highness , to restore your freedom for you.”

Having said that, Mei's meaning is actually very clear.

She wants to save these children, use her enormous power to cut off the chain called "initiator" on them, and free them from the deformed cycle of "civilian police system".

However, Mei Lei also respected the wishes of these children, so she deliberately came to such an episode, and didn't care about what kind of accusations she would receive because of it.

As a stranger, Mei can be considered as benevolent enough to do this kind of thing. The reason why she has such an idea is just because she wants to do it, not for any reason or to get anything.

And if they voluntarily refuse, then Mei will not say anything, just pretend that none of this happened.

After all, the cursed sons are the real protagonists of this world. They still have a long way to go. Stepping on the battlefield has already become a trend. Mei can't change anything, and there is no need to change, because it is a thankless thing.

Maybe during the time they were talking, hundreds of cursed children had died miserably in this world. Mei is not a god, and it is impossible to save everyone.

So for many things, just do your best and have a clear conscience, and leave the result to God to decide.

Do everything you can, and be in peace.

Chapter 38 Chapter 37 Unexplored Areas

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